In Today's Episode, I talk about the difference between letting something go and letting something be as and how letting something simply BE can feel better than the feeling of having to let something go. I also go over what are Anticipatory Emotions and how you may be experiencing them and what to do about them.
Puuttuva jakso?
Welcome to 2025! In this Episode, I share an alternative to setting New Years Resolutions. Rather than setting Resolutions.. Let's try to set intentions. My intentions for 2025 are to do things that bring me more joy, simplicity, and are impactful not only for myself but for others. How can you set intentions that can be used in your career, home life, eating habits, workout routines or whatever it is you do on a daily basis? Let's DO this!
In todays episode, I talk about how just like trees, we as humans need to shed our "leaves" in order to grow. Fall is the perfect time of year to do just that. What's holding you back or stealing your energy? Let's start to shed those leaves to come out stronger, more energetic, and even more amazing on the other side.
Happy New Year!
Who's ready to have their best year yet?? I AM
In this episode, I share lessons that I learned in 2023 that helped me create the most successful year of my life. I share these lessons so I can help you manifest and create anything you want in your life.
My goal this year, is to help you have the most successful year of your life. If you want to that is :)
Success means different things to everyone, what does it look like for you?
We all have stories that we tell ourselves. Sometimes these stories don't serve our best interest, keep us feeling stuck, and can cause us unnecessary pain. In this Episode, my guest Carry Rowan and I talk about how to start creating new stories. Carrie is dubbed by her clients as the professor of happiness & joy, is a mindset life coach, award winning singer/songwriter, and best-selling author of Tell A New Story, 5 Simple Steps to Release Your Negative Stories and Bring Joy to Your Life. This is a fun and educational episode you DO NOT WANT TO MISS.
You can learn more about Carrie and find out how to work with her at www.CarrieRowan.com
Cheers My Friends and Enjoy!
I'M BACK! After taking some time off to focus on another fun project ( you'll find out what that is at the end of this episode) I'm so excited to be back recording. I am thrilled about the line up of my amazing guests and topics that will be covered.
My special guest today is Christina Spinazola https://christinaspinazola.com/. Christina is an ICF Certified Professional Coach who works leaders and bold risk takers that are looking to take their lives to the next level through adventure.
Christina and I share a passion of helping people live their best lives and this usually means helping our clients push past fear, doubt, and limiting beliefs. In today's episode we talk about how we do that, and how you can start to have more fun and adventure in your life when you walk through the fears that have been holding you back.
Cheers My Friends! and Enjoy!
Wow, we are already one month into the New Year! Did you set any New Years Resolutions? How are they going? In today's episode, I walk you through the process of how to ditch the resolutions and create long lasting positive changes that will help you achieve anything you are looking to create. You got this!!
Spending more time with your significant other post pandemic? A lot of people are now working from home, and that may mean spending a lot more time with your spouse or significant other. For some, this can have a negative impact on their relationship.
In today's Episode, I am thrilled to have had the chance to talk with Allison and Craig Guido, of Married with a Business.
I like to call them a Power Couple. They work and run a successful business together, raise boys together, participate in activities together, and have an amazing Podcast, Married with a Business , together, and seem to always have a smile on their face while doing it all.
While no relationship is perfect, Allison and Craig share their experiences, tools, and resources that help make all their togetherness run smoothly andenjoyable.
Hello Friends! When I talk to people about the benefits of journaling, people often tell me they don't have time, not sure where to start, and it's not for them.
In this episode, I talk about how journaling can be therapeutic for the mind, body, and soul, and how to get started. It only takes a couple minutes a day.
Here is a link to, Today is Going to be a Great Day Journal I created. Happy Journaling Friends!
In today's Episode, I have some fun with Hannah McKitrick, who coaches people how to nourish their mind, body, and soul through her Cook Well cooking program. What we put into our bodies is so important for so many reasons. Hannah shows you how to make healthy amazing meals and have fun while you do it! You don't want to miss this.
In this Special Episode, my guest, Nicole Perry and I have some fun while talking candidly about some not so fun emotions, Depression and Anxiety. In a world that feels a bit out of control, we discuss our experiences and what helps us when difficult emotions arise. While we can't control everything that goes on in the world, we can control how we react.
In today's episode, I talk about getting clear on your picture of living an extraordinary life. Exploring your dream of what success and happiness looks like, and whether or not how you are spending your time, is moving you closer or further away from your dreams. Time is our life's currency, how we spend it is so precious. Learn to spend your time exactly how you want to.
I'm excited to be back in the studio recording some more podcasts. In today's podcast I talk about how we can learn to celebrate ourselves more often. How being vulnerable and authentic in how we show up on a daily basis not only helps ourselves, but those around us. Enjoy!
T'is the season of thanksgiving. In today's episode, you'll learn how to create long lasting health benefits for both you body and mind in just a few minutes a day. I also share my personal experiences and how they've helped me. Enjoy!
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