In this episode, we explore the reasons why top chefs often leave their kitchens to embark on new ventures. We delve into the challenges they face, such as limited creative freedom, career advancement opportunities, and personal reasons. We also discuss the impact of conflicts with management and the desire for independence. Join us as we uncover the motivations behind these decisions and the implications for the culinary world.
In this episode, we delve into the growing crisis in the hospitality industry, focusing on the severe shortage of waitstaff. Many restaurants, cafes, and bars are struggling to find staff, a problem that has become increasingly dire. We explore the causes behind this shortage, including long working hours, weekend and holiday shifts, and non-competitive wages. The average salary for waitstaff in Croatia is around 1100 euros, significantly lower than in other sectors. We discuss potential solutions, such as investing in education, creating attractive working environments, and ethical recruitment practices. Join us as we uncover the challenges and possible remedies to this pressing issue in the hospitality world.
Puuttuva jakso?
The Future of Cooking: Will Robots Replace Chefs?
In this episode, we explore the fascinating intersection of technology and culinary arts. As advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence continue to accelerate, we ask the question: will robots and machines soon replace human chefs in the kitchen? We delve into the current state of automated cooking technology, the potential benefits and drawbacks, and what this means for the future of the culinary profession. Join us as we discuss the implications for both professional kitchens and home cooking, and hear from experts in the field about what lies ahead.
The Golden Wormwood: Celebrating Croatia's Culinary Triumphs of 2024
Description:In this episode, we dive into the highlights of Croatia's hospitality scene in 2024. From the hidden gems of Istria to the sunny shores of Dalmatia, discover how bold chefs are experimenting with local ingredients to create culinary wonders. We'll explore the significance of the Dalmatian Marenda, a cultural phenomenon and gastronomic experience of the year, and discuss the improvements in working conditions within the industry. Join us as we celebrate the synergy of quality and sustainability that has earned Croatia's culinary scene the prestigious "Zlatni pelin" award. Tune in for an insightful journey through the flavors and innovations that are shaping the future of Croatian gastronomy.
In this episode, we analyze the biggest failures and blunders in the hospitality industry during 2024. From uncontrolled price increases on the coast, through poor service in restaurants, to the flood of mediocre Asian fast food restaurants – we dissect everything that went wrong. We also present the "Rancid Wormwood" award for the biggest failure of the year, which this year went to "Dubai Fritters". Find out why these fritters caused so much controversy and what caterers can learn from this year's mistakes to improve their offer and service.
From no-knead loaves to fluffy rolls, understanding gluten is key to baking great bread. We break down the basics of gluten development and how to apply these principles in your own kitchen. Learn how to choose the right flour, knead dough properly, and control fermentation for perfect results every time.
Domaća svježa tjestenina ep1
Pogodite kaj? Ako imate brašna i par jaja u kuhinji, možete napraviti tjesteninu. Imate sve što vam je potrebno za pripremu serije svilenkasto glatkih fettuccina. Imate sira ili povrća uokolo? Za manje od dva sata mogli biste sjesti za stol uz svježe raviole, torteline ili obilne lazanje. Pa ipak, ako brzo pretražite recepte za tjesteninu, velike su šanse da ćete izaći više zbunjeni nego sigurni. Neki zahtijevaju brašno i cijela jaja, drugi dodatke vode ili ulja. Mjerenja težine u odnosu na volumen, vrijeme miješanja, uvjeti mirovanja—sve je na stolu.
Ni to nije samo problem kuhara laika. Kad sam bio u kulinarskoj školi, imao sam niz “pametnjakovića” koji su me samo još više dezorijentirali. Neki su inzistirali na ulju, drugi na soli, treći na dodatnim žumanjcima ili malo vode. Propisana vremena miješanja i odmora često su bila u suprotnosti. Jedan nam je instruktor rekao da objesimo tjesteninu da se suši najmanje 10 minuta prije kuhanja; drugi su nas uvjeravali da mora biti čvrsto zamotana sve do trenutka kada je ispuštena u lonac.
Dakle, kako da mladi kuhar izabere ispravan način? Ako ste ovaj kuhar onda ste pomalo i opsjednuti. Radite seriju za serijom – zapravo desetke i desetke serija – da biste saznali. Hodate uokolo posuti i posuti brašnom, mrvičasti komadići tijesta s korom do kraja rukava. Pravite proračunske tablice i grafikone(da grafikone :), a ponekad možda vas i razjebe.