
  • Did you know that according to studies conducted on fear, public speaking is the one thing that at the very top of the list?

    The studies show that people are literally more scared of talking in front of others, than actually dying. However, just like any fear, it can be overcome.

    Our today´s guest Olivia Schofield is an expert at giving public speeches, and was placed as the top woman in The World Championship of Public Speaking in Las vegas in 2011 out of more 30 000 contestants.

    As you´ll hear in the interview, Olivia´s journey to become such an excellent speaker was not exactly a bed of roses.

    It was through hard work and dedication that she managed to excel and become such a prominent person.

    She had had many jobs previously, ranging from cleaning toilets to working at the British Broadcasting Corporation, or the BBC, behind the camera, before finally one day deciding to become a master of public speaking.

    Today she works as a professional speaker and trains other people such as leaders, CEO, and executives, all over the world, and helps them give inspiring and effective speeches.

    Her story is unique and passionate, and during this interview she will give a ton of great advice and share stories that can help you become a better speaker

  • Have you ever visited a website that was super easy to navigate through, where you found all the information you needed easily, and where you had a great experience and pleasure being on?

    Well, that probably means that the website had a great user experience design.

    What many people don't know is that a lot of mobile applications and websites are specifically designed, both visually and technically, to maximize usability and the user experience, which is what today's guest Martin Grina is all about.

    Martin is working as an IT Consultant, dealing with different clients, and whose job is to provide the best user experience for using a product, for example, an application or a website.

    A typical day at work for Martin usually involves working in teams, and doing research to find out what the desires of the users are, so that they can figure out how best cover their needs.

    In this interview, Martin will talk about his journey, studying and working as a freelancer, and he will also give a lot of great advice on steps you can take to become more attractive in the job market, which is something a lot of newly finished graduates are struggling to do.

    There is a lot of good and valuable information Martin has shared with us in this interview, and it can be wise to take notes underway. We hope that you will have just as much fun listening and learning, as we had interviewing him!

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  • From collecting and pushing trolleys at what today is the world's largest furniture retailer, IKEA, at the age of 16, to working with finding, recruiting and administering employees as a Human Resource manager at one of the largest mobile phone operators in Norway, Telia, many would undoubtedly say that this weeks guest, Christoffer Hovde, has struggled his way from the bottom to the top.

    Christoffer is also today a prominent advisor and public speaker, who gives many speeches, especially on the topics of leadership, innovation, and communication.

    To make sure he's always on top of the question, what it really means to be a leader, Christoffer interviewed some 15 Norwegian top-leaders as a part of his Master's thesis, asking them what they thought about the future of leadership.

    In this interview with Christoffer, we'll be talking about his journey starting at Ikea, and how he ended up working as a Human Resource manager at the telephone company Telia.

    We'll also be talking about his life decisions and sacrifices that has changed and formed Christoffer into the person he is today.

    As well as being active in his local communities, Christoffer also works to mentor those in desire for professional guidance and help, which you will hear more about in the interview.

    We would also like to inform you that this interview is actually a part of a video interview which will be released later, either this, or next, month, so stay tuned for that, but also keep in mind that that's why the audio might seem a bit unusual compared to the other episodes on the podcast.

  • Robots are the future. Whether we like it or not, we live in an era where more and more things in the world are becoming mechanised. However, the technologies that go into the different machines has to come from somewhere, and this is where today´s guest Pablo comes in.
    Pablo is working as a Robotics vision scientist at an advanced technology company called iRobot.

    Pablo and his team are working with computer vision and on developing and improving technologies used in robots. What Pablo is doing, is helping robots “see” and understand the real physical world through a camera or mapping, so that the robots can interact and function without the need of a human manually guiding it. The technologies Pablo is working with is really amazing, and has so many potential uses.

    For example, imagine a world where blind people are given the ability to navigate easier thanks to sensors attached to a pair of wearable glasses, or sitting in a driverless car which takes your from point A to point B while perfectly manoeuvring all obstacles along the way. The possibilities are endless.