
  • In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and co-host Austin Padgett examine science's historical development, challenging conventional narratives by tracing its roots in Christian philosophy and ancient traditions. The hosts analyze how empirical methodology transformed into modern "scientism," arguing that contemporary society has abandoned true scientific inquiry for ideology-driven selectivity, placing these intellectual shifts within broader historical patterns of knowledge systems.

    📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's drops new publication: https://www.turpentine.co/exclusiveaccess

    More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/zen - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning.

    Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at https://shopify.com/momentofzen

    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at https://oracle.com/cognitive


    Check out Modern Relationships, where Erik Torenberg interviews tech power couples and leading thinkers to explore how ambitious people actually make partnerships work. Founders Fund's Delian Asparouhov and researcher Nadia Asparouhova kick off the series with an unfiltered conversation about their relationship evolution.
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1786227593
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5hJzs0gDg6lRT6r10mdpVg
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ModernRelationshipsPod


    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @LudwigNverMises (Austin)



    Science developed from Christian philosophy and ancient traditions rather than in opposition to them

    The Catholic Church historically funded and supported scientific development before later tensions arose

    Different civilizations throughout history had fundamentally different worldviews than modern Western perspectives

    Modern society practices "scientism" (using scientific language selectively to justify predetermined beliefs) rather than actual science

    Science works best as an arbitration method but struggles with contextual understanding and moral questions

    Hermeticism and mystical traditions played a significant role in early scientific thought that's often overlooked

    The separation of religion from science was a historical development rather than an inherent opposition

    Modern institutions frequently claim scientific authority while actually operating on ideological premises

  • In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and co-host Austin Padgett discuss how the adoption of iron weapons and tools democratized warfare, disrupted Bronze Age aristocracies, and facilitated new social structures and philosophical movements. They analyze parallel developments in Greece, Persia, India, and China, examining how iron technology catalyzed cultural changes, religious innovations, and new forms of governance between roughly 1200-200 BCE.

    📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's drops new publication: https://www.turpentine.co/exclusiveaccess

    More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/zen - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning.

    Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at https://shopify.com/momentofzen

    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at https://oracle.com/cognitive


    Check out Modern Relationships, where Erik Torenberg interviews tech power couples and leading thinkers to explore how ambitious people actually make partnerships work. Founders Fund's Delian Asparouhov and researcher Nadia Asparouhova kick off the series with an unfiltered conversation about their relationship evolution.
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1786227593
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5hJzs0gDg6lRT6r10mdpVg
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ModernRelationshipsPod

    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @LudwigNverMises (Austin)

    Iron Age Context

    Followed Bronze Age collapse (~1000 BCE)

    Iron was more abundant and accessible than bronze

    Democratized warfare and society

    Military Impact

    Enabled cheaper armor and better infantry weapons

    Undermined aristocratic chariot warfare

    Empowered frontier societies

    Cultural Changes

    Sparked major philosophical/religious movements

    Rise of Greek philosophy, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism

    Led to "Axial Age" innovations

    Geographic Spread

    Similar developments across Eurasia

    Parallel changes in Greece, Persia, India, China

    New empires rose as old ones fell
    Social Evolution

    Development of monetary systems

    Rise of merchant classes

    Created tension between traditional and commercial values

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  • In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and co-host Austin Padgett explore how an interconnected world of chariot-riding elites, complex trade networks, and temple bureaucracies imploded within a single generation. From mysterious Sea Peoples to the rise of iron weapons, they unpack how this collapse birthed a new heroic age that gave us the Greeks, Jews, and Persians.

    📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's drops new publication: https://www.turpentine.co/exclusiveaccess

    More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/zen - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning.

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    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at https://oracle.com/cognitive


    Check out Modern Relationships, where Erik Torenberg interviews tech power couples and leading thinkers to explore how ambitious people actually make partnerships work. Founders Fund's Delian Asparouhov and researcher Nadia Asparouhova kick off the series with an unfiltered conversation about their relationship evolution.
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1786227593
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5hJzs0gDg6lRT6r10mdpVg
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ModernRelationshipsPod

    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @LudwigNverMises (Austin)

    Scale of the Collapse (1200 BC)

    Happened within a 20-year period

    Wiped out most civilizations except Egypt and Mesopotamia

    Affected regions from India to Greece

    Destroyed highly complex, interconnected societies

    Pre-Collapse Civilization

    Advanced trade networks (tin from Britain/Afghanistan, amber from Poland)

    Complex diplomatic relationships between kingdoms

    Sophisticated bureaucracies and palace cultures

    Major powers included Hittites, Mycenaeans, Egyptians, Babylonians

    Key Contributing Factors

    Military technology shift from chariots to iron weapons

    Complex interconnected systems becoming vulnerable

    Social inequality and oppressive temple-based bureaucracies

    Climate change (cooling period)

    The mysterious "Sea Peoples" invasion

    Post-Collapse Impact

    Emergence of new civilizations (Greeks, Jews, Phoenicians)

    Shift from centralized to localized power structures

    Birth of new cultural and religious systems

    Changed military and social organization fundamentally

    Historical Context

    Comparable to Maya collapse in some aspects

    Marked the end of the first major civilizational cycle

    Led to the "Heroic Age" remembered in Greek mythology

    Created opportunity for new social systems to emerge

  • In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and co-host Austin Padgett
    explore how ancient Israel, despite its small size, revolutionized human thought through monotheism. They discuss how Jewish identity emerged from the intersection of various civilizations, developed through cycles of conquest and resistance, and ultimately shaped major world religions - all while drawing thought-provoking parallels to other historical patterns and modern phenomena.

    📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's drops new publication: https://www.turpentine.co/exclusiveaccess

    More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/zen - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning.

    Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at https://shopify.com/momentofzen

    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at https://oracle.com/cognitive


    Check out Modern Relationships, where Erik Torenberg interviews tech power couples and leading thinkers to explore how ambitious people actually make partnerships work. Founders Fund's Delian Asparouhov and researcher Nadia Asparouhova kick off the series with an unfiltered conversation about their relationship evolution.
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1786227593
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5hJzs0gDg6lRT6r10mdpVg
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ModernRelationshipsPod

    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @LudwigNverMises (Austin)

    Small Groups, Big Impact

    Ancient Israel, though only the size of New Jersey, made one of history's most significant breakthroughs with monotheism

    Their influence persists despite their relatively small population (around 15 million people today)

    Geographic and Cultural Position

    Israel was situated at a crucial crossroads between Europe, Asia, and Africa

    This position exposed them to multiple civilizations' influences (Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek)

    Their frontier position allowed them to synthesize different religious and philosophical ideas

    Historical Development

    Emerged during/after the Bronze Age collapse

    Experienced cycles of independence and conquest under various empires

    The Babylonian exile was particularly formative for Jewish identity and religious practice

    Religious Innovation

    Breakthrough to monotheism was a major departure from surrounding polytheistic cultures

    Developed strong moral codes and social structures through the Torah

    Prophet tradition developed as a way to maintain social cohesion and moral standards

    Cultural Resilience

    Developed strategies for maintaining identity under foreign rule

    Used suffering and setbacks as opportunities for introspection and adaptation

    Created lasting institutional and cultural practices that enabled survival in diaspora

    Social Evolution

    Shifted from tribal society to kingdom to dispersed cultural group

    Developed sophisticated legal and ethical systems

    Created mechanisms for preserving identity without territorial control

  • In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and co-host Austin Padgett examine the medieval decline of Asia, analyzing how regions that were once the world's centers of culture, economics, and technology—particularly China, India, and the Islamic world—gradually lost their dominance between 1000-1500 AD. 
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    Check out Modern Relationships, where Erik Torenberg interviews tech power couples and leading thinkers to explore how ambitious people actually make partnerships work. Founders Fund's Delian Asparouhov and researcher Nadia Asparouhova kick off the series with an unfiltered conversation about their relationship evolution.
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1786227593
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5hJzs0gDg6lRT6r10mdpVg
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ModernRelationshipsPod

    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @LudwigNverMises (Austin)

    Asia as the world's center of power (1000 AD):

    Asia was the world's center of power: culturally, economically, and technologically

    Four major civilizations discussed: Europe, Middle East, India, and China

    European cities couldn't compare to Asian capitals like Cordoba, Baghdad, or Hangzhou

    China's Transformation:

    Song Dynasty was world's wealthiest but lost military advantage

    An Lushan Rebellion (8th century) marked crucial turning point

    Bureaucratic control increased under Confucian influence

    Missed industrial revolution opportunity despite having necessary preconditions

    Declined due to bureaucratic stultification and resistance to change

    Islamic World's Evolution:

    Golden age around 1000 AD with advanced science and learning

    Decline began after Abbasid Caliphate's fall

    Loss of Mediterranean control (especially Sicily) to Europeans

    Population decrease in key regions

    Mameluke rule in Egypt led to significant urban decline

    Transformation from secular, capitalist society to more conservative one

    Indian Developments:

    Early cultural "fossilization" compared to other regions

    Caste system became more rigid

    Religious focus intensified over military/practical concerns

    Muslim conquests significantly impacted the region

    Limited historical records make precise study difficult

    Impact of Mongol Invasions:

    Devastated multiple regions, especially Central Asia

    Killed approximately 30 million in northern China

    Destroyed major urban centers that never recovered

    Changed social structures in conquered territories

    Led to increased social conservatism across Asia

    Decline of Innovation and Creativity (By 1600):

    Asia consolidated into "Gunpowder Empires"

    Ming Dynasty in China

    Mughals in India

    Ottomans in Middle East

    Despite apparent strength, innovation and creativity had declined

    European powers gained technological and military advantages

  • In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and co-host Austin Padgett talk about Southeast Asia: where ancient slave empires meet modern tech hubs. From Angkor's temples to Singapore's skylines, discover how this crossroads between India and China shaped global trade while maintaining its uniquely fluid cultural identity.

    📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's drops new publication: https://www.turpentine.co/exclusiveaccess

    More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/zen - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning.

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    Check out Modern Relationships, where Erik Torenberg interviews tech power couples and leading thinkers to explore how ambitious people actually make partnerships work. Founders Fund's Delian Asparouhov and researcher Nadia Asparouhova kick off the series with an unfiltered conversation about their relationship evolution.
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1786227593
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5hJzs0gDg6lRT6r10mdpVg
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ModernRelationshipsPod

    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @LudwigNverMises (Austin)

    Geographic & Demographic Context

    Southeast Asia historically had low population density compared to India and China

    The region is vast: Indonesia alone stretches the distance from London to Kyrgyzstan

    Much of current Southeast Asia is essentially the mountaintops of a previously larger landmass before sea levels rose

    Cultural Development & Trade

    Developed between two major civilizations: India and China

    Served as crucial link in global trade, especially luxury goods for Chinese market

    Experienced four major civilizational waves: Indian, Chinese, Islamic, and Western

    Key Historical States

    Khmer Empire (Cambodia) built Angkor Wat, operated as slave state

    Vietnam repeatedly resisted Chinese domination (27 invasions over 1000 years)

    Thailand (Siam) strategically adopted Western technology

    Burma formed through conquest and integration of multiple ethnic groups

    Modern Development

    Post-WWII Japanese occupation ended European colonial control

    Rapid industrialization in recent decades

    Different development paths (Thailand's steady growth vs Philippines' struggles)

    Cultural Insights

    Mountain vs valley people dynamics shaped society

    Strong influence of Buddhist monasteries on economic development

    Religious conversion (especially Christianity and Islam) played role in resistance movements

    Emphasis on collective rather than individual identity

    Contemporary Relevance

    Region experiencing some of world's fastest economic growth

    Dealing with rapid societal changes and modernization

    Tension between traditional values and Western influences

    Growing strategic importance in international relations

  • In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and co-host Austin Padgett explores how the Silk Road shaped global civilization through expansive trade networks, cultural exchange, and power dynamics between Europe, the Middle East, India, and China.
    📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's drops new publication: https://www.turpentine.co/exclusiveaccess

    More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/zen - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning.

    Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at https://shopify.com/momentofzen

    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at https://oracle.com/cognitive

    Check out Modern Relationships, where Erik Torenberg interviews tech power couples and leading thinkers to explore how ambitious people actually make partnerships work. Founders Fund's Delian Asparouhov and researcher Nadia Asparouhova kick off the series with an unfiltered conversation about their relationship evolution.
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1786227593
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5hJzs0gDg6lRT6r10mdpVg
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ModernRelationshipsPod

    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @LudwigNverMises (Austin)

    From Authoritarianism to Trade Routes: Setting the Stage

    Fascinating discussion of different types of authoritarian states

    Historical shifts in gender and violence

    Sets up context for Silk Road discussion

    China's First Contact: The Quest for Blood-Sweating Horses

    Dramatic story of first Chinese explorer to discover other civilizations

    Tale of escape from Hunnish bride

    Discovery of "white ghosts" in Western China

    Disease, Death, and Trade: The Dark Side of Connection

    How plagues reshaped civilizations

    American near-miss with Bubonic Plague in 1898

    How trade routes spread devastating diseases

    The Maritime Silk Road: An Ocean of Wealth

    Sri Lanka's role as forced stopover for traders

    Persian merchants dominating Indian Ocean trade

    Southeast Asian kingdoms built on luxury goods

    Rise and Fall of Trade Empires

    Portuguese conquest of Indian Ocean trade

    How 400-man crews took over the world's richest trade system

    Decline of Russia from wealth to backwater

    The Mongol Factor: Building an Empire on Skulls

    How Mongols killed 100 million in pre-industrial world

    Creation of Pax Mongolica

    Legacy of destruction in Central Asia

    Final decline of the Silk Road system


    "The Sea and Civilization" by Lincoln Paine

    "Strange Parallels" by Victor Lieberman

    "Rome and Persia: The Seven Hundred Year Rivalry" by Adrian Goldsworthy

  • In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and co-host Austin Padgett explore the fascinating world of Ancient Europe, from the mysterious megalith builders to the warring Celtic tribes. Listen as they uncover how waves of migration, technological advances, and cultural shifts shaped the continent. Learn how archaeology, genetics, and mythology reveal stories of ancient battles, complex trade networks, and forgotten civilizations that laid the foundation for modern European society.
    📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's drops new publication: https://www.turpentine.co/exclusiveaccess

    More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/zen - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning.

    Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at https://shopify.com/momentofzen

    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at https://oracle.com/cognitive

    🎙️ Unpack Pricing - Dive into the dark arts of SaaS pricing with Metronome CEO Scott Woody and tech leaders. Learn how strategic pricing drives explosive revenue growth in today's biggest companies like Snowflake, Cockroach Labs, Dropbox and more.
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1765716600
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/38DK3W1Fq1xxQalhDSueFg


    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @LudwigNverMises (Austin)

    Mesopotamians and indigenous Europeans
    Negative psychological pins from the 20th century
    Hunter gatherer confederacy and the spread of agriculture
    Hunter gatherers vs farmers lifestyle
    Threats to modern populations: Supply chain issues, disease, war
    Population fluctuations in ancient Europe
    Social contracts vs theocracies
    Ancient Europe during the last ice age
    Genetic differences across Europe
    The transition from bronze age to iron age culture
    Europe in 500 BC and the dominance of the Celts
    The Celtic military strategy and its limitations
    The Roman conquest of Gaul and the German migrations
    The Baltic Origins of Homer's Tales
    The Roman Empire and the Germanic peoples
    The Slavic expansion into Eastern Europe
    The importance of paternity protection in societal cohesion


    "Ancestral Journeys" by Jean Monko

    "Who We Are and How We Got Here" by David Reich

  • In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and co-host Austin Padgett do a fascinating deep dive into Medieval Britain.
    They explore how a tiny population in northwest Europe shaped the modern world. From the fall of Roman Britain to the Norman Conquest, they unpack how the English created their cultural identity, legal code, and political system – innovations that still influence us today. Through Viking invasions, peasant revolts, and epic battles, they reveal how England emerged as one of history's most consequential nations despite its modest size.
    📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's drops new publication: https://www.turpentine.co/exclusiveaccess

    More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/zen - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning.

    Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at https://shopify.com/momentofzen

    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at https://oracle.com/cognitive

    🎙️ Unpack Pricing - Dive into the dark arts of SaaS pricing with Metronome CEO Scott Woody and tech leaders. Learn how strategic pricing drives explosive revenue growth in today's biggest companies like Snowflake, Cockroach Labs, Dropbox and more.
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1765716600
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/38DK3W1Fq1xxQalhDSueFg


    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @LudwigNverMises (Austin)


    Three Models of History & Medieval England's Significance
    Fall of Roman Britain & The Anglo-Saxon Invasions
    King Arthur and the Anglo-Saxon Myth
    Anglo-Saxon Conquest: Genetics & Language
    Christianity's Role in Medieval Britain
    Viking Invasions and the Unification of England
    The Norman Conquest & the Rise of Feudalism
    The Hundred Years War: England vs. France
    (The Wars of the Roses & the Tudor Monarchy
    Technological and Economic Advancements in Medieval Britain

  • In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and co-host Austin Padgett talk about the French Revolution and the fascinating parallels between 18th-century French social dynamics and today's political landscape.

    From bureaucratic upheaval to radical terror, journey through the chaos that transformed France and birthed modern political divisions. Learn how a centralized monarchy crumbled into revolutionary fervor, spawning new ideas of nationalism, secularism, and total war that would reshape Europe.

    📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's drops new publication: https://www.turpentine.co/exclusiveaccess

    More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/zen - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning.

    Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at https://shopify.com/momentofzen

    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at https://oracle.com/cognitive

    🎙️ Unpack Pricing - Dive into the dark arts of SaaS pricing with Metronome CEO Scott Woody and tech leaders. Learn how strategic pricing drives explosive revenue growth in today's biggest companies like Snowflake, Cockroach Labs, Dropbox and more.
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1765716600
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/38DK3W1Fq1xxQalhDSueFg


    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @LudwigNverMises (Austin)


    The French Revolution and Secular Cycles
    Open and Closed Societies
    The French Monarchy and its Attempt to Protect Freedom
    The French Enlightenment and Modernity
    Causes of the French Revolution
    The Internal Conflicts and Instability of the Revolution
    The Reign of Terror and the Jacobins
    The Napoleonic Wars and their Impact on Europe
    The Left and Right in French Politics
    Counterfactual History: What if the Fronde had succeeded?
    The French Army and National Identity

    "Fire in the Minds of Men" by James Hadley Billington
    "The Old Regime and the French Revolution" by Alexis Henri C M Clerel Tocqueville

  • In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and co-host Austin Padgett explore pivotal historical moments about the English Civil War.

    They masterfully weave together religious conflict, economic transformation, and cultural dynamics to explain how this crucial conflict shaped modern capitalism, the Industrial Revolution, and even contemporary progressive politics.

    Their engaging conversation style makes complex history accessible and relevant.

    📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's drops new publication: https://www.turpentine.co/exclusiveaccess

    More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/zen - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning.

    Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at https://shopify.com/momentofzen

    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at https://oracle.com/cognitive


    🎙️ Unpack Pricing - Dive into the dark arts of SaaS pricing with Metronome CEO Scott Woody and tech leaders. Learn how strategic pricing drives explosive revenue growth in today's biggest companies like Snowflake, Cockroach Labs, Dropbox and more.
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1765716600
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/38DK3W1Fq1xxQalhDSueFg


    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @LudwigNverMises (Austin)


    Introduction and Significance of the English Civil War
    The Importance of Engaging with Politics
    The English Civil War and its Long-Term Effects
    Context: The 16th Century and the Seeds of Conflict
    Economic and Religious Factors
    Underlying Issues and Symbolism in Conflict
    The English Civil War: A Seesaw Conflict
    Social Conservatism and the Secular Cycle
    The Secular Cycle and its Parallels to Modernity
    Escaping Malthusian Traps
    The Agricultural Revolution and Property Rights
    Trade Restrictions and the Industrial Revolution
    The Anglo Diaspora
    The Cousin's War and Genetic Factors
    Cultural Homogeneity and Genetic Markers
    The Role of Monopolies and Religious Divisions
    The Spark of the English Civil War
    The Course of the War
    The Rise of Cromwell and the Interregnum
    Cromwell's Rule and Religious Tolerance
    The Conquest of Ireland and the British Navy
    Anglo-Dutch Wars
    The Role of Cambridge and Saxony
    Puritanism and Modern Progressivism
    Puritanism and Modern Social Justice
    The Death of Cromwell and the Restoration
    The Glorious Revolution and England's Long Period of Stability


    "History of Western Warfare" (Volume 2) by JFC Fuller
    "History of the English Speaking Peoples" (Volume 2) by Winston Churchill
    "The Age of Reason Begins" by Will Durant
    "Protestants: The Faith That Made the Modern World" by Alec Ryrie
    "Albion's Seed" by David Hackett Fischer

  • In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and co-host Austin Padgett talk about the Protestant Reformation, masterfully drawing parallels between historical information technology revolutions (like the printing press) and our current internet age, exploring how such advances fundamentally alter how societies process information and relate to authority.

    They offer fresh perspectives on well-worn historical territory, suggesting for instance that the Reformation wasn't just about religious doctrine, but represented a quantum leap in human agency and individualism that helped birth the modern world.

    📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's drops new publication: https://www.turpentine.co/exclusiveaccess

    More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/zen - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning.

    Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at https://shopify.com/momentofzen

    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at https://oracle.com/cognitive


    🎙️ Unpack Pricing - Dive into the dark arts of SaaS pricing with Metronome CEO Scott Woody and tech leaders. Learn how strategic pricing drives explosive revenue growth in today's biggest companies like Snowflake, Cockroach Labs, Dropbox and more.
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1765716600
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/38DK3W1Fq1xxQalhDSueFg


    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @LudwigNverMises (Austin)


    History as psychological/biological process
    Importance of psychological shifts in Reformation
    Two modern parallels to Reformation
    Warhammer Fantasy analogy
    Catholic Church's medieval dominance
    Carl Jung's analysis of Catholicism
    Information technology breakthrough comparison
    Gutenberg's printing press invention
    Media control in 20th century
    Catholic Church's role in literacy
    Catholic Church as science investor
    Discussion of Cathars and early heresies
    Impact of Black Death
    Italian Renaissance discussion
    Martin Luther's background
    Luther's 95 Theses
    Introduction of Calvinism
    Calvinism and totalitarianism
    Spanish attempts to destroy Protestantism
    Germanic and English Protestant adoption
    Modern elite's Protestant/French Revolution roots
    Harvard's Calvinist origins
    Left's appropriation of Protestant ideas
    Modern rejection of rational inquiry
    Elite perspectives on population control


    "The Reformation" by Will Durant"
    "Protestants: The Faith That Made the Modern World" by Alec Ryrie
    "Doubt" by Alec Ryrie
    "A Secular Age" by Charles Taylor
    "Rise of the West" by William H. McNeill

  • In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch is joined by business development executive and agriculture technology industry entrepreneur Austin Padgett and explore 17th century Western Europe's pivotal transformation. They examine how the Protestant-Catholic divide, parallel to modern political polarization, shaped warfare, science, and economics.
    The conversation reveals how the Dutch and English success in breaking monopolies and embracing agricultural innovation set the stage for the Industrial Revolution and modern capitalism.

    🎙️ Unpack Pricing - Dive into the dark arts of SaaS pricing with Metronome CEO Scott Woody and tech leaders. Learn how strategic pricing drives explosive revenue growth in today's biggest companies like Snowflake, Cockroach Labs, Dropbox and more.
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1765716600
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/38DK3W1Fq1xxQalhDSueFg

    More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/zen - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning.

    Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at https://shopify.com/momentofzen

    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at https://oracle.com/cognitive

    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @eriktorenberg (Erik)


    The 17th Century: On the Edge of Modernity
    The Pike and Shot Era & Military Transitions
    Mercenaries and Defensive Warfare
    The French Revolution and Mass Conscription
    Libertarian Perspective & The Shifting Political Compass
    North Europe's Victory Over South Europe
    Economic Factors and the Weakening of Monarchies
    The Elizabethan Golden Age and the Secular Cycle
    The Protestant Reformation and its Impact
    Lessons from the 17th Century
    The Thirty Years War and its Impact on Europe
    Spain's Economic Failures as a Lesson
    England and the Netherlands' Breakthroughs
    The Scientific, Agricultural, and Social Revolutions
    The Political Context of the 17th Century
    The Enlightenment and the Thirty Years War's Legacy
    Louis XIV's Reign and the Cultural High Point of France
    Conclusion and U.S. Political Implications
    The Importance of Agriculture


    "The Global Crisis" by Geoffrey Parker
    "The Military Revolution" by Geoffrey Parker
    "The Age of Reason Begins" by Will Durant
    "The Age of Louis XIV"by Will Durant

  • In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and Erik Torenberg dive deep into the fascinating yet often overlooked realm of 17th century Eastern Europe.

    Join Rudyard and Erik as they bring this pivotal era to life: unravel the rise and fall of Poland-Lithuania, Russia's emergence as a great power, and Sweden's surprising dominance, and discover how Cossacks, Ottoman Turks, and visionary leaders shaped the region's destiny.

    With a blend of scholarly insight and engaging storytelling, Rudyard uncovers the absurdities, triumphs, and tragedies that defined this transformative century

    🔥 Apply to join over 400 founders and Execs in the Turpentine Network: https://www.turpentinenetwork.co/

    More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/zen - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning.

    Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at https://shopify.com/momentofzen

    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at https://oracle.com/cognitive

    🎙️ Unpack Pricing - Dive into the dark arts of SaaS pricing with Metronome CEO Scott Woody and tech leaders. Learn how strategic pricing drives explosive revenue growth in today's biggest companies like Snowflake, Cockroach Labs, Dropbox and more.
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1765716600
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/38DK3W1Fq1xxQalhDSueFg

    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @eriktorenberg (Erik)
    @SamoBurja (Samo)


    Rudyard's Personal Connection to 17th Century Eastern Europe
    The Three Great Frontiers of Western Civilization
    Eastern Europe as a Frontier
    Serfdom and the Role of the Church in Eastern Europe
    The Time of Troubles in Russia
    The Rise and Fall of Poland-Lithuania
    The Cossacks and the Deluge
    The Rise of the Romanovs and the Conquest of Siberia
    Sweden and the Rise of Gustavus Adolphus
    The Turkish Empire and the Siege of Vienna
    The Khanate of Crimea and the Saratov Line
    Peter the Great, Charles XII, and the Great Northern War

    "Europe's Steppe Frontier: 1500-1800" by William H. McNeill
    "The Rise of the West" by William H. McNeill
    "Poland: A History" by Adam Zamoyski
    "Russia: A History" by Olli Vares
    "The Age of Reason Begins" by Will Durant
    "The Age of Louis XIV" by Will Durant

  • In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch is joined again by Bismarck Analysis's Samo Burja (podcast host: Live Players) for a mind-bending discussion and deep dive into the concept of "long ripples" — how ideas and events from the distant past continue to shape our present and future in unexpected ways. From Plato's influence on modern political movements to the unforeseen consequences of the Industrial Revolution, this conversation challenges our understanding of historical cause and effect.

    Are we truly progressing, or are we caught in cycles we fail to recognize? Can we learn from the past, or are we doomed to repeat it in new, technologically-amplified ways? This episode is a rollercoaster ride through time, technology, and human nature, forcing us to reconsider our place in the grand sweep of history. 

    🎙️ Dealcraft: Insights from Great Negotiators is the brand new weekly podcast that features interviews with world’s greatest dealmakers and diplomats, including Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman, and music industry super-lawyer John Branca, on their most challenging negotiations. Each episode, host Jim Sebenius (Harvard Business School professor and renowned negotiation expert) relates fascinating deal stories and distills useful insights for listeners to apply in their toughest deals and disputes.
    Apple: https://link.chtbl.com/3CG3TbHY?sid=Turpentine

    🔥 Apply to join over 400 founders and Execs in the Turpentine Network: https://www.turpentinenetwork.co/

    More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/zen - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning.

    Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at https://shopify.com/momentofzen

    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at https://oracle.com/cognitive

    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @eriktorenberg (Erik)
    @SamoBurja (Samo)



    Exploring Plato's Influence

    Historical Ripples and Convergent Evolution

    The Fall of Civilizations

    Comparing Civilizational Cycles

    The Future of Human Civilization

    AI and Genetic Engineering: Potential and Pitfalls

    Pandemic Era Reflections

    Genetic Engineering and Society

    19th Century Misconceptions

    Cycles of Societal Transformation

    Intellectual Decay and Historical Rewriting

    Anthropology and Cultural Studies

    Decline of Western Institutions

    Space Exploration and Technological Decline

    Hypernormalization and Social Reality


    What Is To Be Done? by Vladimir Lenin

    Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari's

    Fitzpatrick's War by Theodore Judson

  • In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and Erik Torenberg explore the origins, impacts, and global spread of the Industrial Revolution, from 18th century Britain to modern challenges.

    Unleashing progress or Pandora's box? This episode presents a unique perspective, framing the Industrial Revolution as "the magic of kings" - a transformative force that granted humanity godlike powers while leaving our fundamental nature unchanged.

    🔥 Apply to join over 400 founders and Execs in the Turpentine Network: https://www.turpentinenetwork.co/

    🎙️ This Won't Last - Eavesdrop on Keith Rabois, Kevin Ryan, Logan Bartlett, and Zach Weinberg's monthly backchannel. They unpack their hottest takes on the future of tech, business, venture, investing, and politics.
    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1765665937
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HwSNeVLL1MXy0RjFPyOSz
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ThisWontLastpodcast

    More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/zen - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning.

    Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at https://shopify.com/momentofzen

    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at https://oracle.com/cognitive


    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @eriktorenberg (Erik)
    @SamoBurja (Samo)



    Magic of kings vs magic of priests

    Pre-industrial vs post-industrial life

    The Unabomber's critique of industrial society

    Oversocialization and leftism

    Historical origins of the Industrial Revolution

    Agricultural Revolution and its impacts

    Different models of industrialization

    Industrialization and European colonialism

    Post-industrial societies and their challenges

    Global spread of industrialization

    Positives and negatives of the Industrial Revolution

    "Why Nations Fail" by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson 
    "Tragedy and Hope" by Carroll Quigley
    "Bloodlands" by Timothy Snyder
    "Enlightenment Now" by Steven Pinker

  • In this episode of History 102, Rudyard Lynch and Erik Torenberg are joined by Bismarck Analysis's Samo Burja (podcast host: Live Players) to uncover the hidden threads connecting ancient Babylon to Silicon Valley. Did you know that 2,500 years ago, people complained about information overload just like we do today? Or that some civilizations saw 70% of their population enslaved?
    Rudyard and Samo peel back the layers of history, revealing:

    The shocking similarities between ancient Athens and the Taliban

    Why California might be birthing new religions as we speak

    How deforestation toppled empires (and why it matters now)

    From psychedelic Greek philosophers to the eerie parallels between Polish-Lithuanian and Cambodian history, this episode is a mind-bending tour of humanity's greatest triumphs and strangest quirks.

    🔥 Apply to join over 400 founders and Execs in the Turpentine Network: https://www.turpentinenetwork.co/

    🎙️ This Won't Last - Eavesdrop on Keith Rabois, Kevin Ryan, Logan Bartlett, and Zach Weinberg's monthly backchannel. They unpack their hottest takes on the future of tech, business, venture, investing, and politics.
    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1765665937
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HwSNeVLL1MXy0RjFPyOSz
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ThisWontLastpodcast

    More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/zen - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning.

    Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at https://shopify.com/momentofzen

    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at https://oracle.com/cognitive

    This show is produced by Turpentine: a network of podcasts, newsletters, and more, covering technology, business, and culture — all from the perspective of industry insiders and experts. We’re launching new shows every week, and we’re looking for industry-leading sponsors — if you think that might be you and your company, email us at [email protected].


    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @eriktorenberg (Erik)
    @SamoBurja (Samo)


    Differences Between Civilizations
    Non-Abrahamic Societies and Linear Time
    Egalitarian Impulses Across Civilizations
    Classical Civilization vs Modern West
    Literacy in Ancient Rome
    Greek Philosophy and Religion
    Political Cycles in Ancient Greece
    The American Founding Fathers and Political Theory
    Pre-modern Feminism in Ancient Civilizations
    Cyclical Progression of Political Forms
    Immigration and Cultural Clashes in Ancient Civilizations
    Environmental Degradation in Ancient Mediterranean
    Archaeology in Ancient Babylon
    Social Breakdown in Ancient Civilizations
    Modern China as a Hybrid Civilization
    California's Unique Cultural Landscape
    Emerging Religions in Modern America
    Religion's Impact on Society and Nature
    Obscure Civilizations: The Nuragic Civilization
    The Khmer Civilization and Southeast Asian History

  • In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and Erik Torenberg provides a detailed overview of the American Revolution, covering its causes, key events, major figures, and outcomes, while exploring the political, social, and strategic factors that shaped the conflict and led to the birth of the United States.

    🔥 Apply to join over 400 founders and Execs in the Turpentine Network: https://www.turpentinenetwork.co/

    🎙️ This Won't Last - Eavesdrop on Keith Rabois, Kevin Ryan, Logan Bartlett, and Zach Weinberg's monthly backchannel. They unpack their hottest takes on the future of tech, business, venture, investing, and politics.
    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1765665937
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HwSNeVLL1MXy0RjFPyOSz
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ThisWontLastpodcast

    More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/zen - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning.

    Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at https://shopify.com/momentofzen

    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at https://oracle.com/cognitive

    This show is produced by Turpentine: a network of podcasts, newsletters, and more, covering technology, business, and culture — all from the perspective of industry insiders and experts. We’re launching new shows every week, and we’re looking for industry-leading sponsors — if you think that might be you and your company, email us at [email protected].


    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @eriktorenberg (Erik)


    British American colonization and expansion

    Comparison of French and American Revolutions

    British colonies and tensions with Britain

    Political aspects of the American Revolution

    Start of the Revolutionary War

    Battle of Saratoga and French involvement

    British southern campaign

    Siege of Yorktown and end of the war

    Post-war America and the Constitution

    American Revolutions by Alan Taylor
    The Cousins' Wars by Kevin Phillips
    Atlantic America by D.W. Meinig
    The Oxford History of the American People by Samuel Eliot Morison

  • In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and Erik Torenberg dive into the West European Dark Ages, discussing the period from the fall of Rome until the rise of medieval Europe around 1000 AD.
    Were they really a decline or a period of critical transformation? Uncover the surprising truth behind this oft-misunderstood era.

    🔥 Apply to join over 400 founders and Execs in the Turpentine Network: https://hmplogxqz0y.typeform.com/to/JCkphVqj

    🎙️ This Won't Last - Eavesdrop on Keith Rabois, Kevin Ryan, Logan Bartlett, and Zach Weinberg's monthly backchannel. They unpack their hottest takes on the future of tech, business, venture, investing, and politics.
    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1765665937
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HwSNeVLL1MXy0RjFPyOSz
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ThisWontLastpodcast

    More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/zen - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning.

    Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at https://shopify.com/momentofzen

    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at https://oracle.com/cognitive

    This show is produced by Turpentine: a network of podcasts, newsletters, and more, covering technology, business, and culture — all from the perspective of industry insiders and experts. We’re launching new shows every week, and we’re looking for industry-leading sponsors — if you think that might be you and your company, email us at [email protected].


    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @eriktorenberg (Erik)

    Byzantine Empire
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6wzpVoPhWiAecAuImjCnxZ?si=sM8t0T97Qh-BjxsOXmHUNA
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/byzantine-empire/id1730633913?i=1000662716343

    Rise of Islam
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/79fMsZSGfvSY2f9WENJvTq?si=09DZdn9PSX690vXcVUDuFg
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rise-of-islam/id1730633913?i=1000659000133

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4QXRdG77RTnsaXtCvUmwng?si=ZgQd2kOcSMG9olIziKG2cw
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-vikings/id1730633913?i=1000645968027


    The Concept of the Dark Ages

    Historical Narratives

    Civilizational Decline

    Anti-Religious Bias

    Anthropological Bias

    Gradual Process

    Cultural and Technological Stagnation

    Roman Empire and Christianity

    Western Individualism

    The Carolingian Empire

    Coming to Our Senses by Morris Berman
    The Birth of the West by Peter Collins
    Inheritance of Rome by Chris Wickham
    World of Late Antiquity by Peter Brown
    The Forge of Christendom by Tom Holland
    Empires and Barbarians by Peter Heather
    The Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes

  • In this episode of History 102, WhatIfAltHist creator Rudyard Lynch and Erik Torenberg talk about the Aryan invasions around 2000 BC and how it reshaped Eurasia from Ukraine to India. This discussion explores their origins, methods, and lasting impacts on genetics, culture, and religion across diverse regions.

    Discover the shocking truth about the Aryan invasions and why this significant event was hidden from history for decades.

    🔥 Apply to join over 400 founders and Execs in the Turpentine Network: https://hmplogxqz0y.typeform.com/to/JCkphVqj

    🎙️ This Won't Last - Eavesdrop on Keith Rabois, Kevin Ryan, Logan Bartlett, and Zach Weinberg's monthly backchannel. They unpack their hottest takes on the future of tech, business, venture, investing, and politics.
    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1765665937
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HwSNeVLL1MXy0RjFPyOSz
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ThisWontLastpodcast

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    This show is produced by Turpentine: a network of podcasts, newsletters, and more, covering technology, business, and culture — all from the perspective of industry insiders and experts. We’re launching new shows every week, and we’re looking for industry-leading sponsors — if you think that might be you and your company, email us at [email protected].

    @whatifalthist (Rudyard)
    @eriktorenberg (Erik)

    Ancient India
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0jhPHGxxKTWAf5GkDDT0QG?si=ygZ4Z_MaTt-IuvhamBVAiA
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ancient-india/id1730633913?i=1000656237395

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1pjImOX4ReJDkEpen0wq2W?si=iz2HdmSDTqWn9JVmPdnJhg
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mesopotamia/id1730633913?i=1000664108773


    Academic controversy and recent genetic evidence

    The "blue pill era" and misconceptions about prehistoric peoples

    Scope and terminology of Indo-European migrations

    Geographic origins and pastoralism

    Development of the chariot and military advantage

    Genetic patterns in modern European populations

    Cultural characteristics of herding societies

    Aryan migrations into Europe

    Mythology and cultural continuit

    Aryan invasions in India and the caste system

    Recommended books and further reading


    "Who We Are and How We Got Here" by David Reich
    "Ancestral Journeys: The Peopling of Europe from the First Venturers to the Vikings" by Jean Manco
    "Comparative Mythology" by Jaan Puhvel
    "The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World" by David W. Anthony