Term Limits must be considered. You, "We The People," as stated in the constitution of the United States, begins, with "We The People," This in itself, aspires to understand, the choice is "The People, By The People, We The People," of reason and rational, petition for "Term Limits," Of the Congress of the United States.
It is time, “We The People” demand of both parties, to stop this political bickering, media battering, failure of the judicial, the left and right, deciding of who’s Right an who’s Wrong, when our Constitution was, is constructed for all to find “Middle Grounds, ” an this to wants to be ignored, discarded, by these bickering, unqualified immoral, money-grabbing, self-centered house of fools.
This petition to become law by introducing Term Limits since you are all losing your way.
Sign the Petition at this link; http://chng.it/9x7RggiDRh
The American Freedom Foundation
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