For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.comThe text can be read at https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/jean-grave-colonizationJean Graves 1912 examination and condemnation of colonialism. The text first appeared in his larger work Moribund Society and Anarchy (1893) and was updated and released as a standalone work in 1912.
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com
The article can read online at https://www.filmsforaction.org/articles/an-anarchist-guide-to-christmas/
Ruth Kinna's examination of Christmas, Kropotkin's connections to the traditions and the potential within it for Anarchist praxis.
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For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com
Article can be read here https://libcom.org/article/life-boats-and-anarchy
A short article published in the Lifeboat's Newsletter in the 1960s on Mutual Aid.
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com
The pamphlet can be read at https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anarchist-federation-revolutionary-women
A pamphlet produced by the Anarchist Federation highlighting the contributions of several important though often overlooked Revolutionary Women. Read for us by Sara S-CW of the Whizbanger Show https://thewhizbangershow.com/
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.comThis text can be read at https://libcom.org/article/no-god-no-boss-no-husband-worlds-first-anarcha-feminist-group
An account of the first anarchist-feminist group in Argentina during the 1890s. Read for us by Sara S-CW of the Whizbanger Show https://thewhizbangershow.com/
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.comThe text can be read at http://afed.org.uk/resistance-to-nazism/A pamphlet produced by the Anarchist Federation collecting a series of articles around the theme of working class resistance to Fascism and the Nazis.The pamphlet includes a final appendix that documents Italy's Anti-Fascist underground press.
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.comThe zine can be read, printed and distributed at https://crimethinc.com/zines/the-eye-of-every-storm-anarchist-response-to-hurricane-helene
At the end of September 2024, western North Carolina and the surrounding states experienced 30 inches of rainfall over two days when an unnamed storm collided with Hurricane Helene over the mountains of Southern Appalachia. The resulting catastrophe laid waste to the entire region. At a time when misinformation, rising authoritarianism, and disasters exacerbated by industrially-produced climate change are creating a feedback loop of escalating crisis, it’s crucial to understand disaster response as an integral part of community defense and strategize about how this can play a part in movements for liberation. In the following reflection, a local anarchist involved in longstanding disaster response efforts in Appalachia recounts the lessons that they have learned over the past six weeks and offers advice about how to prepare for the disasters to come.
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.comText can be read here https://libcom.org/article/how-teamsters-quelled-fascist-thugs
An excerpt from the book Teamster Politics by Farrell Dobbs describing how in the 1930s Teamsters Local 544 and other unionists formed a defense guard that pushed back the Silver Shirts, a fascist outfit that was spawned from the deepening capitalist economic crisis of the 1930s.
Para dúvidas, comentários ou para se envolver, envie-nos um e-mail para audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com https://bibliotecaanarquista.org/library/marilena-chaui-o-desafio-filosofico-de-espinosa"O texto de Marilena Chaui, "O Desafio Filosófico de Espinosa", apresenta uma análise detalhada da interpretação de Antonio Negri sobre o pensamento de Espinosa. Negri desafia interpretações tradicionais, destacando a revolução filosófica de Espinosa, que rompe com as visões panteísta e mística. Negri evidencia a mudança de Espinosa para uma ontologia materialista, fundamentando a liberdade e a ação humana e estabelecendo um paradigma ético-político inovador, contrastando com as ideologias teológico-metafísicas e dialéticas do século XVII."
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com
The article can be read at https://reddebreksbowl.blogspot.com/2024/09/what-is-to-be-done-by-errico-malatesta.html
This article was written in August 1922 while Mussolini's Fascist movement was consolidating its control in Italy.
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com
The text can be read at https://985queer.queergeektheory.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Cohen-Punks-Bulldaggers-and-Welfare-Queens.pdf
Published in 1997 this text grapples with Queer politics and intersectional struggle.
Para dúvidas, comentários ou para se envolver, envie-nos um e-mail para audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com
"O que é o anarquismo? O anarquismo é um conjunto diversificado e sobreposto de ideologias políticas dedicadas a criar uma sociedade sem estado, onde todos os indivíduos estejam livres de autoridade arbitrária, hierarquia e opressão. Uma vez que a nossa sociedade atual se baseia em hierarquia - as crenças enraizadas de que algumas pessoas devem ter mais poder do que outras - acreditamos que devemos destruir os sistemas de poder que mantêm todas as pessoas oprimidas. O Audible Anarchist é um coletivo de voluntários de todo o mundo dedicado a partilhar ideias anarquistas através de gravações áudio de livros e ensaios, através de podcasts e através de colaboração. Subscreva o nosso canal e descubra os inúmeros recursos disponíveis para si. Para perguntas, comentários ou para se envolver, envie-nos um e-mail para audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com."
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com
A reading of two texts on resistance to Football as an industry and commodity.
First text is Football as Commons by https://libcom.org/article/football-commons-yavor-tarinski by Yavor Tarinski
The second text is a communique by the Footballers Action Committee a group of militant Footballers who participated in the explosion of revolt in Paris in 1968. https://libcom.org/article/football-footballers-footballers-action-committee
Bei Fragen, Kommentaren oder wenn ihr helfen wollt, schreibt uns eine E-Mail an audibleanarchist(at)gmail.comhttp://afed.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/EidAK_Beta.-intro-translatedpdf.pdf
"Es gibt so einiges, worüber du wütend sein kannst. Das Massaker an Tausenden jedes Jahr in den Kriegen rund um den Globus. Das Hungern von Tausenden, die jeden Tag mehr werden, während Nahrung in den Warenhäusern verrottet. Die Auslöschung von Spezies um Spezies, während unsere Umwelt langsam zerstört wird. Die Millionen von Menschen, die in Sweatshops missbraucht werden, bis ihre Körper und ihr Geist verbraucht sind und sie auf den Müllhaufen geworfen werden. Die zahllosen Frauen, die aufgrund ihres Geschlechts emotionaler, physischer und sexueller Gewalt ausgesetzt sind. Die große Anzahl derer, die Diskriminierung und Unterdrückung allein aufgrund ihrer Hautfarbe erleiden."
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.comInterview can be read at https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/emma-goldman-what-is-there-in-anarchy-for-womenA reading of an interview with Emma Goldman focusing on women and what Anarchism offers to them. Read for us by Sara S-CW of the Whizbanger Show https://thewhizbangershow.com/
Was ist Anarchismus? Anarchismus ist eine breitgefächerte - aber sich ergänzende - Sammlung an politischen Ideologien. Das Ziel is die Erschaffung einer staatenlosen Gesellschaft, in der alle Individuen frei von willkürlicher Autorität, Hierachie und Unterdrückung sind. Da unsere aktuelle Gesellschaftsordnung auf Hierachie basiert - der eingetrichterte Glaube, dass einige Menschen mehr Macht als andere haben sollten - denken wir, dass dieses unterdrückende Machtsystem beendet werden muss. Audible Anarchist ist ein Kollektiv aus freiwilligen Menschen weltweit, die anarchistische Ideen durch Audio-Aufnahmen teilen wollen. Seien es nun Aufnahmen von Büchern oder Essays, Podcasts oder einfach durch Zusammenarbeit. Abonniert unseren Kanal und entdeckt unsere Vielzahl an Ressourcen. Bei Fragen, Kommentaren oder wenn ihr helfen wollt, schreibt uns eine E-Mail an audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.comText can be found here https://reddebreksbowl.blogspot.com/2023/07/bakunin-for-anti-imperialists-by-arthur.htmlA short pamphlet by Paul Lehning highlighting some valuable insights of Bakunin for the fight against Imperialism. Read from a pamphlet compiled by Zabalaza the South African Anarchist group.
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.comA reading of a short passage from Clifford Harper's Anarchy a Graphic Guide, the work and its illustrations can be read at https://libcom.org/article/anarchy-graphic-guide-clifford-harper
There are many challenges and disasters impacting the lives of thousands, from climate disasters to conflict and famine and pandemics. It's important to reflect on how communities were able to come together and support one another.
Initiatives responding to the damage caused by Hurricane Helene. https://mutualaiddisasterrelief.org/
Please share more in the comments where applicable,
For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.comThe Anarchist Federation compiled this introduction to Anarchist-Communism, this is the second edition and can be read here http://afed.org.uk/introduction-to-anarchist-communism/
The text has been translated into German and was read for Audible Anarchist by our German friends and can be found at https://youtu.be/6_Txx6yRnfw?si=jzCQqQP9Z8g7sTAk
Second edition, April 2013
CONTENTS Introduction What We’re Fighting: Capitalism and Hierarchy Who We Are and What We Believe: Revolution and Anarchist Communism How We Fight: Building a Culture of Resistance There is no Conclusion
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