Aired Tuesday, 27 March 2018, 10:00 AM ET
You Are Awesome! – ENERGY FORECAST for the Week of March 26th – April 1st, 2018
This week your energy is best spent being the best version of YOU possible. You don’t have any control over what other people think or say about you, but you do have control over your perception of the situation and whether or not you are going to rise up and thrive or crumble and fall. You are powerless when you worry about pleasing other people, but when you focus on being an amazing person and creating an amazing life then you become powerful. As you gain a foothold on who you truly are and how you wish to present yourself to the world other people begin to recognize and respect you in new ways.
Be sure to join our Angel Talk Tribe and never miss another episode at: http://bit.ly/angeltalktribe -
Aired Tuesday, 20 March 2018, 10:00 AM ET
How Bad Do You Really Want It? – ENERGY FORECAST for the Week of March 19th – 25th, 2018
This week your energy is best spent taking inspired action. The universe is supporting forward movement so act on that Divine inspiration that is flowing through you. Take your creative ideas to a new level of implementation and don’t be deterred by challenges along the way. Babies constantly fall down when they are learning to walk. It’s not a sign that the universe doesn’t want them to learn how to walk, it’s the universe saying… “How bad do you really want this?” If you are running into roadblocks be more creative and try something different. As we move into Mercury Retrograde it’s critical to communicate clearly and accurately, follow-up is key and don’t take anything personally.
Be sure to join our Angel Talk Tribe and never miss another episode at: http://bit.ly/angeltalktribe -
Puuttuva jakso?
Aired Tuesday, 13 March 2018, 10:00 AM ET
Waste Not Want Not – ENERGY FORECAST for the Week of March 12th – 18th, 2018
This week your energy is best spent focusing on that which you desire, not that which you have that you don’t want. Worry and frustration only holds things up in the universal order of things. Step into faith and be prudent with your time and money. Waste not want not is the mantra for the week as you sink your teeth into using all that you have to your fullest advantage. Sometimes what you are looking for lies in your own backyard.
Be sure to join our Angel Talk Tribe and never miss another episode at: http://bit.ly/angeltalktribe -
Aired Tuesday, 6 March 2018, 10:00 AM ET
Patience & Planning - ENERGY FORECAST for the Week of March 5th – 11th, 2018
This week your energy is best spent taking a step back and being patient. We are still focused on planning for this week. And it’s important not to sail through life by the seat of your pants but to be purposeful with your steps and your actions. As you become more patient and present in your life you will see that taking the time to think things through and setting goals will help you achieve your dreams faster than being scattered in a million different directions. There are many exciting things to come for those who take the time to plan.
Be sure to join our Angel Talk Tribe and never miss another episode at: http://bit.ly/angeltalktribe -
Aired Tuesday, 27 February 2018, 10:00 AM ET
Planning Pays Off – ENERGY FORECAST for the Week of February 26th – March 4th, 2018
This week your energy is best spent being responsible and taking the time to plan carefully. Well-laid plans with the best intentions merit the highest return on your investment. This is not a time for acting foolishly, taking risks or being irresponsible with your money or your relationships. It is a time for getting things in order, things you’ve been putting off for a long time like having a will or planning for retirement. As you give certain areas of your life the attention it deserves you will meet with success unexpected in common hours.
Be sure to join our Angel Talk Community and never miss another episode at: http://bit.ly/angeltalkcommunity -
Aired Tuesday, 20 February 2018, 10:00 AM ET
You Have Arrived – ENERGY FORECAST for the Week of February 19th-25th, 2018
This week your energy is best spent reveling in the beautiful life you are creating for yourself. You’ve worked long and hard to manifest a life of peace and presence and now is the time to take a deep breath and drink it all in. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. Pause and look around. You may not be finished yet, but congratulate yourself for coming this far and not giving up. Consistency and persistence are your keys to success. There is much to celebrate. Break open the champagne and enjoy.
Be sure to join our Angel Talk Community and never miss another episode at: http://bit.ly/angeltalkcommunity -
Aired Tuesday, 13 February 2018, 10:00 AM ET
Decisive, Determined Action – ENERGY FORECAST for the Week of February 12th-18th, 2018
This week your energy is best spent taking the bull by the horns and “JUST DO IT” as the old Nike commercial would say. You may be feeling a bit impulsive but sometimes that’s what is needed to shift out of overthinking every single decision in your life. It doesn’t matter what you do or what path you follow the only thing that matters this week is that you JUST DO something! It is time to make a change in your life. Do not talk yourself out of it. Allow that still, small voice to guide and direct you. There are no mistakes, only opportunities to learn and grow.
Be sure to join our Angel Talk Community and never miss another episode at: http://bit.ly/angeltalkcommunity -
Aired Tuesday, 6 February 2018, 10:00 AM ET
Freedom - ENERGY FORECAST for the Week of February 5th-11th, 2018
This week your energy is best spent relishing in the freedom that choices allow in your life. You have been feeling stuck for some time and now that the energy has shifted you are beginning to see all of the endless possibilities before you to create again. Whether it’s changing careers or leaving a stale relationship there is renewed hope, energy and passion as you step out of stuck and follow the path of freedom.
Be sure to join our Angel Talk Community and never miss another episode at: http://bit.ly/angeltalkcommunity -
Aired Tuesday, 30 January 2018, 10:00 AM ET
Ask for Help - ENERGY FORECAST for the week of January 29th - February 4th, 2018
This week your energy is best spent taking a deep breath, slowing down and ASKING for help. You’ve taken on too much and might be feeling overwhelmed. Take one day at a time and ask for help when you need it. Whether it’s a spouse taking on more household responsibilities or asking for an extension on that work deadline this is the week to finally admit you could use a lending hand and ASK. The people around you are not mind readers and as long as you will do it, they will occupy their time with other things. Don’t be that silent martyr who won’t ask for help and then complains about having to do everything.
Be sure to join our Angel Tribe and never miss another episode at: http://bit.do/angeltalktuesday -
Aired Tuesday, 23 January 2018, 10:00 AM ET
Trust Yourself
This week your energy is best spent allowing your imagination to run wild. Sometimes this can be ignited through play and adventure. Be the dreamer of days gone by and allow your innermost dreams and desires to be born. This is a great time to start a new adventure or take another look at something with fresh eyes that you put on the shelf. The universe wants you to trust yourself. You don’t have to have everything figured out here in this moment. Don’t let “not knowing” how you’re going to make it happen block you. And remember, you really do have everything you need so relax, surrender and let your true purpose shine!
Be sure to join our Angel Tribe and never miss another episode at: http://bit.do/angeltalktuesday -
Aired Tuesday, 16 January 2018, 10:00 AM ET
Collaboration, Cooperation & Connections
This week your energy is best spent partnering with someone or a group, to turn your dreams into reality. If you are one who tends to be independent and a bit of a loner it is time to seek out and look to those who can help you move to the next level. As you do, it opens a manifestation portal which engages your best laid intentions boosting them into physical reality. Hard work, focus and creativity along with an ally are sure to assist you in achieving the results you desire.
Be sure to join our Angel Tribe and never miss another episode at: http://bit.do/angeltalktuesday -
Aired Tuesday, 9 January 2018, 10:00 AM ET
Harnessing Your Personal Power
This week your energy is best spent speaking your truth with kindness and harnessing your personal power. No more hiding, your authentic true self wants to shine. You know who you are and you are ready to share your glorious self with the world. There is no need to pretend to be something you are not anymore. You are perfect in every way. As you begin to live more fully within the space of your true, sacred self some will step away and move in a different direction, those are the ones you never needed anyway. Others will fall into line stepping in sync with the rhythm of your soul, those are the ones who will assist you in rising higher. Without this much needed cleansing of your relationships you will be forced to continue to be a wallflower, simply trying to exist and fit in with the least amount of complication or confrontation. Serving no one, least of all yourself. Dying a slow death. So living your truth really is a life or death matter not to be taken lightly.
Be sure to join our Angel Tribe and never miss another episode at: http://bit.do/angeltalktuesday -
Aired Tuesday, 2 January 2018, 10:00 AM ET
Thoughts Become Things
This week your energy is best spent paying close attention to the thoughts that are running through your mind. Are you fearful or worried about something? Focusing on the issue from this state of mind will only bring you more fear and worry. Trust that there is a Divine plan unfolding not only in your life but in the lives of those around you. Don’t carry their burdens, by doing so you prevent them from learning the lessons they came here to learn. Think of your burdens as opportunities to grow and expand into more of the peaceful, kind, loving person you desire to be. You don’t need things to go your way in order to be happy.
Be sure to join our Angel Tribe and never miss another episode at: http://bit.do/angeltalktuesday -
Aired Tuesday, 26 December 2017, 10:00 AM ET
Fresh Starts
This week your energy is best spent being generous with your heart yet practical with your money. The glitter and glam is over and now it’s time to shore up any damage done by the holidays. Now is also a good time for setting intentions for the New Year lest it slip by and you wind up with another year gone and nothing to show for it. Take stock of your successes and make plans to proceed for the next year holds much promise and possibility for those who are prepared.
Tune into Angel Talk Tuesday this week as Julie Geigle & Susan Schueler channel a Weekly Energy Forecast to help you navigate the ups and downs of being human here on planet earth. Dial in for a FREE psychic reading during the show at 202.570.7057, and don’t forget to stop by Angel Talk Tuesday Breakroom on FB and say HI. -
Aired Tuesday, 19 December 2017, 10:00 AM ET
Blessings of Joy
NEW MOON, Winter Solstice, Mercury Retrograde goes direct!!! This week is an incredibly exciting week for all and your energy is best spent receiving blessings from others. Magic is in the air and sprinkled all throughout this week. Open your heart and receive a new blessed career change, financial prosperity, successful projects and assistance from others. Everything you touch turns to gold this week. Smile and be joyful. -
Aired Tuesday, 12 December 2017, 10:00 AM ET
Divine Inspiration
This week your energy is best spent considering all of your options and not making any hasty decisions. Now is a good time to start a meditation practice, even beginning with 10 minutes a day is a good beginning. It’s about being consistent and diligent that is the key. Meditation is an opportunity for Spirit/God to talk to you. To INSPIRE you with your next course of action. Without it we tend to run willy nilly here and there. Stop. Listen. Take Guided Action. -
Aired Tuesday, 5 December 2017, 10:00 AM ET
Powerful Beyond Measure
This week your energy is best spent being confident, courageous and strong. You may be thinking you are powerless or there’s nothing you can do in this situation but you really aren’t. There is always something you can do to effect change. You were created in the image of God and you have all the powers that He has and if the desire is placed in your heart than you also have the wherewithal to make it happen!
Tune into Angel Talk Tuesday this week as Julie Geigle & Susan Schueler channel a Weekly Energy Forecast to help you navigate the ups and downs of being human here on planet earth. Dial in for a FREE psychic reading during the show at 202.570.7057, and don’t forget to stop by Angel Talk Tuesday Breakroom on FB and say HI. -
Aired Tuesday, 17 October 2017, 10:00 AM ET
Viewing Life From the Eyes of a Child (Finding Fun in All things!)
Children have so much energy and exuberance because everything is new and exciting, and this is something adults should learn from. Each day is a new gift of exciting adventures IF we learn to see them. Today the Angel Channelers will discuss bringing fun back into your life and the importance of playing! We are taking live calls at 202.570.7057 for mini psychic and mediumship readings! -
Aired Tuesday, 10 October 2017, 10:00 AM ET
Leading an Energized Life
Most adults stumble slowly out of bed in the morning, exhausted and no longer excited about the day ahead. Join the Angel Channelers today as they discuss practical ways on how to energize your life and get that youthful spring back in your step. Also, feel free to call in at 202.570.7057 with any questions about the messages, as well as for mini psychic or mediumship readings. -
Aired Tuesday, 3 October 2017, 10:00 AM ET
I’m OK, You’re OK
As adults we place judgements on almost everything. Today the Angel Channelers will talk about self acceptance, and the importance of living a life free of self criticism and judging others. How we can act more like the children we once were, with that innocent “live and let live attitude.” Feel free to call in at 202.570.7057 with any questions about today’s show! - Näytä enemmän