Pogovori s slovenskimi stand up komiki in ostalimi povezanimi s komedijo.
Odprta scena je odprta za kreativnost, dober vajb in kvalitetne vsebine iz področja kulture in umetnosti. Gostje podcasta so ljudje, ki mi tako ali drugače prekrižajo pot in z mano raziskujejo zakaj se je fajn ukvarjat z umetnostjo. Veliko je govora o stvareh, o katerih se po navadi ne pogovarjamo javno - neuspehih, negativnih izkušnjah v umetniškem svetu in seveda ne manjka smešnih anekdot in takšnih ali drugačnih življenjskih izkušenj. S tabo sem Tia, ustanoviteljica Odprte scene. Hvala, ker si tu.
Podcast Gledališče in lutke JSKD
We are Scotland’s EAR TO THE GROUND! - keeping you in the loop with the interviews and gig alerts from Scotland’s top-notch composers. We’ll be digging deep to find out what makes these composers tick, hearing the processes behind their latest compositions and finding out why on earth someone would want to be a composer!
The podcast is hosted by Aileen Sweeney and Ben Eames, two musicians based in Glasgow who’ll be asking the questions, bringing the banter and getting to know these fantastic composers. Follow and subscribe to keep your ear to ground for Scotland’s newest and most exciting music. -
Join me, Nancy Stevens, on my new Arts Podcast where I will be interviewing some of the biggest names in the arts and entertainment world and running fabulous competitions!
Stage Presence is a podcast dedicated to helping artists in community theatre take their craft to the next stage. Each episode will feature a professional theatre artist talking about their craft and process. Guests specializing in writing, acting, directing, and design, will be interviewed about their careers and share best practices.
Made possible by the support of the Oakville Arts Council and Oakville Cultural Grant.
Created by the BurlOak Theatre Group
Intro and Outro music "Coyote" by David Newberry -
Intervista me organizatorët dhe pjesëmarrësit e shfaqjes itinerare "Në këpucët e Nastradinit". Përmes intervistave, në episodet e këtij podcasti do të kuptojmë çfarë është teatri i rrugës dhe një shfaqje itinerare. Cilat janë të veçantat e tyre dhe çfarë eksperiencash përfitojnë pjesëmarrësit, aktorë dhe spektatorë nga një teatër i këtij lloji. Do njihemi me projektin Giufa, pjesë e të cilit është edhe kjo shfaqje, për ta parë Nastradinin me një sy ndryshe dhe për të kuptuar se sa e thellë është simbolika e këtij hokatari të madh.
Interviste con gli organizzatori e i partecipanti dello spettacolo itinerante "Në këpucët e Nastradinit" (Nelle scarpe di Nastradin). Attraverso le interviste, capiremo cos'è il teatro di strada e lo spettacolo itinerante. Quali sono le peculiarità e che tipo di esperienza affrontano i partecipanti, attori e spettatori in uno spettacolo teatrale di questo genere. Conosceremo il progetto "Giufà", di cui fa parte anche questo spettacolo; per vedere Nastradin con un occhio diverso e per capire quanto è profondo il simbolismo di questo simpatico personaggio-ponte. -
Hopefully entertaining and enlightening discussion of Theatre in London.
I'm here to share my personal thoughts, idea's and opinions about society how it has changed from my childhood to now what are my takes from these changes and also I talk about movie industry, show business the process of getting into films and how my career has shaped from MNC to films
Peter Brook talks to Mark Lawson about his career and his new book, The Quality of Mercy, a collection of essays reflecting his lifelong interest in interpreting Shakespeare’s works for contemporary audiences.
This is a recording of a live Platform event from April 2013. -
'It's time to Travel Virtually...escape from COVID 19… make your way to the Majorcan sun, walk on Cromer beach, listen to wild animals on an African Safari, hunt WW2 submarines in Orkney, lap up the vibrant coast of Cape Town, and swim in the warm blue waters of the small archipelago of Palau in the South Pacific and then if you're brave enough, come deep-sea diving in the Red Sea.
There's endless opportunities. Have you climbed Everest, swum with great white sharks or Journeyed into Space? Get in touch [email protected].
Learn how to get involved: -
Podcast swing plesnega zavoda Studio Dansa z naslovom Pogovori na robu plesišča, ki ga moderira Mojca Marinšek.
“The owl with the rooster voice.” The voice of the rooster was hope, and the sun was love. The owl was you. Support this podcast:
It’s time to relax, take your shoes off, and have fun learning about singing, music careers, musicianship, using the voice in acting and speaking. We will also talk about fun, nerdy subtopics on the voice like posture, articulation, resonance, and so much more.
⋆𝐉𝐋⋆ (🎸Jernej Luzar ⋆ Luzi🎸) totalno iskreno brez ⋆ na 👅 debatira predvsem s kitaristi, glasbeniki in drugimi neverjetnimi ljudmi o njihovi poti, prepričanjih, občutkih, izkušnjah in vsem kar jim leži na duši v podcastu z naslovom "ZAODRJE" .🎧🎚🎚🎧🎙Z gosti razvijamo debate in teme v obliki dobrega starega "jem sessiona" (kjer eden od glasbenikov prinese svojo idejo in jo z udeleženci razvijajo v neznano). 🎚🎸🎷🎺🎻🥁Pripravite se na teme in informacije, ki jih brezskrbno in z veseljem delimo s širnim svetom.🤘Doza Rock & Rolla zagotovoljena!!🤘
Monthly mixes for lovers of French pop dance music and beyond.
#frenchpop #popmusic #dancemusic -
Welcome to JARO Podcast hosted by filmmaker, writer, director and producer, Tomeka M. Winborne. JARO Podcast presents culturally relevant topics featuring actors, musicians, artists, writers and media industry trend setters in the world of arts and entertainment from across the African Diaspora.
Hold Please! is a podcast dedicated to discussing various issues and topics surrounding our job as stage managers. With a primary goal on educating a new generation, Hold Please! also provides fun content in our bonus series “Stage Management Rapid Fire”, this series is geared to taking those silly little things we debate about our job, like what type of pencil is best, and turns it into a quick word association game for stage managers. Support this podcast:
Welcome everyone to our podcast station we hope you enjoy your time listening to our enthusiastic and talented students who wish to fill your time with hope and joy..
Clemente y Basualdo son pareja, viven juntos y están transitando la cuarentena. En medio de tanta pandemia e infodemia ellos intentarán salvar al mundo de la peste con una inyección maravillosa.
“Un experimento argentino” somos:
Clemente: Ernesto Vigetti
Basualdo: Ivan Stilman
Guión: Leticia Arbelo
Edición de sonido : Nicolás Ghigliazza