Tune in as we hear the heart of God concerning coming back to him in every area of our lives!!! You are the Come back kid!! You can come back from anything!!!!
No more fractions in life!!!!! It's time for every area of your life to be complete!!!!
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Tune in as we hear the heart of God concerning our freedom. Many times believers don't recognize the strongholds in their life. Strongholds are vicious cycles that have the tendency to slow up our spiritual journey, Today God wants us to be free from everything that has us going in circles in life. God want us free from from every generational behavior and generational curse. BE free from strongholds in the Name of Jesus Christ!!!
Tune in as we hear the heart of God concerning getting the life back that HE originally intended for us to have. He is restoring every place that was broken, every place that was mishandled, every place that left us in a low place!!! God will restore us!!!
I know it seems like everything in your life is at a standstill, BUT keep walking!!!! Sometimes life just dont make sense, BUT keep walking by faith. There are times when you are just not sure what is happening in your life, BUT just keep walking. There definitely will be moments when you feel like you want to just quit, BUT walk by faith. When we are scared we still must keep walking! The devil always try to stop, pause, or hinder your life BUT Jesus has given you the POWER to keep walking!!!!! PICK YOUR HEAD UP AND KEEP WALKING!!!
God has called every one of us to a greak work!! The devil wants to distract you to slow you up. Stay focused on what Jesus has called you to do!!! Tune in as we hear the ways the enemy tries to distract you!! BUT IT WONT WORK!!!!!
Do you need to make some life changing decision or even a small decision and you are just not sure what you should do? Well, ask God!! He will give you the wise answer!! Tune in as we hear the heart of God concerning the power of God's wisdom that he gives to us freely!! We just have to ask for it!!!
BE DELIVERED!! Jesus has all power to deliver us!! Dominos and Pizza Hut may deliver on time BUT JESUS deliverance for your life is throughout time!! This means He is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore!!! HE WILL DELIVER TIME AFTER TIME!!! It's time to be delivered!!What are the signs that show us that you need deliverance?
Tune in as we here the power of being renewed!!Are you tired of the same things happening over and over in your life.It time to be renewed in every area of your life.
Submission is NOT a bad thing!! Submission is your Super Power!!! God is calling all of us to be submitted to Him. Don't enter into unnecessary warfare due to the lack of submission.
We are not of this world!!! So why are we acting like the world?? It's time to step into your Kingdom authority!! Be Kingdom minded, Be a Kingdom woman, Be a Kingdom leader!! Be a Kingdom Man!!
It's Time to get up!!! You been down for way to long!!! I know it didn't go the way you planned, but get up!!! I know it is frustrating, but get up!!! So what, you messed up, but get up!!!!I know they hurt you but get up!!!!! I know it don't feel good but get up!!!Nope, they didn't support you, but get up!!Don't lay there another day!!!GET UP!!!!
Tune in as we hear the power of loving God that produces the favor that all things are working for our good in any situation. Don't give up, Dont quit , Don't throw in the towel, Don't leave under pressure........WHY?..... BECAUSE IT IS WORKING FOR YOUR GOOD!!!!!!
Tune in as we hear the heart of God concerning how important it is to be more thankful. Being thankful moves the heart of the Father!!
Tune in as we hear the heart of the Father concerning this race call life. GO Grab your Nike, New Balance, Adidas, etc!! If you have to run barefooted, RUNNNNNNNN!!!!Its time to run!! Bro!! get on track!! Sis!! get on track!! On your Mark!! Get Set!!!! Go!!!!!!!! Stopping running from Jesus and run to Jesus!! God is giving you a second wind!!!!
Tune back in to hear the continued episode of BE RESTED!!!
It's time for you to take a Rest!!! Rest from stress!!! Rest from financial hardship! Rest from pain! Rest from spiritual warfare!! Rest from the mental rollercoaster!!! REST!!!!! GOD HAS DECLARED REST ON EVERY SIDE!!!
It's time for you to be a witness of JESUS CHRIST!!!!! Does your life present enough evidence that you are a witness of Jesus Christ? If the world has witnessed your life could they testify that you are a child of God?What have you witnessed in your life that Jesus Christ has done for you?
Turn your radio up!!!!! Tune in as we hear the heart of God concerning all baptisms. Have you ever been baptized with water???? Great if you have!! If you have not , ITS TIME!!! Have you been baptized in the Holy Ghost and FIRE since you have been saved????? If not IT'S TIME!!!!
Turning your radio up!!! We have our iconic CO-HOST Pastor "lighter fluid" Ciara Mason with us today!!!! She is at it again with the RAZE HELL SUMMIT #3!!!!!!!!Tune in as we hear the heart of the Father concerning the importance of being on FIRE and setting wildfires in GOD!! Get your fire back!!!ANDDDDDD THEN God want us to spread the FIRE of God!! !!!God desires to use the fire in you to grab the lost!!
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