
  • Arjun Chakraborty was born a Brahmin in Kolkata, India, where he first learned Vedic Astrology from his uncle and then went to study at the most prestigious academies in India. He works with both birth horoscopes and question horoscopes and is also trained in Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrology, which is the most accurate predictive astrology in the world.
    He is currently the principal at the Institute of Astrological Science in India, teaches Vedic Astrology regularly, and has delivered lectures in the Linnaeus University, Lithuania; Gothenburg University and Luna University in Sweden; Sofia University in Bulgaria; and the German Astrology Association in Bonn, Germany. Arjun has also been interviewed by newspapers, magazines, and TV channels around the world.
    Dive into this dynamic conversation discussing the habits and values of a master of this ancient tradition.
    “My strength is the quality of my work” ~ Arjun Chakraborty

    In this episode you’ll hear about:
    “We should not run after success; we should concentrate on doing our job as well as possible”
    ~ Arjun Chakraborty

    A Disciplined Lifestyle
    •Stick to something for a long time
    •Have faith in God – “The superpower that created us”
    •Be honest in your practice and study
    •Have control over your senses

    Crossroad Situations
    “When you give respect and love, you will get them in return much quicker” ~ Arjun Chakraborty

    The Path of a Spiritual Lifestyle
    •Have respect for life and others
    •Find wise allies
    •Rejuvenate yourself regularly

    Prayer: The habit of asking
    “Astrology is a spiritual subject” ~ Arjun Chakraborty

    “Values are extremely important for me, because if I don't respect them, someday I will have to pay a price”
    ~ Arjun Chakraborty

    The Theory of Karma and the Values that Drive your Choices
    •Values drive your choices. If you don't respect values, then in the next life, or maybe even in the last few years of this life, you may go through hardships and physical or emotional pain.

    The Importance of Tradition
    •What do you believe in?
    •Has your culture influenced your beliefs?
    “God is the only superpower who can do miracles and who can bring changes from what is indicated in your chart” ~ Arjun Chakraborty

    Until next time, be curious, be inspired and simplify the way…

  • I’ve prepared a feast for you today! our guest is Callie Cavanaugh,
    Founder and CEO of Nonna Eats who was named “Best Private Chef Service” in Modern Luxury: Silicon Valley, Voyage Denver, and Community Connection by The Burgess Group, just to name a few.

    Cooking since she was 5 – and now with culinary school, training in Italy and an advanced degree in interaction design under her apron – Callie believes that exploration and curiosity lead to innovation. She develops cutting-edge yet functional experiences to bring people back to the table and build more empathy and better relationships.

    This episode is about more than eating and socializing: Callie shares the ordinary habits that helped her get to where she is, collaborating with incredible creative chefs and offering extraordinary experiences around the country.

    “Curiosity has pushed me beyond flavor, and ingredients to an even deeper level of what food means.” ~ Callie Cavanaugh

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    “I know now that no matter what food was on the table, it brought my family together as a source of connection.” ~ Callie Cavanaugh

    •Grounding to be Present: Use meals and food as a time to connect with yourself, loved ones and what you're eating.
    •Innate Curiosity: Experiment and be open to different things. (All design thinking is about experimenting, trying something, seeing if it works or doesn't work and learning from it.)
    •Desire for Growth: Experience an intense need to learn, explore, and grow.


    “Play brings learning because when I'm in play, I'm trying and creating things. Then, all of a sudden, wow! There's this really cool spark of inspiration” ~ Callie Cavanaugh

    •Inspiration: Listen to your intuition to inspire your decisions.
    •Play: Explore color and design as an expression of your “art”.
    •Creativity: Greet the moment and get out of the way to enter the flow.

    “When I was little, I would always order the weirdest thing on the menu” ~ Callie Cavanaugh


    “I think everyone is intuitive. Sometimes it takes us a little bit to realize and understand how to listen.” ~ Callie Cavanaugh

    Playful Intuition: Find the opportunity to relish and celebrate a moment and take it!

    “I think some of the most beautiful joys in life are from the ordinary. And when we can see them as extraordinary, we can feel the ripples into so many other facets of our lives”. ~ Callie Cavanaugh

    Until next time, be curious, be inspired and simplify the way…

    Callie Cavanaugh

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    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Troy Rarick is the quintessential adventurer at the edge of the “known map” facing the unknown, exploring the road less traveled. The guy you call when you want to turn a sleepy and sometimes bankrupt little town into a mountain biking destination. He is a master at trail design, and more. He is filled with a rugged wisdom that, if you listen closely, might set you on a path of adventurous personal development, environmental awareness and -- who knows? -- maybe even spiritual growth.

    Troy advocates for the possibility of designing city infrastructures that provide complete human experiences, where mountain biking goes beyond being a sport and becomes a philosophy where we can develop better communities, appreciation of the outdoors and positively shape individual lives.

    Troy is best known as the founder of Over The Edge Sports, Colorado's destination mountain bike shop and trail experience, and the Fruita Fat Tire Festival, and he has taken his experience and philosophy of transforming communities around the world.

    “There's another beautiful option in all of our lives that we can see but we've never quite dared to go there.” ~ Troy Rarick

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    •The Philosophy: See, Say, Send
    •Look Over the Edge: Allow yourself to move beyond the all the reasons of “why not?”
    •A Beautiful Thing: Be the Person You Wish You Could be.

    “Allow yourself to have the experience of success.” ~ Troy Rarick


    •A Journey Inside Yourself: Find your “Yes!” energy - Dare to see for yourself!
    •Your Light: What you get excited about
    •Bravado is a fear-based idea: Start within reach

    “I've seen myself bring my light forth and have it be an effective light in the lives of others, and it's inspired me.” ~ Troy Rarick


    •Make every step a tangible forward movement in the moment
    •Keep Yourself in “The Energy of truth,” don’t waste time judging (yourself or others)
    •Know with your own eyes, right now!

    “There are things we're all terrified of and often tends to reside really close to the thing we think would be beautiful to do.” ~ Troy Rarick

  • “I’m the co-worker of the Divine himself, who called me to do this.” ~ Joy Solomon

    Joy Solomon is an unselfish man who has dedicated his life — day in and day out — to be in service of others. He is the kind of man who has had radical, life changing impacts on those left behind and on the fringes of the world that you and I are so blessed to enjoy.

    We sometimes call people like Joy angels, saints, saviors, good Samaritans. I believe he is a master of genuine altruism, giving up everything he worked for in his life to empower academically gifted children from poor fishermen families in coastal India who aspire for higher education.

    Joy Solomon leads a charitable organization called Coastal Brains. As the son of a fisherman himself, he had the good fortune to have his education sponsored by an Englishman he met by chance in his childhood. With impeccable effort he went on to earn his master’s degree in Biotechnology, finishing first in his class and working overseas for many years. But that was before he heard the call to something different and of a higher purpose, and he was drawn back to train and guide children like him from isolated fishing communities along India's Kerala coast, so that they can become the medical doctors, engineers, scientists, pilots, captains, and professors of the future and be of service to their villages and the larger world.

    “The time given for me is to make one step at a time. That is the time available to me, and I make that step and the next step. The time I can’t control is in the future.” ~ Joy Solomon

    In this episode:

    “The only thing I had to do was just obey that this is my inner call.” ~ Joy Solomon


    •Listen to your inner calling and follow it
    •Accept the time you have and take little steps without any pressure or hurry
    •Collaborate with something greater than yourself and enjoy doing so

    Trust the Divine Plan

    •Accept your limitations and commit to the guidance of a higher power
    •Allow things to be done with a little help of some “friends”
    •Understanding the “plan” takes being involved and when looking back connect the dots


    “Gratitude is a quality and a gift. In other words, if you're faithful with smaller things, you will be faithful with bigger things.” ~ Joy Solomon


    •Have the right attitude. “Yes, it would be nice…Thank you”
    •Gratitude and love are linked when someone is grateful is an expression of love
    •Be grateful for smaller things, then you will learn to receive and be grateful for bigger things.

    •Stay true with yourself about your situation
    •Only give what you can give in this moment
    •Practice saying ‘no’ without losing your quality of love

    “I believe for every human being, there is a purpose on this earth. Realizing that purpose or living to that purpose is important. I realized this [service to others] is the purpose of my life. And I just love doing that.” ~ Joy Solomon


    “When I am happy and free, only then can I think of others to be happy and free.” ~ Joy Solomon

    Basic Goodness

    •Love the child in you and engage others more playfully
    •Wish for all beings to be happy and free, including yourself - “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu”
    •When you get something good, share it!

    “Heaven is not a place out there in the universe or a place where you will go after death. It’s a state of your life. When you are like a child you are happy and free – you’re in heaven.” ~ Joy Solomon

    Until next time, be curious, be inspired and simplify the way…

    Joy Solomon

  • “Authentic Relating has been one of the most transformative things in my life, it's given me grounding, good friends, purpose and a life that I never expected.” ~ Sara Ness

    Sara Ness is the founder and CEO of authentic revolution and a master at authentic relating. She is known internationally for having popularized the field of authentic relating, which is a practice that provides short experiential practices and experiences that create connection on many levels.

    Sara is an instigator of authenticity, a ninja of connection, and awkward turtle of social situations who has worked with thousands of people ranging from places such as Google, to Mid Valley to Burning Man, teaching authentic leadership and communication.

    Enjoy this passionate conversation exposing the joys and challenges of human connection and exploring our creative potential through relationship.

    “This is the world I want to live in: where people are being truthful to who they are and considering how each action affects the people around them.” ~ Sara Ness

    In this episode:

    “There were numerous moments where I got shown that my reality wasn't the only one, for sure!” ~Sara Ness

    Don't Take Connection for Granted
    •Understand how to make friends.
    •Have a common language
    •Create real flow. Be conflict free

    To Stay Open to Truth, Stay Open Through Change
    •Align with reality
    •Get the support you need
    •Look with eyes of appreciation

    “I can't stop things from changing. Knowing and accepting this defines how I do business, receive feedback, and look at myself.” ~Sara Ness


    “I'm deeply driven by truth, the search for it and the awareness that I will never find it because truth is largely subjective. By looking at things from more angles, I can stay a lot more open to it.” ~ Sara Ness

    How to Navigate Reactivity
    •Step back: put space between action and reaction
    •Take a third perspective: See other people's worldviews: How can this make sense?
    •Regulate your emotional experience

    Bring forward a new possibility for Feminine Leadership (leadership that is based on relationship and connection)
    •Connect and stay true to what you stand for and devote yourself to that
    •Stay curious and don’t get stuck with your side of the truth
    •Take responsibility for your experience and take other perspectives into consideration

    “I want to prove there's a value to feminine leadership, there's a value to doing things based on relationship and based on super f** high integrity. Because sometimes that's all I've got.” ~ Sara Ness


    Devotion to Truth as a Guiding Principle
    •What is your deepest motivation?
    •Where does it come from?
    •Why is it there?
    •Why does it matter?
    •What do you do to sustain it?

    “I made a commitment to myself when I was young, ‘I will never stagnate.’” ~ Sara Ness

  • “Why not me? If not me, who will do it?” ~ Jill Tietjen

    Jill Tietjen is a woman of action, a storyteller, an expert at helping highly successful women garner the recognition they deserve.

    An electrical engineer by profession and consultant, women's advocate, author, and speaker, Jill is one of the top historians in the country on women in science and technology. She has written or co-authored 10 books and more than 100 technical papers, including an award winning and locally best-selling book, Her Story, a timeline of the women who changed America.

    Jill was inducted into the Colorado Women's Hall of Fame in 2010 and the Colorado authors Hall of Fame in 2019. She was one of the first 10 women to receive an engineering degree at the University of Virginia.

    Ambitious and energetic, Jill found her way in a male-dominated world and opened the door for women, pioneering and leading women into STEM fields and shaping the professional possibilities women have today in science, technology, engineering, and math professions.

    In this interview:

    “There's never anything, that's not my job.” ~ Jill Tietjen

    Do your best and meet your Commitments
    It will build your courage, confidence, character, and self-reliance.

    Take Responsibility for Being Responsible
    Make sure whatever you’re doing, is for the right reasons: Gain the right tools and skills to succeed.


    “When I make a commitment to someone, I follow through on that commitment.”
    ~ Jill Tietjen

    Be willing to do whatever you think is reasonable to see things happen.
    •Advocate for something you believe in
    •Be prepared
    •Listen and participate

    Trust your choice (about what you love) and if you’re told you can’t – prove them wrong!
    •Get involved
    •Seek opportunities
    •Demonstrate the skills (you will get noticed)

    Learn to Say “No” and “Yes”
    •Not all opportunities are equal
    •Know what you’re good at and what you stand for
    •You can't give your best to all the activities you're involved in if you’re spread too thin

    “I'm always in problem-solving mode for almost everything.” ~ Jill Tietjen

    The Energy of Possibility

    Everyone has a passion. When you’re engaged in the areas you’re passionate about it's like floating on air - a standstill - because that's where you're supposed to be and what you're supposed to be doing. When you get to a place like that, it's just a wonderful place to be. Find those passions!

    Until soon! Be curious, be inspired, simplify the way…

    Jill Tietjen

  • “What makes my life extraordinary is to feel that I've contributed to the quality of life of other people. That makes me happy and is going to be meaningful when I'm on my deathbed.” ~ Jorge Ferrer

    Jorge Ferrer is a clinical psychologist, public speaker, and educator, best known for his participatory approach to transpersonal, psychology, religious studies, integral education, and intimate relationships. He was core faculty for more than 20 years at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, where he also founded the Shamanic Studies Concentration, as the chair of East-West Psychology department. He has served as advisor to the organization Religions for Peace at the UN and has also studied entheogenic shamanism for more than two decades.
    Jorge is the author of several books, including Participation and the Mystery: Transpersonal Essays in Psychology, Education and Religion. And his fabulous latest book, Love and Freedom: Transcending Monogamy and Polyamory where he promotes relational freedom and assisting individuals to choosing and transforming their relational styles in dynamic, integrative and transcending ways.

    “What drives me is a selfish reason: to be in a world in which I feel more at home. So, I interact to transform the world.” ~ Jorge Ferrer

    In this interview:

    Don't Settle
    •Develop a habit of constantly seeking your own answers.
    e.g: Live an intimate life that is more aligned with your evolving potentials, free from ideologies and conditioning.

    Create your “Home”
    •Cultivate the sense of feeling at home in your body, in your surrounding areas, your relationships and in nature.
    •Strive to connect, educate, and create shared understanding.
    •Be at home in your body in the moment with others.


    “Everything happens in the encounter, everything that happens is in the ‘in-between,’ everything emerges ‘in between’ because we're always in relationship.” ~ Jorge Ferrer

    The Quest for Freedom
    •The energy that you allow to work through you.
    •The impulse that moves you to take action.
    •When you work with an idea that is beyond your own self-centered idea of pleasure, happiness, and joy.

    Life and Creative Energy
    •Sexuality as the source of genuine creativity.
    •Sexuality with ourselves and others as a mystery.
    •Spirituality and sexuality as two sides of the same coin.

    The Body Knows What's Best for the Body.
    •Intentionally slow down
    •Discover, “What is already happening?” Become aware of what the body does naturally.

    “Cultivate a quality of listening that includes genuine curiosity.” ~ Jorge Ferrer

    Humble Openness
    An approach or attitude as a way of being more porous where we cultivate a sense of mental humility and openness. A quality of life that develops when you listen to your body, instinct, and heart.

    Until soon! Be curious, be inspired, simplify the way…

    Jorge Ferrer

  • “What I have done to practice presence, is to have all kinds of distractions, to make myself focus, and force myself to ignore the sounds that are going on around me.” ~ Lisa Downing

    Lisa Downing is an internationally acclaimed solo piano performer, three-time Emmy Award winner, seven-time Emmy Award nominee, top five billboard artist, award winning solo piano recording artist, innovative music composer, soul touching storyteller, and proud member of the Alliance of Women Film Composers.

    Lisa is a timeless woman with a twinkle in her eye, extraordinary at listening to the sound of the world and turning it into a melodic invitation.

    Don't be fooled! This is a firecracker and a rebel at the piano, connecting heaven and earth in a soulful art form. To help you remember the true, the good. And the beautiful.

    “Boredom is the mother of creativity.” ~ Lisa Downing

    In this interview:

    •Awareness of many things and the need to be engaged the single thing.
    •Sometimes, for the “One Thing” to exist, there needs to be motion around you.
    Channels (of learning)
    •Activities that serve to bring you into focus and activities that numb you out.
    •Gather yourself, decide to flow or check out on social media.


    “What I strive for in my practice, is to be the lighthouse in the midst of the chaos.”
    ~ Lisa Downing

    The Lighthouse
    •Motivation, desire, determination and imagination to visualize your goal -- without any one of these three, things tend to fall apart.
    •Improvisation is just another name for creating.
    •You are creating something whether you know it or not.

    “The most effective way to develop myself… is to improvise.” ~ Lisa Downing


    “There are no wrong notes. It's all just a path.”

    •Cultivate the habit of stepping out of your own idea to get “home” -- The space and time that allows you to enter the quiet, to find your own way and get out of the way.

    “I think why they call it a piece of music is because it literally is just a piece of this infinite stream that's going on all the time.” ~ Lisa Downing

    Until soon! Be curious, be inspired, simplify the way…

    Lisa Downing

  • “Do the little things because they may mean a lot to somebody else.” ~ Emily Chang

    Emily Chang is a seasoned executive who has worked with some of the world's most renowned companies like Procter and Gamble, Apple and Starbucks. She is currently the CEO for McCann Worldgroup, China, and the author of The Spare Room, where she shares deeply personal accounts of incredible life stories when she opened up her spare room to children in need.

    In our conversation, I found that Emily’s love for challenging opportunities far exceeds her corporate success. Emily has that rare gift of having her heart and mind aligned and in the right place, and she has the extraordinary ability to walk the fine line between the demands of her high-stakes corporate role and the simple humanity she shares with those who need her.

    Emily Chang inspires us and shakes us into action, inviting us to find our social legacy, to live a more intentional life, and lead with more authentic purpose.

    “You can either have a philosophy that grounds your habit, or you can start practicing a habit, which eventually becomes your philosophy.” ~ Emily Chang

    In this interview:

    A state of heart (not of mind) - that's all you need!
    •Lean into something that speaks to you on an emotional level.
    •Develop the sensitivity to hear and trust where your spirit is pulled.
    •Is there something you can do in this circumstance?

    “I love chaos – when things feel more stretching than the resources I have available, when my vision or ambitions outweigh what I feel like I could practically do – because those are the moments that put me on the edge and I find that fun and exciting.”
    ~ Emily Chang


    Growth Mindset. Abundance Mindset
    •Stretch the limits of who you are.
    •The more you give, the more life gives back.
    •Get comfortable with failure.

    C.A.R. Set up a plan for all the things that are important to you.
    •Context: How hard is this thing going to be? Where am I starting from? Where am I going and what's around me?
    •Action: What do I need to do? What am I responsible for? And what's within my control?
    •Result: What is my desired outcome?

    “Start nurturing habits, then habits will become practices. Then practices will become familiar and become your established behavior, which then will become fundamentally how you do things and who you are.” ~ Emily Chang


    Living Inside your Social Legacy:
    •To live at peace with yourself, with your circumstance, and with what you think you're capable of.

    “Faith is the thing you're not certain about, but you do anyway because you think it’s the right thing to do.” ~ Emily Chang

    Until soon! Be curious, be inspired, simplify the way…

    Emily Chang

  • “If you want to go back to the umbilical cord of the universe, check this out.”
    This is how I was introduced to John P. Milton 20 years ago.

    John P. Milton is a pioneering ecologist, spiritual teacher, meditation Master, vision quest leader, and shaman. He was one of the first ecologists ever on staff at the White House as a member of the President's Council of Economic Advisors and one of the first people in opening the use of the word “environment” to describe our culture's paradigm shift into our responsibly ecological view of our oneness with Earth. (Future Environments of North America, 1966)

    John is the author of “Sky above, Earth Below” and founder of Sacred Passage and The Way of Nature Fellowship. He and his guides offer sacred passage awareness trainings, and wilderness solo experiences for leaders that inspire earth stewardship, by cultivating natural will wisdom and an open, loving heart in the wild.

    "John Milton is one of the truly important teachers coming out of the American cultural context today; he has a unique capacity to help people into an encounter with nature that catalyzes their deepest sense of purpose and innate capacities as leaders."
    ~Peter Senge, MIT senior lecturer, author of The Fifth Discipline and co-author of Presence

    In this interview:

    Get out of the house!
    •Ignite your passion: Reconnect to nature.
    •Open your senses: Discover your outer, inner and true nature.
    •Create the possibility for something new: Disconnect from human culture completely.

    “Stones were created for the purpose of reconnection to the world of outer nature, and the rest of life.” ~ John P. Milton


    The Mandalic Experience
    •How you see things, how you hear things, how you touch things,
    •How things touch you, how things see you, how things hear you.

    “Perceptions are the vehicle with which you will make connection [with your inner nature].” ~ John P. Milton


    The Earthing Process
    •The Power of Solitude
    •Walking barefoot on the earth

    “Open awareness is the fundamental discovery. There's nothing simpler than open awareness.” ~ John P. Milton

    Until soon! Be curious, be inspired, simplify the way…

    John P. Milton

  • With intimacy and great humor Sensei Penny shares with us her passion for respect, service, and love and how she uses energy and movement to hold her high ranking leadership with femininity and kindness in a male-oriented world. Listen to these lessons for life from an aikido master.

    Penny Bernath holds positions of respect and responsibility in two very different worlds:

    As Sensei, Penny, she is a “Shihan” - Master Aikido teacher - and one of three women in the USAF to be ranked seventh degree black belt. A martial arts practitioner of 48 years, for the past 40 years she has taught and organized the largest annual Aikido seminar in the United States.

    As Miss Penny, she is the Director of Education at South Florida PBS and the developer of Kid-Vision Pre-K, providing preschool teachers with online training and tools to teach developmental learning skills so children will be prepared for kindergarten based on national criteria.

    “I wasn't very good at it. It's taken me a long time to find Aikido”

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    There's only one You
    •Use your resources and femininity as a gift to others.
    •You are worthy of what you know because you’ve worked very hard to learn it.
    •Be polite, respectful and tend to other’s needs.

    “Even though I lived in a martial arts world where the men were such men, I wanted to feel both feminine and powerful and not have to give up either one of those characteristics.”


    Do what you love.
    1.Practice is Key
    You only learn when you practice. If you stop practicing, you might lose it.
    2.The Path of Harmony
    •Keep the circle going: Learn the basics then experience the opportunity to open to the power and energy of the movement that makes it happen.
    •Daily Structure: You can have structure but be free within the rules of that structure.
    3.Help others feel the best they can feel.
    •Be brave. Believe in yourself despite all others.
    •Try new things. It’s ok to fall because you are going to get up.
    •Play! Everyone likes to play, and everyone likes to smile. Movement is play.

    “Power comes from empowering others.”


    4 Ways to deal with Conflict
    Essential Questions: Where is the open space? Where is there no conflict?
    1.Irimi: Step in and forward and come face to face with another. Make your point.
    2.Tenkan: 180-degree pivot to look in the same direction as another. Put yourself in their place and see why is this happening?
    3.Tenshin: Step and pivot to avoid another. Get out of the situation by letting another go by for the time being.
    4.Don’t engage: Step away and come back to it later.

    “I'm going to be a mommy and love myself”

    Until next time, be curious, be inspired and simplify the way…

    Penny Bernath

  • “I'll tell you the secret. The way [to talk to the fire] is to connect with your fire.” ~Peter May

    Peter May is an architect, Grammy-winner, musician, firefighter, athlete, essential oil distiller, Buddhist practitioner and nature guide, among many other talents. He’s a master in his own right as a multi-realm alchemist who creatively partners with all elements of life -- and especially nature -- to support healing, balance, and peace.
    As the chief of the Kundalini Fire Department in Crestone, CO, he was many times the only bridge between the clashing forces of urban human development and nature's way. He is currently the lead in the nature-fusion band The Sonic Apothecary, composed of human and plant musicians. He leads Pranacamps, an introduction to practical alchemy, and creates acoustically-tuned plant and mineral alchemies with essential oils, offering them in his Sound Journeys around the country.

    “The simplest way to ask someone to be present is to actually just say, ‘Hello.’” ~ Peter May

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    The Gateway to Being Present: A habit of saying “hello” to whatever is.
    Saying “hello” to something outside of yourself has the potential of that “something” saying “hello” back to you. It means that you’ve chosen to be present in that moment and has the opportunity to reorganize the moment.

    “It’s about acknowledgement and awareness.” ~ Peter May


    Four-step Practice of Saying “Hello”
    1.The physical body.
    2.The energy or emotion.
    3.The flow of life force coming through you.
    4.Emptiness of space.

    “Put yourself in a place where things can arise.” ~ Peter May


    Conscious Allowing: The Zipper Effect
    ●Combine intention, presence and asking for assistance.
    ●Connect with silence and acknowledge things that give life and support you so they can acknowledge you back.
    ●Over time whatever pain you carry will dissolve and other pieces of you will re-integrate into your life.

    “Be more open to see and discover who you actually are, not who you think you are”
    ~ Peter May

    Until next time, be curious, be inspired and simplify the way…

    Peter May

  • “You really can do and create whatever you’d like if you really dedicate yourself to something through hard work, discipline and teamwork” ~ Trevor Tierney

    Trevor Tierney is the only lacrosse goalie in the history of the game to have won an NCAA Championship, an International Lacrosse Federation World Championship, and a Major League Lacrosse Championship.

    He’s a lover of nature and talented artist who uses the mastery of his craft to support student-athletes to become mature, caring, successful, and well-rounded leaders for their communities.

    Trevor owns and operates LXTC Lacrosse Training Center, a Denver-based company that organizes camps, clinics, teams, and tournaments for youth through high school lacrosse players. And he's a partner with Excellence With Integrity Institute, a non-profit that focuses on character and culture development for universities, athletic departments, and major companies.

    “Our only chance to do something is today.”

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    Day-to-day Practice
    • Discipline: Taking little, tiny baby steps each and every day.
    • Hard work: Engaging in the tasks you love.
    • Teamwork: Coming together for a common goal.

    “When we project out to the future so far away around what our end goal is, we miss all those little, tiny baby steps that get us there.” ~ Trevor Tierney


    The Athlete and the Artist
    • The journey and the lessons along the way: Get your brush on the canvas every day and develop your skills.
    • Daily meditation: Be present with each and everything that comes up in your life. Say “yes” to each moment as it is, as it comes by.

    “It's okay to be an ordinary person and to live an ordinary life that I really love.” ~ Trevor Tierney


    What comes after self-mastery.
    Village Mindedness: Serve your community and leave the world a little bit better by the time you leave.

    “I'd rather be whole than good”. ~ Carl Young

    Until next time! Be curious, be inspired, simplify the way…

    Trevor Tierney

  • “What is the gift you bring, that if it is not expressed, is lost to the world?
    Remind yourself of the gift you bring, everyday!” ~ Gail Larsen

    Once in a while we come across teachers that transcend their title and dare to take us beyond the map of what we can imagine!

    Gail Larsen is an exceptional, fierce and compassionate woman who is one of the most sought out coaches for the world's top speakers, business executives, entrepreneurs, community and social change leaders, healers, and life coaches who want to want to have great impact in the world through the power of effective communication and transformational speaking.

    Gail is the first woman to be awarded the Tennessee Small Businessman of the Year Award from the US Small Business Administration, the founder of Real Speaking® and the award-winning author of “Transformational Speaking: If You Want To Change The World, Tell A Better Story.”

    In this episode you’ll hear about:
    Authentic Presence.
    It's not about a “comfort zone,” it's about your “home zone.” How do you get home within yourself with a sense of how you are showing up in the moment, what you're discovering and what you'd like to reveal? When you are in your authentic presence you can invite that from others.

    Your Medicine.
    An inner knowing when you fully embody the message that you're here to bring to the world.
    The practice of embodiment is a lot longer than learning something in your head. You don't achieve mastery in anything by learning something in your head that you don’t embody.

    Self-knowledge of where you fit and where your joy and service are. You can show up in joy when it's the right match. Without alignment, you're just heading off on a path that isn't your highest expression.

    “How is the world speaking to you? Don’t ignore it because it's not Verbal.”

    What if? Change your question.
    • Find your question and see how your life unfolds. If you don't like how your life is unfolding, notice the question you’re answering to and change your question.
    • Instead of focusing on the past or what no longer works - What if? Put your imagination to work around the world you want and watch what happens.

    What is the overarching story that holds it all?
    Recognize we have this tender, shared humanity, no matter what position you hold.

    “We see the world in a way no one else does. What is the story your life has prepared you to foretell?”

    Until next time! Be curious, be inspired, simplify the way…

    Gail Larsen

  • “My soul is my tool every single day. It's my North star, my compass, my guiding light.”

    Mark Brand is one of Vancouver's most recognized and celebrated entrepreneurs, a master at bridging the best from for-profit and non-profit worlds to accelerate social change and gather people and their resources to build and unite communities that engage in tough conversations. He truly knows the art of taking the ordinary in people and situations and turning them into extraordinary possibilities.
    He is a chef, DJ, social entrepreneur, Owner of Save on Meats in Vancouver, founder of a Better Life Foundation, part of the United Nations Catalyst Team and former Professor of Innovation at USC.

    In this interview
    • Is success based on mastery or expertise?
    • Just ‘us’: Contextual connection to container as your daily purpose
    • Get to the simple things: every day is a check-in.
    “We're all complicit. I'm yelling about how ridiculous things are, not about whose fault it is”

    • Engage your feelings to know what you care about: If you don't know what you care about, you can't stand up for it.
    o What were you sent here to do?
    o Why does it matter?
    o Notice all the ways that you're unfeeling to reduce your anxiety.
    o What is your way to feel and care again?
    • The difference between addiction and devotion

    “Devotion is service, and addiction is consumption and exposure”

    A preview of Mark’s upcoming book: How do you get started making a difference and unequivocally change your life?
    • What do you care about? And Why?
    • How much time do you actually have for it?
    • What is a skill that you can bring to the table?
    • Where can you bring this?

    “Once you look at how much time to give to what you truly care about, you start caring about everything.”

    Mark Brand
    Instagram: Mark.Brand

  • “There’s no free ride. You have to work for it”

    “Know the impact your work has on others and have fun doing what you do.”

    “You’re always trying to outdo your greatest accomplishment”

    Michael Jacobs was the top master welder and instructor for the US government, responsible for the welding of the US Navy's most expensive and powerful nuclear submarines when he retired. Mike's absolute precision and mastery was essential for the safety of submarine, cruise and the ability to safely deploy these multibillion dollar machines. “Welding is one of the few vocations that's a true art form,” Mike says. His journey to mastery started when he ran away from home in his youth to join a circus in San Francisco, and led to an adventurous life that we can get to learn more about in this podcast. Be ready to take action in your own life with this story of challenge and determination.

    In this interview, 3 habits that helped Mike succeed:

    • Get out of bed. It really is that simple!
    • Find the one thing you’re good at and look for opportunities to excel at it.
    • Seek mentors that can teach you how to be the best you can be.

    “So what if you messed up and made a mistake.
    Just do something better because you can.”


    What makes you good at what you do: Color outside the edges!

    “Don’t let other people limit how you look at the world. You’re only a failure if you tell yourself you are one.”


    Contentment as a way to spiritual well-being.

    “Without having something to take care of your spiritual wellbeing you’re going to be a bell without a clangger”

    “You don’t have to be the hardest worker. You just need to do it a little better.”

    “Life is fun! Never quit trying new stuff!”

    Until soon! Be curious, be inspired, simplify the way…Maria

  • “We don't have to be better than anybody else. We just have to be better than ourselves.”

    In this interview, explore these 2 key elements of creating habits:
    Attention: “Attention is the fascinating part about curiosity and exploration. It is having a real sense of connectivity that can be transformative and practiced by anybody.”
    • In entrepreneurship, it’s not about the start, but the process.
    • A key to success is not that you're starting a business, but the process and the attention to detail as you imagine yourself going through it.
    • Raise your sense of wonder and attention as if tending to the garden. For the garden to flourish, it’s not only about the seed, but the care you give it.

    Imagination: “The worst enemy of creativity is a good idea. Once you get a good idea, you stop creating.”
    • Imagine finding new ways of seeing yourself coming through the struggle.
    • Reach out to others with curiosity and care, seeking understanding.
    • Use your imagination: “What would be the ideal here?” Find a way together.
    • Sit through discomfort because it doesn't have to go your way.
    • Stay in curiosity even in the face of death.

    Compassion: “Knowing that you're right is one thing that prevents you from growing because in order to grow, you need to sometimes destroy what you knew that got you there.”

    • You don't know the end. You don't know what’s next.
    • Do know one thing: “Success is not the opposite of failure”.
    • Take action, learn from your past. This helps you become a nicer person and a better version of yourself.

    “Our growth is NOT being right”
    I said, “I've never been right”
    She said, “You're right about that”.
    We had a big laugh.

    Four Stages of Continuous Growth: A sneak preview of Alicia Castillo’s upcoming book, “From Startup to Corporations: How entrepreneurs keep reinventing themselves”
    1) Stage of Contentment: You're proud that you achieved something but after a while you get bored.
    2) Stage of Questioning: If boredom lasts too long, you start to question , “Am I doing the right thing?”
    3) Stage of Exploration: What you've been doing doesn't serve you anymore; you hit a wall. You see this humongous step you need to take and start gathering resources and information that build up your resilience.
    4) Stage of Resilience: You go and you start climbing that wall. You might fall down and you know that just because you want to do it doesn't mean that you can – it only means that you need to explore how to get it.

    Until soon! Be curious, be inspired, simplify the way…

    Alicia Castillo Holley

  • “I want to broaden my awareness of the world because it's a richer place in every moment. And the more I reach, the more I sensitize myself to what's going on around me.”

    In this interview, explore building habits to:
    • Stay open and sensitive to who you are at the moment, as opposed to what the culture you're immersed in says you should be doing. Ask yourself, “Is there something that feels more harmonious?”
    • Have curiosity about how structures work. Pay attention to what's happening in the moment -- Is it a physical sensation? An emotional sensation?

    • Discover that the habit of watching your habits is an excellent habit itself.
    • Learn to ask: What drives you? What do you believe in and are here to support? How do you change your response to your environment – your habits – in order to be in harmony with what drives you?
    • Explore the difference between hoping and intending: Hoping is a wish that doesn't galvanize you as a person or bring your will into play; intending is a choice and directs your action.

    • On the heart side, create a sense of loving connection with everything, for that's when you're truly in the present moment.

    “Meditation has become a habit. It’s been great aid to being able to find a comfortable place to rest, no matter what's going on around me. Not detached, but just able to stay present.”

    Until soon! Be curious, be inspired, simplify the way…

    Michel Mugaku Zimmerman Roshi

  • Imagine that something as simple as following your curiosity can lead to extraordinary connection and conversation at any moment.
    Our guest for this episode is Runa Bouius, an author, executive coach, and consultant to visionary leaders, entrepreneurs, and people of influence. As a former CEO and serial entrepreneur from Iceland and the founder of the True Power Institute, she has been a featured speaker at The International Conference on Business and Consciousness, the Women’s International Networking (WIN) Conference and at the Conscious Capitalism Institute.
    Join us on this extraordinary journey where Runa shares how she has been guided throughout her life by her passion and her willingness to work with a sense of duty, service and responsibility.

    “What the world needs is for everyone to realize how unique every single one of us is and step into who we are in our own uniqueness.” ~Runa Bouius

    In this episode you’ll hear about:
    • Mastery as a practice: Having the intention of reaching mastery keeps you on your toes and in the curiosity and willingness to try new things and to expand your horizons.
    • Curiosity as a practice: The simple moments of curiosity can help lead you; curiosity as a ritual can have great spiritual meaning
    • Practicing Presence: Being present to the here and now, whatever it is in this moment:
    o Ground
    o Connect to the earth
    o Enjoy beauty
    o Speak to nature
    Why am I here? What is it I need to learn from?
    Rouna says, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There's beauty in everything. It's talking little baby steps where everything that comes your way is an opportunity to learn and grow and evolve.”

    “I am an optimist at heart and my focus is on co-creating a new story. We are co-creating a new culture. We are coming into a new world. And I just feel really blessed to be a part of that.” ~Runa Bouius

    Until next time! Be curious, be inspired, simplify the way…

    Runa Bouius

  • Do you ever wonder where authors of personal development books go for help themselves?
    Kelly Notaras is one of the go-to women for these authors, and she says,

    “Practice making practice a habit. Make a practice of your spiritual connection to something larger than you. This to me needs to be a main priority.”

    As author, book editor and founder of KN literary arts, an editorial book studio specializing in self-help, personal growth, and spirituality, Kelly is a really tough editor personally invested in every sentence and a master at making the ordinary story into an extraordinary book!

    With the elegance and mastery of someone who can lead you into curating more than just your next book, Kelly speaks to those of us who have a yearning to be in direct connection with life in a way that goes beyond our everyday routine. She shares with us the passion of her own experience, reminding us how important this yearning is.

    “If I had had more time, I would've written you a shorter letter.” ~ Blaise Pascal

    In this episode you’ll hear about: “Nine Out of Ten Rule”

    · Check with yourself and make sure the things you’re doing are things that make your eyes light up. More often than not, those are the things that bring you joy and make your life feel the way you want it to feel.

    Push yourself into the discomfort that will ultimately liberate you from what you don't want to spend your time on.

    · Be the editor of your life: Make your life flow more in the way that you like to live your life. Your behaviors are in reflection of your values. Be willing to lean into the discomfort of learning something new.

    · Be willing to bend your rules: It's really important to be flexible in all of your habits. Notice the place where you might be holding on really tightly to a habit that actually ends up doing the opposite of what you'd hoped for or not getting the outcome you desired.

    · Be in alignment in service of what you love: You have a compass available at all times in your own body where you can test out your choices with your physical sensations. Practice revising and reviewing again and again.


    “The princess and the pea”

    There's a little pea within us; it's rolling around deep inside and we don't know what it is. It's everyone's personal responsibility to those in our lives and to ourselves to go looking for what that is. Because if we don't, and we don't do it as a daily upkeep or even an hourly upkeep, sometimes we end up mistreating people or projecting whatever discomfort we’re trying to avoid.

    Until next time! Be curious, be inspired, simplify the way…

    Kelly Notaras