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    What if maintaining a balanced lifestyle as a shift worker could be simplified with just a few strategic changes? Join us as we embark on a journey through the highs and lows of shift work, starting with a delightful tale of dining at Il Forno in Hampton, where the food and a superb 2015 bottle of wine left a lasting impression. We also share amusing yet insightful experiences of adjusting to life post-night shift, including the occasional misstep of opting for dinner after a grueling schedule. With a special shoutout to our shift-working audience, we emphasize the crucial role of staying active to combat the sedentary pitfalls of night shifts. Christian, a loyal listener, joins the chat to share his unique challenges transitioning from road work to a more routine office schedule.

    Have you ever wondered how blue light exposure affects your health? We dive into the latest research and trends, including a fascinating conversation between Neil Mitchell and David Koch on Koch's journey to television and his role at Port Adelaide Football Club. We discuss Dr. Martin Moore-Ede's eye-opening findings on light exposure and its effects on the elderly, emphasizing the importance of reducing light pollution in overnight work settings like hospitals. This chapter also explores the growing popularity of audiobooks and podcasts as essential companions for shift workers, providing not just entertainment but also valuable insights into maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

    Do you know the surprising benefits of salt lamps in shift work environments? Our final discussion highlights the alarming lack of education for shift workers, leading to high rates of unplanned leave and poor staff retention. We explore how better management and supportive workplace cultures can make a difference, with practical tips from successful shift workers like Lenny. Salt lamps, known for their soothing orange and red light, are touted as a simple yet effective tool for promoting relaxation and better sleep. To wrap up, we share ways to stay connected through Instagram, our website, and our podcast, and promise to return soon with more valuable insights tailored for our dedicated shift-working community.

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    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


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    Embark on a journey with me, Roger Sutherland, as we unravel the complexities of protein powders for the night owls of the workforce. We're not just talking about any protein—we're dissecting the intricacies of whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, casein, and the array of plant-based alternatives that cater to every dietary need out there. If your schedule flips the day on its head, and you find your meals and muscle recovery need to follow suit, this is the insider scoop you've been searching for. Discover which proteins pack the punch for sustained energy and which ones whisper sweet nothings to your muscles as you sleep, repairing and preparing you for another round against the clock.

    Navigating shift work requires more than just caffeine and catnaps; it demands a strategy that keeps you fueled, focused, and fully charged to take on the unpredictable rhythm of life. That's why this discussion is more than a rundown of protein powders—it's a blueprint for thriving in a world that doesn't stop spinning when the sun goes down. With insights into the slow-release magic of casein for those graveyard shifts and the power of plant-based proteins to keep your body in harmony with your values, we're locking arms to propel you from surviving your schedule to seizing it with vigor. So, lace up your boots and let's step into a state of well-being that makes every shift not just bearable, but beatable.

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    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


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    Struggling to catch those elusive Z's between night shifts? As a former law enforcement officer with a keen interest in nutrition, I, Roger Sutherland, have weathered the same storm and emerged with strategies to help you not just cope, but thrive. This episode is a treasure trove of insights into the complex dance of sleep, work, and well-being for shift workers. I'll share why the common advice to sleep right after a night shift may not be your golden ticket to dreamland. We'll unravel the tangled web of disrupted social lives and reversed activity patterns, shedding light on how to respect our diurnal nature while navigating a nocturnal job.

    Say goodbye to the trial-and-error approach to managing sleep on night shifts. Here, we confront the tricky relationship between sleep medications and our natural sleep cycles, emphasizing why natural slumber is paramount for our body's repair and detoxification processes. I'll guide you through the cautious use of sleep aids such as melatonin and offer alternative strategies like strategic napping to maintain alignment with our circadian rhythms. This episode is about building resilience and finding balance, with practical, evidence-based steps for enhancing energy, nutrition, and mental health amidst the unique challenges of shift work. So tune in, join the conversation, and let's together turn night shifts from a daunting endeavor into a mastered art.

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    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


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    When the darkness becomes too heavy to bear alone, Erin Nugent steps in with a torch. Once a guardian of the law, now a beacon of hope as a certified life coach, Erin guides us through the turbulent waters of first responder mental health. This episode offers an intimate exploration of the challenges faced by those who shield society from its darkest moments, from the haunting suicide rates that shadow their profession to the personal commitment required to support such heroes.

    Our conversation with Erin is a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by first responders and their loved ones. We traverse her transformation from policing Melbourne's streets to coaching resilience from Boston, sharing strategies that fortify the often-precarious balance between the demanding nature of emergency services and a nourishing personal life. For couples on the frontline, she provides a unique perspective on managing relationships that are routinely tested by the rigors of duty.

    As Erin unveils her podcast, "I Will Hold Space for Your Darkness," we are invited into a sanctuary where the unspoken burdens of first responders are acknowledged and shared. Her stories resonate with the collective heartbeat of a community that knows sacrifice all too well, yet strives for solace in solidarity. If you're connected to the first responder world, whether directly or through a loved one, this episode is an essential companion on the journey towards healing and understanding.

    Instagram: @erinjanecoaching
    Website: www.erinjanecoaching.com
    Facebook: Erin Jane Coaching
    Podcast: “I will hold space for your darkness podcast”

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    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


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    Navigating the night shift doesn't have to be a solo journey through the dark. Our latest episode features the incredible Roger Sutherland, a seasoned veteran of law enforcement, who illuminates the path towards not just surviving but thriving during those unconventional work hours. From managing the financial toll of unplanned leave to establishing crucial boundaries that safeguard productivity, Roger's insights from ahealthyshift.com.au are nothing short of a beacon for shift workers everywhere.

    As we peel back the layers on the complex relationship between medication, sleep, and our circadian rhythms, you'll hear about my own dance with indigestion medication and its unexpected impact on my day-to-day life. We take a deep dive into the world of chronobiology with a heartfelt call from Chris in South Australia, revealing his battle with sleep disturbances despite his best morning efforts. This episode is a treasure trove of substantial advice, whether it involves syncing your body's master clock or understanding the subtle clues your sleep cycle leaves behind.

    We journey through the significance of routines, the concerns with aging in shift work, and how maintaining a steady pattern of rest and activity can make a world of difference. Scott's tale of caring for his father reminds us of the stability routines provide, while we also engage with listeners sharing their sleep struggles and the unexpected joys found in the tranquility of an afternoon nap. And for those moments of restlessness, discover breathing techniques endorsed by Tony Nesta in his book "Breathe," which might just become your new pre-sleep ritual. Tune in for an episode that's a heartfelt blend of storytelling, science, and the simple yet profound appreciation for the small moments that enrich our lives.

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    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


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    If you've ever wondered about the secret recipe for juggling the night shift with your daily life, this week's episode is your personal handbook to thriving in the after-hours. We kick things off with a heartening look at the trials and triumphs of shift work, sharing stories that transform ordinary routines into extraordinary tales. From the humorous realisations of turning into our parents to embracing 'Champagne Friday', we unfold the art of balancing work, family, and self-care, ensuring you come away with a fresh perspective on living well, no matter the hour.

    Dial in as we extend a warm salute to the unsung heroes of the late hours, including our special guest, Roger Sutherland, who brings a treasure trove of wisdom from 40 years in the field. Listeners like you draw back the veil on the realities of shift work, and together we celebrate the strength and dedication of folks like Liz from Morwell, whose experiences in aged care illuminate the profound impacts of nocturnal labor. It's a conversation not just about the mechanics of shift work, but its heart and soul, and the incredible community that keeps the world turning while most are asleep.

    Buckle up for a nutritious journey as we tie the knot between your diet and the circadian rhythm, exploring how to keep your body clock ticking in perfect harmony with melatonin. As the chill of winter approaches, we bask in the sunny glow of vitamin D knowledge, discovering how this powerhouse nutrient can fend off the winter blues. We also venture into the evolving landscapes of parenting and education, making sure you're equipped with the insights to navigate these ever-changing terrains. So grab your favorite beverage—it doesn't have to be champagne—and settle in for an episode that's as nurturing as it is enlightening.

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    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


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    Could the key to unlocking your health potential be as simple as watching the clock? I'm Roger Sutherland, and in this episode, we're cutting through the noise to bring you the solid science on intermittent fasting. For those working around the clock, the difference between intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding isn't just jargon—it's the cornerstone of a health strategy that could be life-changing. We're tackling the 16-8 and 5-2 methods head-on, dissecting the myths around fasting as a muscle-building miracle and spotlighting the unsung hero in fat loss: calorie control. If you've been curious whether skipping meals could give you an edge, you'll want to soak up every minute of these myth-busting insights.

    As your guide through the maze of meal timing, I'll also delve into the promising world of early time-restricted feeding (ETRF). Imagine harnessing the power of your body's natural rhythms to not just manage your weight but improve your insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels. It's not just about when you eat, but how aligning your meals with your circadian rhythm can curb hunger and rev up your metabolism. Whether you're considering narrowing your eating window or just hungry for knowledge, this episode is packed with evidence-based revelations you won't want to miss. Join me as we chart a course towards a healthier lifestyle, one timed bite at a time.

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    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


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    Unlock the secret to a revitalised shift working life with the wisdom of Dr. Martin Moore-Ede, our guide through the transformative world of circadian lighting. This episode isn't just another discussion; it's a beacon for those navigating the night shifts, as we delve into the science behind circadian rhythms and the profound effects of LED light fixtures. As a certified nutritionist and former law enforcement officer who's walked the graveyard path, I interlace personal insights with Dr. Moore-Ede’s groundbreaking research to illuminate strategies that promise a healthier, more alert existence for the tireless souls keeping our world in motion after dusk.

    Ever pondered the broader implications of your daily light exposure? We've got you covered, as we journey beyond the workplace, shedding light on the potential for circadian lighting to reshape not only your work environment but also your home and digital interactions. Dr. Moore-Ede, with a sneak peek into his upcoming book "The Light Doctor," explores the tantalizing prospect that our screens and indoor lighting could be fine-tuned to our biological clocks. This could be the dawn of reduced chronic health conditions and a significant leap for our overall wellbeing—fascinating insights that just might alter the way you engage with light every day.

    Wrapping up this enlightening episode, we highlight the crucial role of management in implementing circadian lighting and the impact it can have not only on health but also on company profits. As we touch on the importance of holistic lifestyle management for shift workers, we're not just addressing their immediate concerns; we're painting a picture of a future where businesses thrive by nurturing their nocturnal workforce. Tune in to this episode for a transformative discussion that could redefine your nights, your health, and the harmony of your life's rhythms.

    Dr Martin Moore-Ede can be found at
    Book: https://lightdoctormartinmooreede.substack.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martin-moore-ede-80630a12/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/circadianlightdoctor/
    Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/DrMooreEde/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@drmartinmoore-ede1539
    Book Website: https:/

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    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


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    Ever wondered how your late-night snack might be throwing off more than just your waistline? Join me, Roger Sutherland, for a fascinating trek through the often-overlooked interplay between our circadian rhythm and eating habits, a journey especially critical for the heroic souls in shift work. With heartburn and indigestion lurking around the corner of every heavy midnight meal, I'm here to guide you through syncing your dietary patterns with your natural body clock. And for our female shift workers, fret not; we'll tackle the unique nutritional challenges you face with hormonal ebbs and flows, ensuring your meal plan supports your wellbeing round the clock.

    Get ready to revamp your nocturnal noshing with my actionable nutrition strategies that keep the night shift from derailing your health. Discover why that comforting carb-loaded feast is doing more harm than good to your slumber and digestion, and instead, learn to embrace the art of light, energizing snacks that won't leave your gut working overtime. We'll also chew over the perks of early time-restricted feeding, a game-changer for blood sugar control and overall vitality. So grab your headphones and let's set the stage for a healthier you, one well-timed bite at a time.

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    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


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    Ever wondered how night shift workers manage their health and find a semblance of normalcy while the rest of the world sleeps? In our latest episode, my dear friend Roger Sutherland, a law enforcement officer with heaps of wisdom, joins the conversation to unpack the less discussed aspects of nocturnal work life. We celebrate the post-Easter chocolate indulgences (guilt-free, of course!), while also sharing tips that have helped us manage weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle despite our topsy-turvy schedules. Plus, we open the lines to your burning questions about shift work, sleep, and how to thrive when your work clock is out of sync with the sun.

    Our night-time narrative takes us on a journey from the quiet streets of Hastings to the lively dairy farms of Colac. We share the hilarious yet eye-opening escapades of Bert, who dodged the law during early morning shifts, and Simon, whose dedication to his cows epitomizes the commitment of those who work while the world is at rest. But it's not all fun and games; we pay respect to the unsung heroes of the night, including emergency veterinary teams, and dive into the pressing concern of sleep anxiety amongst paramedics – with a retired ICU paramedic shedding light on the toll of decades spent on the front lines.

    Wrapping up, we take a hard look at the work-family tightrope walked by shift workers like Danny in security and FIFO miners in Australia's rugged West. We share heartfelt stories of balancing the scales of work commitments and home life, alongside the genuine struggles and victories that come with the territory. It's a candid wrap-up of the extreme adjustments and health implications of shift work from those living it every day. And remember, our community conversation continues bi-weekly, with your experiences and insights driving it forward – catch us on our website or slide into our DMs on Instagram @a_healthy_shift.

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    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


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    Embark on an empowering journey with Chloe Stevens, a renowned women's health physiotherapist and nutritionist, as we explore the intricate tapestry of female health.
    Our discussion transcends traditional boundaries, addressing not only reproductive health but also delving into how women are uniquely affected by conditions such as heart disease and dementia. We shine a spotlight on estrogen's pervasive influence and advocate for a holistic conversation about health that includes challenges like shift work and their impact on women's well-being.

    Navigating through the often unspoken realms of women's health, we confront the realities of pelvic floor dysfunction, discussing the causes, consequences, and the profound role nutrition plays in managing conditions like prolapses and incontinence. Chloe offers invaluable insights into maintaining gut health to support our pelvic floors and why fiber is a hero in our diets. We also break the silence on menstrual irregularities, emphasizing the importance of listening to what our bodies are trying to communicate through signs like hypothalamic amenorrhea and the ripple effect it has on our overall health.

    Closing the conversation, we tear down the stigmas surrounding abortion and reproductive choices, laying bare the truth about their commonality and the harsh judgments women often face. In a celebratory note, I unveil an innovative consultancy service designed to enlighten fitness professionals on the nuances of women's health. Our heart-to-heart with Chloe Stevens serves as a clarion call for informed, compassionate dialogue, and equips listeners with knowledge to make biologically-informed decisions for their health and happiness.

    You can find Chloe at

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    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


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    Struggling to keep your head above water while working unpredictable shifts? I'm Roger Sutherland, and I'm here to arm you with strategies that will not just help you manage but truly excel in your busy life. In this podcast, we tackle the chaos of shift work head-on, providing you with a lifeline to achieve a sustainable and enjoyable work-life balance. Imagine a life where your week glides by with precision—work, family time, and self-care all mapped out on your trusty whiteboard, the new command center of your life. We're not just talking about surviving your shift work schedule; we're talking about mastering it to the point where you're thriving.

    This episode isn't about adding more to your already full plate; it's about organizing it so you can savor each bite. From the kitchen where meal prepping becomes a health-saving grace to the moments of downtime that recharge your batteries, we cover it all. I'll share how to seamlessly weave exercise and social engagements into your routine without tipping the scales. Plus, we'll cover the art of effective rest, ensuring you avoid sinking into those all-too-familiar unproductive ruts. With these practical tips, you'll find yourself not just keeping pace but setting the pace for a vibrant personal and professional life.

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    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


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    To Talk your Walk, you've got to Walk your Talk.

    When I was offered the opportunity to attend Australia's biggest talk-back radio station 3AW Melbourne and guest with the legendary Tony McManus talking about everything night shift, I jumped at it.

    The show goes into Victoria as well as South Australia which allows me to assist shift workers while they're hurting.

    This is now a permanent every second Wednesday night spot where we discuss and take calls on everything shift work.

    If you want to talk about and offer advice to shift workers, particularly night shifts, you have to be there while they're doing the shift.

    This is the audio from this week's show.

    Radio 3AW can be found at:

    Call in Number: 133 693
    Text Number: 0477 693 693
    Watch live via the website

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    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


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    Ever wondered how the relentless pace of shift work affects your health and well-being, particularly if you're a woman juggling the demands of an erratic schedule? Join us as we sit down with Hailey Jamison, an ICU nurse-turned-wellness coach, who shares not only her powerful story but also a wealth of strategies to help fellow shift workers thrive. We delve into the nuances of circadian rhythm disruptions, the importance of intentional eating, and how exercise can be a game changer for those in the trenches of 24-7 healthcare roles.

    Our conversation with Hailey is a deep dive into the realities of what your body and mind endure during those grueling night shifts. From the challenges of maintaining a nutritious diet to understanding the significance of digestion and the gut-brain axis, we cover it all. Hailey's transition from ICU nurse to launching Her Health by Hailey showcases how personal experience can lead to a passion for empowering others. If you're caught up in the cycle of shift work, this episode offers you a trove of heartfelt advice and practical tips on managing light exposure for better sleep, navigating nutritional challenges, and finding the fitness routine that resonates with your natural rhythm.

    Wrapping up our in-depth exploration, we recognize the profound need for shift work education and the advocacy for better policies in healthcare settings. We also highlight the role of coaching in managing decision fatigue and the transformative power of taking that first step towards a healthier lifestyle. As we conclude, remember that this journey is about more than just surviving your shifts—it's about thriving within them; Hailey is here to guide you through it. Share this episode with your colleagues and let's spread the word on living well, despite the demands of shift work.

    Find Hailey at:
    Instagram: @herhealth.byhailey
    Website: herhealthbyhailey.com

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    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


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    Ever wondered what it takes to keep ticking when the world's asleep? Roger Sutherland, a law enforcement lifer with nearly four decades on duty, joins us to unravel the twilight world of shift work. Our latest episode is an ode to the night crawlers – from truck drivers to nurses – who light up the dark hours with their unwavering commitment. We tap into Roger's vast reservoir of knowledge to unlock how they maintain social bonds, fend off the quietude's mental health specters, and still find those precious z's amidst the upside-down schedules.

    As we swap tales and tips, the life of Christian, a long-haul trucker balancing the scales between family and freeways, comes into sharp focus. Listen as we share a laugh about mistook crickets and offer wisdom for those odd-hour battles with persistent pests. But it's not all chuckles – the serious side of sleep disruption and dietary needs for those who dine by moonlight get their due. It's a heartfelt tribute to the partners keeping the home fires burning and a practical guide for anyone burning the midnight oil.

    Closing the loop, we hear from callers like Greg and Tanya, whose anecdotes paint a vivid picture of the personal side of shift labor. How do they manage sleep? Is a short burst of shut-eye better than a long, restless night? Does everyone need the same amount of sleep? And as Tanya transitions from teaching driving to nocturnal cleansing, she sheds light on juggling night work with a buzzing social life. This episode isn't just a conversation – it's a rallying cry for the unsung heroes of the night and a treasure trove of life hacks for the graveyard shift.

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    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


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    Are sleepless nights leaving you flustered? Fear not, because Roger Sutherland is here to guide you through the shadowy world of nocturnal awakenings with practical advice tailored for those tangled in the web of shift work. With a dual hat as a Nutritionist and Law Enforcement Officer, I bring firsthand experience to the struggles of syncing sleep patterns with irregular schedules. This episode is a treasure trove of evidence-based tactics for reclaiming the night, from understanding the tug-of-war between sleep pressure and circadian rhythm to reshaping your environment to foster deep, restorative sleep. Discover how the strategic timing of meals and caffeine can make a monumental difference and why your bedroom might just need a detox from tech-induced insomnia.

    When the sandman plays hard to get, and you find yourself staring at the ceiling, I'll unveil why retreating from the covers and settling into a monotonous activity could be your ticket back to dreamland. In the labyrinth of nighttime disturbances, I light the way with techniques like diaphragmatic breathing that beckon the body's relaxation response, and I also tackle the dark corners where nightmares lurk, offering tools such as guided imagery and journaling to defang these nocturnal beasts. Learn why your smartphone might be the sleep thief in disguise and how to banish the habit of clock-watching that feeds into sleep anxiety. This episode isn't just about getting more Z's—it's about transforming your nights to revolutionize your days.

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    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


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    Ever feel like you're on a never-ending carousel of poor sleep and caffeine fixes? Roger Sutherland, our savvy sleep sage, walks you through a game-changing plan designed to help shift workers combat those pesky nighttime awakenings and secure the rejuvenating rest they deserve. In today's episode, we tap into Roger's wellspring of knowledge to unpack his top five strategies that promise to reshape your nights. You'll learn the science behind the optimal timing for your workouts, the art of fluid management before bed, and how to craft your bedroom into a sleep-inducing haven. Plus, we're debunking some common sleep myths along the way, ensuring every moment you're awake is purposeful towards achieving that coveted quality slumber.

    We venture further into the realm of rest as Roger advises on the delicate balance of light exposure, the pitfalls of digital distractions before bedtime, and why a consistent sleep routine is your ticket to waking up refreshed. Our conversation dives into the impact that stimulants and large meals can have on your sleep cycle, while also touching on the importance of maintaining regular sleep patterns over the fallacy of 'catching up' on sleep. Tune in for an enlightening discussion that promises to leave you not only well-informed but well-prepared to embrace the night and reclaim your right to restful, restorative sleep.

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    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


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    Ever felt like you're on a never-ending carousel of wakefulness and sleep, especially when your job has you clocking in as most are clocking out? Join me, Roger Sutherland, as we uncover the secrets to mastering sleep amidst the challenges of shift work. We're not just talking about the occasional midnight snack run; we're addressing the real grip of shift work sleep disorder (SWSD), affecting a staggering number of those who keep our world running 24/7.

    Discover the rhythms of your body's sleep cycles, learn the art of napping effectively, and grasp the crucial strategies that can transform your rest periods from frustration-filled to rejuvenation-rich.

    This episode isn't just a treasure trove for those punching in at odd hours; it's an essential listen for anyone seeking to elevate their sleep quality. We'll tackle the perplexities of various sleep disorders, from insomnia to the often-overlooked restless leg syndrome, and share insights on the profound connection between mental health and sleep. Armed with evidence-based advice and an exploration of how conditions like chronic pain and neurological disorders play into the nightly repose, take this opportunity to revamp your sleep hygiene and consult with the right professionals—a decision that could be the key to unlocking your best sleep yet. No sheep-counting required.

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    One2One Coaching One Off Consults


    FREE E-BOOK - “The best way to eat on Night shift”

    IN-HOUSE SEMINARS - Enquire Here


    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


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    Join us as we sit down with Greg Grogan from the Overwatch Collective, delving into the heart of supporting our first responder and military community.

    Greg, with his wealth of experience in both the military and police force, shines a light on the crucial transition from combat boots to patrol shoes, and the support systems that are the lifeline for those in high-stress roles.

    The conversation takes a sobering turn as we confront the mental health battles faced by those who protect us. The birth of the Overwatch Collective from a heartfelt podcast to a thriving nonprofit reveals a story of dedication to breaking the silence on this often-taboo subject. We share heart-wrenching stories that uncover the raw reality of mental health within the first responder sphere, discussing the need for culturally competent therapy and the bravery required to reach out.

    This episode is not just an ear to the ground; it's a call to arms for a community that's fighting invisible wars every day.

    Wrapping up, we celebrate the Overwatch Collective's growth and the creative fundraising that keeps hope alive, as well as the innovative app that offers a sanctuary for those seeking support without judgment. Recognizing the profound impact on family life, we stress the vital role of including loved ones in these support systems. This isn’t just a talk; it's a movement to make a dent in the universe—one responder, one family, one listener at a time.

    "One More is One Less"

    The Overwatch Collective can be found at

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    One2One Coaching One Off Consults


    FREE E-BOOK - “The best way to eat on Night shift”

    IN-HOUSE SEMINARS - Enquire Here


    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.


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    Michael Sugrue's journey through the shadows of post-traumatic stress is not just his own – it's a story that echoes in the lives of many who don their uniforms with pride, only to battle silent wars within.

    "Relentless Courage," Michael's raw and gripping narrative, brings to light the stark realities and the resilient spirit of those in the military and law enforcement communities. As we sit down with him, Michael, alongside insights from Dr. Shauna Springer, provides a dual lens on the traumas that break and the courage that heals.

    When we strip away the badges and ranks, we discover the beating heart of brotherhood and the undeniable power of vulnerability. This episode peels back the curtain on the untold stories of trust and betrayal, the unspoken struggles beneath stoic exteriors, and the relentless pursuit of mental health awareness that Michael champions. From the brotherhood in the trenches to the harsh truths of administrative attitudes, we traverse a landscape where leadership isn't just about giving orders, but about listening and acknowledging the human soul behind the shield.

    In a world quick to judge and slow to understand, Michael's mission is clear: to shift perceptions, to provide solace, and to offer a hand to those grappling in the dark.

    As Michael shares his post-retirement endeavours and dreams of a cinematic adaptation of his story, we are reminded that the path to healing is not walked alone – it is a journey shared, a dialogue opened, and a future reclaimed.

    Michaels Book ' Relentless Courage"
    Amazon https://amzn.to/48vEVnk

    Find Michael here;

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    One2One Coaching One Off Consults


    FREE E-BOOK - “The best way to eat on Night shift”

    IN-HOUSE SEMINARS - Enquire Here


    Disclaimer: Roger Sutherland is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before implementing any strategies mentioned in this podcast. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Roger Sutherland will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this podcast including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.
