In this episode of AlphaBits, Brian and David explain why they're excited about wei/pull and tea.xyz.
wei/pull helps keep your forks up-to-date via automated PRs
tea - the revolutionary, cross-platform package manager. Say goodbye to slow & clunky, and say hello to fast & smooth. From the creator of Brew. With tea, simply type commands and it takes care of the rest. Get the latest versions of open source tools and support specific tool versions for different projects. Experience better package management with tea.
In this episode of AlphaBits, Brian and David explain why they're excited about aquaproj and Dagger.
aquaproj is a declarative CLI Version manager written in Go. Support Lazy Install, Registry, and continuous update with Renovate. CLI version is switched seamlessly
Dagger is a programmable CI/CD engine that runs your pipelines in containers
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In this episode of AlphaBits, Brian and David explain why they're excited about podmansh and Infisical.
podmansh is a container based login shell
Infisical is a secrets management and automation tool with a ton of integrations
In the first episode of AlphaBits, Brian and David explain why they're excited about Universal Blue and System Intiative.
Universal Blue is a collection of container images using Fedora's support for OCI/Docker containers as a transport and delivery mechanism for operating system content. This project's purpose is to be a "kit" for you to derive from to create your perfect image, as well as provide high quality images for use as a desktop.
System Initiative is a collaborative power tool designed to remove the papercuts from DevOps work.