
  • We all reach points in our lives where we realize that what we've been doing is no longer serving us. Maybe it was never serving us and we were only convincing ourselves that it was.

    So what do we do when we encounter these inevitable realizations?

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  • Freedom is one of the primary reasons many of us choose to go into business for ourselves, but it doesn’t happen on its own. The reality is that living life and building a business of freedom requires an intentional approach.

    Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

    In This Episode

    How to define what freedom looks like for you and how to go after it (5:48)Exercises to help you narrow in on your perfect day and the one thing you want to focus on (12:15)Tips for avoiding the ‘when then’ trap and setting realistic daily milestones (22:40)The importance of identifying your high value and low-value tasks and what is going to move you towards your goals (29:17)How Natalie took a three-month sabbatical from her business and how it impacted her life and business (35:10)

    What's the biggest thing you've taken away from this podcast? I'd love to hear about it and feature your response on the show! Take 30 seconds to leave a review here including your biggest takeaway.

    Building Your Business To Fit Your Lifestyle

    Natalie Sisson was working in the corporate world when she realized that a traditional 9-5 wasn't what she wanted to do with her life. She now runs her own business which helps women get paid to be themselves by tapping into their skills, expertise, and knowledge to build thriving online businesses that fit into your unique lifestyle and version of freedom.

    What Does Freedom Mean To You?

    Have you ever stopped to ask yourself what would constitute your ‘perfect day’? Natalie believes in working backward to intentionally build your version of freedom into your days, weeks, months, and years so that you can live your version of freedom.

    While your idea of freedom will change depending on which stage of your life and business you are in, getting clear on what freedom means to you, and how you can take small incremental steps to achieve that freedom, is crucial. Do you desire to travel full time? A 20-hour workweek? How about a sabbatical once a year? Whatever your version of freedom is, it is essential for you to identify it, choose it, and honor your decision for your own wellbeing and the longevity of your business.

    Turning Your Goals Into Reality One Day at a Time

    Once you have decided what freedom looks like to you, you need to adopt a methodology to turn your dreams into reality one day at a time. By breaking your version of freedom down to manageable and feasible pieces, you can take your ‘big ass goal’ and work towards it every day, week, month, and year.

    Natalie believes that success should not just be measured in your profit. By aligning your business to your personal goals you can move towards them in a way that stands true to you and will eventually serve everyone in the long run. Freedom is truly all about the power of choice and making the decisions that serve you and others, and the more organized and disciplined you can be, the more freedom you will have.

    What does freedom look and feel like to you? How could you implement small steps daily to achieve your ‘perfect day’? Share your thoughts on freedom with me in a voice memo here.

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    The ONE Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan

    Deep Work by Cal Newport
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    Related Episodes
    BBWB 024: How To Embrace the Seasons of Your Life & Business with Juju Hook

    BBWB 018: How Business Growth Is Tied To Personal Growth with Stephanie Bellinger

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    Podcast production & marketing support by our incredible team at Counterweight Creative

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  • Figuring out how to brand yourself, especially when starting out as a solopreneur, can be a daunting task. Instead of getting caught up in the trend-of-the-day, however, have you ever considered that maybe, the thing that matters most is tapping more deeply into who you are?

    We often find ourselves on the inside of our own bottle, unable to read the label on the outside. By approaching your branding with a flexible perspective that feels authentic to you, you can radiate the confidence necessary to grow your business and your brand.

    Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

    In This Episode

    Why the comparison game can have a negative effect on not only your mindset but your brand and business too (4:04)Tools to identify and gain clarity on the golden thread that runs through your brand on your own (11:39)How embracing who you really are can enable you to overcome your limiting beliefs (18:58)Which elements of your brand you should spend time on to elevate your business (24:55)How Sarah has grown her business with essentially no outward marketing (34:25)

    What's the biggest thing you've taken away from this podcast? I'd love to hear about it and feature your response on the show! Take 30 seconds to leave a review here including your biggest takeaway.

    The Importance of Your Personal Story

    Sarah Ashman is a self-proclaimed unconventional brand designer who focuses on the internal process of branding to help her clients find success. Sarah has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs over the years and has grown her own business with essentially no outward marketing.

    This is thanks to her crystal clear vision and the confidence that comes from knowing what makes you unique and standing strong in the way you show up in both your business and your life.

    Confidence Is Key

    As an entrepreneur, it can be easy to get caught up in the mentality that if you don’t have the confidence to pitch something, it will never work. In reality, you gain that confidence by feeling secure in what your superpowers are.

    Sarah knows that the strongest branding messages come from acknowledging who you are and what you want to be doing with your business. Once you get clear on that, your confidence will radiate and you will begin to attract people because your brand is authentic to you.

    Try focusing on where you want your brand to be in five years. By creating a brand that you can grow into, instead of just basing it on the current trends, you will have a better chance of creating a more sustainable branding approach that actually represents who you are more confidently.

    New Isn’t Always Better

    We are constantly being taught that we need to learn the next tactics and strategies and shift with the market. Sarah has come to understand and believe that it is really more important to develop a relationship with yourself as a marker of what feels right for you versus what someone else says is right for you.

    Having a strong sense of self is crucial to growing your businesses and your brand in a way that is sustainable and is clear on what you want your company to become. By using yourself as your own board of directors, you can assess what is the right thing to help you grow your business in a way that feels in alignment with you and your brand.

    What aspect of branding is most intimidating to you? How are you going to take Sarah’s tips to tap into your identity and create a brand that feels in alignment with who you are? Share your thoughts with me in a voice message here.

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    Related Episodes
    BBWB 024: How To Embrace the Seasons of Your Life and Business with Juju Hook

    BBWB 025: How To Create Offers That Are In Line With Your Identity with Laura Schoenfeld

    BBWB 013: How to Gain Clarity on Your Messaging and Get Unstuck with Shauna VanBogart

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    Podcast production & marketing support by our incredible team at Counterweight Creative

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  • Workplaces are going through a wellness revolution. And while organizations rely on partner practitioners to help facilitate their employee wellness programs, individual practitioners are often unaware that these opportunities exist. It takes the right know-how to learn how to pitch these workplaces with your wellness offerings, but by doing it right, you can tap into a whole new captive audience.

    Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

    In This Episode

    Learn which types of practitioners and wellness services businesses are looking to bring into their company (5:28)How to structure and price your wellness offerings to speak the language of business (13:14)Tips for finding and measuring your best results in both the short term and the long term (20:43)Who you should be looking for when making your pitch to a company (23:10)What you can do as a practitioner to increase the value of your offerings to a business (31:02)

    What's the biggest thing you've taken away from this podcast? I'd love to hear about it and feature your response on the show! Take 30 seconds to leave a review here including your biggest takeaway.

    Supporting a Community While Growing Your Business

    Ash Dey is passionate about building communities and a sense of belonging in the workplace. Founder of the wellness company OpenMind, Ash works to bring wellness practitioners, communities and companies together to deliver inclusive wellbeing programs for employees. He connects workplaces with care programs to help practitioners capitalize on partnerships, bring workplace wellness accessibility to major companies, and foster a greater sense of community and togetherness throughout employers in the UK.

    Wellbeing Is Now on the Agenda

    The Covid-19 pandemic has workplaces around the world focusing on how they can actually do something to help their employee's wellbeing. Whether that is through workshops, speaking engagements, or one on one training, workplaces are finally realizing the long term financial and emotional benefits of taking care of their employees.

    When pitching your services to a business, it is important to focus on the value you are adding, rather than your price point. By pitching from a place of ‘this is a cost-saving to your business’ rather than ‘this is going to cost you money’, you can demonstrate your immediate return on investment and your ability to build up a wellness program based on what their employees need.

    Building Better Through People, Purpose, and Planet

    When pitching yourself to a company or corporation, it is important to focus on the challenges they are having right now and how you can position your services to build connectivity among their companies peers. A great way to narrow down on this is by asking the employees for feedback, an opportunity many practitioners miss.

    Ash is all about having a positive impact on the workplaces he is supporting, the wellness practitioners he is connecting, and the planet as a whole. By removing accessibility barriers, connecting with a company directly through your pre-existing community, and introducing wellness programs into workplaces, you too can support your business more collaboratively and have a positive impact on your lead generation.

    Have you ever considered sharing your offerings with a small, medium, or large company? How does your wellness business work to have a positive impact on the people, purpose, and planet you serve? Share your thoughts with me in a voice message here.

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    Business in the Community

    Related Episodes
    BBWB 018: How Business Growth is Tied To Personal Growth with Stephanie Bellinger

    BBWB 022: How To Create a More Diverse, Equitable & Inclusive Wellness Biz

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    Podcast production & marketing support by our incredible team at Counterweight Creative

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  • Have you ever considered that the happiness you seek could be a side effect instead of your end goal itself? What if, instead of asking yourself which passion you want to follow, you focused on what struggle you are willing to endure?

    Akshay Nanavati knows a thing or two about fear and suffering and is here today to help you fall in love with your own unique worthy struggle.

    Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

    In This Episode

    Learn what the ‘Worthy Struggle’ is and how it can play into your reason to be happy (3:25)Why you need to embrace the idea of falling in love with suffering to find progress (17:57)How to turn your demons into something purposeful through the paradox of singular duality (25:20)Tips for responding to fear, stress, and anxiety when building a business (43:19)Daily practices to help you conquer your demons and confront your fears (52:05)How to recognize fear in your wellness clients and help them address it as part of the healing process (1:01:28)

    What's the biggest thing you've taken away from this podcast? I'd love to hear about it and feature your response on the show! Take 30 seconds to leave a review here including your biggest takeaway.

    Discovering Your Opportunity for Growth

    After serving in the Marine Corps and overcoming depression, substance addiction, and suicidal thoughts, Akshay literally wrote the book on developing a positive relationship with fear and suffering. Akshay’s mission is to help others find, live and love their worthy struggle so that they can experience a life of greater bliss and meaning.

    Now a lover of all things he used to be scared of, Akshay continually pushes himself physically and mentally to find the growth on the other side of the struggle.

    Falling In Love With The Struggle

    Akshay believes that life is meant to be lived, and experiencing struggle, fear, and stress are all part of the grand adventure. Instead of running from your fears, Akshay wants you to fall in love with the experience of suffering to continue to grow as a person and continually experience new awakenings.

    If you don’t have a worthy struggle in life, you are not going to grow. Every time you fall there is an opportunity for new growth if you choose to see it. If you want to determine your worthy struggle, Akshay suggests working backward from the future and getting clear on who you want to be. While knowledge comes from others, wisdom comes from within yourself, and it is only by embracing the fear and the struggle that you can benefit from the growth on the other side.

    Engaging With Your Fear

    Having confidence is not the fuel you need to try the thing that is causing your fear, stress, or anxiety. Confidence is the result of striving for clarity, commitment, conviction, courage, and developing your capabilities.

    The key to inner peace is the pursuit of a worthy inner war. When you are able to embrace, confront and understand your fear, you can use it as a catalyst to turn your demons into something purposeful.

    Being able to engage with your fear takes practice, but it is only by motivating yourself to get to the other side of fear that you can find true nirvana. The union of opposing dualities is where true spiritual awakening lies, and understanding this fear can help you push past your own anxieties, and your clients, to help them use fear as a crucial part of the healing process.

    Instead of beating yourself up over your fears, Akshay challenges you to engage with it, understand it, and move forward with it. By challenging yourself, stepping out of your current paradigm of the world, and embracing the coexistence of light and dark in all aspects of your life, you build ease, joy, and contentment into your life in a way that you never thought possible.

    How are you working to fall in love with the experience of suffering and use that growth as the catalyst to shift your mindset and find happiness in the struggle? Share which of Akshay’s perspectives or mottos you connected with the most with me in a voice message here.

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    Fearvana: The Revolutionary Science of How to Turn Fear into Health, Wellness and Happiness by Akshay Nanavati

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    Related Episodes
    BBWB 024: How To Embrace the Seasons of Your Life & Business with Juju Hook

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    Podcast production & marketing support by our incredible team at Counterweight Creative

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  • Take it as a fact, there are people out there who need your version of help, your wisdom, and your experience. Instead of operating out of fear of failure or rejection, stepping into who you are and what you believe in will help get your message in front of the right people and create offers that are fully aligned with your vision.

    Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

    In This Episode

    How to find a balance between what is generally applicable to your clients to specializing in specific actions on a per-client basis (12:20)The important role of expressing your identity and core values through your business to attract the right audience (17:44)How a horribly failed launch helped Laura helped shape her business today (32:25)Common mistakes made when creating a launch and how to avoid those pitfalls (49:15)Why you need to feel in love with your business to get other people excited about it too (55:20)

    What's the biggest thing you've taken away from this podcast? I'd love to hear about it and feature your response on the show! Take 30 seconds to leave a review here including your biggest takeaway.

    Aligning Your Business With Your Beliefs with Laura Schoenfeld

    Laura Schoenfeld is passionate about helping women create businesses that not only help other people get healthy but also assisting them in creating the type of lifestyle that works better for women’s physiology. Laura knows that stepping into what you believe in, even if there is pushback, is the only true way to communicate to your niche and find your secret sauce to scaling your business and making more money.

    Your Identity Is Your Brand

    Often wellness business owners get hung up on creating a tool that can help everyone. But in reality, when you are trying to sell to everyone, you end up selling to no one. Who you are helping and what problem you are solving are two very different things.

    Defining a specific problem that you are helping solve is one of the best ways to get in front of your target audience. By focusing on a solution that you are offering, instead of a methodology, you can get your offer in front of the right people who are going to resonate with you.

    Once you have the problem you are solving locked down, you can start injecting your identity, beliefs, and core values into your offering. While you may get some pushback for standing up for what you believe in, Laura believes that if you aren’t true to yourself, you are only hurting your clients and the level of growth your identity could be having on your success.

    Don’t Be Afraid of Failure

    There are very few successful business owners who have never had a failed launch. Being honest about when you fail, and diagnosing what went wrong in terms of your messaging, can ensure that you have a successful launch the next time around.

    Don’t let a failed launch define you as a business owner. Instead, figure out why it didn’t work and be patient with yourself about healing after a perceived failure. If you have had a less than successful launch, remember that you survived it, and now you can move forward with your business knowing that you can handle whatever comes your way.

    How are you working to create offers that not only make you money but truly align with your identity as well? Share your answer with me in a voice message here.

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    Related Episodes
    BBWB 015: Why Social Justice Matters for Wellness Business with Victoria Albina

    BBWB 016: How To Create & Market a Successful Online Course with Ryan Koral

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    Podcast production & marketing support by our incredible team at Counterweight Creative

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  • Our lives are made up of different seasons that we all transition through in our own unique ways. While these transitions can be scary, they are often areas of opportunity if you can get to the other side. If you have a burning desire to do ‘the big thing’, but are afraid that you either can’t do it or have missed your chance, Juju Hook is here to tell you why that is not the case.

    Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

    In This Episode

    Common phrases that most people shift through in their lives and their businesses (7:10)The first step you need to take to reframe your season of life (11:16)How your perception of time plays into the timelines we set to achieve our goals (23:23)Why you should embrace experimenting when it comes to your life and your business (31:05)What to do when you want to change paths but are worried about giving up what you have been working towards (37:38)

    What's the biggest thing you've taken away from this podcast? I'd love to hear about it and feature your response on the show! Take 30 seconds to leave a review here including your biggest takeaway.

    Facing Your Feelings With Juju Hook

    When Juju was approaching the age of 50 she started to avoid the feelings that were bubbling up inside her. After an incident forced her to take a look at her perspective, she realized that her feelings were not a problem, but were a sign that a new season was coming. Instead of looking at this transition as a loss, Juju embraced her new mindset and has used her expertise as a brand strategist to help other mid-life women business owners build a presence both online and in real life.

    Defining Your Essence

    Juju encourages her clients to define their essence in the same way you would describe a bottle of wine. By getting clear on the things that you have mastered, you can find a way to take your existing skills and learn what you can do with them in a new and exciting way.

    We are not called to do things that we cannot handle. What you are called to do comes from your unique essence and you can absolutely handle it. Rather than perceiving a transition as a loss, focus on the opportunity that can come from change, and have faith in yourself that you can conquer it.

    It All Comes Down To Your Perfect Day

    Take a moment and envision what a perfect day would look like to you. Who are you with, where are you, what are you eating for breakfast? Getting specific about what you want will help you course-correct into finding what will make you happy right now.

    Life is not a series of pass and fail tests. It is okay to change your mind, to jump from one thing to another is not a failure. Instead of getting wrapped up in the false stories that we tell ourselves, Juju wants you to embrace transition as a truly beautiful time in your life.

    What does your perfect day look like? How can you use your essence, skills, and mastery to achieve that? Let me know your thoughts in a voice message here.

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    Hot Flashes, Carpools & Dirty Martinis by Juju Hook

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    Related Episodes
    BBWB 018: How Business Growth Is Tied To Personal Growth with Stephanie Bellinger

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    Podcast production & marketing support by our incredible team at Counterweight Creative

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  • Of course, one of the primary goals of starting a business is to make money. But making a solid income as an online wellness professional doesn't happen overnight. It takes a solid game plan, clarity on your why, and regularly making the right offers to do more than just scraping by with your online wellness business.

    Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

    In This Episode

    The importance of having a distinct ‘why’ when stepping up your mindset and earning potential (7:51)The most effective income-generating activities that you might be missing (12:24)How to get over the stumbling block of baseline pricing yourself and your services and how to grow over time (25:05)Why getting clear on your target market can increase both your perceived and actual value (31:44)Tips for expanding your current offerings into multiple revenue streams and how quickly you should start (41:01)The role of podcasting in your marketing systems (49:33)

    What's the biggest thing you've taken away from this podcast? I'd love to hear about it and feature your response on the show! Take 30 seconds to leave a review here including your biggest takeaway.

    All Things Money with Michelle Leotta

    Michelle Leotta has a story similar to many health coaches. Sick and tired of being told by doctors that ‘everything was fine’ when she knew it wasn't, she got curious, took her health into her own hands, and finally saw the results she had been looking for.

    Michelle’s health coaching business took off immediately, which quickly attracted the attention of other health coaches who were struggling with the business side of things. As a result, Michelle has been mentoring health coaches for as long as she has been coaching herself, and she has first-hand experience when it comes to all things money and making a real profit with your wellness business.

    Unlocking Unlimited Earning Potential

    Even if it might not feel like it for you right now, as wellness entrepreneurs, we have unlimited earning potential. The key to unlocking that potential is figuring out your distinct ‘why’ and creating the right offers that are in line with it.

    Understanding your ‘why’ helps you to hone in on your target audience, and create more highly-targeted offers, which increases your confidence when selling.

    Michelle shares how from this starting point, increasing your profitability often isn’t about adding ever-more products and services, but by simplifying and doubling down on your existing “money-making activities”.

    Michelle suggests focusing on how you are earning money week by week and setting time-based goals around your income-generating activities to help track and narrow down where your profit is actually coming from.

    The more offers you make, and the more time you spend on your “money-making activities” the more profit you’re going to create.

    It’s a simple formula that can have a massive impact on your ability to develop consistent, predictable revenue.

    Beat Your Own High Score, Not Somebody Else’s

    When it comes to money and pricing, it’s so common for wellness entrepreneurs to get caught up in the comparison game.

    Instead of looking at what other people are doing, however, and pricing your services according to that, try and focus on what your service is truly worth to the people you are solving problems for.

    By pricing your products and services according to what it’s worth to your audience to solve, you can position your offer in a way that increases both your perceived value and your actual value.

    Instead of comparing yourself to someone else who appears successful, try and beat your own high score, not theirs. If you truly solve a problem in your clients' lives, they will be happy to pay you for the results you help them achieve.

    Where are you currently leaving money on the table? Leave me a voice message with your answer here.

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    BBWB 008: How Jen Used Podcasting to 10x Her Practices Revenue in 6 Months

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    Podcast production & marketing support by our incredible team at Counterweight Creative

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  • Inclusion, diversity, and equity have been on everyone's mind this past year. However, it can be challenging to have these often uncomfortable conversations around these topics when you just don't know where to start. Erica Courdae shares how approaching these topics through the lens of being an imperfect ally leads to better businesses, better communities, and ultimately, a better world.

    Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

    In This Episode

    How to approach the conversation of inclusivity when you don’t know how to tackle it (7:15)Why you need to get clear on your values and what matters to you and your business (12:06)The importance of an inclusivity statement and how to start constructing it for your business (22:40)How to expand and develop the diversity in your personal and business network (32:44)What it means to be an imperfect ally (38:52)The role of poetry in shaping your perspective and navigating the power of words (44:33)

    What's the biggest thing you've taken away from this podcast? I'd love to hear about it and feature your response on the show! Take 30 seconds to leave a review here including your biggest takeaway.

    About Erica Courdae

    Erica Courdae is a coach and business owner who is passionate about fixing disparities and the lack of equity in today's world. She has created a non-judgemental space to have these conversations and allow what makes people different to be part of the decision-making process.

    Questioning the Stories We Have Been Taught

    When tackling inclusivity, diversity, and equity, it can help to start from a place of assuming that you don't know the full story, and maybe even that you are wrong entirely. While you may be well-meaning, it's easy to make mistakes on the path to doing better.

    Erica believes that discomfort is often a clue that something is wrong. Instead of distracting yourself from that feeling, allow yourself the time to notice, become aware, and unravel the things that might not feel right to you.

    By leaving space to consider something that may look different than what you thought, you can work to change the systemic issues and stories we have been told and allow others to write their own truths for themselves.

    Audit Everything To Better Align With Your Values

    It is essential to understand that not everybody wants to be included in the conversation of inclusivity. In order to create a two-way dialogue with those who want to engage, you need to analyze who you are speaking to and who wants to be heard.

    When you can pay attention to the content you are taking in and surround yourself with people that align with the values you want to show up in your business, you can expand your network to have the conversations that matter.

    Erica wants you to remember that the whole premise of these conversations is to take action. By focusing on the words you are using, who you are listening to, and how you are showing up as an imperfect ally, you can keep moving forward and open yourself up to all of the pieces that make a person, and a business, whole.

    How are you working to make your personal life and business more inclusive, diverse, and equitable? Share your thoughts with me in a voice message here.

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    BBWB 006: How To Land Big Media Features as a Wellness Business Owner with Cher Hale
    BBWB 015: Why Social Justice Matters for Wellness Businesses w/ Victoria Albina of Feminist Wellness

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    Podcast production & marketing support by our incredible team at Counterweight Creative

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  • If you haven't already listened to the previous episode, featuring the first 7 lessons from 2020, go listen to that episode first!

    For so many of us, 2020 has been a year of unexpected challenges and opportunities, sorrows and delights, and a whole lot to process going forward.

    I always enjoy the process of journaling and reflecting at the end of each year, but this year, it feels non-negotiable. As though the lessons and experiences of this year need to be written out of my system in order to be fully processed and embodied.

    And so with that in mind, here are some of the lessons that most stood out to me from a year full of growth, experimentation, small steps backward and large leaps forward.

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    Podcast production & marketing support by our incredible team at Counterweight Creative

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  • For so many of us, 2020 has been a year of unexpected challenges and opportunities, sorrows and delights, and a whole lot to process going forward.

    I always enjoy the process of journaling and reflecting at the end of each year, but this year, it feels non-negotiable. As though the lessons and experiences of this year need to be written out of my system in order to be fully processed and embodied.

    And so with that in mind, here are some of the lessons that most stood out to me from a year full of growth, experimentation, small steps backward and large leaps forward.

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    Check out my blog post with the full list of lessons and resources

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    Podcast production & marketing support by our incredible team at Counterweight Creative

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  • Effective marketing funnels are key to running a successful business. And while many business owners find the idea of funnels overwhelming and confusing, they don’t have to be.

    Krista Chapman of Path & Compass joins me to break down how to construct an effective funnel for your business, including how much time you should allocate on the different stages of your funnel depending on your business model, to choosing the right marketing strategy for you and your business in the first place.

    We also dig into how to ask for the sale when your prospects reach the end of your funnel and how to continue nurturing them once they’ve bought from you.

    Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

    In This Episode

    How to know if you are having a mindset or clarity issue rather than a marketing issue (5:05)The best way to make sales on social media without feeling sleazy about it (14:07)Why you should stop running your business based on other people’s ideas of success and happiness and create your own definition instead (27:15)How to allocate your time to the different stages of your marketing funnel depending on your business model (35:05)The importance of consistency when it comes to your business and how to avoid common mistakes (41:36)

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    About Krista Chapman

    Krista Chapman, founder of the marketing agency Path & Compass is a business coach and consultant who specializes in marketing and sales. Krista’s superpower is helping other business owners find clarity and strategy when it comes to their marketing funnels.

    Your Mindset Matters

    While we as business owners often think we have a marketing strategy problem, in Krista’s experience, it’s actually a mindset problem that is holding us back.

    She shares that if we don’t address our underlying mindset issues, no marketing strategy in the world is going to be effective for us.

    While it’s important to address your mindset issues early, Krista reminds us that working on your mindset will be a life-long task and that the best approach is to continually work on both your business and mindset at the same time.

    Identifying and creating practices that can help you reset your mindset when you’re struggling with procrastination, imposter syndrome, creative block, or any of the other mindset issues that come up on a daily basis can help keep you on track and moving in the right direction toward the business you want to be building.

    Consistency and Intentionality Will Get You Where You Want To Go

    You’ve likely experienced in your own business how easy it is to fall into a pattern of reactionary decisions, often based on what others are doing. Krista reminds us that by setting up our businesses and our lives on our own terms, we can take more joy in the work we do, have more fun doing it, and as a result, be more consistent with it.

    One of the biggest issues with marketing funnels that don’t work is that they’re based on someone else’s business, strengths, and ideas about marketing. When this is the case, is it really any wonder when they don’t work for us and our business?

    Krista breaks down how to construct a marketing funnel based on your business, your interests, and the marketing channels that feel good to you.

    It’s easy to be consistent with your marketing when it’s based on the things you’re actually good at and is working toward the goals that actually matter for your business.

    And as we talk about all the time, it’s the ability to be consistent that pays off over time.

    Which section of your marketing funnel do you feel is the strongest or weakest? Why? Share your thoughts with me in a voice message here.

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  • I first became aware of the idea of “being as if” while researching Stephanie Bellinger, today’s guest.

    But once I was aware of the concept, it didn’t take long to realize that I had already been using the practice (unknowingly) and it had played a huge role in my ability to grow my business.

    Stephanie shares how imagining who you want to become in the future, and then taking practical, down to Earth steps to get there, can help you get clear on your message, your purpose, and grow yourself and your business in a way that feels aligned to you.

    Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

    In This Episode

    How to manifest the success you desire in the outer world by working on your inner world (4:40)Signs that you should be working on your mindset and start operating at a higher level (10:25)Tips for those scared to take the leap towards stepping into a new identity to take you to the next level (15:46)The power of consistency when leveling up to become the version of yourself you want to be (25:30)Understanding your own message better by showing up and sharing it with others (30:10)

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    Balancing the Intuitive ‘Being’ With the Tactical ‘Doing’ with Stephanie Bellinger

    Stephanie Bellinger left her day job as a personal trainer at a gym to start her own training business, which took off rapidly, quickly hitting 5-figure months.

    It was all the more frustrating and confusing when only a year and a half into being self-employed, it began to fall apart.

    After losing clients and being forced to pick up bartending jobs to pay rent, she was forced to look at the root cause of what had led both to her rapid rise, and her equally rapid decline.

    The answer she landed on?

    Her mindset.

    Since then, Stephanie has rebounded and built up a new business, working as a mindset and transformation coach, helping women entrepreneurs create a life and business that sets their souls on fire.

    She combines the spiritual with the practical to help women turn their dreams into reality on purpose.

    It Starts With Awareness

    As you might have experienced, we as business owners often get hung up on beliefs about ourselves that we’ve internalized and can wreak havoc in our businesses, much like they did for Stephanie.

    She shares that you have to take responsibility for yourself regardless of what has happened to you throughout your life to be able to truly stand in your power and intentionally create the life you want.

    Getting hung up on needing the perfect strategy or refining your message constantly until it is ‘just right’ is only holding you back from the success you are looking for.

    By shining light on your limiting beliefs, you can work through them, unlock your creativity, and start to have fun with your business!

    Because if you aren’t having fun, what is the point?

    Change Your Habits To Change Your Future

    Stephanie shares how the first step to leveling up your business and your life is visualizing who you would be if you were living that life and running that business.

    What habits does that version of you have? How do they spend their time? Who do they interact with?

    One of the biggest changes you can make in your life and your business is shifting your habits to focus on the version of yourself that you want to be in the future, and visualizing your future self is a powerful motivator to keep you accountable.

    By taking small steps, changing your habits and believing in your ability to achieve the version of yourself you want to become, you are unstoppable.

    Where do you feel that you can apply being ‘as if’ to your life and business? How does the person you want to embody operate differently than what you are currently doing? Let me know in a voice message here.

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    BBWB 017: Karen Pattock

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  • Creating a workshop can help you grow your list, fill your programs, and get you and your offerings in front of the right people.

    Although building your first workshop can be more than a bit intimidating, having a proven system to map out how to structure it, what to include, and how to make an offer without feeling sleazy makes the process a whole lot easier.

    Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

    In This Episode

    How to create a structure and framework for a great wellness workshop (9:25)Tips for gauging the amount of information you need to provide in order to help your clients be successful (15:22)The difference between using workshops as a list building tool or a program filling tool (20:35)Advice for getting over your limiting beliefs and pitching someone with a bigger audience than you (33:27)How to think about workshop schedule during the leadup to your launch (41:50)

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    Success Is Not a Magic Pill or Pixie Dust

    Karen Pattock is a wizard when it comes to wellness workshops and helping health coaches attract their ideal clients and fill their programs through wellness workshops.

    Like so many of us, when Karen was first starting out on her entrepreneurial journey, she thought there must be some magic pill or pixie dust that successful business owners knew about, but she didn’t.

    After a bad coaching experience forced her to confront the reality, she doubled down on being consistent with wellness workshops to grow her business and now teaches other wellness business owners to do the same.

    Getting Specific To See Results

    When it comes to running successful wellness workshops, the all-important first step is to be specific about your offerings and the messaging around them.

    Getting specific with your messaging isn’t necessarily about niching; it’s about creating the right messaging to point to the particular outcome you are hoping to get for your clients and for your business. This helps you attract the right people in the first place.

    That’s not to say that being specific about your target audience isn’t important as well.

    If you’re struggling to gain traction with your audience on a broad level, there is a good chance you have been resisting choosing your ideal client.

    Karen shares that when thinking about your marketing messaging, you should be able to fit what you do, who you help, and the transformation you offer in one sentence.

    This specificity ensures that you are talking to the right people and are on the path to a snowball effect of multiplying the returns you see in your business.

    Selling Yourself the Right Way

    One of the biggest fears wellness business owners have when it comes to workshops and webinars is transitioning into the pitch/offering/invitation segment of the workshop without feeling sleazy.

    Chances are, however, if your audience has stuck with you through your workshop, they are generally excited to hear what next steps you are ready to offer them to build upon the experience they just had with you.

    Karen impresses the importance of understanding that if you’ve done a good job on the teaching segment of the workshop, you’ve earned the right to make your offer.

    By taking and applying Karen’s wellness workshop framework, you can up your confidence, reduce the overwhelm and add workshops to your marketing toolbelt.

    What one workshop would you choose to run for your audience within the next few months? What is standing in the way of you setting a date and putting it out there? Leave me a voice message with your answer here.

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    BBWB 013: How To Gain Clarity on Your Messaging & Get Unstuck with Shauna VanBogart

    BBWB 005: How Becoming the Best in the World Is Easier Than You Think

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  • If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that having an online presence for your business is a necessity, especially if you’re a traditionally in-person service provider.

    One of the best ways to package your existing knowledge is by creating an online course.

    While the idea is appealing to many online entrepreneurs, the path to creating and marketing a course that actually sells is littered with pit-falls.

    Ryan Koral has created numerous online courses both for himself, and his clients, and shares what he’s learned in this episode.

    Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

    In This Episode

    The first steps you need to take when transitioning from what you are doing in real life to creating an online offering (11:20)What questions you need to ask before creating a successful online launch (19:30)Why you should never create another product without preselling it first (23:40)How to get over your perfectionism and just get your offering out there (30:06)Common traits found in successful online course creators and how to adapt them into your own business (40:50)

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    Serving Your Community with Ryan Koral

    Ryan is someone I’ve looked up to for a long time and is someone who truly walks the talk when it comes to using his business to serve his community and create value.

    In addition to running a video production studio as well as teaching everything he knows to other video producers, Ryan partners with subject matter experts to develop and market online courses that help his clients scale their impact as well as their income.

    The Power of the Pre-Sale

    When you’re creating your first online product, it can be difficult to know where to start.

    When it comes to creating your first offer, you might have a dozen different ideas, any one of which might work.

    Or you might have one idea that you’re sure is the perfect solution for your audience.

    Either way, before doing the work of creating your offer, pre-sell it instead.

    If no one buys, you’ve saved yourself the time and heartbreak of creating an offer that wasn’t a good fit.

    If people do, you’ve been paid in advance to create something that you know your audience is hungry for.

    Done Is Better Than Perfect

    After you have validated your idea through a presell, don’t get caught up in your desire to make everything perfect.

    We all have incredibly high standards for our work. But more often than not, they keep us from ever completing and shipping our work, getting it into the hands of the people who will benefit from it.

    Instead, remember that done is better than perfect and that your first draft is simply a starting point. You can always go back and make improvements on your V2 based on your customer feedback.

    As Ryan says, you can’t learn until you launch.

    Ryan talks a lot about the value of building relationships. How do you approach establishing and nurturing relationships in business? Leave me a voice message here.

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    BBWB 009: How To Create Content That Grabs Attention with Jimmy McKay

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  • It may not seem like it, but feminism and social justice play a large role in building a better wellness business and a better world. While you may feel uncomfortable discussing these topics and taking a hard look at where you might be falling short, inclusivity and accessibility are key elements of building better businesses.

    Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

    In This Episode

    How to start treating your patients and clients through the lens of equality (11:00)Why accessibility is an issue you need to address and how to build it into your business on a practical level (15:15)What you need to be aware of when teaching and profiting from a practice that came from a culture that is not your own (22:30)Understanding the crossover between the health of your body and the health of your business (32:20)Reset techniques to shift your mindset and approach every day with the ‘Thoughtwork Protocol’ (39:47)How to overcome imposter syndrome by recognizing your patterns and work to change them (44:50)

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    Fighting Against Injustice with Victoria Albina

    Victoria Albina was sick of living from a place of habit and conditioning. A coach, nurse practitioner, and solopreneur, among many others, Victoria has become a passionate advocate for putting in the work when it comes to building businesses that address social justice issues.

    Getting Honest About Your Bias

    Victoria believes that getting honest with yourself about your own biases is the first step to doing the uncomfortable work of acceptance. The truth is, everybody has some bias, thanks to the conditioning that we were raised with, and it is up to us to check our entitlement and learn to be the watcher of our own minds.

    Understanding that being called in or called out is actually a gift, acknowledging the unintended consequences of your words and actions, and getting comfortable with changing your opinion are all great ways to start improving the way you relate to the world.

    Viewing Your Work Through The Lens of Equity

    Healthcare providers and solopreneurs are often some of the most demanding people on themselves.

    It’s important to remember that none of us are running perfect businesses and that rather than perfection, our goal should be continual improvement.

    Victoria shares how we can only take our clients as deep as we’re willing to go ourselves.

    This means doing the hard, uncomfortable work of addressing our shortcomings, doing our own healing, and caring for ourselves.

    By filling up your own cup from a place of service, you can better take care of your clients and community.

    Is there somewhere in your business that you feel you may be falling short when it comes to social justice issues? What practical ways are you working to make your business more inclusive and accessible? Leave me a voice message with your answer here.

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    BBWB 006: How To Land Big Media Features as a Wellness Business Owner with Cher Hale

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  • A successful virtual summit can grow your list in a big way, bring in a solid profit, and set up your next launch for success.

    Orchestrating a summit that checks all those boxes, however, is no easy feat.

    That’s where virtual summit Executive Producer Nicole Ware comes in.

    Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

    In This Episode

    Why you need to have a clear customer journey vision for your summit and how to make money off it afterward (9:55)Key components to make sure you have covered when creating a summit (11:14)How to get onto your ideal speaker’s radar, pitch them and land them for your summit (14:10)Tips for getting your sponsorship model in place to cover your upfront summit costs (21:00)The most essential thing that you need to have in order to build a successful business (30:48)

    What's the biggest thing you've taken away from this podcast? I'd love to hear about it and feature your response on the show! Take 30 seconds to leave a review here including your biggest takeaway.

    A Summit Roadmap with Nicole Ware

    Nicole Ware has worn many hats. With three degrees and experience working in seven different fields as a nurse, Nicole found her calling helping women entrepreneurs run profitable virtual summits.

    With the Covid-19 pandemic, more and more businesses have to be creative when it comes to creating catchy and memorable online events.

    Nicole gives us the road map of what you need to have in place before running a summit, what separates the summits that do well from the ones that don’t, how to secure sponsorships to offset your upfront costs, and so much more.

    Vision Is The Key To Success

    When thinking about the purpose of your summit, you need to have a clear vision in mind.

    While the summit itself might be making money, the real profit is in the follow up offer you make once the summit wraps up.

    This means it’s essential to consider your customer journey in order to understand how you can use a summit to get your audience a win while also setting them up for the follow up to get them an even bigger win.

    The Name of the Game Is Consistency

    Nicole shares that one of the most common traits that successful summit creators share is consistency.

    The same goes for business in general.

    While consistency might refer to how often you post on Instagram or reach out to new customers, the most impactful form of consistency is by consistently getting your clients wins.

    When you help your existing customers get results, they’re much more likely to refer you to new clients and customers, while turning them into superfans.

    Who are you a superfan for? What is it about that connection that stands out to you? Let me know by leaving me a voice message here.

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  • Whether you’re just starting out on your wellness business journey or are a seasoned product or service provider, having clarity is essential to creating the impact you’re looking for.

    Clarity affects your messaging, content, marketing, and your offers themselves. Without it, it’s hard to grow your brand and achieve success of any kind.

    But if you don’t have clarity, how do you get it?

    Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

    In This Episode

    The importance of having empathy for your audience members and meeting them where they are (7:48)Where to start when it comes to finding and attracting your ideal audience (11:35)How to build out your customer journey and symptoms list when starting from zero (20:30)Why investing in yourself could actually make you more money than investing in your business (32:40)Tips for adjusting your thinking to become more vertical and less linear (42:55)

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    Identifying Your Soapbox with Shauna VanBogart

    Shauna VanBogart has built multiple businesses across a diverse array of industries. Each of those experiences has allowed her to tap deeper into her intuitive gifts, which she now uses to help other business owners, as an intuitive business coach.

    Shauna and I have actually both hired each other in the past and our mindsets and approach to business overlap in a lot of areas.

    She’s an expert on gaining clarity across all aspects of your business and is someone that I’ve learned a lot from when it comes to moving past the endless tactics and strategies and operating from a more intuitive place.

    You Are Your Message

    One of the biggest issues we face as business owners is clarity and consistency with our messaging.

    And it’s true, getting your messaging right is hard!

    Business owners make it harder on themselves, however, when they also lack clarity on who they’re actually speaking to and what they’re speaking about.

    Shauna suggests starting by painting a detailed picture of your ideal customer's life and problems. By mapping out your target client's “symptoms list”, you can create highly relevant and targeted content to a specific group of people.

    Your Audience Doesn't Need To Be as Big as You Think It Does

    Many entrepreneurs get stuck on the idea that the only way to be successful online is by growing a massive audience.

    In reality, your numbers may not be as important as you think they are.

    By giving every service your all, going above and beyond to deliver a ‘wow’ experience, and following up and checking in with your clients regularly, you can build a highly referable and sustainable company that has your clients doing your marketing work for you.

    By embodying the value of ease as a health and wellness professional, knowing what you truly bring to the table, and leaving space for creating, you can preach your soapbox and scale your business to what is in alignment for you.

    What's something that you are currently feeling a lack of clarity around? Let me know by leaving a voice message here.

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    BBWB 007: The Foundation of Effective Online Marketing

    BBWB 012: Hiring: Who, When & How to Grow Your Wellness Business Team Like A Boss with Tasha Booth

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  • When making your first hire, the process can feel intimidating and overwhelming. While growing your team can be an incredibly rewarding experience, it also comes with its fair share of challenges and unknowns.

    But by understanding how to approach the process of deciding when to hire, who to hire, how to onboard people effectively, and how to think about culture as your team begins to grow, you can avoid the common pitfalls, and build a business that is truly fun to work in.

    Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

    In This Episode

    How to define a ‘zone of genius’ for yourself and for your team members (11:47)The importance of time tracking to determine where you should be spending your time going forward (13:44)The most common mistakes made when building a team and what you can do to avoid these pitfalls (21:38)Two of the biggest bottlenecks that entrepreneurs can get stuck in and how to remove yourself from that bottleneck position (28:16)Why your past experiences can have a massive impact on how you approach your work and differentiate your business (32:55)

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    How To Grow Your Business When the Time Is Right

    The goal of hiring is to allow each member of your team to spend more time in their zone of genius on the tasks they can do better than anyone else. However, this sometimes requires a bit of guidance. Tasha Booth is the CEO and Founder of The Launch Guild and is an expert in hiring, outsourcing, and growing a team effectively.

    The Importance of Doing a Time Inventory

    Often as small business owners, we equate our identity to doing all the work for our businesses ourselves. It takes some mindset work to realize that ultimately, your most important work is in steering the ship.

    This means that you need to make time to do the visionary work that often falls to the wayside when you’re running around, trying to put out every fire yourself.

    Tasha suggests starting out by taking a time inventory and defining the difference between a ‘$20 per hour task’ and a ‘$100 per hour task’.

    Taking time inventories is a strategy that I personally love and really helps to analyze the time you need to make your business more profitable and more enjoyable.

    Communication Is Key When It Comes To Your Team

    Communication and preparation are two of the most important things to address when bringing someone new onto your team.

    Instead of operating in the entrenched ways you’ve been thinking about your business, you need to identify and remove yourself from the areas in which you’re causing a bottleneck in your processes and shift your mindset away from ‘me’ and into ‘we’.

    Your team will outlast your clients if you build a good culture. By delegating effectively, creating a container of communication, open feedback, and making hiring decisions based on which role is going to make the biggest difference in your business, you can create a team that is even better and more efficient.

    What is the next hire for you? What is currently holding you back from making it? Leave me your answer through a voice message with your thoughts here.

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    The magic of doing $10,000/hr work by Khe Hy

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    BBWB 011: The 2 Systems Every Wellness Business Needs to Scale with Tyson Franklin

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  • Solid systems are an unavoidable necessity when it comes to building and scaling any successful business. So why do so many of us shy away from putting the proper systems into place?

    If you’re the creative, visionary, big-picture type of entrepreneur, you might have avoided implementing systems for a long time, either out of fear that things would become too “corporate” or because they felt too tedious to create.

    But, systems aren’t about turning people into robots and sucking the personality from your biz. Really, they’re about achieving predictable, repeatable results and will help you set up your business to succeed even if you're not the one doing the actual work.

    Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

    In This Episode

    Why you should build your business as if you are going to sell it (14:14)The first cornerstone system you should set up and get everybody to buy in on first (19:36)How local brick and mortar businesses can leverage social media and content creation to increase exposure (26:30)Why having a podcast is the number one way to market your business (27:50)Learn how the 365 Day Mental and Physical Fitness Challenge changed Tyson’s life and business (30:15)

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    How Systems Can Change the Way You Operate with Tyson Franklin

    Tyson Franklin has found huge success in the world of podiatry, podcasting, writing, and content creation and now helps other podiatry businesses market themselves effectively.

    But it wasn’t always this way.

    It took finding himself bankrupt, divorced, and living in his clinic at the age of 30, a hand injury that left him unable to work for a significant stretch of time, and a year of challenging himself to think outside of the box to land Tyson where he is today.

    The Importance of Predictable Outcomes

    As Tyson puts it, systems are not meant to keep people in a box and make your business robotic. Instead, systems can help you hand off the tasks in your business that are done frequently so that you can get back to doing what you love most, and where you’re time and attention is most valuable.

    Simple systems not only keep your business running smoothly, but they also play a huge role in the first impression a potential new client has with your business. The way the phones are answered, your clinic is set up, a user-friendly website interface, and much more all influence the way a potential new customer sees and feels about your business from the get-go.

    Why You Need To Know Your Exit Strategy (Even if You Don't Plan To Use It)

    While proper systems are essential to keep your business from descending into chaos, they also increase the value of your business should you choose to one day sell it.

    Tyson argues that you should start building your business with the mindset that one day you will in fact sell it one day, and use that motivator to keep your quality and your systems at the highest level.

    Why Networking Is Invaluable to Your Business

    Aside from systems, Tyson credits a lot of his success to persistent networking, both online and off.

    Conferences, events, hosting and guesting on podcasts, and content creation can all help us connect with like-minded people who are on the same journey we are.

    That support is essential if we’re going to succeed with our businesses over the long run.

    What is the most repetitive task in your business that you don't yet have a system for? What is holding you back from documenting it and handing it off? Share how your business could benefit from a solid set of systems with me by leaving me a voice message to have your response featured on an upcoming episode.

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    Built To Sell by John Warrillow (affiliate link)

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