
  • Join the most tactical sales newsletter in the world: https://hubs.li/Q01YFCP90

    Every 10th episode, we tear down one topic. This time, we’re hitting them all. The top 10 episodes and takeaways (so far) that change the way Nick and Armand sell.

    Episode 118 Ryan Reisert: Use the right prospecting channel for the job. If they don’t open emails, stop emailing!

    Episode 114 Charly Johnson: Don’t be afraid of “out of cadence” effort


    Episode 110 Doug Landis: PPO

    Episode 137 Krysten Conner: The Menu of Pain

    Episode 123 Chris Orlob: When someone talks about initiative/change in state, ask what is driving it.

    Episode 113 Armand Farrokh: The 5-minute drill + big demo deck


    Episode 130 Morgan Melo: How are you gonna justify this internally?

    Episode 150 Adam Wainwright: Yes momentum. Agree on a problem. Tie solution to value. SE momentum.

    Episode 103 Miles Kane: What are you willing to offer in return?

    Episode 146 Henry Schuck: Don’t let the need for rapport block your advancement of the sale.

    Episodes 134 & 135 Kevin “KD” Dorsey: Turn a “want” into a problem.


    Tactic TV

    Toolkits & Templates





    Lavender: Sales Email Frameworks

    ZoomInfo: 5 Plays, 30MPC Style

    Woodpecker: Nick’s Sales Cadence

    Orum: 5 Cold Call Objection Talk Tracks

    Owler: 4 Multi-Channel Prospecting Touchpoints

    Boomerang: Tactics for Peak Productivity

    Discovery & Demo
    Clari: How to Sell to the CFO

    Sales Process

    Demandbase: 6 Templates to Accelerate Deals

    Gong: Master Class

    Qwilr: Multithreading Power Plays

    Outreach: 1 Sequence to Create and 5 Templates to Close

    Accord: Business Case Template

    Prolifiq: Relationship Mapping Playbook


    You know we feel a bit awkward asking, but if you made it this far, it would mean the world if you joined our newsletter.

    It will increase your chances of making President’s Club by 227%.

    Okay maybe not, but we’d still really love you for it :)


    The Golden Path

    Top Down Selling

    Bottom-Up Selling


    Catch the next 30MPC Live

    Steal the latest sales templates here


    Prospecting: Email Templates

    UserGems: Job Change Sequence

    Gong: Hyper-Persuasive Email Templates

    Lavender: Sales Email Frameworks

    Prospecting: Guides

    Woodpecker: Email Substance & Deliverability Guide

    Orum: 5 Cold Call Objection Talk Tracks

    Owler: 4 Multi-Channel Prospecting Touchpoints

    Wingman: In-App Objection Handling Battlecards

    Sales Process

    Outreach: Templates to Create Pipeline and Close Deals

    ZoomInfo: 5 Plays, 30MPC Style

    Accord: Mutual Action Plan Template

    Dooly: Pre-Meeting Prep Template

    Prolifiq: Multithreading Playbook


    You know we feel a bit awkward asking, but if you made it this far, it would mean the world if you gave us a 5-star review.

    It will increase your chances of making President’s Club by 227%.

    Okay maybe not, but we’d still really love you for it :)

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.


    When giving price: explain how it works first, then give price and stop talking.

    When the customer asks for a discount, act surprised and push away to encourage them to come back to the table.

    Lock in access to power before negotiating. Confirm the person you’re speaking to can get the deal done on time and approved.

    Don’t make unilateral concessions. Try to leverage options or create a cost to negotiation with “give for get”.


    Catch the next 30MPC Live

    Steal the latest sales templates here


    Prospecting: Email Templates

    UserGems: Job Change Sequence

    Gong: Hyper-Persuasive Email Templates

    Lavender: Sales Email Frameworks

    Prospecting: Guides

    Woodpecker: Email Substance & Deliverability Guide

    Orum: 5 Cold Call Objection Talk Tracks

    Owler: 4 Multi-Channel Prospecting Touchpoints

    Wingman: In-App Objection Handling Battlecards

    Sales Process

    Outreach: Templates to Create Pipeline and Close Deals

    ZoomInfo: 5 Plays, 30MPC Style

    Accord: Mutual Action Plan Template

    Dooly: Pre-Meeting Prep Template

    Prolifiq: Multithreading Playbook


    You know we feel a bit awkward asking, but if you made it this far, it would mean the world if you gave us a 5-star review.

    It will increase your chances of making President’s Club by 227%.

    Okay maybe not, but we’d still really love you for it :)


    Click here to get our free goodies (playbooks, templates, battlecards, etc.)

    Time is running out to register for our upcoming 30MPC Live

    Grab our latest exclusive sales template / guide here

    Part 1: The Playbook Revisited

    Use a permission-based or ‘heard the name tossed around’ opener

    Describe an excruciatingly painful problem prop

    Suggest times or send a placeholder invite

    Part 2: The Next Chapters

    Handle objections with the Mr. Miyagi framework

    Leverage 1-2 punch voicemails leading with context and redirecting to email

    Treat your call blocks like a workout and get dialing!

    What do you love about our podcast? Please consider leaving a rating and review for the show. We always enjoy reading your comments and feedback!

  • Every 10th episode, we tear down one topic. This is how to land a killer sales job.


    Create an event-specific sequence for expos/tradeshows w/ the CTA being “open to stopping by the booth?”.

    Use highly tailored gifting for your top-tier accounts instead of just sending out dozens of Starbucks gift cards.

    Seek out referrals by finding tangential partners to trade leads with.

    Don't treat LinkedIn like email: use connects, content engagement, and DM's strategically.


    Time is running out to register for our upcoming 30MPC Live.

    Download our exclusive cold calling battlecard by signing up for the newsletter.

    Click this link for some extra goodies from 30MPC.

    What do you love about our podcast? Please consider leaving a rating and review for the show. We always enjoy reading your comments and feedback!

  • Every 10th episode, we tear down one topic. This time, we’re hitting them all. The top 10 episodes and takeaways (so far) that change the way Nick and Armand sell.


    Time is running out to register for our upcoming 30MPC Live webinar.

    Download our exclusive cold calling battlecard by signing up for the newsletter.

    Improve sales execution with Outreach. Click to watch our playbook on how to write better subject lines.

    Gong improves your win rates, starting with their Discovery Cheat Sheet + our top discovery tactics.

    Share demos, proposals, and customer stories that push opportunities over the finish line with Vidyard. See our top video tips + use promo code 30MPC to upgrade to a Pro account free for 30 days. 

    Dooly instantly syncs notes to Salesforce and automatically adds contacts to accounts. Access the sales template we use to qualify and close more deals, faster.

    Automate conversational texting for the entire customer journey with Skipio. Check out our best practices for texting prospects.

    What do you love about our podcast? Please consider leaving a rating and review for the show. We always enjoy reading your comments and feedback!

  • Every 10th episode, we tear down one topic. This is how to land a killer sales job.


    Build a top 25 accounts list that meet your criteria on space, prestige, size, etc.

    Have a non-hideous resume with short, punchy sentences and specific numbers.

    Prep for your interview by developing a point of view from the company’s perspective.

    Don't be afraid to negotiate the terms of your deal. If you don’t ask, you’ll never get.


    Time is running out to register for our upcoming 30MPC Live webinar.

    Download our exclusive cold calling battlecard by signing up for the newsletter.

    Gong improves your win rates, starting with their Discovery Cheat Sheet + our top discovery tactics (in the link).

    Improve sales execution with Outreach. Click to watch our playbook on how to write better subject lines.

    Share demos, proposals, and customer stories that push opportunities over the finish line with Vidyard. Click to see our top video tips + use promo code 30MPC to upgrade to a Pro account free for 30 days. 

    Dooly instantly syncs notes to Salesforce and automatically adds contacts to accounts. Click to access the sales template we use to qualify and close more deals, faster.

    Automate conversational texting for the entire customer journey with Skipio. Click to check out our best practices for texting prospects.

    What do you love about our podcast? Please consider leaving a rating and review for the show. We always enjoy reading your comments and feedback!

  • Every 10th episode, we tear down one topic. This is how to run a killer demo.


    Show the 20% of your features that solve 80% of the problems.

    Always prep for who is in the room, what they want to see, and the objective of the call.

    Show as few screens as possible in the demo, go right into the “Aha” moments, and ask questions.

    Control the room by setting expectations upfront and directing excessive questions to future calls.


    Time is running out to register for our upcoming 30MPC Live webinar.

    Download our exclusive cold calling battlecard by signing up for the newsletter.

    Gong improves your win rates, starting with their Discovery Cheat Sheet + our top discovery tactics (in the link).

    Improve sales execution with Outreach. Click to watch our playbook on how to write better subject lines.

    Share demos, proposals, and customer stories that push opportunities over the finish line with Vidyard. Click to see our top video tips + use promo code 30MPC to upgrade to a Pro account free for 30 days. 

    Dooly instantly syncs notes to Salesforce and automatically adds contacts to accounts. Click to access the sales template we use to qualify and close more deals, faster.

    Automate conversational texting for the entire customer journey with Skipio. Click to check out our best practices for texting prospects.

    What do you love about our podcast? Please consider leaving a rating and review for the show. We always enjoy reading your comments and feedback!

  • Every 10th episode, we tear down one topic. This is how to send cold emails that actually work.


    Stop trying to sell everything under the sun. Keep it to one pain point per email.

    Start your sequence with an email, and move to 10 touches over 30 days with a mix of calls and emails.

    Use the 3x3 rule with a crispy problem, what you do, and a quick ask for interest.

    Avoid over formalities/news headlines so that your message actually resonates with the reader.


    Time is running out to register for our upcoming 30MPC Live webinar.

    Download our exclusive cold calling battlecard by signing up for the newsletter.

    Gong improves your win rates, starting with their Discovery Cheat Sheet + our top discovery tactics (in the link).

    Improve sales execution with Outreach. Click to watch our playbook on how to write better subject lines.

    Share demos, proposals, and customer stories that push opportunities over the finish line with Vidyard. Click to see our top video tips + use promo code 30MPC to upgrade to a Pro account free for 30 days. 

    Dooly instantly syncs notes to Salesforce and automatically adds contacts to accounts. Click to access the sales template we use to qualify and close more deals, faster.

    Automate conversational texting for the entire customer journey with Skipio. Click to check out our best practices for texting prospects.

    What do you love about our podcast? Please consider leaving a rating and review for the show. We always enjoy reading your comments and feedback!

  • Every 10th episode, we tear down one topic. This is how to structure your discovery.


    MAKE IT A CONVERSATION - figure out the problem, make it strategic, and be disarmingly blunt.

    Set the agenda by building rapport, establishing expectations, and anchoring them to next steps.

    Utilize humbling disclaimers and stories to ask better questions.

    Schedule next steps for at least 70% of your opps to ensure you know their buying process.


    Time is running out to register for our upcoming 30MPC Live webinar.

    Download our exclusive cold calling battlecard by signing up for the newsletter.

    Gong improves your win rates, starting with their Discovery Cheat Sheet + our top discovery tactics (in the link).

    Improve sales execution with Outreach. Click to watch our playbook on how to write better subject lines.

    Share demos, proposals, and customer stories that push opportunities over the finish line with Vidyard. Click to see our top video tips + use promo code 30MPC to upgrade to a Pro account free for 30 days. 

    Dooly instantly syncs notes to Salesforce and automatically adds contacts to accounts. Click to access the sales template we use to qualify and close more deals, faster.

    Automate conversational texting for the entire customer journey with Skipio. Click to check out our best practices for texting prospects.

    What do you love about our podcast? Please consider leaving a rating and review for the show. We always enjoy reading your comments and feedback!

  • Every 10th episode, we tear down one topic. This time, we’re hitting them all. The top 10 episodes and takeaways (so far) that change the way Nick and Armand sell.


    Episode 6 w/ Ryan Reisert

    Episodes 4 & 47 w/ Kyle Coleman

    Episode 17 w/ Sarah Brazier

    Episodes 16 & 29 w/ Morgan Ingram

    Episode 1 & 35 w/ Joe Caprio

    Episode 7 w/ Keenan

    Episode 8 w/ Kevin “KD” Dorsey

    Episodes 25 & 46 w/ Charles Muhlbaur

    Episodes 18 & 40 w/ Adam O’Chart

    Episode 9 w/ Belal Batrawy


    Time is running out to register for our upcoming 30MPC Live webinar.

    Download our exclusive cold calling battlecard by signing up for the newsletter.

    Gong improves your win rates, starting with their Discovery Cheat Sheet + our top discovery tactics (in the link).

    Improve sales execution with Outreach. Click to watch our playbook on how to write better subject lines.

    Share demos, proposals, and customer stories that push opportunities over the finish line with Vidyard. Click to see our top video tips + use promo code 30MPC to upgrade to a Pro account free for 30 days. 

    Dooly instantly syncs notes to Salesforce and automatically adds contacts to accounts. Click to access the sales template we use to qualify and close more deals, faster.

    Automate conversational texting for the entire customer journey with Skipio. Click to check out our best practices for texting prospects.

    What do you love about our podcast? Please consider leaving a rating and review for the show. We always enjoy reading your comments and feedback!

  • Every 10th episode, we tear down one topic. This is how to structure your sales process.


    Before: shared agenda, get your “checklist” questions out the way, know your audience

    During: set agenda & exit criteria, meeting mechanics (audio, etc.), schedule next steps

    After: Recap email/call, multi-thread follow-ups

    After 7 touches with no reply, you have your answer


    Time is running out to register for our upcoming 30MPC Live webinar.

    Download our exclusive cold calling battlecard by signing up for the newsletter.

    Gong improves your win rates, starting with their Discovery Cheat Sheet + our top discovery tactics (in the link).

    Improve sales execution with Outreach. Click to watch our playbook on how to write better subject lines.

    Share demos, proposals, and customer stories that push opportunities over the finish line with Vidyard. Click to see our top video tips + use promo code 30MPC to upgrade to a Pro account free for 30 days. 

    Dooly instantly syncs notes to Salesforce and automatically adds contacts to accounts. Click to access the sales template we use to qualify and close more deals, faster.

    Automate conversational texting for the entire customer journey with Skipio. Click to check out our best practices for texting prospects.

    What do you love about our podcast? Please consider leaving a rating and review for the show. We always enjoy reading your comments and feedback!

  • Every 10th episode, we tear down one topic. This is how to master negotiation.


    Set expectations with the Upfront Contract - pricing should be determined after your discovery, not before

    Price is based on internal (timeline, pain points) and external factors (competitve landscape)

    Explain how price is structured BEFORE you give it, then shut up

    Seek first to understand - get them to sell themselves first. Discounts need to have a give for get.


    Time is running out to register for our upcoming 30MPC Live webinar.

    Download our exclusive cold calling battlecard by signing up for the newsletter.

    Gong improves your win rates, starting with their Discovery Cheat Sheet + our top discovery tactics (in the link).

    Improve sales execution with Outreach. Click to watch our playbook on how to write better subject lines.

    Share demos, proposals, and customer stories that push opportunities over the finish line with Vidyard. Click to see our top video tips + use promo code 30MPC to upgrade to a Pro account free for 30 days. 

    Dooly instantly syncs notes to Salesforce and automatically adds contacts to accounts. Click to access the sales template we use to qualify and close more deals, faster.

    Automate conversational texting for the entire customer journey with Skipio. Click to check out our best practices for texting prospects.

    What do you love about our podcast? Please consider leaving a rating and review for the show. We always enjoy reading your comments and feedback!

  • Every 10th episode, we tear down one topic. This is how to be a machine: you’ll never make the “no time to prospect” excuse again.


    Morning routine: Wake up, make the bed, read, exercise, start on your terms.

    Plan your attack: 8-3 are your golden hours, 3-6 are your admin hours. Batch everything.

    Crank the wheel: Close email, close slack, draw 80/20 lines everywhere and sprint

    Breathe: Unsubscribe from every mailing list, every unnecessary notification. Block it out.


    Time is running out to register for our upcoming 30MPC Live webinar.

    Download our exclusive cold calling battlecard by signing up for the newsletter.

    Gong improves your win rates, starting with their Discovery Cheat Sheet + our top discovery tactics (in the link).

    Improve sales execution with Outreach. Click to watch our playbook on how to write better subject lines.

    Share demos, proposals, and customer stories that push opportunities over the finish line with Vidyard. Click to see our top video tips + use promo code 30MPC to upgrade to a Pro account free for 30 days. 

    Dooly instantly syncs notes to Salesforce and automatically adds contacts to accounts. Click to access the sales template we use to qualify and close more deals, faster.

    Automate conversational texting for the entire customer journey with Skipio. Click to check out our best practices for texting prospects.

    What do you love about our podcast? Please consider leaving a rating and review for the show. We always enjoy reading your comments and feedback!

  • Every 10th episode, we tear down one topic. The first 30MPC Playbook Episode covers everything cold calling.


    Preparation - Get all your research done before, 40 dials over 60 minutes

    Tone - Kill all your uptones and slow the conversation down like an executive

    Opener - ‘Heard our name tossed around’ or ‘ask for permission.’ Not ‘how’s it going.’

    Value - Lead with typically language and problems. Then, solve the problem.

    Objections - Calibrate the objection first. Ask disarmingly blunt questions.

    Go in for the Kill - Suggest some times. If the calendar’s gone, send the placeholder


    Time is running out to register for our upcoming 30MPC Live webinar.

    Download our exclusive cold calling battlecard by signing up for the newsletter.

    Gong improves your win rates, starting with their Discovery Cheat Sheet + our top discovery tactics (in the link).

    Improve sales execution with Outreach. Click to watch our playbook on how to write better subject lines.

    Share demos, proposals, and customer stories that push opportunities over the finish line with Vidyard. Click to see our top video tips + use promo code 30MPC to upgrade to a Pro account free for 30 days. 

    Dooly instantly syncs notes to Salesforce and automatically adds contacts to accounts. Click to access the sales template we use to qualify and close more deals, faster.

    Automate conversational texting for the entire customer journey with Skipio. Click to check out our best practices for texting prospects.

    What do you love about our podcast? Please consider leaving a rating and review for the show. We always enjoy reading your comments and feedback!