Welcome to 5 Minutes of Peace. A time for you to reflect, recharge, and renew. Five minutes for you to learn more, so you can be more and do more. Just the time you need to awaken something within yourself.
In each episode, we share an inspirational tip, a book excerpt, or a mindful meditation.
We are all connected … on a path of love, service, and peace … for ourselves and others. We’re glad to be together with you on this path.
This podcast is created by ThePeaceRoom, a Reiki healing and training center in Boise, Idaho. If you’d like to know more about The Peace Room .. and our Reiki treatments, crystal healings, training sessions, and certification workshops, go to
Join us here whenever you need … 5 minutes of peace. -
The Inner Calm Podcast, hosted by Maddison Vernon shares practical information and invitations to bring meditation, mindfulness and slow living into your life to help you connect to your own inner calm.
Hey guys, and welcome to the Podcast! Your Spiritual Best Friend is all about connecting mental health, psychology, and astrology all in one. Josh is a graduate student focusing on the goal of becoming a mental health counselor. The Podcast has a wide variety of guests that share their journeys and life experiences. We also can not forget about the Moon and Planets and their impact on our lives. So sit back, relax and enjoy the Podcast!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Helping people to heal and wake up.Kay Cordell Whitaker, author of The Reluctant Shaman and Sacred Link and the Ka Ta See Team of wonderful accredited practitioners and teachers of Ka Ta See. -
Everyone is talking about healing these days. But it's hard to know what works and doesn't amidst all the content, therapy, horoscopes, affirmations, psychedelics, and memes. Western medicine will have us believe that all we need to do is take care of ourselves - our needs, boundaries, and feelings. But what about the relationships that matter to us? How do we heal ourselves and be in healthy, satisfying relationships? V. Williams and Seema Thakker explore these questions and more as they travel down the unending path of healing together, always wondering, so we healing?!
في العشر سنوات الماضية أجري عدد مهول من الدراسات التي أدت إلى تغيير الفهم العام لموضوع الصحة والأدوات المستخدمة لتحسين نمط الحياة مثل التغذية، الدايت، التمارين الرياضية والحركة، الممارسات الشمولية والتكنولوجيا. هذه القناة هي محتوى مبسط باللغة العربية لمحاولة فهم هذه التغييرات والاختلافات، أعتبر نفسي باحث ومراسل لنقل نتائج هذه الدراسات من مصادر علمية موثوقة وعلماء وأطباء خبراء في مجالاتهم للمساعدة للوصول إلى الصحة المثالية للجسم والدماغ، خسارة الوزن والشباب الدائم.
Meditation on Root Chakra, Mooladhara Meditation
Bienvenu.e.s à Life Juicy en Français
J’ai longtemps vécu comme une barque sur une rivière sans rame et avec un contrôle limité sur ma vie.
Comme moi, nous vivons la plupart du temps par défaut, un mode automatique, mais la vie peut être conçue autrement, consciemment.
Alors, “Que faisons-nous de notre unique, sauvage et précieuse vie?”
Je la conçois à partir de la conscience.
Mes invités et moi partageons sur comment élever notre vie, celles de ceux qui nous entourent et laisser un héritage lumineux autour de nous …
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Healthy Families Made Easy is a podcast created for moms and dad looking to grow and sustain a healthy family. Weekly conversations with leading experts in the field of family health and wellness designed to share challenges, encouragement and help you find simple solutions for your health and improving the lives of your family by making your health a priority.
Der Podcast, der dich wieder mit deiner Intuition verbindet.
Praktische Tools, Meditationen & Anregungen. Entdecke die Magie, Liebe & Kraft, die immer ein Teil von dir ist. -
Bringing you the best tips for getting and staying healthy. We simplify health and wellness for you adding a splash of comedy to make being healthy simple and fun! A healthy you for a healthy world.
Witchcraft, well-being and general witchy loony conversation
The process of Healing from Religion. Discussing the process of Healing from dogmatic belief systems, and combining research and experience in order to find our own path to emotional, intellectual and spiritual freedom. Email me at or check out my art focused on healing on instagram @sovereignartelise.
Motivación, filosofía, crecimiento personal.
Au fil de cette série d’émissions intitulée « Au coeur de soi », Kitty REMANJON-LETAYF, Coach Consultante, Thérapeute, et experte en neurosciences, vous propose d’explorer les multiples facettes du développement personnel, des médecines alternatives, des approches thérapeutiques et autres disciplines tournées vers le mieux-être et la santé holistique.
Coach Consultante & Thérapeute
Facebook : KRL Coaching & Consulting
Kitty Rémanjon-Letayf - Healthstyle Emporium Coach
Instagram : krlcoachingconsulting
Email :
Tél : -
Chaque semaine je vais vous proposer des épisodes qui vous permettront de découvrir, d'apprendre et d'utiliser seul(e) des techniques d'hypnose qui vous aideront dans votre quotidien. Le fil conducteur de mes épisodes est d'être en harmonie avec soi-même.
"S'aimer soi-même c'est se lancer dans une belle histoire d'amour qui durera toute la vie" Oscar Wilde. -
En este podcast podrás ver qué hábitos son buenos para ti y también los malos.
This is the Hidden Potential podcast and I am your host Sarah Saffari. I wanted to start this podcast with the intention of helping coaches, entrepreneurs and people who just want to become the creators of their life and not the victims of it, find a vehicle to illuminate their superpower and then use that to help themselves first so that they can help others next. I genuinely believe that limitation and circumstance is a state of mind, and once we are able to overcome this state, we are then, also able to pick a brush and paint our life exactly how we want it. I grew up in a family of 5 and immigrated to Canada from Iran at the age of 2, so money was a huge struggle growing up and so the poverty mindset carried with me until I was finally able to demystify wealth and turn around my world view by bridging the gap between science and spirituality and then using neuroscience as a vehicle to attain success and fulfillment. It wasn’t until I made the shift in my mindset that I was able to build two companies of 6 and 7 figures before the age of 27. All I ask from you, the listener on this podcast is to be curious. Listen with an open mind and an open heart, and adopt into your life only the things you feel will propel you forward. On your way to achieving everything you’ve ever wanted, you are indefinitely going to experience doubts, fears, and discomforts. But remember, this discomfort is the number one price of admission to a deeply meaningful life.