Just for the Pima County Sheriff's Department you won!!! You got me!!! Now I'm in solitary confinement in state psychiatric facility for 3 months! You did it PCSD! You shut me up! You silenced me, coppers and shut me down now I can't campaign for president of the United States, Pima County Sheriff to replace useless Sheriff nanos, or Pima County attorney district attorney to replace corrupt Laura Conover! Who is the reason I am in a psych ward right now locked away for probably minimum 3 months that's what they told somebody else! I don't hear nothing about their machinations with my stupid lousy x public pretender Janet what a f****** snake in the grass can't wait to get out of this prison you filed a rule 11 for me for, so I can give you a zero star review on Google! What a f* lousy bunch of public pretenders! You call this lawyering??? You should be arrested for violating so many of my civil rights including taking away my freedom! To silence me which is retaliation for trying to raise awareness about rampant corruption in Pima County! Probably the worst Police Department in the country Pima County Sheriff's four times more jail deaths than Rikers Island! Sheriff nanos don't care dgaf like the young people say! @pimadems @aclu I wonder if senator Mark Kelly has helped me get that body cam surveillance from the illegal police raid pcsds detective noon carried out on my family home WTF!! Teddy what is the reason you enlisted 50 people 50 officers certainly a massive waste of taxpayer money to invade my privacy and terrorize my pets and terrorize my family members and put us in jail falsely arresting us and trying to ruin our lives in business and reputation what's the point of all that Teddy? And Clarissa I wonder what skin in the game you had to fabricate so much evidence to put me away in prison for sure I will be in prison with all that fake evidence you manufactured to convict me and mislead the courts! Well you guys are so powerful! 😆 This is like David and Goliath very unfair match of innocent person just minding their own business loving on their pets? I felt it was The sound of Music and you were the f****** Nazis! Shut down all the singing and dancing and laughing and happiness and joy that was here at Reiki Southwest, established by my mother the Reverend Tama? I bet y'all had a big old police orgy on my property what else were you doing there for 12 hours??????? Hopefully senator Kelly will help me get your unredacted body cam footage! We already know there's precious little of that! That alone should be reason to throw out this ridiculous case against me! I hope Tucson and the rest of the country writes me in t r i s t a ! Write me in for president so I can pardon myself! Like diaper douche wants to do that's the only reason he's running for president duh to pardon himself and stay out of prison! So you won Donnie douchebag! I'm in psych ward which is pretty much like prison, exactly where you should be f*** face! But you were president so you get all this presidential privilege and you corruptly appointed your lackeys to all the judge ships in the country to get yourself off like what you're doing right now! Hey Biden if you see this old man, DROP OUT OF THE RACE! But before you do that, UNILATERALLY USE YOUR AWESOME GODLIKE POWER AS PRESIDENT TO MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR FELONS TO RUN FOR OFFICE.PERIOD! If you can't follow the laws? You should not be able to be an elected officer of the United States. Sign it, Brandon! Do your effing job as president to protect us all from this f maniac my name is Trista for president and I approve of this message GoFund.me/10543a02 JUSTICE FOR MY PETS ⚖️
#Dfundthepolice! Last time I heard the police doing their damn job? It was on January 6th like 4 years ago!!! Since then all you hear is b******* they do f****** criminals with badges we should shut the whole thing down! Let the fire departments take on the functions of emergency response they do a much better job they don't brutalize and treat people like f* insurgents like the police do! Hey everybody tell the DOJ 202-514-2000 why aren't they looking into the 215 dead people buried behind the Jackson Mississippi cop shop? I bet you they have done absolutely f*** all about that! It should be shut the f* down and every single one of those officers investigated they all knew about it I guarantee it 💯 anytime the police say that some black person committed suicide by lynching themselves in public? Shut it down shut that whole mfg sh+tshow down 👎 BLACK PEOPLE NEVER LYNCH THEMSELVES! Y'ALL ARE F* KKK THAT'S WHAT UP TRISTA4SHERIFF 🎉 WRITE ME IN T R I S T A NO MORE POLICE BRUTALITY NO MORE JAIL DEATHS! Gofund.me/10543a02 Justice for my pets! ⚖️
Puuttuva jakso?
It's about damn time! The Democrats should have been fighting these insurrectionist unindicted terrorists since January 6th! If I were in Congress THEY'D ALL BE BEHIND BARS!!
SHAME ON THE DEMOCRATS!! Allowing these damn insurrectionists to be sworn into office just days after January 6th insurrection! NEVER AN OBJECTION AND THIS IS GOING ON FOR 4 YEARS! GOP TRAITORS RUNNING A CIRCUS IN CONGRESS INSTEAD OF DOING YOUR DAMN JOBS! You're a f disgrace YOURE THE REASON FOR ALL THIS CHAOS RIGHT NOW
Predictable! This is what happens when American people don't speak the F up and get rid of these corrupt 6 justices who lied under oath about Roe v Wade being settled law to get nominated and overturn it! Then they took in millions an unreported gifts from billionaires! Alita's and Thomas's wives are both insurrectionists and they all refuse to recuse themselves, so yeah DUH 🙄
If Biden's DOJ did their damn job this Maniac would be behind bars and not continuing to terrorize us! Enforce the law! The Constitution clearly says no insurrectionists May hold or run for office so get rid of him!!!! Do your damn job and disqualify them all
Hey jordie I ain't voting for Joe. Not going to be pressured or fear monger into voting for an unqualified butcher Biden sorry not sorry! Blame the Democrats not me if he loses because he's obviously too weak a candidate
Democrats are doing the same thing they did pushing crooked Hillary on us! We didn't want Hillary and we don't want Joe Biden either. Corporate Democrats who control the party rigged the primaries so we couldn't have our first choice of President Bernie Sanders 🔥 then we got stuck with this maniac! So maybe it's the Democrats fault this lunatic is on the loose
When he said that Biden engaged in quid pro quo on ukraine! This goes to show you that Biden's DOJ hasn't done their job either to charge diaper dump with extorting zelensky and 10 counts of obstruction of justice, as per Mueller pointed out REOPEN NOMINATIONS
Biden dragged us into illegal wars of invasion in Iraq and Afghanistan - he led the Democrats Battlecry. Now, he Is dragging out this conflict in Ukraine probably to line the pockets of his cronies in the military industrial complex! And he bypassed Congress in order to give the terrorist state of Israel more billions in weapons to carry out ethnic cleansing which makes Joe Biden COMPLICIT. It is therefore understandable that anyone with a conscience cannot vote for Joe Biden. PS he accepted 11 million from Israel PAC - most of any politician in America! True, Israel spent over $100 million dollars buying up members of Congress and they succeeded
Both candidates need to do the world a favor and drop out of the race
So sick of Ben Meiselas quoting Biden, saying “Don't compare me to the almighty, compare me to the alternative”. This is the mantra of people who will settle for nothing!
Why are we being forced to choose between two decrepit old fart corrupt mfrs???? THIS IS NOT DEMOCRATIC!
RFK Jr cited statistic - - I'll have to check and see if he didn't make it up! But it sounds about right: 90% of Americans don't want to vote for either of these old fools!
The alternatives are many, but the American voter today has the devil's choice-- lesser of two evils! And a lot of Americans last night would have to choose the more bombastic although pathologically lying of the two candidates, which are more like political ponies, donkeys / asses! the duopoly presents us with.One confounding problem is the element of Truth to some of DIAPERDOUCHE's statements like "crooked Joe Biden" he Joe Biden accepted 11 million from AIPAC the pro-israel lobby for his campaigns the most of any American politician! and then he dragged us into genocide against the Palestinians, bypassing congress!
Joe Biden don't have the moral standing for ethical standing to truly undercut, pin down and defeat this, the worst criminal in human history! And y'all know who I -
It's about damn time! The Democrats should have been fighting these insurrectionist unindicted terrorists since January 6th! If I were in Congress THEY'D ALL BE BEHIND BARS!!
SHAME ON THE DEMOCRATS!! Allowing these damn insurrectionists to be sworn into office just days after January 6th insurrection! NEVER AN OBJECTION AND THIS IS GOING ON FOR 4 YEARS! GOP TRAITORS RUNNING A CIRCUS IN CONGRESS INSTEAD OF DOING YOUR DAMN JOBS! You're a f disgrace YOURE THE REASON FOR ALL THIS CHAOS RIGHT NOW
Predictable! This is what happens when American people don't speak the F up and get rid of these corrupt 6 justices who lied under oath about Roe v Wade being settled law to get nominated and overturn it! Then they took in millions an unreported gifts from billionaires! Alita's and Thomas's wives are both insurrectionists and they all refuse to recuse themselves, so yeah DUH 🙄
If Biden's DOJ did their damn job this Maniac would be behind bars and not continuing to terrorize us! Enforce the law! The Constitution clearly says no insurrectionists May hold or run for office so get rid of him!!!! Do your damn job and disqualify them all
Hey jordie I ain't voting for Joe. Not going to be pressured or fear monger into voting for an unqualified butcher Biden sorry not sorry! Blame the Democrats not me if he loses because he's obviously too weak a candidate
Democrats are doing the same thing they did pushing crooked Hillary on us! We didn't want Hillary and we don't want Joe Biden either. Corporate Democrats who control the party rigged the primaries so we couldn't have our first choice of President Bernie Sanders 🔥 then we got stuck with this maniac! So maybe it's the Democrats fault this lunatic is on the loose
When he said that Biden engaged in quid pro quo on ukraine! This goes to show you that Biden's DOJ hasn't done their job either to charge diaper dump with extorting zelensky and 10 counts of obstruction of justice, as per Mueller pointed out REOPEN NOMINATIONS
Biden dragged us into illegal wars of invasion in Iraq and Afghanistan - he led the Democrats Battlecry. Now, he Is dragging out this conflict in Ukraine probably to line the pockets of his cronies in the military industrial complex! And he bypassed Congress in order to give the terrorist state of Israel more billions in weapons to carry out ethnic cleansing which makes Joe Biden COMPLICIT. It is therefore understandable that anyone with a conscience cannot vote for Joe Biden. PS he accepted 11 million from Israel PAC - most of any politician in America! True, Israel spent over $100 million dollars buying up members of Congress and they succeeded
Both candidates need to do the world a favor and drop out of the race
So sick of Ben Meiselas quoting Biden, saying “Don't compare me to the almighty, compare me to the alternative”. This is the mantra of people who will settle for nothing!
Why are we being forced to choose between two decrepit old fart corrupt mfrs???? THIS IS NOT DEMOCRATIC!
RFK Jr cited statistic - - I'll have to check and see if he didn't make it up! But it sounds about right: 90% of Americans don't want to vote for either of these old fools!
The alternatives are many, but the American voter today has the devil's choice-- lesser of two evils! And a lot of Americans last night would have to choose the more bombastic although pathologically lying of the two candidates, which are more like political ponies, donkeys / asses! the duopoly presents us with.One confounding problem is the element of Truth to some of DIAPERDOUCHE's statements like "crooked Joe Biden" he Joe Biden accepted 11 million from AIPAC the pro-israel lobby for his campaigns the most of any American politician! and then he dragged us into genocide against the Palestinians, bypassing congress!
Joe Biden don't have the moral standing for ethical standing to truly undercut, pin down and defeat this, the worst criminal in human history! And y'all know who I -
I'm going to track down the rest of this audiobook and add it to this podcast! The book of Enoch was discarded by the Roman Church, because it for one involves what could be described as an alien abduction! LOL he's picked up in a spaceship and becomes a favorite of God the colon he also talks about all the other gods! And Angels cherubim seraphim, describes what's actually up there! Pretty mind-blowing stuff. The only Bible book of Enoch is in is in the Ethiopian Bible.
Democrats got to find another candidate quick!!!! Even undecided voters, when part of a focus group on axios, tended to prefer diaper dump! It's clear: BOTH OF THEM GOT TO GO!!! John fetterman is a f* sell-out One problem is the element of Truth to some of DIAPERDOUCHE's statements like "crooked Joe Biden" he Joe Biden excepted 11 million from APAC the pro-israel lobby for his campaigns the most of any American politician! and then he dragged us into genocide against the Palestinians, bypassing congress! So it's confusing to undereducated Americans misinformed & brainwashed by right-wing propaganda because only four corporations own all the media! THEY ARE BOTH CRIMINALS THEY ARE BOTH UNFIT TO BE PRESIDENT THEY ARE BOTH TOO OLD WE NEED TO REOPEN NOMINATIONS AMERICA! TRISTA4PREZ 🎉Those 6 radical right-wing Supreme Court justices MUST BE REMOVED NOW FOR PERJURING THEMSELVES THAT ROE WAS SETTLED LAW ; AS WELL AS ALL THE MILLIONS IN UNREPORTED GIFTS THEY ACCEPTED FROM BILLIONAIRES. Where is the IRS when you need it???? TAX FRAUD & VACATE ALL THEIR DECISIONS! they have to be readjudicated Everybody call the New York Department of probation 212 510 3700 and tell them DIAPER DONALD MUST HAVE DRUG TEST LIKE EVERY OTHER CONVICTED FELON DO IT DO YOUR JOB!!!Yeah diaper Donald is a superfelon but biden is also a criminal- a war criminal for dragging us into and bypassing Congress to support genocide against the Palestinian people! Just sayin. In my view both candidates should be forced to step down and drop out of the race they are both unqualified and too oldI think it's a National disgrace that 200 Congress members still have not been held accountable for their role in the insurrection that day and I think it's really reprehensible that the justice department are too cowardly to do their damn job and indict and remove these unindicted domestic terrorists from our Congress! They have no right to be in office because we have something called a US Constitution 14th Amendment section 3 no insurrectionists May hold office! So if I were justice department we're going to do their damn job they would remove them all and have them behind bars by now! AND DEFINITELY THEY WOULD DEAL WITH THESE PEOPLE BEFORE THE ELECTIONS IN NOVEMBERThe six radical right-wing justices we're never held accountable for perjury themselves about Roe v Wade being settled law, in order to get nominated and overturn it! THEY WERE NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE PERJURING THEMSELVES WHY NOT???? THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN REMOVED ALREADY now we are getting stuck with all their lousy AF decisions!!! GET RID OF ALL SIX JUSTICES NOW! AND VACATE ALL THEIR DECISIONS! Besides, Clarence Thomas and several other of the radical right-wing justices have been found to have accepted MILLIONS IN UNREPORTED GIFTS FROM BILLIONAIRES! So why aren't they forced to resign in disgrace??????? AS PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES, I CALL ON DIAPER DONALD TO DROP OUT OF THE RACE! YOU'RE AN F IN DISGRACE! DO NOT PASS GO GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL, FF! 😜 HEY THAT RHYMES, CS! TRISTA FOR PRESIDENT- THE INDEPENDENT VOICE AND CHOICE IN THIS YEAR'S ELECTION! IF YOU WERE JUST GOING TO STAY HOME AND NOT VOTE FOR EITHER OF THESE CRIMINALS WRITE ME IN INSTEAD! THERE ARE ACTUALLY MORE INDEPENDENT VOTERS IN AMERICA 52% THEN EITHER DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN PARTIES 34% AND 42% RESPECTIVELY I BELIEVE #POLITICAL SCIENTISTS OF TIKTOK Comedy by Trista di Genova MeidasTouch
These Nazis need to be kicked to the curb BEFORE the elections why the f should they be able to run for or hold office we have a constitution in this country! 14th Amendment section 3 read it from America and then get rid of all these mfg treasonous douchebags! John fetterman is a f* sell-out One problem is the element of Truth to some of DIAPERDOUCHE's statements like "crooked Joe Biden" he Joe Biden excepted 11 million from APAC the pro-israel lobby for his campaigns the most of any American politician! and then he dragged us into genocide against the Palestinians, bypassing congress! So it's confusing to undereducated Americans misinformed & brainwashed by right-wing propaganda because only four corporations own all the media! THEY ARE BOTH CRIMINALS THEY ARE BOTH UNFIT TO BE PRESIDENT THEY ARE BOTH TOO OLD WE NEED TO REOPEN NOMINATIONS AMERICA! TRISTA4PREZ 🎉Those 6 radical right-wing Supreme Court justices MUST BE REMOVED NOW FOR PERJURING THEMSELVES THAT ROE WAS SETTLED LAW ; AS WELL AS ALL THE MILLIONS IN UNREPORTED GIFTS THEY ACCEPTED FROM BILLIONAIRES. Where is the IRS when you need it???? TAX FRAUD & VACATE ALL THEIR DECISIONS! they have to be readjudicated Everybody call the New York Department of probation 212 510 3700 and tell them DIAPER DONALD MUST HAVE DRUG TEST LIKE EVERY OTHER CONVICTED FELON DO IT DO YOUR JOB!!!Yeah diaper Donald is a superfelon but biden is also a criminal- a war criminal for dragging us into and bypassing Congress to support genocide against the Palestinian people! Just sayin. In my view both candidates should be forced to step down and drop out of the race they are both unqualified and too oldI think it's a National disgrace that 200 Congress members still have not been held accountable for their role in the insurrection that day and I think it's really reprehensible that the justice department are too cowardly to do their damn job and indict and remove these unindicted domestic terrorists from our Congress! They have no right to be in office because we have something called a US Constitution 14th Amendment section 3 no insurrectionists May hold office! So if I were justice department we're going to do their damn job they would remove them all and have them behind bars by now! AND DEFINITELY THEY WOULD DEAL WITH THESE PEOPLE BEFORE THE ELECTIONS IN NOVEMBERThe six radical right-wing justices we're never held accountable for perjury themselves about Roe v Wade being settled law, in order to get nominated and overturn it! THEY WERE NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE PERJURING THEMSELVES WHY NOT???? THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN REMOVED ALREADY now we are getting stuck with all their lousy AF decisions!!! GET RID OF ALL SIX JUSTICES NOW! AND VACATE ALL THEIR DECISIONS! Besides, Clarence Thomas and several other of the radical right-wing justices have been found to have accepted MILLIONS IN UNREPORTED GIFTS FROM BILLIONAIRES! So why aren't they forced to resign in disgrace??????? AS PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES, I CALL ON DIAPER DONALD TO DROP OUT OF THE RACE! YOU'RE AN F IN DISGRACE! DO NOT PASS GO GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL, FF! 😜 HEY THAT RHYMES, CS! TRISTA FOR PRESIDENT- THE INDEPENDENT VOICE AND CHOICE IN THIS YEAR'S ELECTION! IF YOU WERE JUST GOING TO STAY HOME AND NOT VOTE FOR EITHER OF THESE CRIMINALS WRITE ME IN INSTEAD! THERE ARE ACTUALLY MORE INDEPENDENT VOTERS IN AMERICA 52% THEN EITHER DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN PARTIES 34% AND 42% RESPECTIVELY I BELIEVE #POLITICAL SCIENTISTS OF TIKTOK Comedy by Trista di Genova MeidasTouch
& treasonous Congressmembers do their best to get their führer off the hook! 🪝 ALL 200 GOP TRAITORS MUST BE EXPELLED FROM CONGRESS! 202-224-3121 TELL THEM TO INVOKE 14TH AMENDMENT AND GET RID OF ALL OF THEM BEFORE THE 2024 ELECTIONS! CALL DOJ 202-514-2000
Shame on the Gestapo police in Tucson arizona! 50 Sheriffs conducted an illegal home raid and invasion and got caught tampering with evidence! Trying to drag me, a sheriff candidate with squeaky clean record! I'm calling for detective noon #7977 and PACC Officer Leyva-Canez #3124 Sergeant r o h e r and Edgar Noneck 🐷 & Beth Cummings and Zoe Skinner all to be charged with false reporting ARs 132907.01 and 175 count each of animal cruelty! ARS 13 2910 let's see how you guys like having your name dragged through the mud and the courts and the press! COMMIT THE CRIME DO THE TIME B* I've got god, truth and the law on my side -
I wish old Brandon would call this mfrs bluff and take a damn drug test! Only if he does too! He goes first LOL we all know he's amped and jacked up on Adderall! Duh 🙄 everybody CALL THE NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF PROBATION AND DEMONS THAT DIAPER DONALD'S GETS HIS DRUG TEST DONE LIKE ANY OTHER CONVICTED FELON HEY THAT RHYMES 😆 212-510-3700 John fetterman is a f* sell-out One problem is the element of Truth to some of DIAPERDOUCHE's statements like "crooked Joe Biden" he Joe Biden excepted 11 million from APAC the pro-israel lobby for his campaigns the most of any American politician! and then he dragged us into genocide against the Palestinians, bypassing congress! So it's confusing to undereducated Americans misinformed & brainwashed by right-wing propaganda because only four corporations own all the media! THEY ARE BOTH CRIMINALS THEY ARE BOTH UNFIT TO BE PRESIDENT THEY ARE BOTH TOO OLD WE NEED TO REOPEN NOMINATIONS AMERICA! TRISTA4PREZ 🎉Those 6 radical right-wing Supreme Court justices MUST BE REMOVED NOW FOR PERJURING THEMSELVES THAT ROE WAS SETTLED LAW ; AS WELL AS ALL THE MILLIONS IN UNREPORTED GIFTS THEY ACCEPTED FROM BILLIONAIRES. Where is the IRS when you need it???? TAX FRAUD & VACATE ALL THEIR DECISIONS! they have to be readjudicated Everybody call the New York Department of probation 212 510 3700 and tell them DIAPER DONALD MUST HAVE DRUG TEST LIKE EVERY OTHER CONVICTED FELON DO IT DO YOUR JOB!!!Yeah diaper Donald is a superfelon but biden is also a criminal- a war criminal for dragging us into and bypassing Congress to support genocide against the Palestinian people! Just sayin. In my view both candidates should be forced to step down and drop out of the race they are both unqualified and too oldI think it's a National disgrace that 200 Congress members still have not been held accountable for their role in the insurrection that day and I think it's really reprehensible that the justice department are too cowardly to do their damn job and indict and remove these unindicted domestic terrorists from our Congress! They have no right to be in office because we have something called a US Constitution 14th Amendment section 3 no insurrectionists May hold office! So if I were justice department we're going to do their damn job they would remove them all and have them behind bars by now! AND DEFINITELY THEY WOULD DEAL WITH THESE PEOPLE BEFORE THE ELECTIONS IN NOVEMBERThe six radical right-wing justices we're never held accountable for perjury themselves about Roe v Wade being settled law, in order to get nominated and overturn it! THEY WERE NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE PERJURING THEMSELVES WHY NOT???? THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN REMOVED ALREADY now we are getting stuck with all their lousy AF decisions!!! GET RID OF ALL SIX JUSTICES NOW! AND VACATE ALL THEIR DECISIONS! Besides, Clarence Thomas and several other of the radical right-wing justices have been found to have accepted MILLIONS IN UNREPORTED GIFTS FROM BILLIONAIRES! So why aren't they forced to resign in disgrace??????? AS PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES, I CALL ON DIAPER DONALD TO DROP OUT OF THE RACE! YOU'RE AN F IN DISGRACE! DO NOT PASS GO GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL, FF! 😜 HEY THAT RHYMES, CS! TRISTA FOR PRESIDENT- THE INDEPENDENT VOICE AND CHOICE IN THIS YEAR'S ELECTION! IF YOU WERE JUST GOING TO STAY HOME AND NOT VOTE FOR EITHER OF THESE CRIMINALS WRITE ME IN INSTEAD! THERE ARE ACTUALLY MORE INDEPENDENT VOTERS IN AMERICA 52% THEN EITHER DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN PARTIES 34% AND 42% RESPECTIVELY I BELIEVE #POLITICAL SCIENTISTS OF TIKTOK Comedy by Trista di Genova MeidasTouch
Based on new archival discoveries regarding Eva Braun PS Stalin and the Soviet secret service did verify Hitler's body through his unique gold bridge. But retains withhelds that information to use it in the Cold war propaganda that Russia was the only anti-fascist state! Had escaped thanks to America and Western allies John fetterman is a f* sell-out One problem is the element of Truth to some of DIAPERDOUCHE's statements like "crooked Joe Biden" he Joe Biden excepted 11 million from APAC the pro-israel lobby for his campaigns the most of any American politician! and then he dragged us into genocide against the Palestinians, bypassing congress! So it's confusing to undereducated Americans misinformed & brainwashed by right-wing propaganda because only four corporations own all the media! THEY ARE BOTH CRIMINALS THEY ARE BOTH UNFIT TO BE PRESIDENT THEY ARE BOTH TOO OLD WE NEED TO REOPEN NOMINATIONS AMERICA! TRISTA4PREZ 🎉Those 6 radical right-wing Supreme Court justices MUST BE REMOVED NOW FOR PERJURING THEMSELVES THAT ROE WAS SETTLED LAW ; AS WELL AS ALL THE MILLIONS IN UNREPORTED GIFTS THEY ACCEPTED FROM BILLIONAIRES. Where is the IRS when you need it???? TAX FRAUD & VACATE ALL THEIR DECISIONS! they have to be readjudicated Everybody call the New York Department of probation 212 510 3700 and tell them DIAPER DONALD MUST HAVE DRUG TEST LIKE EVERY OTHER CONVICTED FELON DO IT DO YOUR JOB!!!Yeah diaper Donald is a superfelon but biden is also a criminal- a war criminal for dragging us into and bypassing Congress to support genocide against the Palestinian people! Just sayin. In my view both candidates should be forced to step down and drop out of the race they are both unqualified and too oldI think it's a National disgrace that 200 Congress members still have not been held accountable for their role in the insurrection that day and I think it's really reprehensible that the justice department are too cowardly to do their damn job and indict and remove these unindicted domestic terrorists from our Congress! They have no right to be in office because we have something called a US Constitution 14th Amendment section 3 no insurrectionists May hold office! So if I were justice department we're going to do their damn job they would remove them all and have them behind bars by now! AND DEFINITELY THEY WOULD DEAL WITH THESE PEOPLE BEFORE THE ELECTIONS IN NOVEMBERThe six radical right-wing justices we're never held accountable for perjury themselves about Roe v Wade being settled law, in order to get nominated and overturn it! THEY WERE NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE PERJURING THEMSELVES WHY NOT???? THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN REMOVED ALREADY now we are getting stuck with all their lousy AF decisions!!! GET RID OF ALL SIX JUSTICES NOW! AND VACATE ALL THEIR DECISIONS! Besides, Clarence Thomas and several other of the radical right-wing justices have been found to have accepted MILLIONS IN UNREPORTED GIFTS FROM BILLIONAIRES! So why aren't they forced to resign in disgrace??????? AS PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES, I CALL ON DIAPER DONALD TO DROP OUT OF THE RACE! YOU'RE AN F IN DISGRACE! DO NOT PASS GO GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL, FF! 😜 HEY THAT RHYMES, CS! TRISTA FOR PRESIDENT- THE INDEPENDENT VOICE AND CHOICE IN THIS YEAR'S ELECTION! IF YOU WERE JUST GOING TO STAY HOME AND NOT VOTE FOR EITHER OF THESE CRIMINALS WRITE ME IN INSTEAD! THERE ARE ACTUALLY MORE INDEPENDENT VOTERS IN AMERICA 52% THEN EITHER DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN PARTIES 34% AND 42% RESPECTIVELY I BELIEVE #POLITICAL SCIENTISTS OF TIKTOK Comedy by Trista di Genova MeidasTouch
8% of his own mega morons won't vote for him now either! Notice how he is fraudulently lying about the size of his crowds???? He just spoke at Philadelphia and the entire top tier was empty! Whereas Grandpa Brandon spoke there recently and filled it up!!! 10,000 people. Diaper dump Opera also lied about his size crowd size in New Jersey it was only a couple thousand and he said it was 100,000!!! And the stupid f* media print that without checking!!! They should have to print retraction so they do better next time and call doj tell them to break up corporate media Monopoly because only four corporations own all the media! 202-514-2000 Gotcha! Turns out this f****** Gestapo did exactly what they did to me! Home invasion based on nothing but hearsay! That was false anyway but they didn't do their job to check and see if anything checked out! They unlawfully conducted themselves, and that is commonplace in today's law enforcement, which is why we need to DEFUND THE COPS! 🚫 🐷 THEY ARE ACTING LAWLESSLY AND TERRORIZING THE POPULATION!!! THEY ARE ROUTINELY, AS A MATTER OF COURSE DEPRIVING EVERYBODY OF OUR CIVIL RIGHTS! gofund.me/10543a02
At Sheriff candidate - - write me in Tucson for Sheriff trista! I am all for stripping cops up they're qualified immunity because they don't need any more ways to abuse the public trust! I'm also for abolishing police unions - - they make it impossible to fire the so-called bad apples! F*** that write me in Tucson t r i s t a!!! Police brutality and jail deaths will stop overnight I guarantee it 100% guaranteed 💯
SS Titanic scheissehole... Dude it's like a monster he's trying to take this country down, man duh 🙄 merkans really gotta open their eyes. We gotta do like Frederick Douglass said "power concedes nothing without demands"; so let's make demands! #Blackhistory365#blackexcellence
Js our justice system broken or what? First time a president goes out of his way to break the country, rather than go down and admit to feed in the 2020 elections! Actually he already did it's in the recording that was released life just yesterday. He's got to go, mirka! You're going to have to dump your toxic boyfriend LOL he's no good for you he will only knock you up, give you a STD then dump you for the next hot model; at least that's how he operated until he got caught for sexually assaulting us dozens of women!
He should be disqualified based on that factor alone, that there are 25 26 other women who filed suit against him for sexually assaulting them! And it sure sounded like Stormy Daniels had been date drugged and Date r@ped to me, the way she blacked out? And then confusion? she wakes up having sex in the missionary position" ...and it's already dark?
Definitely dater@pe, she is just too classy to charge him with that too. Probably, like most women may feel that nobody will believe her.
But I do! I can stay with 98% certainty she was drugged and r@ped, not just from her symptoms and her recollection is just like that as somebody who was drugged and raped, and it happens a lot!
The E Jean Carroll case is THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG!
Unfortunately or fortunately for lecherous old Serial @apists like Trump.
Unfortunately or fortunately, y'all have been duped! And you're in denial because you hate to admit you're wrong, just like your diapers commander in thief. You know horrible it is to admit that our president is the worst of criminals so much so that #NoamChomsky put it succinctly: DIAPERDUMP is “the worst criminal in human history”.
Judge Judy: I can't believe you could undermin -
I'm in search of the full unredacted transcript of Stormy Daniels testimony!
#Tristaforsheriff on FB!
At Sheriff candidate - - write me in Tucson for Sheriff trista! I am all for stripping cops up they're qualified immunity because they don't need any more ways to abuse the public trust! I'm also for abolishing police unions - - they make it impossible to fire the so-called bad apples! F*** that write me in Tucson t r i s t a!!! Police brutality and jail deaths will stop overnight I guarantee it 100% guaranteed 💯
SS Titanic scheissehole... Dude it's like a monster he's trying to take this country down, man duh 🙄 merkans really gotta open their eyes. We gotta do like Frederick Douglass said "power concedes nothing without demands"; so let's make demands! #Blackhistory365#blackexcellence
Js our justice system broken or what? First time a president goes out of his way to break the country, rather than go down and admit to feed in the 2020 elections! Actually he already did it's in the recording that was released life just yesterday. He's got to go, mirka! You're going to have to dump your toxic boyfriend LOL he's no good for you he will only knock you up, give you a STD then dump you for the next hot model; at least that's how he operated until he got caught for sexually assaulting us dozens of women!
He should be disqualified based on that factor alone, that there are 25 26 other women who filed suit against him for sexually assaulting them! And it sure sounded like Stormy Daniels had been date drugged and Date r@ped to me, the way she blacked out? And then confusion? she wakes up having sex in the missionary position" ...and it's already dark?
Definitely dater@pe, she is just too classy to charge him with that too. Probably, like most women may feel that nobody will believe her.
But I do! I can stay with 98% certainty she was drugged and r@ped, not just from her symptoms and her recollection is just like that as somebody who was drugged and raped, and it happens a lot!
The E Jean Carroll case is THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG!
Unfortunately or fortunately for lecherous old Serial @apists like Trump.
Unfortunately or fortunately, y'all have been duped! And you're in denial because you hate to admit you're wrong, just like your diapers commander in thief. You know horrible it is to admit that our president is the worst of criminals so much so that #NoamChomsky put it succinctly: DIAPERDUMP is “the worst criminal in human history”.
Judge Judy: I can't believe you could undermine the New York Justice systems 34 counts of fabrication of business records, the largest ever case of its kind in New York City - - to further a secondary crime of election interference. That investigation and prosecution was marvelous by #MarvinBragg! I cannot believe you would undermine the wonderful processes that documented beyond a shadow of a doubt the many fraudulent, scandalous variety of crimes committed by old diaper dump! Your words sounded like a script written by the old diaper master himself; he was great on The apprentice really? Well, that's t -
Gotcha! Turns out the f* Gestapo 🐷 did exactly what they did to me! Home invasion based on nothing but hearsay! That was false anyway but they didn't do their job to check and see if anything checked out! They unlawfully conducted themselves, and that is commonplace in today's law enforcement, which is why we need to DEFUND THE COPS! 🚫 🐷 THEY ARE ACTING LAWLESSLY AND TERRORIZING THE POPULATION!!! THEY ARE ROUTINELY, AS A MATTER OF COURSE DEPRIVING EVERYBODY OF OUR CIVIL RIGHTS! gofund.me/10543a02At Sheriff candidate - - write me in Tucson for Sheriff trista! I am all for stripping cops up their qualified immunity because they don't need any more ways to abuse the public trust! I'm also for abolishing police unions - - they make it impossible to fire the so-called bad apples! F*** that write me in Tucson t r i s t a!!! Police brutality and jail deaths will stop overnight I guarantee it 100% guaranteed 💯 SS Titanic scheissehole... Dude it's like a monster he's trying to take this country down, man duh 🙄 merkans really gotta open their eyes. We gotta do like Frederick Douglass said "power concedes nothing without demands"; so let's make demands! #Blackhistory365#blackexcellencehttps://youtube.com/shorts/eiEw2YaOWWg?si=kViaaVMsABJaj2oLJs our justice system broken or what? First time a president goes out of his way to break the country, rather than go down and admit defeat in the 2020 elections! Actually he already DID - it's in the recording that was released life just yesterday. He's got to go, mirka! You're going to have to dump your toxic boyfriend LOL he's no good for you he will only knock you up, give you a STD then dump you for the next hot model; at least that's how he operated until he got caught for sexually assaulting dozens of women! MERKA, JUST SAY 🚫 NO TO FASCISM:https://youtube.com/shorts/K5BC7tBdzls?si=RHTbxrfh_L8BvomRHe should be disqualified based on that factor alone, that there are 25 26 other women who filed suit against him for sexually assaulting them! And it sure sounded like Stormy Daniels had been date drugged and Dave raped to me, the way she blacked out? And then confusion she wakes up and it's already dark? Definitely daybreak, she is just too classy to charge him with that too, probably, like most women may feel that nobody will believe her. But I do! I can stay with 98% certainty she was drugged and raped, not just from her symptoms and her recollection is just like that as somebody who was drugged and raped, and it happens a lot! Unfortunately or fortunately for lecherous old cereal rapists like Trump. You know horrible week have to admit that our president is the worst of criminals so much so that #NoamChomsky put it succinctly: DIAPERDUMP is “the worst criminal in human history”.https://youtube.com/shorts/kd8YDJvVXuM?si=A-E60MhvQCjxNH-Phttps://youtube.com/shorts/Bs8JObKkbcA?si=WHO5Sq-KFAN-gUjv Judge Judy: I can't believe you could undermine the New York Justice systems 34 counts of fabrication of business records, the largest ever case of its kind in New York City - - to further a secondary crime of election interference. That investigation and prosecution was marvelous by #MarvinBragg! I cannot believe you would undermine the wonderful processes that documented beyond a shadow of a doubt the many fraudulent, scandalous variety of crimes committed by old diaper dump! Your words sounded like a script written by the old diaper master himself; he was great on The apprentice really? Well, that's the only reason I would have maybe voted for him over Hillary crooked Hillary ; little did I know he would turn into a raging maniac in office and do all he could to abuse power to his utmost, with yeah kind of almost superhuman strength ; in terms of maniacal, evil deeds, left and right carrying out evil, creating mistrust and division & hate in his wake; wherever he goes, whenever he opens his mouth! All the medical professionals have warned us! American people refuse to li
Good stuff man! Lucky You#nevergetcaught episode! Kudos to this guy Barry Cooper bless your heart for cleaning up the police force in such a spectacular way it's so fair they deserve it so badly! I hope those cops got fired but the way they operate, the sheriff's just give them administrative leave! Desk jockeys galore, suckling at the teeth of the taxpayer dollars!I went down this Queen Victoria rabbit hole because of a comment Dick Gregory made that Queen Victoria was a man! So after doing this biographical research that seems fairly impossible due to the fact for instance she used a lot of chlorophorm in her ninth pregnancy. She also talks about her dismay at getting pregnant so soon after marriage with Albert; she wrote that she had wished to have at least 6 months of freedom! She and Albert were first cousins, gross! She had hemophilia and was deeply in love with her husband, devastated and wore nothing but black after his death, after many happy years of marriage. Then it is said she clandestinely married The stables man John something, and when she was buried, she held a lock of his hair and his photograph in her hand, concealed within flowers and moreover war his mother's wedding ring on her third finger, this documentary reveals. Also a clergyman confessed to having married the two secretly.The Irish potato famine happened under her watch! A million Irish people starved and a million dislocated; she infamously interfered in a middle eastern Kings gift to the Irish people. She gave $200,000 pounds and this Saudi king was it? Was going to donate 800,000 but was told to keep it under $200,000 in order not to embarrass the queen! Sounds like her concern for her starving subjects was not genuine #Kopbusters: This is awesome show I love it❤❤❤ I feel exactly the same about protecting people's right to have access to this panacea it is mother nature's medicine that law enforcement is depriving us of! Should be totally deregulated and cops should mind their own damn business we should defund the cops in fact I want to ask you your help Barry Cooper in my case! 50 Sheriff's raided my home without valid search warrant --reminded me a lot of your fake grow house! and deprived me of my babies, my 175 + animals including my beloved Taiwan service dog Dr Baker can you please help me? CV - 23 - 003942-MI and I have two Federal 1983 excessive force lawsuits against these officers as well CV - 23 - 00525 - t u c - j c I'm running for sheriff on a platform of defunding the police LOL and stopping police brutality and jail deaths in Pima county, Tucson Arizona I'm also NYU film school dropout LOL let's collaborate!That's horrible! Shame on the Texas to stop oh! They took away my children to 175 beautiful babies 😭😭😭😭 & my service dog, Dr BakerThese cops led by detective noon are still to this very moment dragging me through the courts with bogus false charges and want to send me to prison! Help me send them to prison they are the criminalsNice one! All bad for 2 pine trees LOL 👍😃 job I need to ask this kop Buster's guy to cover my case! Illegal raid they brutalized my perfectly healthy flock and fabricated evidence and falsified their reports to convict me and mislead the courts! CV - 23 - 003942 - MI no suing them on the federal level for excessive force help please! CB - 2300525 - tuc-jchMy presidential campaign is called DUTY TO WARN! Maybe that should be the name of my standup comedy tour, too. I'm calling on both major parties to REOPEN NOMINATIONS! As both candidates are unfit! It's not a choice if we have to choose between a f* traitor and genocide Joe! Neither are qualified both disqualified themselves! So we should surround the HQ for the Democrats and Republicans! Have a sit down and not go home until they boot both lunaticshttps://youtu.be/lV520nRJ1fY?si=hBdMc-a-eGUi__LHgofund.me/10543a02
Plus Barry Cooper does a show for a local news media about how pot growers can grow pot in the wild without getting caught! LOL 😆 🤣 excellent show! #nevergetcaught episode! Kudos to this guy Barry Cooper bless your heart for cleaning up the police force in such a spectacular way it's so fair they deserve it so badly! I hope those cops got fired but the way they operate, the sheriff's just give them administrative leave! Desk jockeys galore, suckling at the teeth of the taxpayer dollars!I went down this Queen Victoria rabbit hole because of a comment Dick Gregory made that Queen Victoria was a man! So after doing this biographical research that seems fairly impossible due to the fact for instance she used a lot of chlorophorm in her ninth pregnancy. She also talks about her dismay at getting pregnant so soon after marriage with Albert; she wrote that she had wished to have at least 6 months of freedom! She and Albert were first cousins, gross! She had hemophilia and was deeply in love with her husband, devastated and wore nothing but black after his death, after many happy years of marriage. Then it is said she clandestinely married The stables man John something, and when she was buried, she held a lock of his hair and his photograph in her hand, concealed within flowers and moreover war his mother's wedding ring on her third finger, this documentary reveals. Also a clergyman confessed to having married the two secretly.The Irish potato famine happened under her watch! A million Irish people starved and a million dislocated; she infamously interfered in a middle eastern Kings gift to the Irish people. She gave $200,000 pounds and this Saudi king was it? Was going to donate 800,000 but was told to keep it under $200,000 in order not to embarrass the queen! Sounds like her concern for her starving subjects was not genuine #Kopbusters: This is awesome show I love it❤❤❤ I feel exactly the same about protecting people's right to have access to this panacea it is mother nature's medicine that law enforcement is depriving us of! Should be totally deregulated and cops should mind their own damn business we should defund the cops in fact I want to ask you your help Barry Cooper in my case! 50 Sheriff's raided my home without valid search warrant --reminded me a lot of your fake grow house! and deprived me of my babies, my 175 + animals including my beloved Taiwan service dog Dr Baker can you please help me? CV - 23 - 003942-MI and I have two Federal 1983 excessive force lawsuits against these officers as well CV - 23 - 00525 - t u c - j c I'm running for sheriff on a platform of defunding the police LOL and stopping police brutality and jail deaths in Pima county, Tucson Arizona I'm also NYU film school dropout LOL let's collaborate!That's horrible! Shame on the Texas to stop oh! They took away my children to 175 beautiful babies 😭😭😭😭 & my service dog, Dr BakerThese cops led by detective noon are still to this very moment dragging me through the courts with bogus false charges and want to send me to prison! Help me send them to prison they are the criminalsNice one! All bad for 2 pine trees LOL 👍😃 job I need to ask this kop Buster's guy to cover my case! Illegal raid they brutalized my perfectly healthy flock and fabricated evidence and falsified their reports to convict me and mislead the courts! CV - 23 - 003942 - MI no suing them on the federal level for excessive force help please! CB - 2300525 - tuc-jchMy presidential campaign is called DUTY TO WARN! Maybe that should be the name of my standup comedy tour, too. I'm calling on both major parties to REOPEN NOMINATIONS! As both candidates are unfit! It's not a choice if we have to choose between a f* traitor and genocide Joe! Neither are qualified both disqualified themselves! So we should surround the HQ for the Democrats and Republicans! Have a sit down and not go home until they boot both lunaticshttps://youtu.be/lV520nRJ1fY?si=hBdMc-a-eGUi__LHgofund.me/10543a02
image: sketch by Queen Victoria! I went down this #QueenVictoria rabbit hole because of a comment Dick Gregory made that Queen Victoria was a man! So after doing this biographical research that seems fairly impossible due to the fact for instance she used a lot of chlorophorm in her ninth pregnancy. She also talks about her dismay at getting pregnant so soon after marriage with Albert; she wrote that she had wished to have at least 6 months of freedom! She and Albert were first cousins, gross! She had hemophilia and was deeply in love with her husband, devastated and wore nothing but black after his death, after many happy years of marriage. Then it is said she clandestinely married The stables man John something, and when she was buried, she held a lock of his hair and his photograph in her hand, concealed within flowers and moreover war his mother's wedding ring on her third finger, this documentary reveals. Also a clergyman confessed to having married the two secretly.The Irish potato famine happened under her watch! A million Irish people starved and a million dislocated; she infamously interfered in a middle eastern Kings gift to the Irish people. She gave $200,000 pounds and this Saudi king was it? Was going to donate 800,000 but was told to keep it under $200,000 in order not to embarrass the queen! Sounds like her concern for her starving subjects was not genuine #Kopbusters: This is awesome show I love it❤❤❤ I feel exactly the same about protecting people's right to have access to this panacea it is mother nature's medicine that law enforcement is depriving us of! Should be totally deregulated and cops should mind their own damn business we should defund the cops in fact I want to ask you your help Barry Cooper in my case! 50 Sheriff's raided my home without valid search warrant --reminded me a lot of your fake grow house! and deprived me of my babies, my 175 + animals including my beloved Taiwan service dog Dr Baker can you please help me? CV - 23 - 003942-MI and I have two Federal 1983 excessive force lawsuits against these officers as well CV - 23 - 00525 - t u c - j c I'm running for sheriff on a platform of defunding the police LOL and stopping police brutality and jail deaths in Pima county, Tucson Arizona I'm also NYU film school dropout LOL let's collaborate!That's horrible! Shame on the Texas to stop oh! They took away my children to 175 beautiful babies 😭😭😭😭 & my service dog, Dr BakerThese cops led by detective noon are still to this very moment dragging me through the courts with bogus false charges and want to send me to prison! Help me send them to prison they are the criminalsNice one! All bad for 2 pine trees LOL 👍😃 job I need to ask this kop Buster's guy to cover my case! Illegal raid they brutalized my perfectly healthy flock and fabricated evidence and falsified their reports to convict me and mislead the courts! CV - 23 - 003942 - MI no suing them on the federal level for excessive force help please! CB - 2300525 - tuc-jchMy presidential campaign is called DUTY TO WARN! Maybe that should be the name of my standup comedy tour, too. I'm calling on both major parties to REOPEN NOMINATIONS! As both candidates are unfit! It's not a choice if we have to choose between a f* traitor and genocide Joe! Neither are qualified both disqualified themselves! So we should surround the HQ for the Democrats and Republicans! Have a sit down and not go home until they boot both lunaticshttps://youtu.be/lV520nRJ1fY?si=hBdMc-a-eGUi__LHgofund.me/10543a02
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