
  • Guest: Keya Murthy, M.S., C.Ht.



    There are no short cuts in life. Everyone pays the price. Some pay the price of regret and others pay the price of discipline. It's a personal choice. When you look outside, you dream When you look within, you realize.It is easy to make a laundry list of your wants. Focus on your list and figure out how much of it is imperative for you grow stronger, feel happier and find meaning in your life?To live a life that transcends the need for fear driven survival, this show is a must.

    Keya Murthy was born and raised in India. At the age of fourteen, she began tutoring students in Physics and Mathematics. She has a Bachelor's degree in Physics and a Master's in Computer Science. She worked as a software engineer for sixteen years.In 2001 when 911 struck the nation, many lost their jobs. Keya was one of them. Her soul-quest took her to the Himalayas and her guru's ashram where she spent nearly five months. She realized she was good as being happy, healthy, feeling safe and loved. She decided this is what should do to help others.

    As an Advance Energy Medicine Practitioner, Keya helps her clients, heal their hurt, gain clarity and find focus so they can get their goals with grace and ease.She is the founder of Ventura Healing Center. Keya is a mother of three and lives with her dog in Ventura, California.

    Gift for listeners: Free Discovery Session at CoachKeya.com/discovery - Details given during show.

    Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.


  • Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.

    Guest: Ruth Kent

    Contributing author: Nurse SPARKS

    A brief history of Ruth Kent’s professional and personal journey. What she has found to be simple, effective and self-help tools, to benefit all areas her life and health. Ruth and Catherine discuss the passion and what many have seen with the use of the tools: Emotion Code, Body Code, and more

    Ruth Kent RN., CBCP. Emotion Code Seminar Instructor and provides Success Together Program. Ruth worked in healthcare for 47 years, of which included 41 years of Intensive Care nursing. She loved nursing, and after retiring in 2013, she expanded the opportunity to help others more. The awareness and the means to helping others came to her during a period of challenges in her own life. During this time of physical, emotional, and financial struggles she was introduced to Nikken, Inc. and through Nikken came to know Dr. Brady Nelson. This brought her to learn and benefit from The Emotion Code and Body Code.  Her intention is to allow each person to discover the means to live a life of joy through freedom. 

    Ruthkentpresen @ gmail.com

    Gift Offered to to listeners:

    Free 20 minute Introduction: Emotion Code or/ and the Body Code

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  • Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.

    Guest:  Jess Young, RN, BSN

    In this interview, we will talk with Jess Young, holistic nurse, artist, dancer and teacher in Portland, Oregon. We'll get a glimpse of what the creative process was like for her in the writing of her Nurse Sparks chapter, as well as her thoughts on self-care, the healthcare system and what she is doing to be a beacon of change as a nurse and an artist.

    Jess Young is a holistic nurse, dancer and teacher in Portland, Oregon. Jess is blazing her own trail as a registered nurse and as an artist. After finding herself burned out and disillusioned by the Western healthcare system, Jess went in search of medicine that heals the body, rather than merely masking the symptoms. Guided by her heart, she created a position for herself in a holistic clinic, where she began to understand the potency in Chinese and natural medicine. Now, working as a nurse in community-based care, Jess is learning to integrate this ancient wisdom into her personal and professional practice. With a background in oncology, behavioral health, natural medicine and elder care, Jess is here to educate and empower nurses, patients and the community at-large to listen and trust the wisdom of the body, to quiet the mind, to deeply feel and honor one’s emotions and to tend to the inner stirrings of the Spirit.

  • Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.

    Guest:Toni Gilbert, RN(ret), MA, ATC 

    We find archetypal symbols in our imagination, dreams, fantasies, and in the world of the arts, myth, legend, literature, and religion. Toni describes the characteristics of the archetypes so that the listener can begin to see and use them in personal growth and healing.

    Toni Gilbert, RN (ret), MA, ATC is a transpersonal counselor with a background in holistic nursing. As a professional with a formal education in nursing, art, psychology, and transpersonal studies, she offers clients an array of healing arts techniques to enhance wellness and prevent illness. She was the editor of the online magazine, Alternative Journal of Nursing and the founding director of the Oregon Holistic Nurses Association. Toni is the author of Messages from the Archetypes: Using Tarot for Healing and Spiritual Growth, published by White Cloud Press, Gaining Archetypal Vision: A Guidebook for Using Archetypes in Personal Growth and Healing by Schiffer Books and Images of Our Time: A history and pictures of a pioneer family. She has written for national and local publication and was a guest on multiple radio interviews. You may see her published articles and listen to her radio interviews on her personal web site www.tonigilbert.com

    Gift for listeners: 15 minute one Tarot card session. E-mail Toni through her web site to begin the process.

  • Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.

    Guest: Maggie Perrone

    Catherine and Maggie will discuss how the arc of our lives, our experiences and our response to them shapes and molds us into who we are today.  Many of the experiences, especially the hardest ones to bear or that cause us the most suffering are actually in hindsight, the wake up calls that, if we are courageous enough to listen and take the gifts they offer, can transform us in ways we never imagined.  How do we learn? How do we best grow? What are some tools to use in discerning our true choices, values and allow ourselves to be empowered to change that which will allow us to follow our dreams.

    Maggie Perrone, has over 30 years experience teaching and healing those in difficult emotional, spiritual and physical situations.  She has walked with people in some of life’s most critical moments. Along with being a mother of three, an emergency room nurse for most of the last twenty five years in a university trauma center and a community hospital in Southern California, she now works as a chemotherapy infusion nurse, counseling those in treatment for all cancers.            

    Gift for listeners:

    A Free 15 minute consultation on tools and strategies for carving out more time for ourselves in our lives.  Also to come is the downloadable 5 minute guided meditation.





  • Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.


    Deonne Wtright

    In this interview, guest Nurse SPARKS contributing author Deonne Wright aill share: 

    •    What intuition is

    •    How to connect to intuition

    •    How to stay connected

    •    The benefits of living from an intuitive center

    Deonne is a holistic registered nurse who lives in Grants Pass, Oregon. Since leaving the traditional institutional nursing settings, she facilitates transformation for clients in private practice. She obtained her nursing degree from Bakersfield College, and has developed many skills in a varied nursing career. She is a poet, has edited multiple nursing newsletters, and authored the documents that assisted her place of employment achieve national Pathway to Excellence® designation and re-designation. Deonne is a 2007 founding Board member of the Oregon Holistic Nurses Association, and continues to serve on the Board as the volunteer Communications Coordinator, managing the website, blog, facebook page and newsletter. It’s a good thing she enjoys a road trip since her dozen grandchildren live from Oregon to Idaho to Texas.


  • Guest: Deborah Koff-Chapin

    A conversation with Deborah Koff-Chapin, originator of Touch Drawing and creator of SoulCards about the value of creative expression in these times. Deborah will talk about what she has gleaned through her 43 years of Touch Drawing, about the power of spontaneous expression arising from inward attention. She wil discuss how this can support integration with deeper aspects of the soul.

    Deborah Koff-Chapin has been developing Touch Drawing since it came to her as an inspiration in 1974. She teaches the process at conferences and graduate programs internationally. Deborah is creator of SoulCards 1&2 and five SoulTouch Coloring Journals. She is author of Drawing Out Your Soul and The Touch Drawing Facilitator Workbook. Deborah has been Interpretive Artist at numerous conferences including The Parliament of the World’s Religions. She holds a BFA from Cooper Union and is an ordained minister of Incarnational Spirituality. Deborah has served on the board of the International Expressive Art Therapy Association and is founding director of the Center for Touch Drawing.

    A gift for listeners: A free digital sample of Creative Awakening - SoulTouch Coloring Journal. These coloring journals bring a new level of depth and artistic expression to the coloring craze. The flowing forms of Deborah’s evocative images encourage a creative, free form approach to coloring.  

    Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.

  • Joe Arnold will be Catherine’s guest live on Blogtalk radio at 3 PM pacific time,Tuesday February 28th. Catherine and Joe will be discussing Joe’s book titled "The Song" and how he has emerged as a creative artist through his writing and Native American Flute music. He will be playing music live on air!.Joe lives on Whidbey Island in Washington State and has been playing flutes since he was 8 years old, some fifty years ago.

    Joe Arnold has developed his spirituality through his music and writing. He is joining me in dialog to discuss his own journey from his young life through his elder years.J oe Arnold comes from a musical and spiritual background where the two combine to offer what he believes may actually be one of the universal truths, which brings emotional and spiritual healing to individuals. Gentle melodies of the flute can inspire deep contemplative feelings for those who are willing to listen. As R. Carlos Nakai (NaKi) says:"We all have a song, what is your song?”

    Visit Joe at cuseami.com


    Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.

  • Guest: Lauren Perotti

    A Purposeful and Playful Conversation about The Destiny Designer ~ 7 Sacred Flames to Light Your Path with Passion and Playful Prosperity, Lauren's new book: published Nov 27,2016!

    Lauren Perotti delivered her first keynote talk as the valedictorian of her graduating class –Catholic kindergarten! With sparkle and humor, Lauren has delivered messages of leadership and what it takes to triumph in the ABCs of life on many stages and pages in the years since. Blending over 32 years of executive expertise in business, psychology and the arts, Lauren guides visionaries, spiritual seekers and lovers of life to design lives they love.  

    Lauren's gift to listeners: Angel Card Reading with Lauren. In this session, you can not only receive Divinely symbolic wisdom and answers to your specific life questions, but know and feel more deeply that you are not alone. Detaisl will be given on the call.

    Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.

  • Guest: Lilia Shoshanna Rae

    Have you ever been curious whether angels really exist? Have you had an interaction with one and would like to have more? Lilia Shoshanna Rae has written a book on The Art of Listening to Angels. She shares the process her angels gave her for accessing angelic wisdom. She says that they want to help us and have asked her to let people know how they, too, can hear their guidance. She tells her story of how they intervened in her life when she was heartbroken and feeling unlovable. Lilia will share what angels have told her they most want humans to know.

    Lilia is a former lawyer, now spiritual healer, teacher, and angel communicator. Lilia’s mission is to live heaven on earth and help others to do so with the assistance of angels. She has developed a new modality called “Stellar Healing” given to her by her angels in which the client gains a different perspective on an issue, connects to expansive star energy, and moves into a creative flow toward a solution. Stellar healing can create shifts in energy at all levels of being, and at a minimum leaves a client in a relaxed state of mind. Lilia is the author of the best-selling book, The Art of Listening to Angels and a contributing author to Pebbles in the Pond, Wave One and Wave Five. She teaches classes on listening to angels, the Enneagram as a tool for inner wisdom, and other sacred mystery topics. 

    A gift for listeners: "The Time is Now. Are You Ready" from Pebbles in the Pond, Wave Five, a story encouraging each one of us to step into our power and purpose.

    Email Lilia @ LiliaShoshannaRae.com to receive.

    Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.

  • Guest: Dr. William McConochie
    [email protected]

    Political Scientist, William McConochie explains how research measuring human attitudes about political issues has lead to a model for designing a political party that will appeal to the majority of both strong liberals and strong conservatives but not to radicals of either the left or right.

    Dr. McConochie is a licensed psychologist in private practice in Eugene, OR.  He is a member of the International Society of Political Psychology and has presented research papers at many of their conventions here and in Europe.  He also does research on human intelligence, which shows human intelligence is dropping, worldwide, secondary to air pollution.  He does diagnostic evaluations for the Social Security Administration.  He has studied at Carleton College, Illinois Institute of Technology, Northwestern U. Medical School and Stanford University.  He is married and has two adult children.  His hobbies include boating, woodworking and fishing.  He is 77 years old and runs two miles three times a week.

    Dr. McConochie is ofefering listeners a copy of his book. Party Time! How you can create common good democracy right now, for the discounted price of $10.00, including postage within the U.S. 

    Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.

  • Guest: Keya Murthy, M.S., C.Ht.

    There are no short cuts in life. Everyone pays the price. Some pay the price of regret and others pay the price of discipline. It's a personal choice. When you look outside, you dream When you look within, you realize.It is easy to make a laundry list of your wants. Focus on your list and figure out how much of it is imperative for you grow stronger, feel happier and find meaning in your life?To live a life that transcends the need for fear driven survival, this show is a must.

    Keya Murthy was born and raised in India. At the age of fourteen, she began tutoring students in Physics and Mathematics. She has a Bachelor's degree in Physics and a Master's in Computer Science. She worked as a software engineer for sixteen years.In 2001 when 911 struck the nation, many lost their jobs. Keya was one of them. Her soul-quest took her to the Himalayas and her guru's ashram where she spent nearly five months. She realized she was good as being happy, healthy, feeling safe and loved. She decided this is what should do to help others.

    As an Advance Energy Medicine Practitioner, Keya helps her clients, heal their hurt, gain clarity and find focus so they can get their goals with grace and ease.She is the founder of Ventura Healing Center. Keya is a mother of three and lives with her dog in Ventura, California.

    Gift for listeners: Free Discovery Session at CoachKeya.com/discovery - Details given during show.

    Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.

  • Guest: Lewis Citizen


    Hello to all listening to these words of positive interactive energetic inspirational words.  

    Lewis invites listeners to, "Just go for it take a chance take the risk help break the silence of doing nothing about the cruel ways we choose to live and treat others in this world we live in. Using our powerful gifted humane inspirational thinking abilities to break through the walls of negative acts of nonsense without using any brutal force at all."  

    Sharing sparks of inspiration from my eyes to spark the sparkles that inspire the revolutionary inspiration to help you inspire others with the inspirational sparkles in your eyes. 

    Lewis Citizen is a talented writer musician engineer producer songwriter and founder of Peace Mission USA Foundation, a nonprofit organization created to create more peacemaking understanding and personal peacefulness worldwide. Lewis graduated from college in 2014 with his AA degree in general arts. Since then he has been writing songs and working on his first book Peace Mission USA vol.1, Scheduled for public released in late 2017. You see when we love what we do it blossoms and it shows. 

    Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.



  • Guest: Farahana Surya Kassam

    Far too often, we are not able to really understand the purpose of this journey we call life. It almost feels like we are "existing just to exist". Life is a gift, and each one of us is here for a purpose. If you haven't figured out what that is yet, don't give up.  After 37 years of being completely lost and asking "what is the point?" I was jolted into realization after the biggest blow of my life - my divorce. Join me as I share my journey with you, and help you to also find purpose in this beautiful blessing of life.

    Farahana Surya Kassam, was born in Vancouver, Canada and raised in Nairobi, Kenya. She completed her college education in Toronto, Canada where she received her BA in Honors Sociology. Farahana describes herself as an empath whose passion has always been to help and serve people. Her divorce after a 7 year marriage, has been the rudest but most blessed awakening of her life she says. She describes her life post divorce as being the biggest and most real test of faith. However, she has realized blessings and realizations she never imagined possible. She has found her true calling and purpose in her life which she has already started to unfold right before her eyes. She is so excited to share her story with us as a writer and public speaker. Her vision is to be able to touch the lives of as many people as she can by inspiring and motivating individuals especially through the most difficult times of their life.

    Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.

  • Guest: Niki Elliott, PhD

    Join us for a transformative interview as Niki Elliott, PhD discusses her new best-selling book, I Feel Your Pain: A 7-Step Survival Guide for Empaths, Intuitives and Highly Sensitive People. This timely message offers spiritual and physical solutions for those who find themselves absorbing the  physical and/or emotional pain of family, friends and co-workers. Dr. Niki will teach you how to develop healthy energy boundaries and avoid taking on other people’s pain. The strategies she presents are equally effective for highly sensitive children and adults.

    Dr. Niki Elliott is a holistic educator, author, speaker and expert in the field of intuition development and consciousness healing. Her passion and calling is to educate the public about the potential of the human mind to experience and develop higher states of consciousness. Through online courses, live trainings and destination retreats. She is the author of two books, The Intuitive Mother and I Feel Your Pain: A 7-Step Survival Guide for Empaths, Intuitives and Highly Sensitive People. Niki is also the founder of The Innerlight Method. 

    Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.


  • Guest: Soodabeh Mokry
    www.soodabehmokry.comwww.emergehypnosis.net    www.angelnightingale.com

    War’s haunting legacy, the pain of loss and abandonment, the struggle to find a new home and a better future, would stop most people in their tracks. With the woman now known as Angel Nightingale, every obstacle put in front of her, made her more determined to live a life of light and joy. 

    Soodabeh Mokry, RN, CHt, is the author of Angel Nightingale, an inspiring and heart-warming book chock full of stories of faith, courage, and healing with angels. Soodabeh's journey of healing and working with the angels started when she had a vision of her brother’s death the day he suddenly died, 26 years ago. Although she didn’t understand the vision at first, she soon realized that it was the beginning of a fulfilling journey. She discovered her gift, mission, and soul’s purpose as a spiritual coach and healer. Soodabeh has been using the healing power of the angels to help her clients for the past 20 years.

    Soodabeh's message: you are not bound by any challenges or circumstances. You are a powerful being capable of manifesting and creating the life you want. You own the power to create your destiny!

    Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.


  • Guest: Kathleen Gage

    Have you ever said, “If only I could live my purpose and make great money at the same time, life would be grand.”

    You can! And with all that’s available both online and off, when you make up your mind to quit playing small, refuse to hide out any longer, and utilize the power of online systems, you become unstoppable.

    With the right momentum you can impact countless lives with what’s important to you and make a great living in the process. When you know how to tap into what drives you amazing events transpire.

    Kathleen Gage is the "no-nonsense, common sense" online marketing strategist, speaker, author, product creation specialist and who helps entrepreneurs make money online. Successfully self-employed since 1994, she gives her clients the tools to create businesses that last and make a difference at the same time.

    A gift for listeners from Kathleen: Hit #1 on Amazon 

    Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.

  • Guest: Craig Weiner, DC

    In this interview, Catherine will be speaking with Craig Weiner, DC. Craig has spent the last 35 years working in the healing arts field, beginning his undergraduate education as a pre-med student, then working as a massage therapist, returning to graduate school to become a chiropractor and then finding his way into working with and training others to work with trauma and emotional and energetic healing. He will be sharing his personal and professional journey with story, humor and insights.

    Dr. Craig Weiner is passionate about the healing journey, both about what it takes to make real change and what it takes to allow healing to happen. He has a private chiropractic and EFT practice on Whidbey Island, Washington After 35 years of exploring a multitude of approaches to mind, body and spiritual health he finds himself transitioning from health care practitioner to more teacher, facilitator and mentor. His work includes writing, teaching, and training with his wife, Alina Frank, internationally as well as maintaining a private practice working with individuals around the world.

    Craig's gift is providing a safe space to anyone who approaches him to heal their life. Also anyone can contact Craig any time and have a 15 minute chat or consultation with him.

    Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.

  • Guest: Dan Saia

    dan @ aldanglobal.com

    Dan is a lover of technolgy. He is Chief Innovation Officer at Positive Media Ventures, Owner of Aldan Global an online technology company providing managed services to online businesses and a personal and business coach for adults with ADHD or parents of children with ADHD. Married to his wife Allison for 6 years, he is a father to a son and a daughter and a step father to two stepsons. He has been described as a "Jack of All Trades". From fixing websites to fixing cars, you'll never know what you might find him doing.

    Dan offers free evaluations of your website and online prescence. Make sure you know where all your money is being spent. From web hosting, to web design, we can show you may be wasting money.

    Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.

  • Guest: Dan Saia

    Catherine and Dan discuss adult adhd with some overall adhd thrown in. If you've been diagnosed with ADHD whether recently, or you've been living with it for a long time, this show will discuss all aspects of ADHD, from the good, to the bad, and even the amazing.

    Dan is Chief Innovation Officer at Positive Media Ventures, Owner of Aldan Global an online technology company providing managed services to online businesses and a Personal and business coach for Adults with ADHD or parents of children with adhd. Married to his wife Allison for 6 years, he is a father to a son and a daughter and a step father to two stepsons. He has been described as a "Jack of All Trades". From fixing websites to fixing cars, you'll never know what you might find him doing.

    A gift from Dan:

    If you go to www.addmentor.com, enter your email address, you will get Dan's new ebook, ADHD-Take Control Back. Where you will learn some new techniques to deal with adhd in your daily life.

    Host: Catherine VanWetter

    Spiritual /shamanic practitioner focusing in the area of highly sensitive people.