
  • You can find Dr. Morgante at her website, but be sure to pre-order her book Recovering from Purity Culture and get some amazing bonuses!

    Dr Camden Morgante Instagram


    In this conversation, Dr. Camden Morgante discusses the profound impact of purity culture on individuals, particularly within evangelical Christianity. She shares her personal journey from being a proponent of purity culture to recognizing its harmful effects. The discussion covers the definitions of purity culture, its implications for both men and women, and the importance of healing and aligning one's values. Dr. Morgante emphasizes the need for community, empathy, and professional help in overcoming the trauma associated with purity culture, while also highlighting the potential for positive sexual experiences based on mutual respect and understanding.


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    01:24 Getting into the Work

    06:13 Signs of Growing Up in Purity Culture

    09:11 Impact on Women and Men

    13:14 Recovering from Purity Culture

    20:16 Performance and Damage to Men

    22:38 Masturbation and Pornography

    24:00 Impact of Pornography

    24:50 Impact of Purity Culture on Relationships and Marriages

    25:45 Damage of Purity Culture

    26:43 Sexual Pain and Purity Culture

    28:34 Disconnect between Mind, Body, Heart, and Soul

    30:53 Seeking Professional Help

    32:34 Empathy as an Antidote to Shame

    35:23 Moving Towards Healthy Sexuality

    43:23 Finding Joy in Dinner Dates

    47:22 Outro 3.wav


    purity culture, healing, psychology, relationships, empathy, sexual ethics, trauma, evangelical Christianity, personal growth, mental health

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support
  • Here's where you can find Holly:

    The internet's ONLY college football podcast (and my favorite), The Shutdown Fullcast

    Subscribe to Holly's amazing newsletter (with Spencer Hall), Channel 6!

    I don't know why I waited a year to release this. In part because it's such a unique conversation that it didn't pair well with anything else. Another reason: I'm such a fan of Holly and her work that I wanted to save it for a big moment. But, upon reflection I think it had a lot to do with the fact that once you share something... it's not yours anymore. This conversation would cease to belong to me and be a communal thing. That was its destiny all along and it would be a waste to horde the wisdom and whimsy Holly shared... but it did feel good that it was just mine for awhile.

    Holly and I talk about forgiveness, which is what connected us to this deeper conversation in the first place. We open and address all sorts of topics where Holly has tremendous, valuable insight. The nugget she shares about a former boss is INCREDIBLE! That alone is worth the price of admission.

    Enjoy, y'all!


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    06:09 Misunderstanding Forgiveness

    13:03 The Rush to Forgiveness

    21:47 The Importance of Support

    27:42 The Impact of the Pandemic

    34:50 Building Community

    37:32 The Intimacy of Podcasting

    37:58 The Power of Podcast Audiences

    40:55 Breaking News and the Appeal of Podcasting

    43:50 The Love for Utah Football

    44:47 The Importance of Community and Time

    47:35 The Slow Growth of Community

    49:30 The Non-Judgment Zone of Joy

    57:22 The Bear and the Art of Craftsmanship

    01:00:47 The Bear Season 2

    01:10:00 Closing Remarks

    01:10:34 Outro 3.wav

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support
  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Visit Gabrielle's website: Returning to Joy

    Check out Gabrielle's podcast: Returning to Joy


    In this conversation, Jon Pyle and Gabrielle Michelle Leonard discuss the importance of soul care in a fast-paced, digital culture. Gabrielle shares her personal journey of how soul care became integrated into her walk with Jesus. They emphasize the need for a relationship-based approach to discipleship and spiritual practices. They also provide practical steps for engaging in soul care, such as taking a walk in nature, observing and reflecting on the surroundings, and having conversations with Jesus. The conversation highlights the importance of embodiment and the holistic nature of spiritual transformation. The conversation explores the theme of healing and wholeness in the context of community. It emphasizes the importance of repairing fractured relationships and seeking restoration within oneself. The guest highlights the need for both individual spiritual practices and communal support in the care for the soul. The discussion also touches on the challenges of navigating relationships and forgiveness, and the significance of embracing the messy middle of the healing process. The guest shares a personal experience of finding joy in the simplicity of being present in one space.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support
  • You can find Rohadi all over the internet.

    Buy his book When We Belong: Reclaiming Christianity on the Margins from his website!

    Check out his podcast: Faith in a Fresh Vibe


    In this conversation, Jon Pyle and Rohadi discuss the topics of decolonization, dismantling racism, and reclaiming Christianity on the margins. They explore the impact of these issues on the soul and the importance of soul care in the digital age. Rohadi shares his personal journey and experiences as a pastor and author, highlighting the need for individuals to reclaim their whole selves and find liberation. They also discuss the significance of land-based theology and the connection between spirituality and the land. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of belonging, community, and a holistic understanding of God. The conversation explores the history and impact of mission work, highlighting the negative consequences and the need for change. It also discusses the lack of justice and inclusion in churches, the importance of embracing the whole family, and the need to reclaim Christianity from the margins. The conversation emphasizes the significance of embodiment and the value of rest and community. The guest, Rohadi, shares his joy in winter activities and baking with his partner.


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    00:53 Rohadi's Journey to Canada

    02:39 Writing 'When We Belong'

    03:50 Reclaiming Christianity on the Margins

    04:56 The Impact of Othering

    05:24 The Crossroads of Assimilation and Reclamation

    06:23 Expanding the Image of God

    07:36 The Catalyst for Change

    08:09 The Erosion of the Soul

    08:47 Rohadi's Holistic Perspective

    09:16 Belonging and Getting It Wrong

    10:49 Rohadi's Vision for Belonging

    12:20 Decolonizing Thought and Land-Based Theology

    13:53 The Influence of Indigenous Knowledge Keepers

    14:46 The Cookie Cutter Mentality in Church

    15:17 The Uniqueness of Neighborhoods and Communities

    16:15 The Relationship with the Land

    19:18 Communing with the Land

    20:35 Disembodied Christian Faith

    22:12 The Pre-Curse World and Harmony with Creation

    23:11 Vocation and Liberation

    24:35 Reevaluating Mission Work

    25:48 Questioning the Effectiveness of Church Mission Statements

    26:43 The Erosion of the Church's Influence

    27:31 The Failure of Contemporary Mission Work

    28:27 The Lack of Connection to Justice in Mission Work

    29:42 The Need for Inclusive Church Communities

    31:05 The Importance of Family and Community in Church Planting

    31:51 The Need for Justice and Family in Church Planting

    33:20 The Difficulty of Implementing Change in Churches

    36:14 The Journey of Decolonization and Reclamation

    38:11 The Harm of Incomplete Church Families

    39:36 The Poverty of the Soul in Success-Oriented Churches

    41:59 The Desire for Inclusive and Impactful Churches

    44:22 The Importance of Naming and Affirming the Body's Wisdom

    46:24 Finding Joy in Winter Activities and Intentional Rest

    49:41 Baking Together as a Source of Joy

    51:15 BOTI Outro Video.mp4

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support
  • Content Warning [9 minutes]: Animal violence

    There are lots of different kinds of people that call CityChurch San Antonio (my church) home. When you look at the plaza on a Sunday and youā€™ll see a wide swath of age, gender, ethnicity, style and any other distinction you can imagine. To some degree, this just happened. God has brought a diverse group of people to our campus for us to serve. We didnā€™t recruit or seek out any one group. But, it was also intentional. Behind the scenes, our leaders continue to take steps to remove barriers so that ALL PEOPLE can believe and thrive in Jesus.

    Belonging is a significant part of thriving and a deep need within all of us. Itā€™s not just a basic human need, it is also a spiritual need. Followers of Jesus are the Church, AKA The Body of Christ, where each of us are a valuable part of a larger whole. We are designed to fit together in community and serve together in unity. Everyone is valuable and brings something unique and necessary to the table.

    Sadly, there are more folks than ever that are lonely. To the degree that the Surgeon General of the United States called loneliness an epidemic. One of the hallmarks of loneliness is disconnection. A distinct lack of belonging to a group or a robust network of relationships. So, what do we do? My friend Prasanta Verma is here to help us navigate how we can bring people together, across ethnic (and any other) lines.

    Order Prasantaā€™s book today! I also encourage you to check out Prasantaā€™s website and her Substack, Belonging and the Human Experience.

    Belonging and the Human Experience Prasanta was born under an Asian sun and grew up in the shadow of Appalachians. She writes about belonging, identity, loneliness, culture, health and social connection. She wants to help us envision a world where we're all a little less lonely.By Prasanta Verma1


    00:00 Exploring Ethnic Identity and Loneliness

    03:09 The Consequences of Assimilation

    24:26 Exploring Ethnic Loneliness and Social Disconnection

    32:45 The Power of Storytelling and Empathy

    36:57 The Role of Theater in Fostering Empathy and Understanding

    42:18 Embracing Discomfort as an Invitation to Growth and Connection

    44:52 BOTI Outro Video.mp4

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support
  • Grace E Kelley's website

    Grace's Substack

    Grace on IG


    Grace E. Kelley, a farmer, mother, author, and poet, discusses her journey as a storyteller and the power of fiction. She shares how her desire for storytelling began at a young age and how she initially believed that fiction was not for her. However, she later discovered that fiction provided a healing outlet for processing her emotions and experiences. Grace emphasizes that fiction allows for the exploration of deep feelings and questions in a safe and fictional setting. She also highlights the importance of fiction in engaging audiences at a soul level and fostering authentic community. The conversation explores the themes of healthy relationships, the human act of sex, the connection between femininity and spirituality, and the beauty that can arise from destruction. The guests discuss how fiction, including romance novels, can provide a platform for discussing healthy relationships and consent. They also touch on the concept of purity culture and the need to unlearn shame surrounding sex. The conversation delves into the imagery of God as a breastfeeding mother and the connection between childbirth and the body of Jesus. The guests share excerpts from Grace E. Kelley's poetry book, 'As the Sparrow Flies,' which explore these themes. In this conversation, Grace E. Kelley and Jon Pyle discuss the importance of art and imagination in Christian communication. They explore the fear of the non-literal and the stifling of the divine imagination. They also touch on the control and interpretation of scripture, the role of the Holy Spirit, and the joy of writing fiction. Grace shares her current project, a speculative dark romantic comedy called 'Just Drive.'


    00:00 Introduction and Grace's Background

    01:44 Discovering the Desire for Storytelling

    02:57 The Healing Power of Fiction

    05:54 Engaging Audiences at a Soul Level

    09:26 The Subversive and Revolutionary Nature of Women's Book Clubs

    23:50 Exploring Healthy Relationships and Consent Through Fiction

    25:13 Unlearning Shame: Challenging Purity Culture

    28:57 The Connection Between Femininity and Spirituality

    32:03 Finding Beauty in Destruction: Childbirth and the Body of Jesus

    38:06 The Power of Poetry: Capturing Complex Emotions and Experiences

    44:30 The Role of Art and Imagination

    47:58 Overcoming the Fear of the Non-Literal

    49:27 Trusting the Holy Spirit in Interpretation

    57:54 The Joy of Writing Fiction

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support
  • Summary

    Haley Hampton, a student at Bright Divinity School, shares her journey of pursuing community care and pastoral care. She discusses her background in food service and how it taught her about vulnerability and caring for others. Haley emphasizes the importance of being present with people and creating spaces where they feel seen and cared for. She also highlights the need to deconstruct and redefine church systems to prioritize redemptive community and soul care. Haley encourages individuals to invite others into their lives and be willing to be vulnerable, as this is where transformative relationships and community are formed. In this conversation, Haley Hampton and Jon Pyle discuss the importance of integrating faith into all aspects of life and the harm that can come from separating one's faith from their everyday existence. Haley shares her personal experience of feeling like she didn't fit in the church system and how she found healing and acceptance in a community that allowed her to be her authentic self. They also explore the concept of redemption and the tension between the already and not yet of the Kingdom of God. Haley emphasizes the importance of community care and the power of walking with others through their struggles.


    community care, pastoral care, food service, vulnerability, church systems, redemptive community, soul care, faith, integration, church, community, healing, acceptance, redemption, Kingdom of God, community care


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    03:09 Discovering the Call to Community Care

    08:21 The Impact of Church Experiences on Identity

    13:49 The Role of Food Service in Building Community

    24:17 Caring for the Soul and Redefining Identity

    27:47 Changing Spaces and Cultivating Redemptive Community

    32:06 Introduction

    32:14 Losing One's Soul: Separating the Spirit of God

    36:46 Finding Healing and Acceptance in a Caring Community

    38:30 Embracing Doubt and Wrestling with Faith

    46:34 The Ongoing Process of Redemption and Resurrection

    49:11 Finding Joy in the Midst of Difficult Seasons

    57:24 Conclusion

    01:00:18 BOTI Outro Video.mp4

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support
  • In light of the attempted assassination of President Trump, I wanted to share this incredibly prescient conversation I had with Michael Wear, the Founder, President and CEO of the Center for Christianity and Public Life. The organization is a nonpartisan, nonprofit institution based in the nation's capital with the mission to contend for the credibility of Christian resources in public life, for the public good. We had this conversation back in February, but I really think itā€™s important to share now.

    This act of (political) violence has left a lot of us shaken and a uneasy. Some even may be afraid. And I understand why. This is scary stuff. It feels like the country is teetering on the brink of potential disaster. I also feel many of the harmful divisions deepening. Itā€™s insane we have to say this but: No candidate, no matter how we feel about them, should be murdered. They shouldnā€™t be subject to any violence, or even the threat of violence. Thatā€™s not the vision of America. While violence is (unfortunately) part of our countryā€™s history, and perhaps even our DNA, our government is designed for the peaceful transition of power. And weā€™ve done a pretty good job of that since 1776. That is an anomaly and absolutely, 100% worth protecting. So how should followers of Jesus ā€œdo politicsā€ going forward? What can we do to make this partisan divide better? Michael gives us a great vision in his conversation and his book The Spirit of Our Politics.

    Buy his book wherever books are sold, and check Michael out at his website.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support
  • I met Daniel Yang at a San Antonio Church Planting event and had the pleasure of driving him to the airport. He shared so much insight and wisdom in our time together that I truly appreciated. Then Daniel invited my good friend Humbie Cervera to a wonderful conference about the future of the church and I got to tag along! It was mind-blowing. Now, Daniel works for World Relief overseeing their Churches of Welcome Initiative. You can find him on socials too.

    I appreciate Daniel taking some time to chat with me about what heā€™s doing and what it means for us.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support
  • Find Sandy at the Glean Network, a place for faith and innovation.

    Check out the Korean Queer & Transgender National Network

    SummaryIn this conversation, Jon Pyle and Sandy Hong discuss the concept of spiritual entrepreneurship and the work of the Glean Network. Sandy explains that spiritual entrepreneurship is about creating impact aligned with faith and values, and it can take many forms, such as asset redevelopment, deepening local missions, and connecting with community organizations. They also discuss the importance of bringing soul to work and the formation process that occurs in different environments. Sandy shares his own spiritual journey and the challenges and joys of embracing his multiple identities. He encourages others to question and explore their own paths, while finding support and affirmation from others. In this conversation, Jon and Sandy discuss the importance of community and the limitations of labels. They explore the need for open dialogue and understanding across different identities and experiences. Sandy emphasizes the significance of context and relationship in forming deep connections and meaningful conversations. They also touch on the challenges of navigating family dynamics and the joy of reimagining what family means. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of empathy, kindness, and embracing complexity.Chapters00:00 Introduction and Connection00:59 Introduction to the Glean Network02:32 Defining Spiritual Entrepreneurship03:48 Challenges in Traditional Religious Institutions05:34 Different Approaches to Spiritual Entrepreneurship06:29 Exploring the Shape of Community and Faith08:26 Design Thinking and Empathy in Spiritual Entrepreneurship09:40 The Formation Process in Work and Life11:34 The Importance of Formation in Every Space13:00 Understanding Identity and Belonging14:08 Sandy's Spiritual Journey and Multiple Belongings17:02 Rooting into Diasporic Context18:43 The Changing Landscape of Korean American Culture19:38 The Importance of Context in Identity21:16 Encouragement for Those Questioning Their Belonging23:38 Navigating Labels and Discourse25:37 The Importance of Relationship and Community28:06 Moving Beyond Labels and Universal Rules30:20 The Tension of Identity and Context32:38 Navigating Labels and Context in Discourse34:10 The Importance of Relationship in Formation35:15 Resistance to the Conveyor Belt36:39 Creating Authentic Connections37:57 The Importance of Empathy38:21 Music and Joy40:14 Reimagining Family41:36 Navigating Relationships with Aging Family Members42:33 Letting Go of Ideals43:08 The Joy of Podcasting44:00 Building Networks for Equality and Liberation44:16 BOTI Outro Video.mp4

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support
  • Find Richard Clark at Area Code Audio, where you should visit before you start your own podcast. And you can check out his current podcast Area Code Batavia. Tweet at him!


    In this conversation, Jon Pyle interviews Richard Clark, the proprietor of Area Code Audio, about the importance of active listening and understanding the lived experiences of others. Richard shares his journey of empathy and how podcasting has allowed him to facilitate connection and help people connect with others. He emphasizes that love is more important than theology and discusses the need for inclusivity and diverse perspectives in Christian spaces. Richard also talks about the challenges of certainty in Christian culture and the importance of listening and empathy in fostering understanding and love. The conversation explores different approaches to reporting and opinion pieces, highlighting the importance of giving people a sense of humanity and understanding. It discusses the need to move from critique to creation and the value of movies in understanding different perspectives. The conversation ends with a playful discussion about musical influences and what brings joy to both participants.


    active listening, understanding, empathy, connection, love, theology, inclusivity, diverse perspectives, certainty, Christian culture, reporting, opinion pieces, humanity, understanding, critique, creation, movies, perspectives, joy


    Active listening is important in Christian spaces to foster understanding, empathy, and love.

    Love is more important than theology.

    Inclusivity and diverse perspectives are crucial in Christian spaces.

    Certainty in Christian culture can hinder listening and empathy.

    Podcasting can be a powerful medium for facilitating connection and understanding. Different approaches to reporting and opinion pieces can provide valuable insights and lived experiences.

    Opinion pieces that focus on maintaining the status quo can be damaging and paternalistic.

    Acknowledging and appreciating the humanity of individuals is important in fostering understanding.

    Moving from critique to creation allows for positive change and growth.

    Movies can serve as a medium for understanding different perspectives and experiences.

    Finding joy in cultural experiences, such as video games and movies, can bring fulfillment.


    00:00 Introduction

    00:54 Introducing Richard Clark

    04:08 The Importance of Active Listening

    05:01 Richard's Background at Christianity Today

    06:38 Richard's Career Journey

    07:56 The Importance of Active Listening in Christian Spaces

    10:57 The Impact of Active Listening

    14:27 Richard's Story of Active Listening

    21:48 The Certainty in Christian Culture and the Lack of Listening

    22:52 Richard's Experience at Christianity Today

    24:21 Different Approaches to Reporting and Opinion Pieces

    25:12 The Pitfalls of Opinion Columns

    26:09 The Importance of Giving People a Fair Say

    27:05 The Need for Genuine Empathy

    27:47 The Complexity of Orthodoxy in Evangelicalism

    29:01 Moving from Critique to Creation

    30:04 The Value of Movies in Understanding Different Perspectives

    31:00 The Trap of Looping Arguments

    31:56 Modeling Vulnerability in Conversations

    32:42 The Joy of Creating and Exploring Year-End Movies

    35:59 Musical Influence: Drake

    37:05 Non-Judgment Zone of Joy

    38:25 Year-End Video Games and Movies

    43:03 Movies as a Text for Understanding Perspectives

    43:44 The Value of Empathy in Movies

    44:52 Closing Remarks

    45:07 BOTI Outro Video.mp4

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support
  • Lark Kelsey is an absolute gem. You may know here as Lark Theosis on social media platforms.

    Lark is incredibly insightful about a host of things, particularly when it comes to soul care. She is an insanely wise theologian and ministry practitioner. Through Lark's own journey and her extensive study, she drops some serious knowledge here.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support
  • BUY JENAIā€™s BOOK! Click the link or purchase a copy wherever you buy books. And you can find more of her stuff on her website and the Othered Substack: https://jenaiauman.substack.com/

    Everyone knows what it feels like to be ā€œotheredā€. As Jenai unpacks in our conversation, ā€œotheredā€ is a very provocative word that evokes some kind of emotion in us. While her experience is based primarily on being Filipina-American woman in predominantly white male spaces, there are countless ways to be othered: how much money we make, our hairstyle, the clothes we wear, our education, our faith, the books we read, our values, where we live, what we eat for lunchā€¦ the list goes on and on.

    When have you been othered? What did it feel like?

    As followers of Jesus, we cannot lose sight of creating community and belonging in diversity, not forced conformity. We represent a faith that encompasses an incredibly wide swath of humanity from every continent and nearly every country on the globe. Christianity is weird and eclectic. Letā€™s embrace that weirdness as a way to include everyone.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support
  • You can buy Sarahā€™s book The Way of Belonging, visit her website or subscribe to Sarah on Substack: https://sarahewestfall.substack.com/


    The conversation is about soul care in the digital age and the importance of belonging. The guest, Sarah E. Westfall, discusses her book 'The Way of Belonging' and how belonging is about being rooted in who we are and embracing the love of God. She emphasizes the importance of being known and seen for who we are and not trying to fit in or change ourselves to belong. The conversation also touches on the challenges of belonging, the fear of rejection, and the need for genuine curiosity and attentiveness in relationships. The conversation explores the impact of withholding and the importance of vulnerability in relationships. It emphasizes the need for reciprocal relationships and the freedom that comes from expressing oneself and being met with kindness and acceptance. The discussion also touches on the distinction between isolation and loneliness, and the longing for belonging as a natural and good desire. It highlights the resilience that comes from experiencing deep pain and the importance of embracing one's true self. The conversation concludes with a discussion on finding joy in the work one was created to do.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support
  • This is where you can find my wonderful guests! They are incredible people.

    Liz Daye- linktr.ee/Lizadaye, https://www.threads.net/@lizadaye

    Dianne Garcia- rocaderefugiosatx.org

    Amy Ickes- https://www.threads.net/@aymiejoi

    Chris Lee- https://www.threads.net/@chrisj.lee


    In this conversation, Jon Pyle and his guests discuss the spiritual discipline of service. They explore topics such as finding the right fit for serving, the tension between individualistic and collectivist approaches to service, and the importance of serving without expectations. They also touch on the challenges of serving in the disability community and the need for leaders to create spaces where people feel welcome and loved. In this part of the conversation, the speakers discuss the tension between serving and receiving in the church. They talk about the importance of allowing people to receive and be served, as well as the need for balance and rest. They also highlight the negative effects of consumer-driven church culture and the pressure to constantly be serving. The speakers emphasize the need for leaders to listen to the needs and whispers of their congregation and create a healthy culture that encourages people to serve in a healthy and whole way. They also discuss the importance of subverting expectations and being present to the needs of the community. The conversation explores the concept of service within the context of the church and beyond. It touches on the importance of recognizing the humanity of others and meeting their needs, the subversive nature of Christianity, and the need to reframe spiritual disciplines as communal experiences. The speakers also discuss the role of personal relationship with Jesus in American Christianity, the need for balance and rest in service, and the importance of developing a posture of service that allows for both giving and receiving.


    Finding the right fit for serving involves starting somewhere, even if it's a small task, and being open to trying new things.

    Service should be rooted in joy and passion, but there are also times when we need to do things that make us uncomfortable or that simply need to be done.

    In collectivist communities, there can be pressure to serve and expectations that everyone should contribute. However, it's important to create spaces where people feel welcome and loved, regardless of their ability to serve.

    Leaders should be mindful of not pigeonholing people and should take the time to get to know individuals and their passions and gifts.

    Service is a deeply human act that can transform both the giver and the receiver, and it should be done with abundant generosity and without expectations. There is a tension between serving and receiving in the church, and it is important to allow people to receive and be served.

    Balance and rest are crucial in the context of serving and being served.

    Consumer-driven church culture can be detrimental, and there is a need to create a healthy culture that encourages people to serve in a healthy and whole way.

    Leaders should listen to the needs and whispers of their congregation and be present to their needs.

    Subverting expectations and being aware of the needs of the community are important in creating a healthy church culture. Service starts with recognizing the humanity of others and meeting their needs.

    Christianity is subversive and pushes against our worst impulses as humans.

    Spiritual disciplines should be reframed as communal experiences.

    The focus on personal relationship with Jesus in American Christianity has influenced the idea of individual spirituality rather than community.

    Leaders in the church should set an example of balanced service, rest, and grace.

    Developing a posture of service allows for both giving and receiving.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support
  • Summary

    In this conversation, Jon Pyle discusses the importance of spiritual disciplines, specifically the discipline of service. He emphasizes that spiritual disciplines help us thrive and become more like Jesus. Pyle explains that willpower is a limited resource and that disciplines can help us overcome our lack of willpower. He encourages listeners to develop the spiritual discipline of serving others, as it not only benefits them but also brings blessings into their own lives. Pyle provides practical examples of how to serve in various areas of life, such as marriage, workplace, and community.

    Keywords: spiritual disciplines, service, willpower, thrive, become like Jesus, limited resource, overcome, blessings


    Spiritual disciplines help us thrive and become more like Jesus. Willpower is a limited resource, and disciplines can help us overcome our lack of willpower. The spiritual discipline of service benefits both others and ourselves, bringing blessings into our lives. Serving others can be practiced in various areas of life, such as marriage, workplace, and community.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support
  • Find Josh & Megan's work at Future of Faith!


    Dr. Josh Packard and Master Megan Bissell discuss the future of faith and their work as sociologists. They emphasize the importance of applied sociology and doing work that is useful, not just interesting. They talk about how they became a team and their journey from academia to founding the Springtide Research Institute. They highlight the need for sacred listening and treating every conversation as meaningful. They also discuss the importance of relationship and understanding the spiritual practices of young people. The conversation explores the importance of understanding and guiding young people in their spiritual journeys. It highlights the need for parents and adults to have curiosity and empathy when engaging with young people's spirituality. The conversation emphasizes the role of adults as guides rather than authorities, allowing young people to explore and find their own answers. It also encourages parents to take notes and track their children's spiritual growth over time. The conversation concludes with a reminder that adults don't have to have all the answers and can rely on the Holy Spirit to guide the process.


    future of faith, sociology, applied sociology, sacred listening, relationship, spiritual practices, young people, spirituality, young people, guidance, curiosity, empathy, exploration, parents, adults, notes, growth, Holy Spirit


    Applied sociology focuses on doing work that is useful, not just interesting. Sacred listening is treating every conversation as meaningful and finding deep listening as a sacred practice. Relationships are crucial in understanding the spiritual practices of young people. Young people are repackaging faith practices and finding spiritual moments in nature and other ways. Understanding the language and experiences of young people is essential in helping them develop meaningful faith practices. Parents and adults should approach young people's spirituality with curiosity and empathy. Adults should act as guides rather than authorities, allowing young people to explore and find their own answers. Taking notes and tracking a young person's spiritual growth over time can be valuable. Adults don't have to have all the answers and can rely on the Holy Spirit to guide the process.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support
  • Tim Sweetman is a freaking radical dude. You can find all his stuff at his website: TimSweetman.com. It's also worth checking out Tension, his Substack newsletter.

    Continue this conversation on our Facebook Group (ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā https://www.facebook.com/groups/betterontheinsideā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā )

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    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support
  • You can find ā Pastor Trey on his websiteā . https://www.pastortrey05.com/

    Buy his book ā Theologizin' Bigger on Amazonā .

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    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support
  • You can find Pastor Trey on his website. https://www.pastortrey05.com/

    Buy his book Theologizin' Bigger on Amazon.


    The conversation explores the idea that humans have limited their potential by creating their own image of God. This self-constructed version of God has corrupted our understanding and hindered our growth. The speakers discuss the need to embrace the true nature of God and strive to become the best version of ourselves.


    aspiring, constructed, hamstrung, capacity, best, limited, eternal, other worldly, incorruptible, God, corrupted, imaginations, potential, understanding, growth


    00:00 Introduction and Self-Introduction

    50:28 Defining Identity and Roles

    52:28 The Impetus for Writing

    53:42 Choosing a Non-Traditional Publishing Route

    55:28 Building a Non-Traditional Audience

    56:51 Making God Smaller

    59:21 The Message of the Book

    01:00:54 Why We Make God Smaller

    01:05:26 Expanding Our Understanding of God

    01:11:04 Avoiding Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

    01:12:21 The Expanding Universe and God's Not Yet

    01:14:35 Broadening Love and Avoiding Confinement

    01:16:21 Idolatry and Shaping Ourselves

    01:17:39 Introduction

    01:21:56 BOTI Outro Video.mp4

    Continue this conversation on our Facebook Group (ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā https://www.facebook.com/groups/betterontheinsideā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā )

    Please rate and leave a 5-star review on the Podcast app of your choice!

    Transition music: Lundstroem - Jazz lounge sofa & couch.mp3 (https://freemusicarchive.org/)

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/betterontheinside/support