على أطلال فجر ما، من زمن بعيد. أقف معكم، لنستعيد ذكريات هي لنا، لأنها صنعت ماضينا. هذا بودكاست قصصي عربيّ تكتب قصصه وترويها خديجة الصبّار.
These are the stories you were never told as a child. Yet, these are the tales that have survived humankind for centuries. Here you'll find a Little Red Riding Hood that escaped using her clever brain. You'll find out why stepmothers get such a bad rap. Here you will find violence, deceit, love, and hope.
Appreciating art , music, African Literature and everything in between🙂
O que é arte para mim?
Podcast ini mungkin akan membahas tentang kehidupan. Bagaimana cara kita menghadapinya, mencari solusi bersama-sama,bahkan meningkatkan rasa syukur kita kepada Tuhan😊
From week to week Fareed interviews guest from the hair and fashion world.Touching on issues from pandemic to creative ups and downs. Hoping to inspire others to create something impactful.
Twelve Years a Slave is an 1853 memoir and slave narrative by Solomon Northup as told to and written by David Wilson. Northup, a black man who was born free in New York state, details himself being tricked to go to Washington, D.C., where he was kidnapped and sold into slavery in the Deep South. He was in bondage for 12 years in Louisiana before he was able to secretly get information to friends and family in New York, who in turn secured his release with the aid of the state. Northup's account provides extensive details on the slave markets in Washington, D.C., and New Orleans, and describes at length cotton and sugar cultivation and slave treatment on major plantations in Louisiana.
Esse podcast fala sobre o dia das mães.
Underexposed is a podcast created to bring together amateur upcoming photographers from Morocco and the MENA region. Through this project, I want to shed some light on their style, their inspiration and creative process, their ambitions and goals, and above everything, get to know the person behind the camera and the Instagram posts.
Kids talk about modern media and their own media creations and occasionally have random episodes full of singing and other wacky stuff 😁!
In this episode i talk about the pros and cons of social media
Lockdown 3.0
Welcome back to the Cloth Cultures podcast series. Join Amber Butchart as she explores the Lancashire Textile Gallery, a new online resource that brings together objects and artefacts held by museums, archives and manufacturers from across the county. Throughout this series, Amber will be speaking to curators, artists, enthusiasts and researchers about everything from the exquisitely detailed medieval embroidery known as Opus Anglicanum, to costumes worn by visitors to Blackpool Pleasure Beach in the 1930’s.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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