
  • Hello and welcome to the last episode of session 2. I am so grateful to all of my listeners and I thank you so much for tuning in each week.

    Today I cover whether being fine really is fine? How do you really feel and do you really allow your true feelings to be valid?

    Facing feelings of being Invisible or unhappy with the way you look. Midlife and menopause can bring so many different emotions that we struggle with. Learning to love yourself is key. Something that can be difficult for some.

    I really hope you enjoy and I truly hope you find my podcast helpful and fun.

    I am inviting you to write to me so I can talk about anything you’re unsure of about symptoms or anything that is menopause. You would be so welcome to have a chat with me on here too. Yes as my guest!

    Or maybe you’d like to come on my yoga retreat?

    [email protected] or instagram: letlifebeyoga

    But for now…

    Grab your cuppa sit back and enjoy!

    ‘You Are Not Alone’

  • Welcome back or hello if you’re new to my podcast.

    Most episodes go into menopause in quite a lot of depth. This one is a little different, it’s simply living midlife to the full. Definitely a lesson to be learnt.

    I am so lucky to meet all the lovely ladies I get to talk to on here, and today is no exception and there are plenty of moments I actually forgot I was recording a podcast.

    My wonderful guests are certainly a force to reckon with and an absolute delight.

    Rants and Big Pants...Like all families, are opposites in every way and that’s why they have lasted as long as they have. 

    Their little duo has been going strong for eighteen years. Most certainly in my eyes a ‘Superhero Duo’

    People often ask them; “What is your secret to friendship”?... “Ours is simple” they tell me…

    We never argue but we do shout at each other... a lot!  

    They figured out long ago that the person who is the loudest is the one who thinks they’re right… but mainly when they’re together there is one winning ingredient… they laugh… at life, at each other, at Neens’ inability to get words of a song correct,and at dB for her rants about everything and anything. 

    Neens is a veteran of the singing circuit having started off as a Redcoat at Butlins and loves a bit of Car-aoke and dB is (finally!!!) on the verge of releasing her first novel.

    You can follow these firecrackers on Instagram @Rantsandbigpants

    So ladies it’s time…

    Grab your cuppa sit back and enjoy!

    ‘You Are Not Alone’

    Would you like to be a guest?

    Please write to me:

    [email protected] or instagram: letlifebeyoga

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Hello and thank you for being here with me on your midlife journey. It can most certainly come with some challenges.

    Today I’d like to help you use some simple mindfulness to help you through peri menopause and menopause symptoms.

    To share tips for your hot flushes and show how being in the moment can help.

    I am inviting you to write to me so I can talk about anything you’re unsure of about symptoms or anything that is menopause. You would be so welcome to have a chat with me on here too. Yes as my guest!

    I think it’s wonderful that there is so much more help out there and I hope you find my podcast helpful and fun.

    Please write to me:

    [email protected] or instagram: letlifebeyoga

    But for now…

    Grab your cuppa sit back and enjoy!

    ‘You Are Not Alone’

  • Hello lovely listeners, I love that you are here with me and as always love that I can offer you some guidance through your peri & menopause years.

    Today I am delighted to Introduce you to ‘The Real Hormone Fairy’ Yep! She does exist and has joined me today to share her story.

    Cat Armor is a Qualified Homeopath, Hypnotherapist and Certified Menopause Health Coach, specialising in Hormone Testing and Imbalances and natural solutions to the Peri and Post Menopause.

    Just before her 40th Birthday, Cat started to feel like her clients! She was showing signs of early Peri Menopause – Mood swings, night sweats, weight gain, rocky relationships, irregular periods.  She was shocked to have these symptoms so early but was seeing more clients in their early 40’s struggling in her clinic.

    That’s why she created “The Hormone Fairy” for women like you and quite frankly like her, who needed to understand what the hell was happening to their bodies and gain back control over their hormones and their mind.

    It is that time to:

    Grab your cuppa sit back and enjoy!

    ‘You Are Not Alone’

    You can learn so much more from Cat below:




    Thank you for listening. Would you like to be a guest or would you like a shout out?

    Message me: https://www.instagram.com/letlifebeyoga/

  • Hello listeners and thank you for joining me again.

    Do you find reaching midlife, you just don’t care what other people think? It’s time you really start doing exactly what you want to do? I certainly have got to that point in my life.

    My wonderful guest today feel’s exactly that too…she doesn’t care what others think of her and that is a powerful way to live.

    Lindsy Beveridge, works with midlife women to support their hormone, gut, cognitive and mental health through nutrition and lifestyle medicine.

    Her personal history of overcoming an alcohol addiction, a nicotine addiction and binge eating has led her to have a special interest in working with people who struggle with alcohol or other damaging substances or behaviours. 

    Lindsey works with clients to discover why we do what we do to manage stress and emotions, and then work to change patterns of behaviour.

    Since qualifying as a nutritional therapist in 2019 Lindsey has helped 100s of people quit drinking, and/or lose their sugar habit or change damaging behaviours. She has helped them implement positive changes to their diet and lifestyle so they can feel better.

    It’s wonderful to talk to such a powerful woman who overcame so much and it was along side going through peri menopause. Anxiety goes through the roof and symptoms are exacerbated. You will learn so much from her. She encourages you to take an honest look at your life!

    You can find Lindsey Beveridge on Instergram: recoverynutrition


    Listen and find strength and courage with Lindsey…and ‘Care Less’ about outside judgements.

    Why not take up Lindsey’s recommendation of yoga, it will change your life: https://www.letlifebeyoga.com/classes-1

    Grab your cuppa sit back and enjoy!

    ‘You Are Not Alone’

    PS.Can I please ask you to leave a review and rating…Thank you

  • Welcome my lovelies,

    How are you? Thank you so much for being here. Yay! I am so excited to have a guest today.

    I am delighted to introduce you to Dr Fionnuala Barton is a GP, Women's Health Doctor and registered member of the British Menopause Society. 

    She is passionate about optimising physical and emotional wellness for women at all stages of life and has particular interest in early recognition and management of perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms, POI, PMS and PMDD. 

    Dr Barton is Founder of The Menopause Medic, an independent women's hormone health clinic that aims to provide empathetic, holistic, personalised, proactive, evidence-based womens hormone health consultations. 

    I know you will enjoy her company as much as I did. Fionnuala shares so much knowledge. I even learnt I had a symptom that I didn’t even know was a symptom.

    You can find DR Barton on instagram: @themenopausemedic

    Grab your cuppa sit back and enjoy!

    ‘You Are Not Alone’

    PS. If you’d like to join me in Italy 18th-25th June for my yoga retreat here is the link:https://www.letlifebeyoga.com/casa-benedetto-yoga-retreat

  • Welcome back to my crazy journey through midlife, and congratulations to you for reaching this stage too.

    This week I am flying solo again, and No - I’m not talking laundry.

    ‘Red Sock in a white wash’ is what I call a day when I’m feeling out of sorts…in fact pretty damn right low.

    I wanted you to know that anxiety can certainly be a symptom of menopause for 1 in 4 women. So please don’t ignore your feelings. What can you do? How do you know if you are suffering? How do you even know if you are in menopause?

    Join me as I share…do you know ladies, sometimes it’s helpful to know that it’s not just you.

    You can message me on Instagram: Letlifebeyoga or email: [email protected] with any questions or concerns but for now…

    Grab your cuppa sit back and enjoy!

    ‘You Are Not Alone’

  • Hello wonderful listeners and thank you so much for joining me again on this midlife journey that is menopause.

    Do you have feelings of fatigue and exhaustion due to lack of sleep bought on by menopause symptoms?…I certainly have and know how disabling it can be.

    Join me for comfort and support and let me share my knowledge and my ‘I Don’t Know How It Happened…moments.

    Oh and the title becomes clear as you delve in to this weeks episode.

    Grab your cuppa sit back and enjoy!

    ‘You Are Not Alone’

    You have been listening to Annie Hayes-Pantony


  • Hello lovely listeners, I am so excited about todays episode.

    I had the absolute pleasure of the company of Michele & Lou. They are two of the most wonderful ladies. I have also been lucky enough to be a guest on their fantastic podcast ‘Wot The Fog’

    Like me, they feel the importance of helping as many women as they can.

    They have the most beautiful friendship. An absolute blast. I can’t wait to meet them in person. Just listen and you’ll know why.

    They are full of amazing advice and living their journey of midlife in their own unique way. They share openly how they are travelling through their menopause.

    You can also find these two fabulous ladies on instagram: Wot The Fog.

    So my lovely listeners you can message me on Instagram: Letlifebeyoga or email: [email protected] with any questions or concerns but for now…

    Grab your cuppa sit back and enjoy!

    ‘You Are Not Alone’

    *Apologies for the back ground niose and music, it was not intentional. Storm Eunice meant they had to record in a restaurant …or was it a pub? I wish I was physically with them.

  • Hello wonderful listeners and thank you so much for joining me again on this midlife journey that is menopause.

    Today I am covering what can be a really sensitive symptom for some women -’Sex’ or should I say ‘lack of it’

    If your sex life is slowing down due to menopause, you don’t have to accept it as an inevitable part of getting older. Everyone deserves to have a satisfying sex life, if that is important to you.

    Let’s help find your mojo!

    For many women loss of libido can be one of the more challenging and upsetting symptoms to cope with.

    Many women can often find it really difficult to broach the subject with their partner. It is so important to communicate due to the damage it could potentially cause in an otherwise wonderful relationship.

    It really isn’t easy for any couple, but it’s talking to your partner that will help them understand how it is for you and how you are feeling. It’s talking openly that could ultimately help to reintroduce intimacy into your relationship and maybe more sex.

    So my lovely listeners you can message me on Instagram: Letlifebeyoga or email: [email protected] with any questions or concerns and for now…

    Grab your cuppa sit back and enjoy!

  • Podcast Season 2, Episode: 6

    ‘There Is A Fountain Of Youth…Drink It‘

    Hello and welcome lovey listeners to my Menopause journey and the true joys of what can come with age.

    Today’s episode is about ways of not being defeated by age and saying goodbye to comparisons. We have a lot going on in our midlife and menopause can be a challenging time, you may even feel misunderstood or unheard. I truly believe that it can also be some of the best years of your life.

    “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” - Mark Twain

    I so agree, it is important to really love yourself with all of your imperfections as that is actually ‘Your Perfect.’

    I love what Sophia Loren said

    “There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”

    You can message me on Instagram: Letlifebeyoga or email: [email protected] with any questions.

    Grab your cuppa sit back and enjoy!

    Most of all ‘Love yourself

  • Welcome back to my crazy journey through midlife, and congratulations to you for reaching this stage too.

    Well ladies, today I have decided to talk to you about mood swings…manly because I’ve had a week of them and it’s not even one of the symptoms I usually suffer from.

    Mood swings are no laughing matter and for some, can lead to anxiety or depression. Serotonin in the body is our ‘Happy Hormone’ and helps control our mood swings. There are definitely things we can do to help release this hormone into our brain and hopefully ease and raise our moods for the better, whilst also improving sleep.

    Listen and learn so much more!

    Grab your cuppa sit back and enjoy!

    Please contact me with any questions: Instagram Letlifebeyoga or email: [email protected]

    Class details: www.letlifebeyoga.com

    You can also follow Mary on Instagram:


  • Hello my lovely listeners, and if it’s not too late - Happy New Year!

    What does the new year mean to you? I see it as a great time to self reflect. Taking a step back and just witnessing yourself and where you are in your life.

    If like me menopause symptoms are still in full swing, in fact one has come back to bite me on the bum. Night Sweats!! I really thought they’d gone for good. Yikes!

    Are you at this time doing something…anything, if not all the time… once a day that makes you happy? Please do.

    Join me for a loving reminder of how wonderful you are. Plus a couple of theatre recommendations…you know me and my tangents haha.

    Also do you fancy joining me for a beautiful yoga retreat in Antalya in 5th - 12th June. It’s the most blissful time and definitely great yoga. More importantly time for you.

    All details on www.letlifebeyoga.com or message me on Instagram: Letlifebeyoga or email: [email protected]

    Grab your cuppa sit back and enjoy!

    Oh it’s so good to be back.

  • Podcast Season 2, Episode: 3

    ‘A Day In The Life’…

    Welcome to all my lovely listeners!

    It’s been an odd couple of weeks and I’ve definitely felt a bit out if sorts, so a day in the life of a menopausal women changes daily dependent on your hormone levels. For me no two days are the same, but one thing that could be the same is a little daily exercise and self love and kindness.

    Please do give yourself time and except even the tough days.

    Also today I’m sharing one of my I don’t know how it happened moments…Seriously you could’t write it!

    I am offering today a FREE online class with me if you message me the code "‘Magic Carpet’

    Plus a discount for my 2 hour virtual self care retreat. ‘Yoga Away The Winter/Menopause Blues’ January 16th 10.30-12.30 Only £25 for listeners.

    Message Instagram: Letlifebeyoga or email: [email protected]

    Grab your cuppa sit back and enjoy!

  • Podcast Season 2, Episode: 2

    ‘Vegan For The Weekend‘

    Welcome to all my lovely listeners!

    You’re joining me, Annie and I also welcome back a previous guest, Emma Rowland. Emma Rowland  is a nutritionist & Founder of Rebalancing You - The Positive Nutrition & Hormone Balance Clinic - where she specialising in female hormone health & perimenopause. 

    Emma works with women 1-1 to understand their hormones, so they feel empowered to reclaim their health and feel like themselves again. 

    She is a former cooking school owner with over 11 years experience of working with people and food and so keenly aware of the power of positive nutrition and its impact on health and wellbeing.

    You can contact Emma at [email protected]

    Instagram @rebalancingyou - Facebook Group Perimenopause Power Community. 

    Access her ‘Vegan for the Weekend’ Plant Based Never Tasted So Good! 3 Day Meal Plan.

    In this episode we’re talking about the popularity of veganism and why eating more plants is so good.

    Whether you are vegan or not, this episode might just sway you to introduce a plant based diet…even if it’s just at the weekend. Listen to learn Emmas 5 top tips for eating well in midlife as a vegan.

    Grab your cuppa sit back and enjoy!

    PS. Email [email protected] or message me on Instagram @letlifebeyoga with any questions and to claim your free yoga core workout.

  • Podcast Season 2, Episode: 1

    ‘And So We Continue’…

    Hey lovely ladies, it’s so good to be back?

    Today is a little catch up as we ease into season two, giving ourself time and space and listening to how we really feel.

    Celebrating as Peri-Menopause & Menopause makes the headlines and people are starting to listen! Keep talking and most of all be kind and loving to yourself ladies.

    Please do follow my podcast. I really want to make a difference. I’d love to hear from you. What would you like me to talk about? What would help you? Spread the word, I’d love to help and reach as many woman as I can.

    You can message me: https://www.instagram.com/letlifebeyoga/

    or Email: [email protected]

    Special offer for listeners: Don’t forget my Self Care Yoga Retreat:

    Yoga Away the Winter Blues

    5th December. (Via Zoom)

    10.30-12.30 Only £20 for listeners - https://linktr.ee/Letlifebeyoga

    We are all in this together.

    For now:

    Grab your cuppa and enjoy!

    Annie xx

  • Hey lovely ladies, wow where did that week go?

    Today is a little catch up and a close to season one

    Today I thought I’d step back in time and share the beginning point of my peri menopause. This is how it started for me.

    Every women’s journey is different but there are definitely ways we can all help ourselves through self care and the advice I have shared so far. It can make a big difference!

    Most of all be kind and loving to yourself ladies.

    Please do follow my podcast. I really want to make a difference.

    During this little break I really do want you to write to me and let me know what you need help with or if you are someone or know someone who would like to be a guest then getting touch.



    Email: [email protected]

    Special offer for listeners:

    You get the Early bird Price for my ‘Yoga & Menopause workshop’ 26th September (via zoom) Message me xx

    Do spread the word, I’d love to help and reach as many woman as I can

    We are all in this together.

    For now:

    Grab your cuppa and enjoy!

    Annie xx

    PS. I’ll be back 22nd October

  • Hello ladies,

    Thank you for tuning in, I’m truly loving talking to you and introducing you to inspirational woman. I just love how the conversations always go off on a tangent and today's is no different, sex was the tangent today lol.

    Today I am joined by Dr Michelle Griffin, who has worked in the NHS for over a decade. Michelle is a gynaecologist, and has held senior roles at Public Health England and the Department of Health. 

    Michelle is also the Chief Medical Officer at Vira Health and is leading the clinical development of Stella – a new app that helps women manage symptoms of menopause.

    Stella App will help you through the menopause, we are talking today about the wonderful support it offers you.

    I never thought an App could help you through menopause until I found Stella!

    You can find out more: Website www.onstella.com

     App store - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/stella-menopause-relief/id1577904186

     Links in our bio on IG - @thedrcalled and @rely­_on_stella

    So ladies you know what to do…

    Grab your cuppa, relax and enjoy…

    Most of all be kind and loving to yourself ladies.

    Please do follow, subscribe and share my podcast with all of your girlfriends. I really want to make a difference.

    You can also message me on Instagram with feedback or maybe you’d like to share your;

    ‘I don’t know how it happened,…but’ moments or menopause experience and stories.



    We are all in this together.

    Annie xx

  • Hello ladies, I hope you’re looking after your lovely selves.

    What an amazing podcast I have for you today, with an absolute incredible woman. The first guest who actually had me stunned for words.

    I am already excited about the next one with Charlotte…we did continue off line and have so much more to talk about.

    Dr Charlotte Gooding is a GP with a specialist interest in Menopause.

    Charlotte works as an associate to Dr Naomi Potter at ‘Menopause Care’ and is passionate about women receiving accurate information about their health in midlife and encouraging women to be empowered to look at their menopause in a positive and holistic way.

    She is based in beautiful Northumberland and is a busy mum of 3 children and knows the challenges of menopause symptoms having started to experience peri menopause in her late 30s.

    She is happiest being outdoors preferably with a bit of wild swimming thrown in!

    You can follow Charlotte on instagram @drcharlottegooding.

    She is just delightful, funny, caring and brilliant.

    Grab your cuppa, relax and enjoy…

    Most of all be kind and loving to yourself ladies.

    Please do follow, subscribe and share my podcast with all of your girlfriends. I really want to make a difference.

    You can also message me on Instagram with feedback or maybe you’d like to share your;

    ‘I don’t know how it happened,…but’ moments or menopause experience and stories.


    PS. Check out my ‘Yoga & Menopause Workshop’ You’ll meet Charlotte & my lovely listeners always get early bird price. Link in insta bio

    We are all in this together.

    Annie xx

  • Hello ladies and welcome,

    How are you? I really hope my weekly podcast is helping you through midlife!

    I am so blessed to have the pleasure each week to meet wonderful guest from all over the world.

    This week I popped over to Canada…all be-it on zoom to meet the lovely Jenifer Merifield.

    She is a Personal Excellence Mentor & Master Coach. 

    Jenifer has been in the industry for about 15 years now, and has an exceptional record of helping people break through and transform their most limiting habits and patterns. 

    With many certifications from various branches of the coaching and communications field, her greatest evidence to success are the many dozens of high level testimonials you can read at her website. 

    Find Jenifer on Instagram: jenifermerifield website in her bio.

    This was a wonderful chat and I know you are going to fall in love with Jenifer

    So lovelies, Grab your cuppa, relax and enjoy…

    Most of all be kind and loving to yourself ladies.

    Please do follow, subscribe and share my podcast with all of your girlfriends. I really want to make a difference.

    You can also message me on Instagram with feedback or maybe you’d like to share your;

    ‘I don’t know how it happened,…but’ moments or menopause experience and stories.


    PS. Do book onto my Yoga & Menopause Workshop. Lovely listeners alway get early bird price. Link in insta bio

    We are all in this together.

    Annie xx