
  • Mercury (Storyteller) in Gemini trines Pluto in Aquarius inviting you to track the deeper currents of change in your life. Mercury conjoins Jupiter (Teacher-Wise One) in Gemini expanding your curiosity, flexibility and willingness to explore new ideas. The New Moon in Gemini conjoins Venus (Relational One) opening new options for communication and connection in relationships and with how you spend your life energy. Notice new ways to think about your values and beloveds. Venus and the Sun (Conscious Self) in Gemini square Saturn (Responsible One) in Pisces. As you explore new ideas and partnerships, stay grounded in your empathetic and spiritual side.

    Podcast Poem: "For Equilibrium" by John O'Donohue

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  • Mars (Advocate) conjoins Chiron (Wounded Healer) in Aries catalyzing you to heal old wounds with anger, agency and impulsiveness. Recognize and shift personal and ancestral patterns of resentment and feeling that you have to do it all yourself. Courageously open to your unique ways of taking risks and being a champion for what and who you love. Mercury (Storyteller) conjoins Uranus (Maverick) in Taurus inviting you to shake up the old mental cobwebs around security and stability. Notice innovative ideas, thoughts and synchronistic encounters that demonstrate you belong to your life and are resourced in unexpected ways. Jupiter (Teacher-Expanded One) newly into Gemini trines Pluto (Transformer) in Aquarius inviting you to let go what's not working mentally and shift outworn paradigms. Clear the mental closets so you can attune to deeper innovative transformation.

    Podcast Poem: "Allow by Danna Faulds

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  • Momentous week of shifting into new energies of exploration and networking. The Sun (Conscious Self) enters Gemini and trines Pluto (Transformer) in Aquarius. Activate your inner detective to follow idea and communication clues that bring you to deeper mind transformation. The Full Moon in Sagittarius guides you to lean into new adventures to expand your experiences and paradigms. Venus (Relational One) conjoins Jupiter (Wise Expanded One) in Taurus inviting you to know your deep belonging to the Earth and embodied life. Jupiter in Taurus trines Neptune in Pisces to expand your awareness of your interconnectedness with all Life. Venus enters Gemini and trines Pluto supporting going deeper with relationships and values by exploring new directions. The big news--Jupiter (Wise Expanded One) enters Gemini for a year of expanding optimistic exploration of new ideas, communication and paradigms.

    Podcast poem: "Jump" by Alision Luterman

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  • The Sun (Hero/Heroine) conjoins Uranus (Maverick/Change Agent) in Taurus illuminating where you are called to break out of ruts with your resources and connection to the Earth. Mercury (Storyteller) enters Taurus activating your thoughts and expression to get real and pragmatic with your projects and conversations. Mercury in Taurus squares Pluto (Transformer) in Aquarius inviting you to tell yourself some deeper truths about how to balance security and safety with the need for more freedom for you and others. Venus (Relational One) conjoins Uranus in Taurus catalyzing some unexpected random good luck and relational awakenings.

    Podcast Poem: "Forget About Enlightenment" by John Welwood

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  • Mercury (Storyteller) conjoins Chiron (Wounded Healer) in Aries inviting you to acknowledge how you've shifted old wounded self-marginalization stories in the last 6 weeks. The New Moon in Taurus is conjunct Uranus (Maverick) and Jupiter (Wise One) supporting you to seed new ways to explore the paradox of radical change with grounded stability.

    Podcast Poem: "Instead of Turning Off the News" by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
    Poet's Website: https://www.wordwoman.com

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  • Venus (Relational One) enters Taurus for a few weeks of attuning to the beauty and sensuality of relationships with others and the Earth. Celebrate the time of Beltane and the gift of life renewing itself. Venus squares Pluto (Transformer) in Aquarius inviting you to follow deeper currents of change in relationships and with your values. What is costing too much (time, resources, money) for both you and others. Release it! Mars (Advocate) enters Aries for 6 weeks of dynamic moving forward with new ideas and projects. Track unconscious patterns of aggressively going after what you want at the cost of reciprocity in your relationships. Pluto turns retrograde for 5 months of inner review of the outworn patterns of disempowerment that need to go. Recognize the call to make inner changes for the sake of greater freedom for the collective.

    Podcast poem: "Replenish" by Claudia Schmidt

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  • The Full Moon in Scorpio squares Pluto in Aquarius challenging you to track deeper emotional currents with trying to balance security, intimacy and freedom. Release old patterns of holding on due to fear of loss and scarcity and attune with your deeper needs to be emotionally real and free at the same time. Mercury (Storyteller) turns direct in Aries after 3 weeks of being retrograde. Implement the necessary changes in your inner and outer narratives that support you and others to be more authentic. Mars (Advocate) conjoins Neptune (Visionary) in Pisces inviting you to take action on your dreams in fluid intuitive ways.

    Podcast poem: "The Story Wheel" by Joy Harjo

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  • Mercury (Storyteller) retrograde conjoins Chiron (Wounded Healer) in Aries for the second time in the current 6-week journey. Keep tracking the old wounded narratives that it's not okay to be you and let them go. Mercury also conjoins Venus (Relational One) in Aries to deepen your healing journey with self-acceptance and reassessing what do you spend your life on? The long awaited big cycle of Jupiter (Mentor-Teacher) conjunct Uranus (Maverick) in Taurus happens this week. Expand into more innovative and authentic beliefs around relationships and resources. Venus conjoins Chiron in Aries inviting you to honor the uniqueness and individuality of everyone in relationships. You do you and let others do them. Sun (Conscious Self) in Taurus squares Pluto (Transformer) in Aquarius catalyzing you to recognize where you might be holding onto some kind of security and privilege at the cost of others having the same benefits. Lean into generosity and alternative ways to feel secure.

    Podcast poem: "A Valley Like This" by William Stafford

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  • The New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries activates your call to embrace your authenticity and release old wounded self-diminishment stories. Be the Phoenix that rises from the ashes of old identities and stories that are too small for your soul. Mars (Warrior/ess) conjoins Saturn (Responsible One) in Pisces challenging you to courageously address the unconscious emotional patterns of victimization and lack of agency. Activate the appropriate boundaries and inner structures that support effectiveness. The Sun (Conscious Self) conjoins Mercury (Storyteller) retrograde in Aries offering awareness and insights to some of the communication review and re-assessment you're been doing. Attune to new projects and ideas you're called to explore for the next four months.

    Podcast poem: "Second Sight" by David Whyte

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  • Mercury (Storyteller-Bridge Maker) goes retrograde in Aries for 3 weeks. Allow some pauses and time outs in your busy communication processes (in-person and via devices) to listen to yourself. Be curious about what's underneath old patterns of moving too fast and burning yourself out. Make some shifts to slow the roll! Venus (Relational One) conjoins Neptune (Mystic) in Pisces inviting you to greater compassion for yourself and others while also tracking patterns of enmeshment that don't serve. The upcoming Solar Eclipse in Aries is conjunct Chiron (Wounded Healer) and the North Node (Evolutionary Purpose). Attune with this potent time of seeding new ways of radical self-acceptance and acceptance of others.

    Podcast Poem: "What if There is No Need to Change?" by Oriah Mountain Dreamer

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