
  • The future of business is doughnut shaped: What’s the impact of your business? Auditing for Regeneration.

    In the journey to building a regenerative business, let's dive into "What’s your business’s planetary Impact?" We're delving into the often overlooked facets of your business - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

    Every business has its darker side—modern day slavery, waste, pollution, and carbon emissions. It's time to face the ugly truth about your business.

    But fear not! Today, we embark on a journey towards regenerative progress. Moving beyond conventional methods to explore the bigger picture. What is our perspective of the living world, and what is our relationship to its ecosystems?

    Key Steps:


    Unveil aspects of our business we didn’t know existed. It's not just about audits; it's about facing our dirty side. What is holding us back, and where is the toxicity in our business?

    Consider models like Doughnut Economics, a roadmap for building a regenerative business.

    Break it down into key areas: Health and Wellbeing, Energy, Heat, and Water, Nature and Biodiversity, Transport and Travel, Materials, Consumption, and Waste.

    Identifying Impacts:

    Bring in a diverse group from leadership to juniors, from designers to engineers. You need cognitive diversity and a range of ideas. Identify all negative and positive impacts. Be honest!

    Ideation Process:

    Armed with knowledge, it's time for the ideation process. Brainstorm actionable solutions that form the foundation of your regenerative strategy.

    Regeneration- Time for Action:

    Appoint and launch your change team. Address negatives and enhance positives. Your business becomes a force for positive change.

    The impact your business has on the planet is within your control. Let's take the first step towards a regenerative future. To understand green finance, watch "How to Start Building a Regenerative Business."

    👍 Like, 💬 Share. To explore how I can support you on this remodeling, get in touch. Learn more about my consultancy and short courses. 

    Be useful, be kind. 

  • đŸŒ± How to Start Building a Regenerative Business

    Clean your money and grow social investments

    In today's video, we explore two vital steps: Profit and People. Businesses must pivot towards solutions driving real systemic change for a cleaner, positive future. The key lies in the delicate balance between profit and people—a concept known as Green Capitalism or a Green Swan.

    Profit: Get Your Money Clean 💾

    Consider responsible profit allocation

    Owners, shareholders, or back into the business? Support organisations like https://www.onepercentfortheplanet.org/ allocating just 1% of profits to impactful projects, NGOs, and charities. Or Involve employees in deciding where profit shares go.

    Explore Green Pensions:

    Opt for green pension investments to influence institutions managing your money away from fossil fuel companies.

    Choose Sustainable Banking

    Make a difference by banking with institutions committed to sustainability. Move your money if your current bank has invested interests in fossil fuels.

    Invest Wisely

    Opt for green, sustainable investments that prioritise people and planet protection.

    People: Beyond Finances đŸ€

    Internal Social Investments

    Assess your work culture, align foundational values with employees.

    Consider organisational structure, values, and belief systems that drive positive change.

    Rewarding Staff

    Recognise and incentivise sustainability efforts for a positive work environment.

    External Social Investments

    Volunteer time actively in community initiatives to strengthen connections.

    Contribute to conservation, education, social uplift, and overall societal well-being.

    🌿 Building a Regenerative Business means aligning money and investments with people to contribute to a regenerative economy. Stay tuned for more videos on auditing, communications, product development, team building, and purpose setting.

    Ready to take your business into the regenerative age? 🚀 DM me or email me. Let's make a positive impact together! 💚

    #RegenerativeBusiness #Sustainability #GreenCapitalism #PositiveChange #BusinessForGood #PeopleAndProfit #RegenerativeBusiness #ClimateAction #RegenerativeMindset #brandpurpose

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  • Ever wondered what "regenerative" really means in the business world? Join me as I break it down in this video.

    Sustainability vs. Regeneration

    First off, let's clear the air – sustainability is crucial, no doubt. It's the first step toward regeneration. However, my gripe lies with businesses that merely use sustainability as a buzzword to mask their true intentions. True sustainability involves cleaning and greening your organisation, reducing your negative impact on the planet. But, when it's used to manipulate perceptions or drive products into new markets, that's greenwashing.

    The Regenerative Mindset

    My goal? Fast-tracking sustainable action by adopting a regenerative mindset. But what does "regenerative" mean? Simply put, it's about replenishing and restoring. It's about undoing the damage caused by 150 years of industrialization and consumerism, not just mitigating it.

    🎉 The Party Analogy

    Think of our planet as a party that's gotten out of control. Sustainability is like ordering a cab and going home – it's about stopping the damage. Regeneration? It's the cleanup crew. It might seem like a crude analogy, but it simplifies the concept. We need to switch off the metaphorical music and take away the metaphorical booze to make a real change.

    Call to Action:

    🌍 Join the Conversation

    Let's stop saying "Climate Change" and start calling it what it is – "Climate Damage." And remember, regenerative action is the cleanup we urgently need.

    đŸ’Œ Seeking Stories

    Know businesses embracing a regenerative approach? I'm on the lookout for guests for the Brand Mast Flash podcast. Reach out and let's share their inspiring stories!

    If you found this video insightful, hit that like button, subscribe for more, and share it with your friends. Together, let's build a regenerative future. 

  • Sustainable is out, regenerative is in.

    ESG, CSR and SDGs are not the answer for business and industry sustainability. If your business model and products are degenerative at its core, they aggressively pollute and fundamentally are not something that people really need then your business will never reach net zero. 

    I believe this transition within organisations is at its most effective at brand level. This is the DNA of an organisation and ultimately where decisions are made, products are developed and belief systems are realised and acted upon.

    A regenerative business is one that gives back more to our planet and society than it takes. Remodelling your brand around regenerative practices will:

    Contribute to supporting and protecting social and ecological systemsEnhance reputation and attract conscious customers/investorsDifferentiate from competitors in the growing sustainable/regenerative economyAlign identity and messaging with sustainability focusInspire and engage employees, fostering a culture of purposeShowcase positive impact, building trust with stakeholders for long-term success

    Want to take your organisation into the regenerative age? Enquire about our 2 day workshop.


    More of our projects can be found at


  • As designers, we often look to human behaviour, science, art and engineering for answers and solutions. Interestingly, some of the best design solutions can be found within our natural world. Harnessing the evolved biology of the kingfisher, designers were able to improve aerodynamics of the Japanese bullet train by mimicking the shape of the bird’s beak. This is a story of biomimicry.

    Sam Tatam is Global Head of Behavioural Science at Ogilvy. His passion is understanding human behaviour, and his experience comes from organisational/industrial psychology and advertising strategy. He is the author of the fascinating book Evolutionary Ideas.

    I caught up with Sam to discuss his book and understand how nature and the animal kingdom can help some of the world's biggest challenges.


    Buy the book: https://harriman-house.com/evolutionaryideas

    Connect with Sam:

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/s_tatam

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/sam-tatam-psychologist/?originalSubdomain=uk

    I’m Brand Master Flash: I’m a brand strategist on a mission for good. Finding mastery is a continual practice, to stay on the path towards positive change and growth. My channels deliver a podcast, blog and vlog that promote ethical brand building and business transformation.

    You want to be better, to do good and make positive change. You need to create a vision and turn it into a clear roadmap. How does the rest of the world see your brand? Does your identity truly represent who you are? If not, you need enlightened brand strategy.

    Weekly content includes useful advice in brand strategy, business, creativity, design and marketing. Hear from brand leaders, marketers, creatives, artists and positive influencers who are building communities, pushing boundaries and making a positive impact.

    Need brand support in your business? Hire me.

    Website | https://seedcreativity.co.uk/

    Connect with Jonny:

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonprest/

    Listen, Watch & Subscribe

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/jonnybrandmaster/

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/brand_flash

    Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/brandmasterflash/

    YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVOrQ5SyDM3c2Fz6YRvKJiQ

    Subscribe to the Brand Master Flash Podcast:

    Captivate FM | https://brand-master-flash.captivate.fm/

    Apple Podcasts | https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/brand-master-flash/id1498100600

    Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/37zStXSdbxhEavgBLeWljU

    Stitcher | https://www.stitcher.com/show/brand-master-flash

    Google Podcasts |

  • Working in brand and marketing, we hear influential writers and thought-leaders use the words ‘tribe’ and 'community’. These words are commonly spoken by industry gurus such as Seth Godin and Marty Neumier. They’re used frequently to describe our association with products, places, people and companies. But, fundamentally, what is a tribe? 

    In the dictionary, there are many interpretations - the most relevant is ‘a group of persons having a common character, occupation, or interest’.

    So how do brands manage to build a tribe or community? This book explains all:

    Primal Branding by Patrick Hanlon

    Patrick believes that attracting and building communities is about adopting a primal code. There are 7 pieces of code, which are:

    Creation storyCreedIconsRitualsPagansThe sacred wordsLeader

    If each piece of code is worked on and delivered, he believes you can create a belief system that not only attracts a tribe but makes them loyal fans, followers and customers. I caught up with Patrick to discuss the book and all things branding, climate, big business - even a bit of UK politics.


    Connect with Patrick:

    Website | https://www.primalbranding.co/

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/primalbranding/

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/hanlonpatrick

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrick-hanlon-b81903/

    I’m Brand Master Flash: I’m a brand strategist on a mission for good. Finding mastery is a continual practice, to stay on the path towards positive change and growth. My channels deliver a podcast, blog and vlog that promote ethical brand building and business transformation.

    You want to be better, to do good and make positive change. You need to create a vision and turn it into a clear roadmap. How does the rest of the world see your brand? Does your identity truly represent who you are? If not, you need enlightened brand strategy.

    Weekly content includes useful advice in brand strategy, business, creativity, design and marketing. Hear from brand leaders, marketers, creatives, artists and positive influencers who are building communities, pushing boundaries and making a positive impact.

    Need brand support in your business? Hire me.

    Website | https://seedcreativity.co.uk/

    Connect with Jonny:

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonprest/

    Listen, Watch & Subscribe

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/jonnybrandmaster/

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/brand_flash

    Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/brandmasterflash/

    YouTube |

  • "What we do in the next ten years will profoundly impact the next few thousand
 This is no longer a scientific challenge; it is a communications challenge.”

    - Sir David Attenborough

    Let’s talk about climate change.

    So we know the science, we're advanced in the tech and there’s a clear roadmap of what needs to be done. So why is the climate challenge so big and, in a lot of people's eyes, unobtainable?

    As Attenborough says, it's all about communication. We need to rally the troops, inspire, motivate and use positive energy to make things happen. There's someone out there who lives by these characteristics. He's inspiring, motivated and has tons of positive energy. It's the founder of Enviral: Joss Ford.

    Enviral is a creative agency that specialises in sustainability communications. Their clients include Greenpeace, Ecologi and Good Energy. Joss believes that big changes can happen in big business. Businesses can be a force for good and should think differently in everything they do. This means acting with sustainability at the heart of their operations.

    I caught up with Joss to talk about all things planet and brand creativity - and also how to decarbonise a wedding. Enjoy!


    Connect with Joss:

    Website | https://www.enviral.co.uk/

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/go_enviral/

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/go_enviral

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/company/goenviral/

    I’m Brand Master Flash: I’m a brand strategist on a mission for good. Finding mastery is a continual practice, to stay on the path towards positive change and growth. My channels deliver a podcast, blog and vlog that promote ethical brand building and business transformation.

    You want to be better, to do good and make positive change. You need to create a vision and turn it into a clear roadmap. How does the rest of the world see your brand? Does your identity truly represent who you are? If not, you need enlightened brand strategy.

    Weekly content includes useful advice in brand strategy, business, creativity, design and marketing. Hear from brand leaders, marketers, creatives, artists and positive influencers who are building communities, pushing boundaries and making a positive impact.

    Need brand support in your business? Hire me.

    Website | https://seedcreativity.co.uk/

    Connect with Jonny:

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonprest/

    Listen, Watch & Subscribe

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/jonnybrandmaster/

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/brand_flash

    Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/brandmasterflash/

    YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVOrQ5SyDM3c2Fz6YRvKJiQ

    Subscribe to the Brand Master Flash Podcast:

    Captivate FM | https://brand-master-flash.captivate.fm/

    Apple Podcasts | https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/brand-master-flash/id1498100600

    Spotify |

  • Jamie Mustard is a multimedia artist and expert on identity and perception. His book ‘The Iconist’ is the study of what makes anything iconic: the anatomy of what causes any idea, art or message to STAND OUT and take hold in the human mind, across any medium. 

    I caught up with Jamie to discuss his book but also to share ideas, opinions and views about climate change and to understand how the theory of ‘blocks’ can be used to reframe the narrative and give it new meaning or understanding.


    Connect with Jamie:

    Website | https://theiconist.org/

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/jamie_mustard/?hl=en

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/thejamiemustard

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamie-mustard-872b283/

    Brand Master Flash is Jonny Prest. A brand strategist and director at brand agency Seed. Jonny prides himself on his work ethic, unique approach and sense of humour. He’s passionate about brand strategy, working hard to get into the mindset of his clients and in the shoes of their consumers to find the right solutions and intelligent, fresh ideas for their project or campaign. He blows past the obvious; snubs the clichĂ© and pushes ideas until they are powerful, meaningful and are at the highest standard reachable.

    Need brand support in your business? Hire me.

    Website | https://seedcreativity.co.uk/

    Connect with Jonny:

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonprest/

    Listen, Watch & Subscribe

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/jonnybrandmaster/

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/brand_flash

    Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/brandmasterflash/

    YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVOrQ5SyDM3c2Fz6YRvKJiQ

    Subscribe to the Brand Master Flash Podcast:

    Captivate FM | https://brand-master-flash.captivate.fm/

    Apple Podcasts | https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/brand-master-flash/id1498100600

    Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/37zStXSdbxhEavgBLeWljU

    Stitcher | https://www.stitcher.com/show/brand-master-flash

    Google Podcasts | https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5jYXB0aXZhdGUuZm0vYnJhbmQtbWFzdGVyLWZsYXNoLw

    Tune In | https://tunein.com/podcasts/Business--Economics-Podcasts/Brand-Master-Flash-p1292108/?topicId=160986585


  • "Change happens at the edges"

    An agency that definitely does not operate in the bland, soft middle is Yarza Twins. Yarza Twins is an award-winning design agency based in London and Paris.

    I had the opportunity to chat with founders Eva and Marta Yarza.

    Their agency works with passionate clients to create honest work that stands out from the crowd. They've worked with big clients such as Adidas, Microsoft, Smirnoff, Converse, Adobe and MTV. Among their design achievements, they have been awarded the Spanish National Design Award 2020 (Premios Nacionales de Diseño), a prestigious D&AD Pencil in Packaging Design 2018 and the Galician Award of Innovation and Design 2021.


    Connect with Yarza Twins:

    Website | https://yarzatwins.com/

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/yarza_twins/

    Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/yarzatwins

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/yarzatwins

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/company/yarza-twins/

    Brand Master Flash is Jonny Prest. A brand strategist and director at brand agency Seed. Jonny prides himself on his work ethic, unique approach and sense of humour. He’s passionate about brand strategy, working hard to get into the mindset of his clients and in the shoes of their consumers to find the right solutions and intelligent, fresh ideas for their project or campaign. He blows past the obvious; snubs the clichĂ© and pushes ideas until they are powerful, meaningful and are at the highest standard reachable.

    Need brand support in your business? Hire me.

    Website | https://seedcreativity.co.uk/

    Connect with Jonny:

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonprest/

    Listen, Watch & Subscribe

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/jonnybrandmaster/

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/brand_flash

    Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/brandmasterflash/

    YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVOrQ5SyDM3c2Fz6YRvKJiQ

    Subscribe to the Brand Master Flash Podcast:

    Captivate FM | https://brand-master-flash.captivate.fm/

    Apple Podcasts | https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/brand-master-flash/id1498100600

    Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/37zStXSdbxhEavgBLeWljU

    Stitcher | https://www.stitcher.com/show/brand-master-flash

    Google Podcasts |

  • For the past 3 years I’ve been focusing on and specialising in brand strategy. The majority of my work with clients focuses on the core truth of a brand: the purpose, vision and philosophy. I come from a visual background; I trained as a graphic designer but beyond that I was an artist. I love the visual side of brand building so it was a great honour to speak to the founder of the creative agency Sea, Bryan Edmondson. 

    Bryan and his team are purists in the art of crafting smart and beautiful brands. We caught up and spoke about the key to longevity, how to find the right clients and why uncluttered communication and design reduction is the key to his craft.


    Connect with Bryan:

    Website | https://www.seadesign.com/

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/sea_london/

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/sea_london

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bryan-edmondson-70364817/

    Brand Master Flash is Jonny Prest. A brand strategist and director at brand agency Seed. Jonny prides himself on his work ethic, unique approach and sense of humour. He’s passionate about brand strategy, working hard to get into the mindset of his clients and in the shoes of their consumers to find the right solutions and intelligent, fresh ideas for their project or campaign. He blows past the obvious; snubs the clichĂ© and pushes ideas until they are powerful, meaningful and are at the highest standard reachable.

    Need brand support in your business? Hire me.

    Website | https://seedcreativity.co.uk/

    Connect with Jonny:

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonprest/

    Listen, Watch & Subscribe

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/jonnybrandmaster/

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/brand_flash

    Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/brandmasterflash/

    YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVOrQ5SyDM3c2Fz6YRvKJiQ

    Subscribe to the Brand Master Flash Podcast:

    Captivate FM | https://brand-master-flash.captivate.fm/

    Apple Podcasts | https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/brand-master-flash/id1498100600

    Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/37zStXSdbxhEavgBLeWljU

    Stitcher | https://www.stitcher.com/show/brand-master-flash

    Google Podcasts | https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5jYXB0aXZhdGUuZm0vYnJhbmQtbWFzdGVyLWZsYXNoLw

    Tune In |...

  • Why does the word ‘sales’ still give most business leaders, solopreneurs and marketers the chills? Why do we still often see sales as sleazy and squeezy?  

    Luis BĂĄez is a Sales Enablement Strategist dedicated to serving business owners, including coaches, course creators, and consultants. Combined with his colourful Puerto Rican / New York charm, his range of cutting-edge skills has been acquired through his years of service in sales, working with big brands such as LinkedIn, Google, Uber and Tesla.

    Currently the Senior Manager of Global Sales Enablement at Deputy, Luis is not only changing the way that sales is delivered within organisations, but he's also going back to the core of how a sales team operates. He is a progressive, enlightening and charismatic professional who delivers training that's based around relationships, rapport, product knowledge and design. 

    By investing in core solutions and benefits fused with cultural and emotional intelligence, he's able to enable sales teams to flourish, be creative and turn sales into a sexy, fun and high functioning area of a business.


    Connect with Luis:

    Website | https://www.luisbaez.com/

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/itsluisbaez/

    Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/itsluisbaez

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/baezluis/

    Brand Master Flash is Jonny Prest. A brand strategist and director at brand agency Seed. Jonny prides himself on his work ethic, unique approach and sense of humour. He’s passionate about brand strategy, working hard to get into the mindset of his clients and in the shoes of their consumers to find the right solutions and intelligent, fresh ideas for their project or campaign. He blows past the obvious; snubs the clichĂ© and pushes ideas until they are powerful, meaningful and are at the highest standard reachable.

    Need brand support in your business? Hire me.

    Website | https://seedcreativity.co.uk/

    Connect with Jonny:

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonprest/

    Listen, Watch & Subscribe

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/jonnybrandmaster/

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/brand_flash

    Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/brandmasterflash/

    YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVOrQ5SyDM3c2Fz6YRvKJiQ

    Subscribe to the Brand Master Flash Podcast:

    Captivate FM | https://brand-master-flash.captivate.fm/

    Apple Podcasts | https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/brand-master-flash/id1498100600

    Spotify |

  • So many businesses have a great product, an amazing team and watertight systems and processes but they struggle to get their offering into the hands of their customers. Often this is down to one simple reason: they can’t effectively communicate why their product/solution has value.

    Welcome to the cool, talented and super personable Dennis Morrison. 

    Dennis is a business storyteller, marketing story strategist and founder of Audience Magnet.

    Dennis teaches “Business Storytelling as a Service”. His learners are given the tools and resources to consistently craft stories to help them sell more effectively. 


    The 4 types of storytelling- 60 ways to engage your ideal audience (FREE GUIDE)



    Connect with Dennis:

    Website | https://audiencemagnet.com/

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/dennismorrison_/

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/dennismorrison

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/dennismorrison/

    Brand Master Flash is Jonny Prest. A brand strategist and director at brand agency Seed. Jonny prides himself on his work ethic, unique approach and sense of humour. He’s passionate about brand strategy, working hard to get into the mindset of his clients and in the shoes of their consumers to find the right solutions and intelligent, fresh ideas for their project or campaign. He blows past the obvious; snubs the clichĂ© and pushes ideas until they are powerful, meaningful and are at the highest standard reachable.

    Need brand support in your business? Hire me.

    Website | https://seedcreativity.co.uk/

    Connect with Jonny:

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonprest/

    Listen, Watch & Subscribe

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/jonnybrandmaster/

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/brand_flash

    Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/brandmasterflash/

    YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVOrQ5SyDM3c2Fz6YRvKJiQ

    Subscribe to the Brand Master Flash Podcast:

    Captivate FM | https://brand-master-flash.captivate.fm/

    Apple Podcasts | https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/brand-master-flash/id1498100600

    Spotify |

  • In light of COP26 being held in Glasgow between 31 October and 12 November 2021, I wanted to speak to someone who was leading the way here in the UK to tackle some of the biggest climate change emergencies. Hugo Tagholm is the Chief Executive for Surfers Against Sewage (SAS). SAS is one of the UK’s leading ocean conservation and campaigning charities that inspires, unites and empowers communities to take action to protect oceans, beaches, waves and wildlife. 

    The charity fights against sewage and plastic pollution and is working towards improving water quality and ocean recovery. Hugo is very purpose-driven and has been fighting for these causes since the early ‘90s.

    I caught up with Hugo to talk purpose, climate change and how businesses can actively make changes to support the cause and decrease their harmful impact on the planet.


    Connect with Hugo

    Website | https://www.sas.org.uk/

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/surfersagainstsewage/?hl=en


    Twitter | https://twitter.com/sascampaigns

    LinkedIn  |  https://www.linkedin.com/in/hugo-tagholm-2a544235/

    Brand Master Flash is Jonny Prest. A brand strategist and director at brand agency Seed. Jonny prides himself on his work ethic, unique approach and sense of humour. He’s passionate about brand strategy, working hard to get into the mindset of his clients and in the shoes of their consumers to find the right solutions and intelligent, fresh ideas for their project or campaign. He blows past the obvious; snubs the clichĂ© and pushes ideas until they are powerful, meaningful and are at the highest standard reachable.

    Need brand support in your business? Hire me.

    Website | https://seedcreativity.co.uk/

    Connect with Jonny:

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonprest/

    Listen, Watch & Subscribe

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/jonnybrandmaster/

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/brand_flash

    Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/brandmasterflash/

    YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVOrQ5SyDM3c2Fz6YRvKJiQ

    Subscribe to the Brand Master Flash Podcast:

    Captivate FM | https://brand-master-flash.captivate.fm/

    Apple Podcasts | https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/brand-master-flash/id1498100600

    Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/37zStXSdbxhEavgBLeWljU

    Stitcher |

  • In my 20 years’ experience of working in business, one of the biggest catalysts for problems is poor communication. From marketing to PR to finance to sales, communication is crucial. 

    I caught up with Dr Michael Gerharz to discuss transformative communication and why leaders need to search for the truth in themselves and at the core of their organisation.

    Michael has worked with global brands such as Johnson & Johnson, Blackberry and Siemens. 

    He has a breadth of knowledge in how to mentor and coach leaders so they can learn the art to effectively communicate and deliver their most important message.

    To access a free mini series about finding your core truth, visit here: https://michaelgerharz.com/brandmasterflash


    Please support: like, share, comment, subscribe.

    Brand Master Flash is Jonny Prest. A brand strategist and director at brand agency Seed. Jonny prides himself on his work ethic, unique approach and sense of humour. He’s passionate about brand strategy, working hard to get into the mindset of his clients and in the shoes of their consumers to find the right solutions and intelligent, fresh ideas for their project or campaign. He blows past the obvious; snubs the clichĂ© and pushes ideas until they are powerful, meaningful and are at the highest standard reachable.

    Need brand support in your business? Hire me.

    Website | https://seedcreativity.co.uk/

    Connect with Jonny:

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonprest/

    Listen, Watch & Subscribe

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/jonnybrandmaster/

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/brand_flash

    Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/brandmasterflash/

    YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVOrQ5SyDM3c2Fz6YRvKJiQ

    Subscribe to the Brand Master Flash Podcast:

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  • “...branding in the absence of category design is bullshit.”

    Niche Down

    Christopher Lochhead & Heather Clancy

    Is category design significantly more effective than branding and brand marketing?

    What does marketing success look like right now?


    DifferentiationPurpose-ledCreating a magnetic message

    Category design

    Solution-drivenDelivering valueNiching

    The following is taken from a Christopher Lochhead article titled The Big Brand Lie: How Categories Make Brands & Why Brand Marketers Never Believe It:

    “Category Design is the process of moving customers FROM the way the world is TO a new and different way. Categories are about customers, their problems, their opportunities, and their future—which means category marketing is about educating customers on a new and different solution that unlocks transformational outcomes by solving a specific problem.

    Branding, on the other hand, is about us. Our name. Our logo. Our team. Our “mission statement.” Which means brand marketing is about screaming, “LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!” Whereas category marketing is about evangelizing a different outcome altogether.”

    Category design is a proposition. It's a solution.

    And in Tony Robbins’ words:

    “What business are you in? 

    In other words, what core benefit do you deliver to your prospective client beyond the category or industry in which you've built your career?”

    Source: https://www.inc.com/bill-carmody/tony-robbins-on-acing-the-age-old-question-what-does-your-company-do.html

    How do we effectively communicate the value of the product or service? 

    A unique selling proposition, more commonly referred to as a USP, is the one thing that makes your business better than the competition. It's a specific benefit that makes your business stand out when compared to other businesses in your market.

    What is a brand?

    A brand is an identity within a perceived space. The space is often owned by the category the business, organisation, product or person operates in.

    Identity isn’t always visual. An identity is the connectedness that an individual has with you i.e. foundational values, reputation, experience, taste etc.

    Let's differentiate between branding and brand identity design.

    Identity design is a logo, a set of fonts and colours, design language, visual templates and systems.

    What is Branding?

    Branding is the execution of your brand strategy.

    A strategy is the phase of work done before the planning stage. It’s a solution that includes a set of objectives, work packages, a timeline and roles and responsibilities.

    So, a brand strategist is an individual who works with leadership teams to develop an identity and solution to position them into the right space (category).

    Branding is positioning.


    The aim of a category is to find a solution. 

    The aim for branding is to position and create an identity in that space

    The aim of marketing is find a voice of the audience that needs that solution and connect them with the brand

    To find more about Christopher Lochhead head over to:


    Or for more interesting content on

  • “Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it”

    ― Buddha

    If you're a business leader, entrepreneur, manager, director or you’ve just started a business on your own - are you asking the right questions and what is the most important question? 

    Start with why. No. Start with want.

    What is the most important question in business? 


    What do you want?

    Does your mission start with ’why’ or a want?

    For me, you have to want something and then know why you want it. Asking someone what they want is so much easier than asking them what their why is. 

    Don’t know what you want?

    It's time to do some exploration.


    Take yourself and leadership team into a different environmentSocialise, get to know watch other personallyDiscuss ideologies, behaviour and aspirations


    Experiment Get creativeGet spiritualTalk to people

    Wants = goals.

    A goal framework can impact trust, understanding, and innovation within a company’s culture. Additionally, when employees have clear visibility and communication around the company’s goals and mission there is an increase in performance and engagement.

    By creating goals you give yourself and your team a new set of ideas and new perspectives. This then forms your why. Why you do what you do, the direction you move in and the way you live your life. And how you run the business.

    Define your goals Achievements and fulfilments

    Hedgehog concept 

    What are you deeply passionate about?What can you be the best in the world at?What drives your economic engine?

    More info here: https://www.jimcollins.com/concepts/the-hedgehog-concept.html


    What are you good at?What do you enjoy?What can you be paid for?What does the world need?

    More info here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikigai

    Seed goals

    Healthy, happy and valued teamGive our full attention and value to our clients Produce meaningful and influential work Award-winning campaignsMarket-leading agencyCreate a lasting and positive legacy

    Seed’s why:

    To use creativity to help brand leaders solve the world’s biggest challenges.

    Start with goals. Then why. 

    Recommended Book- 

    A Minute to Think

    By Juliet Funt

    Reclaim Creativity, Conquer Busyness, and Do Your Best Work

    Meet the powerful guide that will help you regain control in your overloaded, caffeinated, inbox-worshiping work day. An efficiency expert explains how to liberate your talent, reduce waste, and help teams do more meaningful work by incorporating strategic pauses - what she calls "white space" - into your workdays and personal life.

    Podcast Recommendation

    Finding Mastery - Michael Gervais

    A high performance psychologist whose clientele consists of the NFL's Seattle Seahawks, Olympians and MVPs from every major sport, world record holders, internationally acclaimed artists and corporate leaders.

    Host and high performance psychologist, Dr. Michael Gervais, interviews people excelling in the most hostile environments to discover the mental skills used to push the boundaries.

    Each episode features inspiring stories from the world’s best...

  • The world is changing. We feel different; we want new things from our lives. There is a thirst to make a difference, to make a positive change. But how? Through our work, our hobbies, our businesses, our brands. It's time for enlightened brand strategy. Welcome to the Brand Master Flash podcast

    What is an enlightened brand strategy? 


    Showing understanding, acting in a positive way, and not following old-fashioned or false beliefs.


    Your community. The connectedness they have with your business product or culture.


    A focused, time-based plan.

    In summary

    A plan to build a community that drives positive change and growth.

    Questions to ask:

    Do you have a deep desire to make the world a better place?Do you want to leave this planet a better place than when you found it?Do you want to use your time at work to leverage your skills, passion and drive for the greater good?

    5 steps to build your brand:

    Unite for a common causeIntegrate into brand foundationsThink global start local Make it funMeasure for impact 


    It will unite your teamIt will grow your networkIt will increase your visibilityIt will get more people talking about youIt will create new opportunitiesIt will connect you with customers, team members and followers who have the same passion and values

    Working together makes us stronger.


    I’m here in service for the ones who want to change the world for the better 

    Book recommendation 

    Human Kind, by Rutger Bregman


    Podcast Recommendation

    A Bit of Optimism 

    Hosted by Simon Sinek


    Campaign to support 

    Surfers Against Sewage


    Surfers Against Sewage is one of the UK’s leading ocean conservation and campaigning charities. It inspires, unites and empowers communities to take action to protect oceans, beaches, waves and wildlife.

    Its mission is simple: to Create Ocean Activists Everywhere.

    Its vision, Thriving Ocean, Thriving People, is about connecting all humans to the ocean and creating communities of people who want to make real change happen. The charity supports and empowers people to campaign together as the authentic voice of the ocean.

    The charity has been at the forefront of campaigning to stop plastic pollution for more than a decade, founding the Plastic Free Communities and Plastic Free Schools movement, and enabling and empowering over 100,000 active beach, river and street clean volunteers annually around the UK.

    Please support: like, share, comment, subscribe.

    Brand Master Flash is Jonny Prest. A brand strategist and director at brand agency Seed. Jonny prides himself on his work ethic, unique approach and sense of humour. He’s passionate about brand strategy, working hard to get into the mindset of his clients and in the shoes of their consumers to find the

  • The world has changed - and continues to change. More than ever we need people, leaders, businesses and brands to help guide the way. To look for new ideas and to help create positive change. I am, like a lot of people, on a new journey; a journey to help others around me and focus on the important things. People, communities, wildlife and the environment.

    A few years ago I was inspired by a creative agency that seeks to serve organisations and charities that make positive change. Often these sorts of organisations need the most help so this agency - Nice and Serious - is making creative work the world needs. 

    I spoke with agency owner Tom Tapper, who is, along with his business partner, on a mission to help organisations that make positive change.

    We talked about purpose, creativity, and the most important problems the world is facing.


    Connect with Tom Tapper

    Website | https://niceandserious.com/

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/niceandserious/

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/niceandserious

    LinkedIn  |  https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomtapper/

    Brand Master Flash is Jonny Prest. A brand strategist and director at brand agency Seed. Jonny prides himself on his work ethic, unique approach and sense of humour. He’s passionate about brand strategy, working hard to get into the mindset of his clients and in the shoes of their consumers to find the right solutions and intelligent, fresh ideas for their project or campaign. He blows past the obvious; snubs the clichĂ© and pushes ideas until they are powerful, meaningful and are at the highest standard reachable.

    Need brand support in your business? Hire me.

    Website | https://seedcreativity.co.uk/

    Connect with Jonny:

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonprest/

    Listen, Watch & Subscribe

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/jonnybrandmaster/

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/brand_flash

    Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/brandmasterflash/

    YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVOrQ5SyDM3c2Fz6YRvKJiQ

    Subscribe to the Brand Master Flash Podcast:

    Captivate FM | https://brand-master-flash.captivate.fm/

    Apple Podcasts | https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/brand-master-flash/id1498100600

    Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/37zStXSdbxhEavgBLeWljU

    Stitcher | https://www.stitcher.com/show/brand-master-flash

    Google Podcasts | https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5jYXB0aXZhdGUuZm0vYnJhbmQtbWFzdGVyLWZsYXNoLw

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  • For the past 20 years I've been building a career in the creative industry. From studying art, graduating in design and then crafting my skills as graphic designer, I've always appreciated the marriage between art and design. Now, working as a brand strategist, I have even more appreciation for the role of crafted design and artistry in the branding process.

    An agency that is leading the way in creating beautiful and brilliant brands is DixonBaxi, a global brand and communications agency based in London. I recently caught up with founder and Creative Director Simon Dixon. Simon refers to himself and his partner Aporva as commercial artists as art is still within the fabric of their work. Although they use design systems and create functional designs that their clients use for their communications, they are changemakers in the industry, pushing boundaries in the world of branding and design.

    Connect with Simon Dixon

    Website | https://dixonbaxi.com/

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/dixonbaxi/

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/DixonBaxi

    LinkedIn  |  https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonsdixon/

    Brand Master Flash is Jonny Prest. A freelance brand strategist and creativity director at brand agency Seed. Jonny prides himself on his work ethic, unique approach and sense of humour. He’s passionate about brand strategy, working hard to get into the mindset of his clients and in the shoes of their consumers to find the right solutions and intelligent, fresh ideas for their project or campaign. He blows past the obvious; snubs the clichĂ© and pushes ideas until they are powerful, meaningful and are at the highest standard reachable.

    Need brand support in your business? Hire me.

    Website | https://seedcreativity.co.uk/

    Connect with Jonny:

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonprest/

    Listen, Watch & Subscribe

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/jonnybrandmaster/

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/brand_flash

    Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/brandmasterflash/

    YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVOrQ5SyDM3c2Fz6YRvKJiQ

    Subscribe to the Brand Master Flash Podcast:

    Captivate FM | https://brand-master-flash.captivate.fm/

    Apple Podcasts | https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/brand-master-flash/id1498100600

    Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/37zStXSdbxhEavgBLeWljU

    Stitcher | https://www.stitcher.com/show/brand-master-flash

    Google Podcasts | https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5jYXB0aXZhdGUuZm0vYnJhbmQtbWFzdGVyLWZsYXNoLw

    Tune In |

  • Making the move to creating your first bit of video content is a brave one. The first time I saw the red light staring back at me I was filled with dread and fear. 25 takes later I was still no closer to creating my first video for Brand Master Flash. But I persevered and now I create weekly videos, accumulating thousands of views across my channels. My content creates opportunities and I connect with people across the globe in a unique way that's unique and separates me out from my competition. After 16 years of business, it's the best thing I've ever done. I have to thank one man for giving me the courage and confidence: Mr Gavin Bell.

    I came across Gavin’s content about 3 years ago and I was amazed, firstly, at how confident and knowledgeable he was at such a young age, and, secondly, at his magnetic style and manner. Gavin is always on the cusp of new marketing techniques, platforms, media and technology. He creates interesting, relevant and engaging content that is repurposed across all his platforms. From podcasts to blogs, and videos to tweets, Gavin is fast becoming a master of marketing and is undoubtedly one of best in the country. I caught up with Gav to find out what drives him to be a leader in his field, how he developed his personal brand and why he's now building an agency. Enjoy.

    Connect with Gavin:

    Website | https://weareyatter.com

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/MrGavinBell?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

    LinkedIn  |  https://www.linkedin.com/in/mrgavinbell/?originalSubdomain=uk

    YouTube |  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYwX0DRfD06rx1E9iNa7fFw

    Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/MrGavinBell/

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/mrgavinbell/?hl=en

    Brand Master Flash is Jonny Prest. A freelance brand strategist and creative director at brand agency Seed. Jonny prides himself on his work ethic, unique approach and sense of humour. He’s passionate about brand strategy, working hard to get into the mindset of his clients and in the shoes of their consumers to find the right solutions and intelligent, fresh ideas for their project or campaign. He blows past the obvious, snubs the clichĂ© and pushes ideas until they are powerful, meaningful and are at the highest standard reachable.

    Need brand support in your business? Hire me.

    Website | https://seedcreativity.co.uk/

    Connect with Jonny:

    LinkedIn  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonprest/

    Listen, Watch & Subscribe

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/jonnybrandmaster/

    Twitter | https://twitter.com/brand_flash

    Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/brandmasterflash/

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