A chance encounter podcast💁♂️💁♀️
剛剛出社會的 Zoe 和 Kingsley,透過他們 “英國留學生” 的角度討論人生和社會。內容涵蓋 “英語討論”、“無聊事”、“爭議性主題” 和 “對戰系列”,讓觀眾從多方面認識年青人的想法🤓。
Fresh out of school and into the society, Zoe and Kingsley discuss matters of life and the society through the lens of two international students in the United Kingdom. Aiming to share thoughts from young people, our content includes 'Discussions in English', ' Chatty Conversations', ' Controversial Matters' and a 'VS Series' 🤓.
我們的 Podcast 逢星期五,GMT 13:00/ HKT 20:00 更新。敬請留意!
Our podcasts air every Friday, GMT 13:00/ HKT 20:00. Stay tuned!
---------- 社交平台 Social Media ----------
Scrambled Eggs – Instagram:@scrmbld.eggs
Zoe – Instagram:@zoevong_vcc
Kingsley – Instagram:@kktmsanm -
HVAC Shop Talk podcast is the creation of Zack Psioda. Zack is a 20+ year HVAC service veteran. This show will include shows about his small business, HVAC training, job site stories and so much more!
A podcast about Warhammer 40k, focusing on competitive play and how new to experienced players can better their game.
Besides being a Feng Shui Master with over 30 plus years of experience, Dr. John Chen is a USA Board certified naturopathic doctor.
He is also an infopreneur who has been web publishing for over 18 years now. He's fascinated by the boundless opportunities hidden everywhere online that can help anyone realize their limitless potentials.
Also, being a Yiquan Kung Fu certified coach, John is keen to share this uniquely intelligent fighting art and self defense system that almost everyone needs to master nowadays.
Having been trained as a medium in the First Spiritualist Church of Austin, Texas, John also communicates with spirits and cultivates as a Zen and Tibetan Buddhist practitioner...
Living across the East and West and being able to communicate in Chinese and English, John has much insights to share with you that are bound to enhance your quality of life...
John is available to conduct Feng Shui consultation. Please contact John at for more details.
And make sure to check out my newest secret manual "Feng Shui Grid 2020" at
This is a highly secretive Feng Shui manual which teaches you how to implement the simple and yet powerful grid that will help manifest all the goodness you desire.
This manual is only for 2020 and 2021 yearly pattern. So please hurry and get it while you can.
Strong leadership builds good workplace culture; where minimal politics and confusion exist, turnover is low among good employees, engagement and productivity are high, and results are consistently good. Learn how to lead yourself, your team, and your initiatives well, with The Aviation Collective's Leadership in Aviation Podcast.
占卜卡唔係塔羅🤯?雷諾曼卡到底點用,西比拉卡又係乜😫?!即刻撳 Play ▶️,Nes’ Tarot 占卜教室帶您飛~
🔮Nes’ Tarot 官方網站|牌義學習|文章資源|社交平台連結
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記得到Apple podcast給我5⭐好評
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第六季 ON AIR!
合作、投稿來信:[email protected]
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野良猫 係日文中是沒有主人的貓 是流浪貓的意思
一隻到處流浪的貓 找到了日文這條道路
而我都希望將我學到得到的東西 分享給在學日文和對日文有興趣的觀眾
野良猫的 IG:noraneko_japanese
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IG: funlifeaustralia←歡迎到IG找我玩
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MBTI | 自我覺察 | 多元共融 | 性別平權
Hello 我是 aFei!
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我們是𝟏個香港女生& 𝟏個台灣女生👭🏻
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「MY Coffee Break」是一個由兩位來自不同背景的中年男人共同主持的Podcast。希望鼓勵大家突破自我設限,勇於追求夢想。內容會有分享實戰、分析個案以及人物訪談,希望在您品嚐咖啡的休息時間,擴展您的視野,發掘生活中更多的可能性。Michael 擁有20年的酒店管理經驗及16年創業經歷;YK 則是一位資深牧師,近10年來涉獵多個領域,具備攝影人、寫作人及說書人等多重身份。--Hosting provided by SoundOn
This is where we teach you ways to move air throughout you house with traditional non HVAC methods. Its a great way to lower your energy bills. Each week we will bring on professionals to give you their thoughts on ventilation systems.
Are you looking for a more interesting way to learn English?
English Learning for Curious Minds is a podcast for intermediate-advanced English learners.
Learn weird and wonderful things about the world at the same time as improving your English.
Every episode comes with an interactive transcript, subtitles and key vocabulary and is spoken at a speed you can understand.
Join listeners from 189 countries and discover a more interesting way of improving your English.
Find the bonus episodes, interactive transcripts, subtitles, key vocabulary, and more at -
The Language Tutor Spanish podcast series allows the listener to practice Spanish on-the-go! The episodes practice information learned on the Spanish lessons of The Language Tutor on YouTube found at Support this podcast:
獨居在香港的台灣女子,與她腦子裡的小宇宙。many random things here!
find me: [email protected]