Flavor of Croatia Podcast takes you on a journey of exploring Croatian food and recipes, Croatian culture, travel, and history through interviews with anyone who has a fascinating Croatian story to share. Join your host Zeno Hromin as he interviews artisans, winemakers, culinary experts, genealogists, people who are defining and redefining Croatia today. Expected debut late January 2021
Welcome to The Vernacular Life Podcast! I’m your host, Paige, and I live in an under-renovation 1906 Vernacular Farmhouse with my husband, a veritable herd of cats, some assorted farm animals, and way too many chickens. Tune in each week to learn about the quirks of old house living, the adventure of sympathetic renovations, the heritage of home habits, and pretty much anything and everything that might go on in our turn-of-the-century home. Learn more at! So glad you’re here!
Over 80% of Americans want to write a book, yet less than one percent ever succeed. Why is that? People often believe the task is too daunting, or they put off getting started. Well, we are here to tell you that it can be done! We will show you how to write, publish, and promote your new book! Each episode is an interview with a newly published author who shares their tips and suggestions on how you can publish the book of your dreams.
If this podcast is not what you are seeking, please share it with a friend who has always thought about writing a book but has not yet succeeded.
Thank you for listening to The Author Inside You podcast. -
Meet Justin and Kristin.
Two perfect individuals that are always striving to be even more perfect.
And failing miserably everyday. The imperfect couple, in the imperfect house, driving the imperfect cars, with the imperfect faces and the imperfect bank account.
Join them in a new podcast dropping every other Tuesday, "The Importance of Being Perfect." -
As heard on the Check A Pro Radio Show, this is the Abacus Plumbing Podcast! Abacus is a leading provider of plumbing, air conditioning repairs, and electrical services. CALL (281) 730-8250
Neka Nova Priča je podcast za ambicioznu i poduzetnu ženu u kojem osobni rast poprima jednu novu dimenziju, u kojem sustavno pomičemo granice mogućeg, preispitujemo sve što je 'normalno' te nudimo alate i uvide koji vode u proces kreiranja života i biznisa koji su toliko dobri da nam od istog ne treba odmak niti 'pauza'. Kako znam? Jer jedan takav živim. Uz četvero djece, nekoliko biznisa i preko 1.6 milijuna eura kreiranih online i kontinuiranu posvećenost vlastitom rastu i evoluciji - ovo je mjesto gdje dijelim svoja razmišljanja, svoje spoznaje i sve što učim dok se krećem i stvaram još više. Dobrodošli, jako mi je drago što ste tu!
“AI Transcripts are now available on my Patreon! Japanese podcast for beginners,Nihongo con Teppei,The best way to learn how to speak Japanese naturally!,is a podcast for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me! If you like this podcast, and you have the means, please consider making a donation. サポーターをどんどん募集中!! I teach here! Find me!
A fortnightly podcast chronicling the amazing story of the now ex-country of Yugoslavia -its formation, heights, and collapse.
Lighthearted discussions at ungodly hours.
Vratimo zajedno zabavu u čitanje i čitanje u naše živote.
Kroz kratke, zabavne i informativne osvrte na knjige koje čitam i volim nastojat ću vam pomoći da pronađete one knjige zbog kojih ćete osjećati da je vrijeme izdvojeno za čitanje dobro iskorišteno, da ste se zabavili, opustili, ponešto naučili, otkrili sasvim nove lepeze interesa te na nov i drugačiji način razmislili o zanimljivim temama.
Hvala vam unaprijed na vašem vremenu, strpljenju i povjerenju!
Tipkamo se i čitamo
i IG @bibliovca -
Poznati edukator i astronom Korado Korlević stalni je gost urednik kontaktne emisije u kojoj se svakog utorka obračunava sa zagonetkama.
أجلس أنا حاتم النجار كل ثلاثاء مع ضيف مميز، وأنقل لكم تجاربه وقصصه وأفكاره المثرية.
Audio dei video pubblicati sul canale Youtube di Your Italian Teacher.
In questo show troverete gli argomenti dedicati alla grammatica. -
Neville Lancelot Goddard, generally known as Neville, was an American author who wrote on the Bible, mysticism, and self-help.
Spanish podcast for upper-beginners with free transcript in Spanish and English, with César and ”El inglés”. You can also use the vocabulary flashcards to memorise the new words presented on the episode.You can find the transcript and the flashcards on
The Campervan Podcast is an audio program featuring ideas for design and building, cooking, organization, gear and more for a better overall Vanlife experience.
Broj 1 audio podcast za biznis & lifestyle u regiji
Some Podcast Inventing and providing informative reviews About Kinetically Enhanced Narratives. A nerdy manga podcast that also talks about different geeky topics, since 2008
A podcast with two homos, some history, and some adult beverages. Pull up a seat, take a drink, and get ready to learn because class is in session.
Ko ne zna kakve su granice prilikom međuljudskih odnosa između vjernika i nevjernika, ovo predavanje je namjenjeno upravo njemu.