
  • Finding the Silver Lining in Activities

    Youth activities can be all-consuming. Whether it is a sport, academic, or other pursuits, their calendars fill up quickly. This has the opportunity to value doing over being. However, it does not have to be that way. The time spent in these activities can build relationships with others and even provide valuable one on one time with a parent.

    There are many reasons to see youth activities as positive. On the other hand, there are nearly as many negative aspects. That being said, the ability to create and build relationships does not have to suffer. There is a cost of time for these activities, but when properly used, that time can be utilized for gain and not a loss. Here are just a few suggestions for making the most out of your child's busy schedule.

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.

  • Use Comparison to Find Blessings

    It is common for us to compare our lives to others in a negative way. Thus, Facebook is a painful site for many. They see happy doing great things. Meanwhile, their life is dull, boring, and full of stress. This does not need to be the case. When you look at how much better your life is than others it can relieve stress and make you laugh in a sad situation.

    The approach discussed in this episode is finding a silver lining in the idea that things could be worse. We also look at how those that have it worse than we do can be sources of inspiration. When we have a bad week we can easily find examples of those that have had a worse one. In fact, the nightly news and mainstream media live off of this fact. They bring us the worst news they can find and do their best to make it feel like it happened right next door. When you compare to others you might see your worries melt away and a smile touch your face.

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.

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  • Audio is Important in Capturing Memories

    We all have cameras on us almost all of the time. Thanks to modern technology, our phones are a great way to capture and even document our lives. I have seen this with my ever-growing number of family pictures. Every year we add more year over year and pile up the memories. However, pictures are just part of the story. When you capture audio and (better yet) video with audio you can capture complete memories that are invaluable as time goes by.

    In this episode, I was reminded of the value of decades old audio of childish words and laughter. These short recordings opened whole storerooms of memories and helped take me back to when the kids were younger and cuter. Take a few steps now to provide yourself with a great trip down memory lane in the future.

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.

  • Perfection is the Enemy, but Easily Thwarted

    Many of us spend a good deal of time pursuing perfection of some sort. We try to look perfect, have a perfect yard, or hit a hole-in-one. There is nothing wrong with perfection as a goal, but it can keep us from pursuing other, more meaningful, things. This is important to consider when "good enough" is effectively as good as "perfect."

    The pursuit of perfection can also keep us from delegating tasks. Our children get far more out of chores than completing it. They learn things like thinking of others, contributing to a common good, manners, and much more. When we fail to hand off a task to a child because they won't do a perfect job we are missing opportunities. Yes, we may have to go behind them and clean up, but our job is to raise imperfect children in an imperfect world. It is a good thing our perfection does not get in the way of that goal.

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.
  • We Can All Use a Mentor

    It seems like mentors are more popular among adults than children. However, a good mentor can provide your child an avenue for learning they otherwise would miss. We want to raise them right and teach them all we know, but sometimes ours is not the right voice. A trusted mentor can get through even when our children are resistant to a message. This is helpful at young ages, but critical as the kids move into middle and high school.

    Peer pressure is hard for parents to fight against. They often are the opposition to peer pressure and steadily undermined. A mentor may be able to take a different approach and provide a voice of reason that the child knows is on their side. Sometimes our children just don't like what we have to say. Thus, there is no reason to take it personally if they listen to a mentor instead. At least the message is getting through.

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.
  • Sometimes it Helps to Vent

    Everyone and their brother have been voicing their opinion about white supremacy groups and racism. I guess it is my turn. This is not a very educational episode. However, it is a plea for embracing those different from you. They outnumber you roughly the population of the Earth to one. I also think that spewing hate back at those that display hate does not serve a purpose.

    I apologize for a deviation from our normal topics, but it seems like an attempt to be a voice of reason could be helpful. Whether you agree with my position or not, we are a planet of individuals and the bigotry you use against others can easily come back at you. Learn to view each other's humanity instead of our differences and your life will be far happier and more full.

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.
  • Turning a No into a Yes-and

    Success is sometimes a matter of perspective. Kids have goals and measures of success that often are not practical or safe. Thus, we tell our children "No" far more often than we give them a "Yes." This can create a point of conflict or at least some resistance on their part. This may be unavoidable in some cases. However, there are also times where we can move with them and provide guidance. We can change a "No" that may put them on defense into a "yes" that makes them feel supported and can build confidence.

    When we show our children that we do not have to always be right and instead let them take the lead it will help them feel more comfortable with questions and even push back. This may not be apparent with young kids. However, as they grow into adolescents they may be more respectful of parents than children that have always been told "No." It is just logical that children will act in a way that reflects whether they think all requests will be met with a "no."

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.

  • Point Them in the Right Direction

    Drive and Determination are key indicators of success in every field and focus. Anything that is worthwhile as an achievement requires perseverance and some level of effort. However, we can also bail out at almost any point in trying to achieve that goal. This is where drive and determination come in. We will encounter stumbling blocks that will either need to be overcome or we can allow them to keep us from success.

    There is some part of these skills that can be taught. However, a better way to instill these attributes is to ensure proper focus. When we desire a goal and/or love the work enough then drive and determination comes to us naturally. This is where work fades away and we just do something we would do if left to our own devices. The stumbling blocks just become interesting challenges along the way. Find the things your child wants to do and you will see drive and determination rise to the surface.

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.

  • Investing In A Child's Future

    When our children get to that age where they have to make decisions about the direction of their life, college is often a factor. At this point, we have to ask is college worth the time and financial investment? This has grown to be well beyond a $50,000 question to many families. Thus, it is worth considering the options. An immediate progression from high school to college is not the only way to go. There are steps a child can take that will make it more likely that they end up with the degree they need.

    I am not for or against higher education in general. Instead, this episode looks at a few ways to get a degree without going the normal and expensive route. I also ask the question whether a degree even makes sense for your child. This is not something that can be easily answered so we look at areas to consider rather than a template that gives us the ideal answer.

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.

  • Use Wow instead of How

    In a recent presentation by Andy Stanley (https://andystanley.com/) he mentioned the difference between a "How" and a "Wow" when hearing an idea. This is something I think we can use to program our kids for success. A simple change in the way we approach all those suggestions (silly and not) that our children toss out can lead them to success.

    I recommend his leadership podcast for some other great ideas, but in this short episode, we look at a way to point your kids to a life of voicing their thoughts. A simple change to your approach will provide a value you may have never expected.

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.

  • Back-To-School Part Deux

    In our previous episode, we looked at the finances, forms, and headaches around the back to school season. Now we will look at some ways to ease into the year. This is a perfect time to relearn old habits or even create new ones. We have talked about a reboot in the past, and this is an excellent time to do so.

    Setting a schedule is important early in the year. If we don't, we will likely be off balance until the next Summer. However, getting on a schedule early, finding our rhythm, and avoiding chaos can make a year purr right along. This is where an investment in your schedule and setting a few habits will pay off big in the long run.

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.

  • Back-To-School Part 1

    It is that time of year. A time of buying school supplies and filling out paperwork. The time when we shed a tear as our kids head to school and then cheer as we get some of our day back. In this first of a two-part episode, we look at some ways to save money and get teachers to like us. Yes us, both our children and we parents. When we build that relationship with a teacher it can make a year much easier to get through.

    Even though the school year may already be in session for your children, it is not too late to consider some things you might have missed. A bumpy start is not the end of the world. Instead, we can look at ways to adjust course and set our kids on a good path.

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.

  • Learning To Drive is Stressful

    There are many watershed moments in our parental lives. We send the kids to school, allow them to spend the night somewhere else, and even send them off to camp. None of these match the stress caused by watching your baby drive a car. We all know it is moderately safe, but that does not stop our fears. There are all sorts of things that can go wrong. However, usually, things go right. We can reduce our fear and worry by spending those learner permit months in a car with our kid. Teach them important things like parking and defensive driving. Heck, we can even teach them how to change a flat tire.

    The time we spend teaching our kids about cars and driving pays off in better sleep once our kids are driving alone. The confidence in driving we build is maybe even more for us than for them.

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.

  • Creating Whitespace Allows Us to Savor Moments

    There are many reasons for us to slow down a enjoy our hectic lives. Those tasks that we insist must be done, do not all need to be done. In particular, they do not need to be done immediately. When we spend a little time relaxing and allowing our minds to slow down it can even improve our productivity. This episode is partially a continuation of thoughts from listening to the CEO of WhitespaceAtWork. We need to pause and slow down more often at work. However, we are passing this hectic lifestyle on to our children as well.

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.

  • Removing the Blind Spots

    We all have things that we have learned incorrectly. This may be a saying, the meaning of a word, or even a historical fact. The challenge is to help our kids avoid falling into those gaps. When a phrase or "fact" is mentioned we need to verify it. Moreover, we need to teach our children to verify their knowledge through a dictionary or encyclopedia. This requires a healthy skepticism about everything including their own knowledge. Ask your children to explain their meaning when they use a phrase or ask them to define a word they use. This creates the habit of checking our assumptions on a regular basis.

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.

  • Let Your Hair Down and Start Cheering

    There are great athletes that will point to the cheers of a crowd as giving them an extra boost. When you consider how little connection there is between crowd and athlete, this is amazing. However, when we think about how much our children crave positive feedback, a cheering parent can be a huge motivator. It literally can mean the difference between success and failure. Not everything is a matter of inches or small bits of additional effort. Nevertheless, a cheering parent can keep a child going and provide the periodic wins that build to victory. We can put aside being serious sometimes and get wild cheering for our kids. If not us, then who?

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.

  • Finishing Can Be a Decision

    We have all heard that winners never quit. What about the times when a child does not care to win? These times do not make the child a quitter, just someone that wants to move on. It does not make sense to force a child to eat all the food in front of them when they are full. Likewise, it serves no purpose to encourage a child to continue an activity they do not like. Yes, there are times when chores and other unwelcome activities are required. However, this discussion is focused on activities done for enjoyment such as academic or athletic pursuits.

    A continued push to finish an activity may lead to burnout or a complete dislike for the task. There are commitments children make to school and team members, but when those have been fulfilled they should not be held to something that is no longer fun. Allow your child to experiment and decide when they are done rather than holding them to an arbitrary time frame or commitment.

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.

  • A Milestone Has Been Reached!

    100 episodes is a milestone for any podcast. Some get there quickly if they are on a daily schedule. On the other hand, weekly releases will require almost two years before episode 100 is reached. In any case, this marks the 100th episode and roughly 35 hours of parental guidance mixed in with Dad jokes.

    Looking Back At Interviews

    The highlights of these first 100 episodes all center around interviews for me. Thus, I wanted to look back at who I have talked to and point out the incredible stories they have shared. I also look ahead to the next 100 episodes and some of the goals I have moving forward. Thank you for sharing this journey, you are appreciated more than you know. Blessings to you all!

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.

  • Focus is Fine in Moderation

    In past episodes, we have looked at the problems that can arise from pushing our children towards specialization early in life. Whether we are looking at academic or athletic pursuits, burnout can hit early in life when we push too hard. However, these warnings do not mean that we should keep our kids from sticking with things for a time.

    We live in a task driven society and can be tempted to push (or help) our children to accomplish tasks quickly. This approach can miss the point of some tasks. There are times where the journey is the most important part of a task. Thus, rushing to the end will entirely miss the point. When we spoon feed our children through activities so they can skip ahead to the end we minimize the problem-solving skills that can be learned. Do not be afraid of some "quiet" or "alone" time for your children. Sometimes the best thing to do is allow them to work through things on their schedule.

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.

  • Red Tape Shortcuts and Reducing Paperwork

    We add to our paperwork load from almost the moment child is born. It starts with birth certificates and filling out release forms. Unfortunately, that is only the beginning. As our kids grow up they head off to school and join activities of all sorts. Each of these steps includes forms of one sort or another. This fact alone makes reducing paperwork a goal worth pursuing.

    When you have a large family, the paperwork can become overwhelming. Thus, we look at ways to reduce paperwork, simplify tracking your data, and generally spending less time filling forms. This is not an episode that covers a big issue. However, it may be one that saves you the most time.

    Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts on this and other episodes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/blessing-not-stressing-happy/id1186128287. You can find other podcast episodes at https://blessingnotstressing.com/blog/podcast. There are also deeper discussions with blog articles available there as well. For regular updates follow me on twitter (@thebroadhead) and check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/blessingnotstressing.