
  • What's up, everyone? Shane here, and I've got an awesome episode for you today. I sat down with the incredible Dr. Carolyn Parcells, aka the ADHD MD, to talk all things ADHD medication. We dive deep into the different types of meds, how they work, and bust some common myths. Dr. Parcells drops some serious knowledge bombs and shares her experience as a board-certified pediatrician specializing in ADHD. Trust me, you don't want to miss this one! We even had a heartwarming moment with a little girl who joined us and asked Dr. Parcells about her own ADHD journey. It's an episode packed with valuable insights and relatable moments. So grab your favorite beverage, get comfy, and let's learn together!

    (00:00) Introduction and welcoming Dr. Carolyn Parcells
    (05:15) Why medication is used for treating ADHD and the role it plays
    (12:30) Overview of the two main families of ADHD medications: stimulants and non-stimulants
    (20:45) Deep dive into methylphenidate medications, how they work, and different formulations
    (31:20) Amphetamine medications explained, including side effects and unique formulations
    (40:10) Non-stimulant medications for ADHD treatment, including guanfacine, clonidine, and newer options
    (48:55) Q&A: Addressing the "honeymoon period" with ADHD meds and potential tolerance
    (53:30) Q&A: Rejection sensitivity dysphoria (RSD) and emotional dysregulation in ADHD
    (1:02:30) Q&A: Emotional deregulation side effects from certain ADHD medications
    (1:08:50) Heartwarming moment: A little girl asks Dr. Parcells about her experience with ADHD in school

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  • In this episode of the Men's ADHD Support Group podcast, our Founder and President, Marc Almodovar is joined by Jim O'Gara and Julio Rojas to discuss navigating ADHD as Hispanic males. James and Julio share their personal experiences growing up with ADHD in multicultural families, the challenges they faced, and the importance of raising awareness about the condition within Hispanic communities. The conversation touches on the lack of understanding and acceptance of ADHD, the impact of family support, and the benefits of embracing one's unique learning style. James and Julio also offer advice for those struggling with ADHD, emphasizing the importance of self-love, seeking help, and focusing on personal growth.

    00:00 - Introduction and background of Jim O'Gara and Julio Rojas
    05:32 - Challenges faced when getting an ADHD diagnosis as a Hispanic male
    12:15 - The impact of family support and acceptance on navigating ADHD
    18:47 - Celebrating holidays and family gatherings while dealing with ADHD
    24:32 - The importance of raising awareness about ADHD in Hispanic communities
    31:56 - Advice for one's younger self struggling with ADHD
    36:14 - Guidance for listeners recently diagnosed with or suspecting they have ADHD
    41:27 - The significance of representation and seeing successful individuals with ADHD

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  • Shane Thrapp, Operations Director for the Men’s ADHD Support Group, is joined by Kristian Moton and Jonathan Greer to discuss their journeys and experiences living with ADHD as black men. They talk openly about the challenges of getting diagnosed and finding proper treatment, the stigma surrounding mental health in minority communities, learning coping strategies and advocacy, and the importance of spaces where people of color feel safe, understood, and empowered in managing their ADHD. Join us for this enlightening, honest, and insightful conversation about intersectionality and authentic self-expression.

    0:00 - Introduction

    7:57 - Jonathan shares his experience getting diagnosed and how it has helped him as a teacher

    15:49 - Kristian discusses code-switching and shares his background as a queer black man

    23:23 - The group talks about mental health stigma and getting support in the Black community

    30:59 - They discuss managing relationships with ADHD authenticity

    38:45 - Final thoughts on embracing oneself and advocating for minorities with ADHD

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  • Marc Almodovar chats with Kristian Moton about his personal ADHD journey as an African-American queer man. Kristian shares his struggles in school before diagnosis, the power of finding mentors in the ADHD community, and the importance of embracing his whole identity in his nonprofit leadership role with the Men's ADHD Support Group.

    They also discuss volunteer initiatives Kristian spearheads for the organization. He explains what draws him to service, how supporters can get involved, from managing social channels to launching local meetup groups, and why their community has a welcoming, chill vibe focused on making ADHD advocacy sustainable and fun.

    If you'd like to join us as a volunteer or start a nonprofit chapter in your area, fill out this form! https://forms.gle/SxcJLrFWq9jR5Snx9

    0:00 – Introducing Kristian Moton, Organization Director of the Men's ADHD Support Group

    3:45 – Kristian opens up about his struggles with ADHD symptoms and discrimination as a student and adult

    13:40 – How Kristian leads and engages volunteers to further the organization's mission

    22:30 – Kristian on nurturing a welcoming community for our volunteers

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  • Internationally renowned ADHD expert Brendan Mahan, M.Ed., MS., takes center stage to present this exclusive goal-setting workshop hosted by Shane Thrapp and the Men's ADHD Support Group!

    As host of the ADHD Essentials Podcast and a thought leader on ADHD, executive function, anxiety, and neurodiverse parenting, Brendan leverages decades of wisdom to equip you with powerful frameworks, including:

    ● Strategies to overcome productivity barriers - like the Wall of Awfulℱ
    ● A step-by-step system using the S.M.A.R.T. goal-setting techniques
    ● Doing a "Pre-mortem" planning for obstacles and possible failure points

    With unparalleled insights honed from coaching and the ADHD conference circuit, Brendan delivers a masterclass in goal-achievement tailor-made for ADHD success.

    Level up your goals with practical wisdom from this globally respected ADHD Educator! If you want more information or want to sign up for his group coaching, check him out at www.adhdessentials.com!

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  • We welcome renowned ADHD specialist Dr. William Dodson to discuss new perspectives on managing ADHD effectively.

    Join us as we challenge the Executive Function Deficits theory and talk through Dr. Dodson's approach that focuses on understanding our unique ADHD nervous systems.

    We'll explore an ADHD Owner's Manual concept to discover what helps each of us manage our ADHD and help us with emotional dysregulation and rejection sensitivity.

    Tune in as we pick Dr. Dodson's brain on implementing medication strategies explicitly tailored for the ADHD brain, and therapy strategies for those things that come from our environment and growing up with ADHD.

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  • On this episode of the Men's ADHD Support Group Podcast, we have an insightful chat with Stefan Glazer, author of "Navigating Neurodivergence." After being diagnosed with severe ADHD at 39, Stefan realized the customized systems he had created over the years could help others discover tools to manage their neurodivergence.

    We discuss his journey to diagnosis and the shame, misconceptions, and challenges that many adults with ADHD face. Stefan shares how discovering his neurodivergence helped him understand his gifts, like creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.

    We explore practical tips that include using to-do lists, meditation, organization systems, and other strategies Stefan used to cope before his diagnosis and improve his life after.

    It’s important to know that you're not alone on this journey. You can find a lot of support when you connect with support groups. Also, nothing is easy until it is – so keep trying different tools until you find what works for you.

    Join us for an open and encouraging talk about navigating the highs and lows of neurodivergence.

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  • On this empowering episode, ADHD Coach and Licensed Clinical Social Worker Judd Groden joins our Founder and President, Marc Almodovar, for an uplifting chat about overcoming struggles and stigma. Judd shares his personal story of being diagnosed in the 90s - and the isolation he faced not "fitting in."

    We talk about the importance of support systems, vulnerability, and giving yourself patience on the journey. Judd offers sage advice for those newly diagnosed, like finding an ADHD-informed therapist, researching resources, and accepting that ADHD is just one part of who you are.

    The conversation explores how our thoughts shape our reality when it comes to using ADHD as an excuse versus navigating challenges. Judd encourages us to focus on hope growth and surrounding ourselves with people who lift us up.

    Tune in for an inspiring reminder you have so much more to offer the world!

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  • It's beginning to look a lot like...financial stress and ADHD. On this special holiday edition of the Men's ADHD Support Podcast, join us for another Financial Friday. Operations Director Shane Thrapp and expert financial coach Rick Webster walk through common money struggles those with ADHD face this time of year.

    Rick shares easy budgeting basics and how behavior change remains the true challenge for those of us with ADHD. He and Shane explore how shame, guilt, and a desire to keep up appearances often lead to overspending. We offer tips like setting a gift budget back in March, leaving money out of Christmas, and focusing on who, not what, is around the table.

    We have to understand the need for intentionality and external tools to build helpful financial habits over time. Let’s also make sure to surround ourselves with people willing to grow. Join us as we discuss the holistic takeaways that will leave you empowered to gain control of your finances and mindset.

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  • In this week's episode, we have a special treat! This is a recording of our weekly peer-to-peer support group calls that we got approval from the participants to turn into a podcast.
    In this podcast, we have an open and honest discussion about managing ADHD symptoms and improving mental and physical health.

    We explore how ADHD symptoms like impulsiveness, forgetfulness, and distractibility frequently undermine basic self-care routines like sleep, nutrition, exercise, and medication adherence. We share personal struggles and tips for making gradual improvements in these areas.

    Other topics include the importance of social connections for mental health, facing fears of rejection, and having new experiences that get you out of your comfort zone. We must learn to start small with sustainable changes, reframing failure as learning experiences, and being patient with ourselves.

    Laughing, dancing, improv, and other creative pursuits are recommended to process emotions, build confidence, and practice social skills. We stress the need to stop comparing yourself to others and focus on your progress and self-acceptance.

    We also dive into the difficulties of masking and feeling inauthentic in social situations. Often, this excessive masking drains mental energy, and we cover it and much more!

    Check it out!

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  • This week on the Men’s ADHD Support Group Podcast, ADHD Coach and Men's Group member Liam Danger Park joins Operations Director Shane Thrapp to discuss physical and mental health for men with ADHD.

    Together, we explore the interconnectedness of mind and body - and why practices like sleep, nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness are just as critical as medication and therapy. Liam provides practical tips for starting small, like short workouts or mini mindfulness sessions.

    We share guidance for overcoming decision overwhelm around health changes. And discuss how to build self-awareness by examining your ancestry. At its core, this empowering episode reiterates that you are worthy of health and happiness - and offers tools to make progress one step at a time.

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  • Join us for this episode as Shane Thrapp has a discussion with Christian Rat, CEO of Focus101.com, about how his company is working to provide a free platform for body doubling to help people stay productive and accountable while working remotely.

    We explore how Christian was inspired to create Focus101 after noticing his team's focused productivity during long video calls at his finance job. This is where he recognized the power of body doubling and virtual coworking. Focus101 aims to facilitate growth for everyone who wants to improve productivity, find fulfillment at work, and gain more time for themselves.

    We talk about how body doubling and Focus101’s features, like the Pomodoro technique, to-do lists, and ambient sounds, can benefit those with ADHD. They also discuss the importance of starting small, building momentum and learning from mistakes. Christian also talks about his commitment to listening to user feedback and improving Focus101 based on actual needs.

    Overall, it’s a fascinating conversation about leveraging technology, psychology, and community to help people overcome distractions, build consistency, and accomplish their goals.

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  • Founder and President of the Men’s ADHD Support Group Marc Almodovar and Shane Thrapp ADHD Coach and Operations Director, have a raw, eye-opening talk about domestic violence against men on today's episode of the Men's ADHD Support Podcast.

    Today, we will shed light on the less obvious forms of emotional and mental abuse many men face behind closed doors. We want to discuss how ADHD can make men more vulnerable to entering and staying in toxic relationships.

    We will share startling stats on how frequently men endure domestic violence, contrary to popular belief, and discuss the critical first steps men should take to get help if they suspect they're in an unhealthy relationship—like being vulnerable with trusted friends or seeking professional support.

    We desire to create a judgment-free space for men to get honest about oft-overlooked abuse dynamics.

    Men, you deserve love, respect, and happiness. As Men, we must empower ourselves to walk away from anything less.

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  • It's ADHD Awareness Month! Join the Men's ADHD Support Group's Founder and President, Marc Almodovar, and Shane Thrapp, the Operations Director, as they dive into the importance of ADHD Awareness.

    In this insightful episode, they discuss what it really means to navigate life with ADHD or autism. Marc and Shane share their perspectives on embracing neurodiversity, tailoring parenting approaches to fit your child's needs, and adopting strength-based mindsets.

    They offer advice for newly diagnosed individuals on seeking support through medication, therapy, and finding your community.

    Tune in for an eye-opening look at how we can create a more ADHD-inclusive world. Marc and Shane aim to spread awareness that ADHD brains are not broken, just different. Their mission is to empower ADHDers to understand themselves better and live fulfilling lives on their own terms.

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  • Thanks for listening! We are going to be talking about Financials with Rick Webster of Renafi. Today, we are going to be discussing Routines, Rituals, and Systems needed for managing ADHD and financials.

    Rick Webster is the Founder of Renafi.com. A financial ADHD Coaching group that has a ton of resources for people with ADHD who struggle with their finances, and they approach things from a behavioral standpoint. Like us, they are a small ADHD-friendly community organization, and they currently have several courses going on, even one based on our discussion today on Routine and Systems.

    There is a special discount for the Men’s ADHD Support Group. If you go to their website https://bit.ly/45Jys7o, and use MENSGROUPMEMBER at checkout, you can get 50% off your first order for their group courses. They are also so confident that they offer a no-hassle satisfaction guarantee!

    Check out our website for great blogs, information, and upcoming events! Men's ADHD Support Group Website

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  • Join Marc Almodovar and Shane Thrapp from the Men's ADHD Support Group for another great podcast on Parenting! This episode, they're teaming up with Brendan Mahan, the amazing host of ADHD Essentials. They're getting real about what it's like to be a dad with ADHD, dealing with emotional dysregulation and the unique hurdles of fatherhood.

    Get ready to uncover your triggers and learn practical strategies to handle them. This podcast won't shy away from the tough stuff - we're here to talk about the stress and frustration that can come with parenting. But remember, amid all these challenges, there's also the immense joy of being a dad. Join us and let's navigate this journey together.

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  • Marc Almodovar and Shane Thrapp from the Men's ADHD Support Group are joined by Brendan Mahan of ADHD Essentials, together we tackle the challenges of parenting and communication while living with ADHD. We discuss what communication is, how to create meaningful connections, and how to build a relationship with your kids in this empowering conversation. Learn to navigate the unique hurdles faced by fathers, spark creativity, and bond with your children like never before. Tune in for an unforgettable ADHD journey!

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  • Get ready for an exciting new podcast series: Financial Fridays! Shane Thrapp of Creating Order From Chaos kicks off the series by introducing Rick Webster from Renafi.com, a groundbreaking behavioral finance education platform tailored for individuals with ADHD. They dive deep into the emotional aspects of finance, offering invaluable insights and resources from Renafi's comprehensive courses. The conversation covers vital topics such as impulsivity, financial jargon, managing needs and wants, investment strategies, and the remarkable partnership between Renafi and the Men's ADHD Support Group. Tune in for personal anecdotes, organization hacks, and the undeniable value of face-to-face financial interactions. This thrilling start to the Financial Fridays series is a game-changer you won't want to miss!

    If you're interested in checking Renafi out to see if it can help you and want to get a 50% discount, copy and paste this into your browser! https://renafi.samcart.com/referral/renafi-homepage/7xnfFbfAXgwFqtjr

    Check out our website for great blogs, information, and upcoming events! Men's ADHD Support Group Website

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  • We are joined today by Marc Almodovar and John Hazelwood, co-founders of the Men's ADHD Support Group. Marc and John have a passion for helping men with ADHD and have been providing support and resources for those affected by the condition for many years. They have a wealth of knowledge and experience, and are dedicated to providing a safe and supportive environment for their members.

    In this episode, we are having a very vulnerable chat with John as he shares his journey of processing grief, having recently lost his uncle. It's a powerful and emotional discussion that highlights the importance of mental health and the role that support groups can play in helping individuals cope with loss and other challenges.

    For more on Marc Almodovar and John Hazelwood, follow John on Instagram @adhd_j0nj0n and Twitter @j0nj0n. And to learn more about the Men's ADHD Support Group and to get involved, visit their website at https://www.mensadhdsupportgroup.org/donate. They can also be found on Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mensadhdsupportgroup, Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MensADHDSupportGroup, Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mensadhdsupport/, Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC32YWawcZtOMSzB28BkPrNQ, Twitter: https://twitter.com/mensADHDsupport, TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mensadhdsupport/ and LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mens-adhd-support-group.

    Regenerate response

    Check out our website for great blogs, information, and upcoming events! Men's ADHD Support Group Website

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  • We are joined today by Rick Webster, founder and CEO of RenaFi.com. Rick has been an ADHD coach for over a decade, and has special interests in real estate, finance, entrepreneurial endeavors, and the complications that ADHD can cause. He has appeared as a featured expert speaker and writer for ADDitude Magazine, ADDA's "Money Matters," as well as on numerous highly regarded podcasts and webinars. We are excited to be able to present this new partnership and look forward to the work we are going to do!

    For more on Rick Webster and RenaFi check out their website.


    Check out our website for great blogs, information, and upcoming events! Men's ADHD Support Group Website

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