Yellow is the color of SOOO many wonderful things like the sun, butter, twinkies, honey, flowers and gold! That's a whole lot of good stuff, but can feel like too much in a room. Yellow has a lot to offer, and sometimes it wants you to have it all SO MUCH, that it can overwhelm you. Too much of anything, even sun, butter and twinkies, is not good for you.
So yellow also teaches you to THINK and to pay attention. It wants you to have the confidence to know yourself so you can have as much of this good stuff as you are comfortable with. In this way, it is a teacher or mentor. It is smart and thoughtful and a little cerebral. Maybe even a bit of a know-it-all.
See what I mean by complicated and misunderstood? But just give yellow a chance, like I did. It has a lot to offer, comes in many shades and tones, so one or two MUST be right for you. Just listen, and yellow will help you choose just the right one....or two :)
I love all colors, but there is something special about orange that makes it my favorite. BUT...it is not the easiest color to work with or live with, and not everyone likes it!
I am not sure why that is since it has so much to offer and is so much fun! Plus it looks great and makes other colors around it look even better.
I have my own take on colors: they have a voice, they have personalities, and when you understand that, you can understand color and how to use it.
Here I give you my take on orange and what makes it so unique and how to get the most enjoyment out of it. It DOES have a lot to offer someone who loves it back!
Puuttuva jakso?
Playing with color is wonderful! You can have so much fun with it, discovering what looks good to you AND what color has to say! If you understand a little bit about color and what each one has to say, you can be more effective at expressing yourself and your own style.
I find that each color has its own personality, its own voice! You might think that would make it harder to work with, but no. Once you understand color and what it has to say, and how that can be used to your advantage, you can easily create your own style AND enjoy doing so!
Don't be afraid of color; make it work for you. It really IS on your side! You just need to understand what it's saying. You can do it!
As an artist, I like playing with color to see what can happen. How different colors and combinations look and how they make me feel. Same thing with home decorating. You never know what you are going to come up with when you start playing with color. It can be fun!
It doesn't take much to make a big difference in your home or even in a room. Adding a little more color or a different color or removing some color and replacing it with a neutral, may be all you need to give your home decor a beautiful facelift.
It's about creating a cohesive look where everything works together. Balance. Harmony. And sometimes all it takes is a little nudge in the right direction to begin making some beautiful music.
When you decorate your home, you are reflecting who you are. You are making it a comfortable place for yourself by filling it full of things you love and that make you happy. It's fun to express yourself and let everyone know who you are and what you are about through your home decor and even how you live. So when friends come over, they say, "yes, this is John's house alright!" That's you and your home talking loud and clear!
What does your home say about you? What do you want it to say?
I really enjoy keeping house plants. I do have several, so I need to make it easy on myself to take care of and maintain them. I also to make sure that so many plants will easily fit in with my decor and not overwhelm or make me look like a crazy person. Hopefully I have succeeded!
Keeping it simple and neutral as possible is the key to success when decorating with house plants (like most things). Low maintenance plants, the right containers, the right placement are a great start, but don't forget to express your own self and your own creativity with house plants! That's when you really strike gold.
As kids we had playhouses or treehouses where we could create our own world; where we could let our imagination go wild. Or, like me, you had to create a playhouse or a fort from what you had. As a kid, you don't care, just so long as you are playing and have the space to play!
As adults, I think we are not so different. We are still creating play spaces outside, scattering our toys around and basically enjoying our happy place!
So what kind of toys and what kind of playhouse do you have?
This episode dedicated to my younger brother whose birthday it is today!!
Pets and kids just naturally go together, in my opinion. I think they add so much to the learning experience of life and growing up. I know that when I was a kid, we had several pets plus some strays and some lost and founds going in and out of our lives all the time! All added and enriched our lives and the family experience.
Caring for a pet as a kid, any kind of pet, teaches you how to take care of something, how to keep it safe and healthy and also teaches you a thing or two about yourself. Plus you get so much back from the pet. It thrives, it grows, it looks to your for its nourishment, companionship and play (depending up on the pet!)
It an be a wild ride with a house full of kids and pets, but it is just so much fun!
Do yourself a favor and plan on making a few fixes or repairs before you open your home to buyers. Try to make fixes that make the most sense for your bottom line.
Obvious fixes would be a broken window or a hole in the wall, and these are ones that should be addressed if at all possible. Of course, in real estate, all things are negotiable, but making some repairs ahead of time makes a lot of sense.
All homes that have been lived in have room for improvement. It's just a matter of budgeting for those that will see the biggest return on our investment. Some repairs make more sense than others. That's where the plan comes in, and that's where I can help.
Every home, every seller and every buyer is unique, so when I stage a home for sale, it is sort of like an adventure for me. I get to paint a unique picture, tell a unique story. I love it!
This podcast goes behind the scenes of the sale of a couple's home who had owned it for about 55 years. They were a wonderful couple who deserved all the care and attention I could give them.
My unique marketing and home staging style allow me to adapt to these challenges and opportunities to create a win-win scenario.
Home staging is a good idea when you are ready to sell, and so I provide my Simple Home Staging as a complementary service to my seller clients. I have my own philosophy and methods that really work! Makes it easy on you, helps you get what you want out of the sale AND the buyer is happy, too! I help the buyer see how wonderful your home is.
My goal is to get your home to speak to the buyer so the buyer falls in love and will do what it takes to call your place home!
Each home has a unique voice, and it is my job to help the home talk loud and clear; to be heard above the others. And when the right buyer walks in, the buyer will hear and be charmed.
And that is what you want!
Ready to party? Do you follow the same recipe for success when you throw a party? I have learned it is usually best to do so! Sure, maybe change up a few things to keep it interesting, but straying too far can take you and your guests into a new territory that might be good for exploring but not conducive to a great party.
It's tough, because it is my nature to try new things, but with a party, it may be best to stick with what has worked in the past to achieve success.
Nothing is wrong with the same food or same guest list or same party games; they are tried and true. They can be the firm foundation you and your guests can play on, have fun on, be silly on; and be safe in the knowledge that the basics are there for them to fall back on and enjoy.
Learn from me and this engagement party I put together for my son. Some things worked out, like the games I played, so feel free to borrow them! The rest, you be the judge...
Humor and fun can bind a family together more tightly that super glue. Sharing the same funny stories over and over again and then creating new ones together is hot fudge on the sundae.
We all have our own sense of humor; and I think our family members may be most likely to share what we think is funny or even share the same sense of humor. Perhaps becasue we shared the same home; we speak the same language. Thank goodness someone understands me!
Humor can soothe the hurts, calm the fears and simply entertain. Laugh along with me or at me as I share some of my own quirky family stories.
I love gardening, and have been getting my hands dirty for many years. I've learned a lot through trial and error; what works best for me here in Orange County California; what I like and what I can do to get the most enjoyment from the garden.
I share my go-to plant list with you PLUS my secret formula for success in the garden.
Simple formula, straightforward plant-list, all plants I have grown and nurtured and loved for many years. I love many more, and will always experiment and try new varieties, but my go-to basics may not change. The basics and the formula allow me to experiment and try the new things and even make way for greater success with the new varieties.
Rules are mostly meant to keep us safe, protected or to a schedule. Rules are pretty good things! But sometimes they get outdated and restrictive, making us uncomfortable. They just don't work anymore! So it's time to throw them out and make some new ones.
Have you ever put on a jacket or a top that has been a fave, then look at yourself and say "I hate this thing." The jacket didn't change; you did. YOu don't like faux leopard anymore. The old you did, and that's cool.
The new you wants something else. Now you just gotta go find it. You go trying on different jackets, going to different places you never went to before, maybe seeing or discovering new things and new people. And then you find your new signature jacket. BOOM!
The jacket looks great, and so do you...but oh the journey getting there was awesome. That's the real story.
You may set out on the road with a vision of exactly what you want, but invariably stuff happens to make you see options, try new things and even accept what life hands you.
I actually think my whole life is based on a Taco Bell burrito I ordered one time...true story...and I tell it here.
The mistakes I have made, and the roadblocks I've encountered, have taught me to jump higher and even laugh at myself.
It isn't always some huge event that can change your life. Often it is a small event that causes you to look at things differently or that challenges your old way of thinking. Then the dominoes start to fall...and that's a good thing.
Just like balance is important at home and at work, balanced home decor adds a lot of joy and well-being to your space. Maybe more than you know. I have a simple formula and a few common sense tips to help you achieve harmony in your home.
Balance does NOT mean two things here and two things there. THAT is even-steven stuff. And that is so not me. Balance is something you can achieve with a few unmatched things placed in a way that looks and feels right to you.
How do you know if it looks and feels right? That's your call. Try a few things; add or subtract some things, different shapes, different colors. Just keep trying things until it looks and feels right to YOU.
It's your home, and it should be personal to YOU.
Everyone has home decorating ideas, but I try to keep it simple. That way you have more chance of success! So here are a few of my basic decorating and re-decorating principles, PLUS a handy tip to make sure it all works!
What's the tip? Well, it's an easy method of hellping you get a new view or perspective of your decorating and re-decorating progress. And it really is simple.
And for me, the simpler the better. Easy to do, easy to remember, easy to make adjustments and changes if the method and basics are simple.
I know you can do this...you may even surprise yourself at how much talent you have!
It's Mother's Day 2020, and I hope everyone enjoys their day!
My own mom and her mom were both characters. They had their own style, their own way of mothering, and it affected how I mother my own kids (for better or worse). Very grateful to them!
I see my mom in some things I do and my grandmother in others. Good thing? Yes. I think it is their way of still teaching me, even after they are gone.
What is it about a home that makes it just right for you or even for someone else? Yes, maybe the right size, right price and location, but there is that intangible feeling that this home is YOU that you or a buyer connects with.
You never know what really works for you until you start looking at homes; maybe LOTS of homes. It's almost like trying to find a mate! Chemistry is definitely involved when finding the right home, IMO. Why would you want to commit so much time and money into a home if you don't love it?
It really is a heart connection that makes a place HOME.
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