Empowering talks by Rabbi Manis Friedman changing your life for the better, one idea at a time.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Enjoy a 5 minute presentation by Rabbi Eli Friedman extracting a unique and practical lesson from the Sicha. Suitable for sharing at the Shabbos table, on Mivtzoim, etc. This series follows the learning cycle of Project Likkutei Sichos.
Enjoy a 10 minute overview of the entire Sicha. Great for a quick review, or even to learn the main points of the Sicha quickly. This series follows the learning cycle of Project Likkutei Sichos.
Rav of the Community of Bat Ayin, musician, spiritual guide and counselor to individuals and groups, and beloved teacher of transformative Torah.
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Overstressed, overworked, overstimulated? Close your eyes, take a deep breath and tune in. In each episode Rabbi Josh Feigelson will guide with ancient wisdom and modern mindfulness practices to help center your soul and ease you into your week.
Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. -
This is a class geared to Likkutei Sichos beginners, but slightly more advanced than level 1.
Conversions exploring beautiful humans, thoughts and experiences through identity, spiritually and religion. My goal with this podcast is to showcase the individual beauty and reasoning of my guests while learning from their distinct experiences, with humor and love. I'm passionate about understanding different perspectives and using that understanding to foster a sense of community and enlightenment.
Join me by listening to some of the amazing conversations I have had with my wonderful guests thus far!
A collection of shiurim by Rav Shlomo Katz on the topic of the month of Nisan and the holiday of Pesach.
When you picture a mystical experience, do you see a lone figure alone meditating with the Divine? Inducted into some fringe, solitary pursuit? While this process was often part of elite circles, Jewish mysticism was never outside the mainstream and always required communities of learning. This series explores the development of Jewish mysticism across different time periods and places, getting to know the circles of people driving creative processes. Through seven episodes, Dr. Eitan Fishbane explores the ways in which Jewish mystical practice evolved and how these practices are part of the broader Jewish understanding of God, spirituality, and connection.
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Psychic Jane Stewart and Stacy Bushnell take ghost talk to the next level!
Hi, I'm Rivky Itzkowitz I’m the founder and designer at Impact Fashion and I’m the host here at Be Impactful, the show about women making an Impact in their own corners of the world. I started Impact Fashion in November of 2016 so that the modest minded women in my community could feel empowered to put their best foot forward every day, regardless of their size. In the process of growing my business I’ve been fortunate enough to connect with women of all different types and from all different fields. And the main lesson I’ve learnt is that we are all just improvising. We’re going around doing the best we can with what we’ve got, feeling self conscious about what everyone else is accomplishing. The truth is, the people who you’re looking over your shoulder at are probably doing the exact same thing to someone else.
So let’s talk about the real nitty gritty in our lives and journeys and lift each other up by being just a bit more open. Join me and my guests as we try to figure out what it means to Be Impactful. -
Emuna and body-soul harmony with author, spiritual guide and health coach Rabbi Lazer Brody
Retrouvez l'ensemble des cours donnรฉs par le Rav Yehia Benchetrit, ร travers le monde, enfin en version audio.
Welcome to the Garden of Doom, where some things grow and others not so much. This is an exploration of our world; the hidden world beneath; and the world beyond. Your hosts, Sha & Jeff will explore current events, pop culture, cryptozoology; Theo-mythology; alien encounters; the historรญes of mankind; and the occasional Irish whip into wrestling; and more. So join us, every epic has its beginning.
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What is going on in the Jewish World?
Find Out Every Weekday with Nachi and Larry Gordon. -
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