
  • Fr. Vincent Lampert is the designated exorcist of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis. A priest of 33 years, he also serves as the pastor of Saint Michael and Saint Peter Parishes in the Diocese of Brookville, Indiana. In Today's Show What is an exorcism exactly? How were you picked to be an exorcist? Can someone be possessed and still go to mass, receive Holy Communion, bless themselves with holy water, etc. or would a possessed person always have an aversion to Holy things? What type of behavior or situation warrants the need for an exorcism? And how serious must a person’s afflictions be to warrant a visit from an exorcist? What is the process like when you get referred to a possible possessed person? Do other Christian denominations commonly send possessed people to a Catholic exorcist? Does the Catholic Church have an official position on what the number 666 represents? How do exorcisms differ from the Catholic Church vs the Russian Orthodox? When the demons were cast out of Mary Magdalene, it didn’t seem like there were any outward visible signs that she was possessed. Can one be possessed without them or others realizing it due to no visible manifestation of being possessed? Can Father elaborate on the importance of Confession in terms of fighting the demonic? How common are exorcisms in the real world? Popular media would have us believe that things like this happen all the time, but is that really the case? Is it okay to watch movies that have to do with exorcisms? Movies out there like The Exorcist and The Exorcism of Emily Rose? I heard the devil wants you to watch stuff like this. Father, what is the difference between imprecatory and deprecatory prayer relating to exorcisms? I've heard an exorcist mention these terms years ago. When I see fellow Catholics make the sign of the cross, they don’t seem to go far enough down when they say “the Son”. It kind of looks like an upside down cross. Isn’t the upside down cross a satanic sign? Father, how would an exorcist determine if a place is “haunted,” or I think the official term is “demonic vexation?” Is it a similar process? What is demonic obsession? What goes into an exorcism? Can you walk us through some of the process of the actual ritual? How long does it take to cast out a demon? Are certain types of demonic activity specific to certain areas of the country or gender specific or age specific or more concentrated in areas of our country? Do demons speak to us? Can they read minds?

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  • Fr. Jonathan Romanoski, FSSP is Pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Providence, Rhode Island. He was ordained in 2008. In Today's Show I have a family member that attended a funeral of a lesbian friend whose wife had died. Is it a sin for this family member to have attended the funeral for the deceased lesbian? On one hand, we are to comfort the sorrowful, but on the other hand, we are to admonish the sinner. I’m not sure what the correct answer is here. Does the church allow Josephite marriages? Can you explain Luke 14:26? ("If any man comes to me, without hating his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters, yes, and his own life too, he can be no disciple of mine.") I have a Catholic friend who attends a Yoga class. If Catholics cannot practice Yoga, how do I talk to her about this without disrupting the friendship? Also, the class is supposedly held at a Catholic church. Is this a red flag? What is the reason why, in a Solemn Pontifical High Mass, the Bishop wears his gloves in the procession towards the altar, but does not when the Mass ends and he processes? How would you recommend we go about loving others as instructed by Christ? Could Fr. Romanoski recommend a few good Bible commentaries? If we were to discover alien life on another planet (other than the microbes we have already found), would that "disprove" what was said in the Bible? It doesn't say anything about extraterrestrial life, does it? Could you clear up a debate that I have with family members? Is there salvation outside the Catholic Church? My company sells mostly food. Every day they throw away a lot of food, especially meat, vegetables and fruits. They're still good but they can't sell it anymore to customers. So, they throw it into big bins and some other company takes it and probably uses it to make biomass or something. We can't take any of this food officially, as it's forbidden by our company, and I used to do it very often. Can you tell me if that can be justified?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

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  • Fr. John Brancich, FSSP is the pastor of St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Nashua, New Hampshire. He was ordained into the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter in 2004. In Today's Show When a teenager is living at home and looking for employment, is it acceptable to take a job in food service that would require working on Sundays? Does Fr. Brancich have any advice, teaching or thoughts to share about the Ember Days coming up on 5/22, 5/24 and 5/25? Is this the last week of the Regina Caeli in Mass? What will come next in the Latin mass after Pentecost? What do Catholic believes about the rapture and the end times? Should I allow my non-Catholic husband to share Protestant ideas on this topic with our young son? Do the souls in hell possess infinite dignity? Why should one choose Catholicism over Orthodoxy? What are the differences in their theology and approach to faith? What is Father's opinion on alternative medicine such as chiropractic and natural medicine? I feel like I've been led astray by traditional Western medicine lately. Is alternative medicine safe from "New Age?" Is it sinful and/or inappropriate to applaud during Mass?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Fr. Anthony Amato is the Pastor of St. Peter’s Parish in Clifton Springs, New York. He was ordained as a priest in June of 2017 by Bishop Salvatore Matano of the Diocese of Rochester, New York. In Today's Show Could a priest say the Novus Ordo mass with a Douay-Rheims Lectionary? Are we not supposed to be forgiving of people with identity issues (LGBTQ, transgender, etc)? If a Catholic has been poorly educated in the faith and is living in sin or cooperating with others' sin, without knowing what they're doing, how do you think Christ will judge such people? Do animals have souls? Do animals go to heaven? Can God punish a man for a sin before it's committed? I attend both TLM and Novus Ordo Masses. Recently, it stood out to me that the Novus Ordo Priest doesn’t lift the Eucharist above his head, only in front of his face. Is this something that changed in the Novus Ordo or just my Priest’s preference? Raising the Eucharist upwards communicates to me that the sacrifice is to God, whereas the Priest facing me and lifting it face height made me feel the “bread” was for me. My mother in law, a non-Catholic (as is her extended family), is having her ashes buried under a tree in a cemetery next to her grandfather's grave. As a Catholic, may I attend her burial if I do not participate in the burial? What do you think the future of the Novus Ordo mass will look like? Do you think there is potential for the "reform of the reform?" With the Eucharistic Revival of the people already underway, what would be Fr. Amato's suggestion for teaching the Real Presence? A particular saint, book or reading?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Fr. Alan Maria Wharton, F.I. has assisted in Pastoral Ministry and Media Production for The Station of the Cross 88.5 FM in New Bedford, Massachusetts, formerly Radio Cor Mariae. In Today's Show The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul here in my town gets multiple requests for beds and are supposed to direct them to where they can get a free bed. would providing one freely to those who are cohabitating be wrong like I thought? If you suffer from OCD, do you have to confess intrusive/evil thoughts? Does having a mass said for a loved one release them from purgatory? Does reception of Holy Communion have to be on the same day the action for a plenary indulgence is performed? What are Father's opinions on Hanzer von Baltazar? I would like to use holy water in my home, but am not sure how to use it. Can you help me with recommendations? As I understand, the dogma of Mary as Mother of God was addressing the question of Christ’s Divinity at the Council of Ephesus. Was there a specific theological issue happening at that time where the Pope at the time felt it needed dogmatization? Do Lepers make it to Heaven? What can I say to a protestant when the say Mary is sinful. With the back up of these bible verses? “As it is written, ‘There is none righteous, no, not one.'” (Romans 3:10)“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23,) I prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet during my dad's agony and during prayer he died. Can we be certain it was a good death, and he is in heaven?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Fr. William Rock, FSSP serves as Parochial Vicar at Regina Caeli Parish in Houston, Texas. He was ordained in October of 2019 and serves as a regular contributor to the FSSP North America Missive Blog and the TAN Direction Blog. In Today's Show: Which button would you press and why? (Community Poll) Can one get an annulment without getting a divorce? Does the Catholic church fully support the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the actions being taken to support and protect mothers and children? What is the morality of ballet? To me, it seems like a socially acceptable way to conduct oneself in an immodest manner. Last Thursday was Ascension Thursday and this Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. Why were there 11 days before the descent of the Holy Spirit? Why didn’t Jesus breathe on the apostles as He ascended? Do Jews still celebrate Pentecost? Why do Catholics not keep/honor the Sabbath (Saturday) as stated in the 10 Commandments? Do you have to say the words out loud when praying or is it ok to silently say prayers in your head? For example, can I say the Rosary in my head on an airplane? I happily completed my Five First Saturdays! Can I continue and offer them up for the souls in purgatory? How can God see us if He has no face or body? How can God speak? How does He still do miracles today? Will we see Jesus in heaven? Was Jesus infinitely smart and knowledgeable even as a small child, or did he have to learn and progress his knowledge as we do? Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Fr. Joseph Dalimata, FSSP serves as Parochial Vicar at Immaculate Conception Church in El Paso, Texas. He was ordained in May of 2021.

    In Today's Show How do you distinguish humility and pusillanimity? Does humility lead to pusillanimity? Why do we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension? Is it correct that if Our Lord ever ascended, he would never come back to judge the living and the dead? Someone asked me this. How should a Catholic vote if neither candidate is pro-life enough? Is it sinful to not vote at all? I cannot remember what Saint I chose when I was initiated in the church 40 years ago. It really bothers me. What can I do about this now? What does the FSSP expect in a man who is wanting to enter into their seminary? I'm a game developer and I want to make a game about stories from the Bible, for example the story of Samson. Is that a sin? Is bearing false witness related to the sin of consent? At the Latin Mass in my local church we don't go up for communion because we would be committing sacrilege by stepping on fragments of the Eucharist. Should we only go to the FSSP or SSPX?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Canon Stephen Sharpe, ICKSP serves as Parochial Vicar at St. Joseph Oratory in Detroit, Michigan. He was ordained in 2020. In Today's Show I was born Catholic and believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. I like reading books authored by the Dalai Lama. The books I am reading now are mainly focusing on life matters such as how to be happy and how to be compassionate. Nothing really talked about Buddhism. In your opinion, is it a sin or is it ok to read his books? On the Reba sitcom, there was a question posed from one of the child characters to a Pastor. Paraphrasing: If God created Adam and Eve, who then had children, wouldn't all creation come from sisters and brothers? Can sisters and brothers marry? How does the Church explain this question? Does 1 Timothy Chapter 2 prohibit braided hair and jewelry for women? Can a Catholic attend a Jewish funeral at a synagogue? What has the Catholic church done to address sexual abuse? Have rules been put in place to protect children and parents? Jesus said, “My Lord, my Lord, why have you abandoned me?” Since Jesus is one with the father, was that question relevant at that time? Should prisoners who decide to participate in the Communion Service who are considered "shut ins" be given Holy Eucharist regardless of their state of grace, belief or denomination? Was Russia ever properly consecrated as Our Lady requested? Is it wrong or sinful to get a microblading procedure on one's eyebrows since it temporarily injects color into the skin? And are tattoos sinful or wrong to get as a Catholic? How does one examine their consciousness for the sin of gluttony? What is the best way of combating “being a glutton”?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Fr. Anthony Amato is the Pastor of St. Peter’s Parish in Clifton Springs, New York. He was ordained as a priest in June of 2017 by Bishop Salvatore Matano of the Diocese of Rochester, New York. In Today's Show Do you have to be Confirmed for at least three years before entering Seminary? This is what I heard and I'm wondering if this is true, as I'm discerning a vocation. Is it OK if the priest is dipping the host into the precious blood and then placing it on the communicant's tongue? Does this have anything to do with post-Covid practices? I volunteer at a local hospice where I deliver Communion. They recently enhanced their disease control protocols and want to have Ministers of the Holy Eucharist to attach a bottle of disinfectant to the burse string carrying the pyx with a consecrated host. My first impulse is that attaching items to the burse or string seems disrespectful, but it might also tend to weaken the string, ultimately enhancing the chances the pyx could fall to the ground when the burse string breaks. Is there any Church rule against attaching miscellaneous items to the burse or string? If I have little faith, will I still go to heaven? I was staying with my son in Florida with no car. I got ready for 5PM Sunday Mass, went downstairs, and no one was there. I checked and they were all upstairs. Knowing how tired they were, I didn’t wake them and therefore I missed Mass. I have not yet been able to go to confession and it looks like I missed the Penance service here in Texas for Easter. I really want Communion - can I go? Why do animals have to suffer from the Fall? I have a friend who is cohabitating who asked me to buy a bed for him and his girlfriend. Would this be construed as helping them in sin if I were to buy them a bed, and would I also be in sin? I have a daughter cohabitating with a man who is divorced (not Catholic) and not working because he does not want to pay his ex-wife alimony. I have been helping out with the rent since my daughter's income does not always cover all of her expenses. Again, I feel like I am helping her in sin and I wonder if I'm in mortal sin for doing so? Should civil unions be considered the same as a normal Catholic sacramental marriage? Trying to put the topic of demons into the correct context. Our Lord cast out demons. Do you think non-Catholics and Catholics who fall into mortal sin become influenced by demons? I'm in a spot where I'm making progress by grace in accepting God intellectually, but I still don't feel the history of Jesus saving us on the Cross is real, despite there not being any better explanation for the events that took place after His death until His disciples went in the world convinced He fulfilled His promise of resurrection. It's difficult to connect with God and I find myself like making circles around Him and debating heretics and atheists in my own mind constantly instead of living the truth, and I feel weak and unable to defend my faith. Do you have any specific advice here? I attend the Traditional Latin Mass but at my parish they are not able to celebrate the Traditional Mass on the 1st Sunday of every month. I believe this is due to the implementation of Traditionis Custodes in our diocese. Is it wrong for me to drive to a different parish on the 1st Sunday of every month to still attend the Traditional Mass? If you love Ask A Priest Live, now is the time to let us know by making your generous donation of any size today! As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, The Station of the Cross is 98% listener-funded and we need YOUR help and financial support to continue bringing you top notch Catholic shows like this one! To make your pledge today: - Call 1-877-711-8500 - Visit thestationofthecross.com - Use the donation page in your free iCatholicRadio app Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, and sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows!

  • Father Robert McTeigue is a member of the Society of Jesus. A professor of philosophy and theology, he has taught and lectured worldwide, and is a member of the National Ethics Committee of the Catholic Medical Association. He is host of the “The Catholic Current” via The Station of the Cross Catholic Media Network and the iCatholicRadio app (weekdays at 5PM Eastern). In Today's Show I have been told that we cannot know for sure by our own knowledge if we are in a state of grace. Can you please elaborate on this? Is missing mass a mortal sin if I don't know how to drive and no one is able to take me to mass? I am a new convert, old in age. Our priest says baptism wipes away all sins so you only confess sins after your baptism. Coming into the church you get 'conditionally baptized,'' even if you were previously baptized. So, to make a general confession, should I only be confessing sins post-Baptism or should I encompass my entire life? It feels very necessary. I donate to a homeless shelter where I believe they use the money wisely. I do not give money to homeless people on the streets because I think some of that money will go to alcohol or to drugs. By saying no to those homeless, am I ignoring Jesus's call to help others in need? How can one get a proper formation in scholastic philosophy and theology without attending a seminary? Any good scholastic manuals or books you would recommend? I was married 30 years ago in the Catholic Church. Less than a month later, my husband literally never came home. Just left. I was very blessed and my family helped me through that devastation and I filed a divorce. Since then, I’ve lost my way in the church because of the divorce. My question though (while I am Catholic, he was not): Is there any way to be forgiven and take communion and confession again? Every time I walk in a church I cry, as I miss it so much. I just finished reading the Life of Brother Lawrence, a very uplifting book. In a chapter about “Practicing the Presence of God", he states; “the first means is a new life, received by salvation through the blood of Christ.” In my church, they stopped passing the cup with the blood of Christ after the pandemic. What does he mean by that? At what point in church history was the foundation of the Mass established as it pertains to the usage of organs and other instruments? I’m sincerely wondering if you can explain some of the changes that you’ve noticed over the years and how, if at all, you may have soured on how music is often used in the sacred liturgy at places like Saint Typical’s (which I wholeheartedly agree with, by the way). I agree we can have no souvenirs of sin in Heaven. Can you explain in slow, simple steps how to rid ourselves of this danger? I hear you talk a lot about the importance of preaching. Has that always been important to you, or did that develop during your priesthood? Other than prayer, how can we support our parish priests? I think people forget that priests are people too. It seems like most of the time you are just “used” for blessing this thing or that statue, and that your time is not respected. If you love Ask A Priest Live, now is the time to let us know by making your generous donation of any size today! As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, The Station of the Cross is 98% listener-funded and we need YOUR help and financial support to continue bringing you top notch Catholic shows like this one! To make your pledge today: - Call 1-877-711-8500 - Visit thestationofthecross.com - Use the donation page in your free iCatholicRadio app Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, and sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows!

  • Canon Benjamin Norman, ICKSP currently serves as Chaplain of the ICKSP Oakland Apostolate at St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church in Oakland, California. He was ordained in 2018. In Today's Show Is there a reasoning behind the order in which saints are listed in the Canon of the Mass or in the Litany of the Saints? Also, I understand that confessors originally referred to martyrs, but to whom does that title refer now? Is it kind of a miscellaneous classification of a male saint who does not fit in any other category? Why is there not a classification for holy female saints who are neither virgins, widows, nor penitents? Isn’t it a sin against the Third Commandment to go out and eat at restaurants or buy groceries at grocery stores on a Sunday? Aren’t we encouraging these businesses to stay open on Sundays when we support them on these days? There are workers in those businesses that are working on a Sunday, and we’re supposed to keep the Lord’s Day holy and avoid servile work. Did priests do Confirmation extraordinarily historically? Can a priest say a Requiem mass for anyone? What does a priest do when he retires in terms of financial matters? Do priests have a pension or 401k plans? Where do they go to live? I have a friend who I've known for a long time (we're both in our late 20s). I reverted back to the faith almost two years ago, and I know he has not been practicing the faith since at least the beginning of high school, nor do I think he believes in the faith at all. He recently got married in a civil setting at a courthouse. Is it wrong for me to congratulate him on getting married in this way? Why is it that, compared to the Douay Rheims Bible version, two fruits of the Holy Spirit are missing - chastity and purity - compared to the Revised Catholic Edition, specifically the Catholic Adventure Bible? My manager asked me if I could work on Sundays because one of my coworkers got into an accident. Would I violate the 3rd commandment if I worked on Sundays even if I attended early low Mass? If a baptized Catholic no longer practices the faith, are they still Catholic? If you love Ask A Priest Live, now is the time to let us know by making your generous donation of any size today! As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, The Station of the Cross is 98% listener-funded and we need YOUR help and financial support to continue bringing you top notch Catholic shows like this one! To make your pledge today: - Call 1-877-711-8500 - Visit thestationofthecross.com - Use the donation page in your free iCatholicRadio app Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, and sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows!

  • Fr. Daniel Alloy, FSSP has served as Parochial Vicar at Regina Caeli Parish in Houston, Texas since July of 2022. He was ordained in June of 2020. In Today's Show How come the Orthodox Church celebrated Easter on May 5th and we celebrated Easter on March 31st? Will more recent/future Saints ever be added to the traditional calendar? Other than Holy Week, are there any other main differences between an older missal, for example St Andrew’s Daily Missal, and an Angelus Press 1962 Missal? I have a friend who's confused about how and why God built the church upon Peter. How could it be possible to build an entire church upon one person? And what does the name "The Rock" really mean in all of this? Why do all the scriptures say that Jesus was crucified, died, buried and rose again on the 3rd day? Yet the time between Good Friday at 3pm and Easter Sunday sometime before sunrise isn't close to 3 days. Day 1 would be Saturday at 3pm, Day 2 would be Sunday at 3pm, and the third day would be some time Monday before 3pm. I confessed a sin that I still feel very guilty about, partially because I was never honest with the person whom that sin would have affected had they known what I did. Can you tell me, because I confessed the sin, does that mean God will forgive me and I will end up in heaven? Should priests be bearded? My husband and I are in the process of creating a Health Care Proxy. The attorney sent us a standard form, which basically says 'no to all measures', but we can make changes before it is finalized. What of these options, if any, go against Catholic teaching? I'm thinking possibly the ones about not giving food or water, but we want to do the right thing: No Cardiac Resuscitation, No Mechanical Respiration, No Artificial Feedings, No Artificial Hydration, No Antibiotics. It seems that those who are unable to physically receive Holy Communion are usually told to make an act of Spiritual Communion instead. However, I have seen an old 19th century Irish prayer manual state that one must first be properly disposed to make a spiritual communion, and must therefore be in a state of grace. Is this true? If so, what should a person do who is in a state of mortal sin and also thus impeded from making at least a spiritual act of communion? If one blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, does that person become totally possessed and evil in his daily actions? If you love Ask A Priest Live, now is the time to let us know by making your generous donation of any size today! As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, The Station of the Cross is 98% listener-funded and we need YOUR help and financial support to continue bringing you top notch Catholic shows like this one! To make your pledge today: - Call 1-877-711-8500 - Visit thestationofthecross.com - Use the donation page in your free iCatholicRadio app Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, and sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows!

  • We'll take a look at some of the best moments of the show thus far and talk about what the experience of first-time radio hosting has been like for Jordan. We'll also be joined by special guest Joe McClane, host of A Catholic Take, heard weekdays at 7AM Eastern on The Station of the Cross! If you love Ask A Priest Live, now is the time to let us know by making your generous donation of any size today! As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, The Station of the Cross is 98% listener-funded and we need YOUR help and financial support to continue bringing you top notch Catholic shows like this one! To make your pledge today: - Call 1-877-711-8500 - Visit thestationofthecross.com - Use the donation page in your free iCatholicRadio app Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, and sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows!

  • Fr. Michael Copenhagen is a Catholic husband, father, and a priest at St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Melkite Catholic Church in Gates, New York. He holds a Bachelors of Sacred Theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome.

    In Today's Show What are some differences in the liturgical calendar in the Eastern Rite? What is the Eastern Rite and where/how did it originate? Should this be deemed as a separation or split from the Roman Rite, or is there a better way to describe it? I follow the Gregorian calendar! But what’s the difference between the Julian calendar and the Gregorian calendar? As I understand it, Eastern Rite Catholic priests are able to be married and even have children. Can you please explain that concept and why it is approached differently in Eastern Rite churches? How do Eastern Rite priests balance the roles of being a husband, father, and priest all at the same time? Are there any differences in potential roles for women in Eastern Rite churches in comparison to the Roman Rite? I thought I had heard somewhere that Eastern Rite churches are slightly more restrictive in this area. Does one need to be registered as a member of an Eastern Rite church in order to attend Mass there? In other words, if I am a parishioner of another parish, for example, could I just decide in a spur of the moment to attend an Eastern Rite mass on any given Sunday? Would that “get me in trouble” with God in any way? Did you ever, at any point, consider becoming a priest in the Roman rite? Can you tell us a little bit about how you came to the decision of becoming a Melkite Catholic priest? Is there any difference in how the sacraments are administered in a Melkite Catholic church versus, say, an average Roman Catholic parish?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Fr. Elias Mary Mills, F.I. served as Rector of the Shrine Church at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Lacrosse, Wisconsin from 2016 to 2021. He was ordained in May of 2000. In Today's Show - All About Our Lady! (Part Four) What is your favorite title for Mary and why? Can you please explain why we Catholics place an emphasis on Mary and Her Immaculate Conception? Protestants feel this takes away from Jesus, and while I obviously disagree with that assessment, I have a hard time offering a compelling rebuttal. Why is Mary’s mantle used as such a prominent symbol? I see frequent references to it but never really understood the significance. A friend recently told me that the Eastern Orthodox church celebrates the protection of Mary’s mantle with a feast day in its liturgical calendar. I thought the common perception was that Catholics are the ones who “worship” Mary? Why should we consecrate ourselves to Mary rather than to Jesus or the Holy Spirit? Was Russia ever fully/properly consecrated as requested by Our Lady at Fatima? What are the concrete fruits of total consecration to Our Lady? I'm looking for clarification on how many complete Rosaries need to be prayed to make a First Saturday devotion. I've heard different things about five mysteries. Mary was conceived without sin and the Archangel Gabriel greeted her as "full of grace." What was her upbringing like?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Fr. Joseph Dalimata, FSSP serves as Parochial Vicar at Immaculate Conception Church in El Paso, Texas. He was ordained in May of 2021.

    In Today's Show Being in El Paso and near Fort Bliss, do you support the base in any way? Does the base have its own Priest or do local Priests go onto the base to support the soldiers? We had Mass when I was in Afghanistan. Were those Priests attached to the Army or do diocesan Priests volunteer to go? The Catholic Church has a dogma of "mediatrix". It suggests Catholics asking saints such as Mary for intercession, mediation in their prayer. How does this not contradict the bible verse 1 Timothy 2:5 "For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus." Different beliefs regarding transubstantiation in Eastern Rite Catholic churches I believe I may have had a vision from God and I'm wondering what your thoughts are. Should first Communicants only be taught to receive in the hand? This bothers me, but I don't know if I should speak with the priest or how else to proceed. Is there an age limit or minimum age requirement to become a priest or deacon? If I miss a day of a novena or am late (past midnight) when I remember to say the novena prayer, should I restart the novena? Is the Eucharist valid if the Novus Ordo parish I attend promotes the rainbow/pride flag? With May starting tomorrow and being the Month of Our Lady, how can we show our love to her during this month? Prayers? Devotions? I'm 13 years old and not allowed to wear bikinis. My question is, could I go to hell for wearing a bikini? And if i would, would I still go to hell if it is a girls-only party?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Fr. Anthony Amato is the Pastor of St. Peter’s Parish in Clifton Springs, New York. He was ordained as a priest in June of 2017 by Bishop Salvatore Matano of the Diocese of Rochester, New York. In Today's Show Should I get a conditional baptism if a Lutheran pastor did it as a baby? I heard an SSPX priest say that going to the Novus Ordo when you know that it is illicit puts one in the state of sin. Is this true? I would like to know if it is morally wrong or sinful to buy from stores that promote sin (such as being pro-LGBT or supporting abortion, etc.)? What is the sin of consent? Is it a mortal sin not to vote in our elections? I have a question about how John the Baptist died. I thought I had heard or read somewhere that he also had been put to death on the cross. Is this true? Ascension Thursday (a Holy Day of Obligation) is next week. If I live in a diocese that transfers the Solemnity to the following Sunday, am I still required to attend Mass next Thursday? What exactly is good and what is evil? What is the sin of pride and where can it be found in our lives? After sin, should you indulge in guilty thoughts and bashing yourself, or should you be more positive and reset yourself in the intention not to sin? Which voice is God's voice? How can I help a relative who has a negative view of God due to their own "father wounds?"

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Canon Ross Bourgeois, ICKSP serves as Parochial Vicar at Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Canon Bourgeois was ordained in 2019. In Today's Show: Altar servers kiss the hands of priests during the liturgy, which is very beautiful. I understand the Eastern Christians venerate the hands of priests, even when they meet them in secular settings. Can laity kiss the hands of Catholic priests, apart from First Mass blessings? If so, please explain the etiquette. Are the terms of the marriage contract identical in a mixed marriage? Can I read daily devotions that are not written by a Catholic? Could a priest say the Novus Ordo with a Douay-Rheims Lectionary? Is it correct for an altar server to go to the tabernacle and put away the consecrated hosts after communion? What is the difference between how a deacon Baptizes and how a priest Baptizes, since a Deacon cannot anoint? How might dual citizenship affect one's enrollment with the ICKSP? Would Canon Ross mind sharing what were a couple of his favorite saints and why they're his favorites? I went to confession, but after confession I got into an argument and said some hurtful things. It's going to be at least a week until my next confession; does asking God sincerely for forgiveness in your prayers give you some of God's grace back, or must you confess to get any connection back with God? Is saying hurtful things a mortal sin? Is it ok to refer to an Institute priest as Father? Does it happen often?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Fr. John-Mary Bowlin serves as Parish Priest at St. Jude Catholic Church in Gun Barrel City, Texas. He served in the U.S. Army and was ordained a priest in June of 2012. In Today's Show: I can’t stop feeling anxious about the end times even after going to Confession and doing lots of reading and research. Can you tell me what the Catholic church teaches about this subject? When multiple mysteries of the Rosary are being prayed, should the Salve Regina be prayed in between? Is it correct that if we are in friendship with sinners or don't warn them of their sin, God will hold us responsible if they go to Hell? Would we be condemned to Hell for this error? How does Catholicism view self-help and self-improvement and how does that fit in with surrendering to God’s will? What does the church teach about forgiveness, particularly forgiving those who have committed exceptionally grievous offenses against us? In Matthew 19:24, it says "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” I was wondering how to interpret this. I am thirteen and one of my largest aspirations is to be rich and successful, and I wanted to know if you could be rich, have fast cars, big boats, etc. and still do right by the Lord. Father Bowlin's brother priest invades the show... There's a life sized image of Our Lady. It appears she has no head covering. I don't recall where this is at, but it is outside. I thought it was odd. I've always seen Our Lady with a head covering. Your thoughts, please? What measures can we take whilst wearing saint medals and praying using "shrines" with imagery of Jesus and Mary etc. to avoid idolatry? For those like myself who don’t have access to a solid youth formation group in their area, what might you recommend as an alternative for kids? Why hadn't Jesus taken His Mother Mary to Heaven at His Ascension? Before Christ, the Jews did not know about the Trinitarian nature of God until Jesus manifested himself. Is it possible that like Jesus, there might be another person of God that hasn't been manifested to us yet, or is the mystery complete? Does being blind, visually impaired or hearing impaired impede someone from being accepted into the priesthood? Are there situations of extreme poverty when parents are able to live with their daughter and her husband and children even though the daughter and husband were not married in the church?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Canon Benjamin Norman, ICKSP currently serves as Chaplain of the ICKSP Oakland Apostolate at St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church in Oakland, California. He was ordained in 2018. In Today's Show: Is there any reference in the Bible to actual sin being passed on from one generation to the next besides Original Sin? What books would you recommend for one wanting to be formed in the scholastic tradition? I was asked to be the best man in a Lutheran wedding. Can I do this as a Catholic? If not, how can I decline without hurting the couple's feelings? Can we assume that Elijah was assumed into heaven in the Old Testament, similarly to Our Lady? How can we best avoid judging and criticizing others? What does Catholic masculinity look like? How does it differ from contemporary American masculinity? Can we fulfill the first Saturday Devotions every month attending a Novus Ordo if/when we can't find a Latin Mass to receive Holy Communion? Regarding remote worship: is an online Mass, or streaming Adoration, or blessings given during a podcast like this valid? What is the best practice after falling back into temptation? What is best to do to bring some holiness back into your life until you can go to Reconciliation? Do sacramentals like epiphany water & salt or Candlemas candles need to be re-blessed each year if unused?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!