
  • Episode 197

    In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of September 23rd, 2024, puts the frenetic finishing touches on a year-long quest for justice. With two South Node conjunctions and a flurry of activity from Mercury, it’s a period that sets the stage for the shake-ups that come with next week’s solar eclipse.

    Let’s get into it.

    This episode covers:

    Mercury’s trine to Uranus on Tuesday, September 24th

    Mercury’s opposition to Neptune on Wednesday, September 25th

    Mercury’s trine to Pluto on Wednesday, September 25th

    Mercury's ingress into Libra on Thursday, September 26th

    The Sun’s conjunction to the South Node on Sunday, September 29th

    Mercury’s conjunction to the South Node on Sunday, September 29th

    Mars’ trine to Saturn on Sunday, September 29th

    This episode was recorded on 08/06/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.
    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.

  • Episode 196

    In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of September 16th, 2024, mixes major shake-ups with centering shifts. Studded with an illusory lunar eclipse in Pisces and regenerative September Equinox, this period spotlights our relationship to balance and overindulgence.

    Let’s get into it.

    This episode covers:

    Mars’ square to the lunar nodes on Sunday, September 15th

    The lunar eclipse in Pisces on Tuesday, September 17th

    Mercury’s opposition to Saturn on Wednesday, September 18th

    The Sun’s trine to Uranus on Thursday, September 19th

    The Sun’s opposition to Neptune on Friday, September 20th

    Mercury’s square to Jupiter on Saturday, September 21st

    The September Equinox and the Sun’s entrance into Libra on Sunday, September 22nd

    Venus’ square to Pluto on Sunday, September 22nd

    Venus’ ingress into Scorpio on Sunday, September 22nd

    This episode was recorded on 8/6/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.

    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.

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  • Episode 195

    In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of September 9th, 2024, is infused with pleasure and a touch of aggression. Packed with supercharged Martian moves and a bountiful Venus–Jupiter trine, this week promises to pepper our celebrations with calls to action and test our ability to keep our cool in inflammatory times.

    Let’s get into it.

    This episode covers:

    Mercury’s entrance into Virgo on Sunday, September 8th

    Mercury’s sextile to Mars on Wednesday, September 11th

    The Sun’s square to Jupiter on Thursday, September 12th

    Venus’ trine to Jupiter on Saturday, September 14th

    Mars’ square to the lunar nodes on Sunday, September 15th

    This episode was recorded on 08/6/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.

    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.

  • Episode 194

    In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of September 2nd, 2024, bumps up against our growth edges. On Monday, the New Moon in Virgo opposes Saturn (the planet of limits), fortifying our boundaries and clarifying our priorities. Then, Mars (the warrior planet) squares Neptune (the planet of illusion), requiring us to move slowly until the fog of confusion dissipates. On Tuesday, Venus (the planet of pleasure) makes a conjunction to the South Node (a point of release), raising questions of how we can achieve justice and equality in our relationships. On Wednesday, Mars enters Cancer, where it tasks us with balancing decisive action with sensitivity. On Friday, Mercury (the messenger planet) squares Uranus (the planet of upheaval), disrupting our communications with a loud and unexpected message. Finally, on Saturday, the Sun opposes Saturn and draws our attention to rules, consequences, and reality checks. All in all, this week marks a new chapter in our relationship with constriction.

    This episode was recorded on 08/13/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.

    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.

  • Episode 193

    In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of August 26th, 2024, mixes sweetness with poignancy. On Tuesday, Venus (the planet of pleasure) trines Uranus (the disruptor), motivating us to get experimental with new modes of creativity, invention, and delight. But on Wednesday, Venus goes on to oppose Neptune (the planet of illusion). Though things could get cloudy in our relationships, this moment is steeped in creative inspiration. Then, Mercury (the messenger planet) stations direct, urging us to regroup, gather our thoughts, and move forward with renewed clarity. On Thursday, Venus enters its home sign of Libra, where beauty, art, and love reign supreme. Right after, Venus trines Pluto (the planet of underworld journeys), calling us to bask in the healing properties of joy and connection. On Sunday, Uranus stations retrograde — which could feel a little destabilizing, but it could also reveal fruitful ways to challenge the status quo. Finally, Pluto re-enters Capricorn for the final time (in our lifetimes), prompting us to reflect on how we’ve embodied power and transformation over the last 15 years. Overall, this week is an opportune time to relish in our progress and tie up any loose ends.

    This episode was recorded on 8/5/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.

    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.

  • Episode 192

    In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of August 19th, 2024, is packed with chaos. On Monday, Venus (the planet of beauty) opposes Saturn (the planet of structure), adding some strain to our pleasure pursuits. Then, the Sun squares Uranus (the planet of disruption), destabilizing outdated structures to make way for new ones. Later, the Full Moon in Aquarius forms a square to Uranus and brings another shock to our collective efforts. But it also nudges us to approach old modes of being from new perspectives. Afterward, Jupiter (the planet of bounty) forms an exact square to Saturn in a moment of era-defining astrology. This marks the peak of the planets’ discord and forces us to choose a path forward. On Thursday, the Sun enters Virgo and moves out of its square to Uranus, which turns down the heat but ups the frenzy already happening in Virgo. Later that day, Venus squares Mars (the planet of action), creating both sparks and tension in matters of beauty and play. Finally, on Friday, Mercury (the planet of communication) retrograde sextiles Mars, ushering in some relief to the week and prompting us to review a problem and more clearly articulate our arguments. Overall, this week promises to be both tumultuous and productive.

    This episode was recorded on 08/05/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.

    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.

  • Episode 191

    In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of August 12th, 2024, is as chaotic as it is brilliant. On Wednesday, Mars (the planet of action) forms a conjunction with Jupiter (the planet of expansion) for the first time in 13 years. This transit amps up the intensity of our drive and actions — as well as our propensity for living in extremes. Later, Mercury (the messenger planet) backtracks into Leo, spotlighting the good, the bad, and the ugly within our communications. On Thursday, Mars forms a square with Saturn (the planet of structure) and ups our determination. On Sunday, Mercury squares Uranus (the planet of upheaval), challenging the status quo in the name of truth. Then the Sun conjoins Mercury in a cazimi, bringing disruptive clarity and a surprise or two. Finally, Venus (the planet of pleasure) squares Jupiter, increasing our appetite for equity, peace, and unity. Overall, this week asks us to think long-term about our desires and ambitions — and how we want to call them in.

    This episode was recorded on 06/10/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.

    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.

  • Episode 190

    In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of August 5th, 2024, blends fresh starts with thoughtful reflection. Coming off of Sunday’s New Moon in Leo, we enter the week enthusiastic about new beginnings and confident in our capacity to meet the moment. On Wednesday, the Sun sextiles Jupiter (the planet of growth), boosting our ability to follow through on our commitments and take accountability when we fall short. Then retrograde Mercury (the messenger planet) conjoins Venus (the planet of pleasure) in Virgo, providing an opportune time to send our nearest and dearest well-constructed love notes. But it’s also an ideal moment to pause and correct the small details that could make or break our efforts. Overall, this week reminds us to appreciate both our loved ones and ourselves as we strive for continuous improvement.

    This episode was recorded on 06/10/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.

    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.

  • Episode 189

    In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of July 29th, 2024, is as turbulent as it is invigorating. On Friday, Venus (the planet of justice) squares Uranus (the planet of innovation), calling us to swap people-pleasing for authenticity and harmony for collective progress. On Sunday, the New Moon in Leo occurs and sextiles Jupiter (the planet of expansion), emboldening us to lead with confidence and show up as our most powerful selves. Then Venus enters Virgo, where it provides helpful — though not always solicited — critiques on aesthetic matters. And finally, Mercury (the planet of communication) stations retrograde, nudging us to fix whatever systems need mending. Overall, this week is an opportune time to recommit to our radiance and strive valiantly toward improvement.

    This episode was recorded on 06/10/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.

    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.

  • Episode 188

    In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of July 22nd, 2024, supercharges our sparkle and initiates deep discovery. On Monday, the Sun moves into Leo, calling our attention to how we shine and how we lead. Then the luminary opposes Pluto (the planet of underworld journeys), unearthing subterranean power dynamics and revealing any blockages to our brilliance. On Thursday, Mercury (the planet of communication) enters Virgo, heightening our ability to analyze and improve our everyday routines. And later that same day, the Sun sextiles Mars (the planet of action), spurring us to do anything that bolsters our vitality. Overall, this week provides the confidence boosts (and reality checks) we need to kick off Leo season.

    This episode was recorded on 06/10/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.

    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.

  • Episode 187

    In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of July 15th, 2024, encourages us to dig deep and alchemize what no longer serves us or the collective. On Monday, Mars (the planet of action) conjoins Uranus (the planet of disruption), prompting us to break free from harmful systems and structures. Though this is an opportune moment for breakthroughs, it cautions us to act on inspiration rather than impulse. On Saturday, Mars moves into Gemini, turning the dial — and potentially the chaos — in our communications and technology use all the way up. On Sunday, the Full Moon in Capricorn shines a spotlight on anything festering in the darkness, thanks to Pluto’s proximity. (The planet of underworld journeys is in the early degrees of Aquarius, not far from the lunation.) Later that day, Mars trines Pluto, boosting our overall focus and determination. Altogether, this week urges us to affect necessary change in our lives and investigate the parts that are so rarely unveiled.

    This episode was recorded on 05/27/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.

    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.

  • Episode 186

    In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of July 8th, 2024, blends wake-up calls with moments of secure abundance. On Monday, Venus (the planet of beauty) sextiles Uranus (the planet of innovation), inviting us to experiment with new modes of connection and pleasure-seeking. Later, Mercury (the messenger planet) sextiles Jupiter (the planet of bounty), inspiring us to communicate sentiments of optimism and expansiveness. On Wednesday, the Sun trines Saturn (the planet of structure), urging us to ground into the ways we lead and create stability in our lives. On Thursday, Venus trines Neptune (the planet of illusion), beckoning us to escape into what is romantic or delightful. Then, Venus enters Leo, where justice, beauty, and matters of the heart will come under a more dramatic spotlight. Finally, on Friday, Venus opposes Pluto (the planet of underworld journeys), plunging us deep into the relationships that require us to be honest with ourselves and clearing space for a necessary transformation. All in all, this week is an opportunity to confront reality and enjoy the ease that finds us.

    This episode was recorded on 05/27/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.

    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.

  • Episode 185

    In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of July 1st, 2024, encourages us to dream big and dive deep. On Tuesday, Neptune (the planet of dreams) stations retrograde in Pisces, pulling focus toward our visions for the future. Later, Mercury (the planet of communication) trines Neptune, urging us to discuss our fantasies regardless of how “out there” they may seem, and then enters Leo, upping the drama of our anecdotes and appreciations. Also on Tuesday, the Sun squares the lunar nodes, marking the halfway point between eclipse seasons and compelling us to take stock of what is and isn’t working as we strive toward our goals. Then Venus (the planet of beauty) trines Saturn, helping us to solidify the details of our upcoming pleasure pursuits. On Wednesday, Mercury opposes Pluto (the planet of underworld journeys), submerging us in conversations and investigations regarding the realities of everyday life. On Friday, Mars (the planet of action) sextiles Saturn, infusing our protective instincts with determination and stamina. Lastly the New Moon in Cancer occurs and ushers in a potent opportunity to nurture new hobbies, relationships, or personal projects and nourish both ourselves and the world at large. Overall, this week calls us to reflect on all the beauty we’ve created and all the joy we have yet to experience.

    This episode was recorded on 05/27/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.

    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.

  • Episode 184

    In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of June 24th, 2024, prompts celebration and evaluation as we settle into Cancer season. On Wednesday, Venus (the planet of beauty) squares the lunar nodes, calling us to refine the shared spaces we hold for love and justice. Later that day, Mercury (the messenger planet) trines Saturn (the planet of boundaries), infusing our manifestation practices and long-term plans with pragmatism. On Friday, Venus sextiles Mars (the planet of action) and spurs us toward the relationships and creative projects that bring us joy. Then on Saturday, Saturn stations retrograde and asks us to review the structures we’ve been building since March 2023. Finally, Mercury sextiles Uranus on Saturday, catalyzing reinvention in our communications and thought processes. Overall, this week buzzes with possibility.

    This episode was recorded on 05/27/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.

    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.

  • Episode 183

    In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of June 17th, 2024, is equal parts hazy and clarifying. On Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) forms a square to Neptune (the planet of dreams), muddling details and supercharging our imaginations. Then, Mercury moves into Cancer and conjoins Venus (the planet of love), sweetening our exchanges with expressions of gratitude. On Thursday, the Sun squares Neptune and blurs the line between reality and our dreamscapes. Later that same day, the Sun enters Cancer and the June Solstice calls us to check in with the practical progress we’ve made in the last six months. On Friday, the Full Moon in Capricorn prompts us to recenter our goals and the tangible actions it takes to achieve them. But because the Full Moon opposes Venus, it also shines a light on our relationships and how we care for one another. Finally, on Saturday, Mercury squares the nodes of the Moon, sparking conversations that have the potential to broaden our horizons — or even change our lives. All in all, this week marks a pivotal shift in the year and ushers in a new season of growth.

    This episode was recorded on 5/17/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.

    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.

  • Episode 182

    In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of June 10th, 2024, balances excavation with exploration. On Tuesday, Mars (the planet of action) makes a square to Pluto (the planet of underworld journeys), revealing deeply buried processes that relate to power and control. On Wednesday, Mercury (the messenger planet) forms a square to Saturn (the planet of structure), urging us to pause and reflect on where we could use more discernment. On Friday, there is a supportive Mercury cazimi in Gemini that squares Saturn, delivering insights that help us pick a lane to excel in. On Sunday, Venus (the planet of pleasure) makes a square to Neptune (the planet of dreams), beckoning us to indulge in what brings us joy — but Venus and Mercury also form squares to Saturn, cautioning us not to overdo it. Then, later on Sunday, Venus moves into Cancer, spotlighting our universal interconnectedness and reminding us to center our chosen family. Overall, this week prompts us to confront what’s going on beneath the surface — and revel in the sweetness.

    This episode was recorded on 3/13/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.

    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.

  • Episode 181

    In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of June 3rd, 2024, illuminates the bunny trails we are most excited to follow. On Monday, Mercury (the messenger planet) moves into its home sign of Gemini, signaling a flurry of curiosity, diversion, and conversation. It then goes on to trine Pluto (the planet of underworld journeys) and helps to unearth information buried deep below the surface. On Tuesday, Mercury conjoins Jupiter (the planet of plenty) in Gemini, calling us to revel in life’s little flashes of genius. Also on Tuesday, Venus (the planet of love) joins the Sun in Gemini for a cazimi, spotlighting the sweetness in our communications and fascinations. On Thursday, the New Moon in Gemini prompts us to both relish in our blessings and better integrate them into our lives. Then on Saturday, Venus forms a square to Saturn (the planet of boundaries), cautioning us to practice discernment in this moment of abundance. Also on Saturday, Mars (the planet of action) enters Taurus, slowing its pace and nudging us to go after our long-term goals. Finally, on Sunday, the Sun forms a square to Saturn, reminding us of the consequences of our choices and instructing us to reconcile our big ideas with what is actually useful. In all, this week is the perfect time to balance our bounty (and megadose of energy) with intentionality.

    This episode was recorded on 3/13/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.

    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.

  • Episode 180

    In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of May 27th, 2024, lends us a magnifying glass and a microphone. On Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) sextiles Saturn (the planet of structure), encouraging us to pore over every detail of our plans. On Wednesday, Mars (the cosmic warrior) conjoins Chiron (the minor planet associated with healing) in fiery Aries, spotlighting the impact of our actions on others and reorienting us toward relief. On Thursday, Mercury conjoins Uranus (the planet of disruption), surfacing surprising news and emboldening us to speak our most unconventional truths. On Sunday, we’re gifted a once-in-a-lifetime trine between Jupiter (the planet of expansion) and Pluto (the planet of underworld journeys) — so prepare for heightened abundance, opportunity, and potential for transformative discussions. Then, Mercury sextiles Neptune (the planet of dreams), doubling down on the day’s idealism. All together, this week brings a flurry of activity (and conversations) surrounding our personal and collective power.

    This episode was recorded on 03/13/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.

    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.

  • Episode 179

    In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of May 20th, 2024, trades the solidity of Taurus for the windstorm of intel that is Gemini. On Monday, the Sun moves into the mutable air sign, dispersing data and energy along its path. On Wednesday, the Sun trines Pluto (the planet of transformation), surfacing therapeutic insights and conversations. On Thursday, Venus (the planet of pleasure) conjoins Jupiter (the planet of expansion), calling us to plant seeds of connection. Later that same day, the Full Moon in Sagittarius sparks generosity and illuminates pockets of beauty in the part of our chart that contains the archer. Then Venus flits into Gemini and challenges us to ditch the binaries within our relationships. Lastly, on Saturday, Venus trines Pluto, bringing a healing balm to our intimacy journeys, and Jupiter joins the party in Gemini — where it will spend the next year generating boundless curiosity and leading us down fresh paths of inquiry. All in all, this week marks the start of a pivotal chapter in 2024.

    This episode was recorded on 03/13/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.

    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.

  • Episode 178

    In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.

    The astrology of the week of May 13th, 2024, is lively, lucky, and largely concentrated in Taurus. On Monday, there is a Uranus cazimi (aka conjunction between the Sun and the planet of disruption) in the sign of the bull, which makes it an excellent moment to take stock of our abundance and channel it into upgrading and dismantling outmoded systems. Later that day, Venus (the planet of love) sextiles Saturn (the planet of boundaries) in the same sign, bringing longevity and structure to our innovations. On Wednesday, Mercury (the planet of communication) also moves into the fixed earth sign and goes on to square Pluto (the planet of transformation) on Friday, unearthing hidden truths through deep conversations. On Saturday, Venus conjoins Uranus, encouraging us to seek fresh modes of pleasure and connection. Then there’s another cazimi in Taurus, between the Sun and Jupiter (the planet of expansion), which heralds new opportunities, wisdom, and growth. Finally, on Sunday, Mars (the warrior planet) amps up our energy levels as it joins the North Node in Aries. It’s a lot. But it’s a great time to revel in the strength and beauty that Taurus is known for.

    This episode was recorded on 03/13/2024.

    For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.

    The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.