18-Year-Old Parenting Montana Tools
Kenia · Center for Health and Safety Culture
- Education
- Kids & Family
- Parenting
Your eighteen-year-old is legally an adult, but your relationship with them is just as important as ever. Your conversations won’t end when they graduate; they will change. Allowing teens to make decisions now while parents and those in a parenting role are able to offer support, will make them more successful when they leave home. Now is the time to make the most of conversations you have with your teen. Being the parent you want to be for your teen is not easy. There are numerous things parents and those in a parenting role can work on today to encourage a strong relationship with their teen. This relationship will allow you to support your teen in managing their own behavior, solving problems, and making healthy choices. ParentingMontana.org gives parents and those in a parenting role the chance to cultivate their skills while utilizing a process and tools to engage their teens in meaningful conversations. This podcast shares resources from the website that will teach you to support your teen in developing crucial social and emotional skills.
Raising a teenager comes with excitement and anxiety as they grow their independence. Parents and those in a parenting role will benefit from the process and tools that ParentingMontana.org provides to support their teens’ growth during this significant time of development and change. The Montana Department of Health and Human Services joined forces with the Center for Health and Safety Culture at Montana State University to encourage healthy mental, emotional, and behavioral growth through ParentingMontana.org. These tools were initially developed for parents and those in a parenting role in Montana. However, the tools are relevant and applicable to parents everywhere.
Through this podcast you will learn a five-step process: Gain Input, Teach, Practice, Support, and Recognize. Making the most of your daily interactions with your teen using this process helps them to understand themselves and solve problems while growing a trusting relationship with you. You and your teen will gain confidence using the process and will be prepared to navigate challenges today and in years to come. Preparing your teen to face struggles and build life skills requires respectful communication and a healthy relationship. The tools available for parenting your eighteen-year-old include: Anger, Back Talk, Bullying, Chores, Confidence, Conflict, Discipline, Establishing Rules About Alcohol, Friends, Homework, Listening, Lying, Mixed Messages About Alcohol, Peer Pressure, Reading, Routines, and Stress. Listen now to make the most of the time you have with your eighteen-year-old!