Welcome to Episode 5 of Bridging the Gap! In this episode Brigid reviews a short glossary of terms for everyone. She reviews sexualities, genders, relationships, and her own personal identity.
Links referenced in episode:
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In episode 4 Brigid did a live stream as part of the HOWL Festival which she helped organize! It's rough, it's unpolished, but it's a good time.
Puuttuva jakso?
Brigid and Katie tackle hard topics, like what year Men in Black was released, while drinking hard beverages.
This is a quick and dirty episode that is NSFW.
"So raw but like super chill" -Amy
"I'm having fun." -Natalie
Welcome to Episode 2 of Bridging the Gap! In this episode, Brigid and her guest, Jordan, discuss the topic of trans and non-binary voices. They cover the reasons why some trans and non-binary folks work to change their voice and why some don't. They talk about the ways in which folks work to change their voice covering both feminizing and masculinizing techniques. They answer some listener questions, Brigid amends some of her comments from Episode 1, and Brigid interviews a VERY SPECIAL GUEST: Nicole Gress from SFSpeak!
Enjoy the song "Fully Automated" by Lansing-based Riot Grrl band, Pet Me! (Check them out on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/artist/5XnuaI2nylfnnBm3DFpmxR and bandcamp https://petme.bandcamp.com)
Check out Nicole and her company, SFSpeak at https://www.sfspeak.com/, email her at Nicole@SFSpeak.com, and find her on reddit under the username SFSpeak!
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Welcome to Episode 1 of Bridging the Gap! In this episode, Brigid and her guest host/producer/girlfriend, Katie Lowes, discuss Brigid's recent medical emergencies as well as her 1-year Traniversary (E-nniversary, girliversary) and answer some listener questions. The song in this episode is "Fully Automated" by local band "Pet Me"! (petme.bandcamp.com) With a brand new introduction/disclaimer recorded by listener, Amy Christensen from Queensland, Australia!
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Etsy.com/shop/BtGstore" -
WELCOME TO EPISODE ZERO OF BRIDGING THE GAP! Thank you all so much. In this episode I'm just going to touch base and go over a few things. I really just wanted to CREATE something and get it out to you all so you could help me figure out what works and what doesn't and help me create the best possible product for you all!
Intro and Outro music is "Hector the Hero" by The Barley Brothers.
Musical interlude is "Amen" by Blacktop Musical from their album A Crown For Every Refugee (https://blacktopmusical.bandcamp.com/)
Thank you! I love you and I'm proud of you!
Let's build some bridges!