
  • Welcome to the show!

    Today I'm bringing you a conversation around confidence vs. arrogance. This is one I see almost daily. People are afraid to step into confidence because they don't want to sound arrogant.

    If this is you, you are going to really benefit from this episode.

    I'll be covering why if this is your concern it will never happen along with the difference of the two and how to deliver with confidence and now sound arrogant.

    If you want to get my use your voice to command any space audio you can get it at https://www.captivatetheroom.com/command

  • Welcome to the show!

    Today I'm talking about assumptions and your voice. Everyone knows about assumptions but do you realize just how much the assumptions you make are coming out in your voice in a way that isn't working for you!

    Assumptions are leading to bad voice habits that are repelling listeners and potential buyers and misrepresenting your real authenticity.

    If you haven't gotten your copy of the Command the Room with your voice audio you can get it here: https://www.captivatetheroom.com/command

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  • Welcome to the show!

    Today my guest and I are talking all things podcasting.

    Andrew Hellmich has built a fantastic business with his podcast and he's using his voice in big ways.

    I've never thought about the approach that Andrew has taken and in our conversation he shares how he delivers amazing content with a wide reach to his ideal clients'.

    Podcasting is a fantastic way to use your voice, I know you will enjoy our conversation and if you've ever thought about starting your own show or creating a viable business out of your show then you don't want to miss this episode!

    Guest Bio

    Andrew Hellmich hosts the number one photography business podcast PhotoBizX. An interview based, weekly podcast, where Andrew has photographers from around the world revealing their marketing, advertising, pricing and business secrets in detail so listeners can improve and build a more successful photography business.

    Website: https://photobizx.com On iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/photobizx-ultimate-portrait-wedding-photography-business/id620299393 On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3aNSKb0Wtd4KaCLhJOOZ24https://www.shure.com/en-US/products/microphones/sm7b?variant=SM7B — suer duper podcasting mic. Expensive. https://www.audio-technica.com/en-us/atr2100-usb — perfectly good mic for podcasting and being interviewed. Link to your podcast episode on PhotoBizX: https://photobizx.com/tracy-goodwin-control-the-conversation-to-increase-sales-in-your-photo-business or https://photobizx.com/542
  • Welcome to the show!

    Today's consumer is seeking real connection and authenticity in an AI world. What I find is, people understand the concept of connection and authenticity but often don't know how to dish it up or that it actually happens in their voice...or not.

    In today's episode I'll be addressing the why behind the critical need to connect and reveal your authentic voice. Stay tuned, I'll do a part two to tell you much more about the how.

    Join me live on June 12th at 1pm EDT for my next free masterclass.


  • Welcome to the show!

    You've done the work, and it's been hard and you have moved your life forward and here I come telling you I can hear a wound. It's infuriating for many of my client's. But, here's what I want you to know...you can do the work, that's clear to me but the wound healed or unhealed MUST be moved out of your voice as well.

    In Psychology of the Voice, I look at the internal and the external, they are connected and both must be dealt with. In today's episode I'm working with Mica on the healed wounds that are still in her voice.

    If you want to make a bigger impact with your message and move the wounds out of your voice, then join me for the upcoming Voice Experience https://www.captivatetheroom.com/experience

  • What an incredible conversation I had with Elizabeth Yang!

    Welcome to this weeks show where my guest I will discuss all the things money and voice and building wild success.

    My guest today is Elizabeth Yang and she is a monetization queen and her work certainly has a wonderful intersection with Psychology of the Voice.

    She is an expert when it comes to getting people in the right position to significantly increase their revenue. By right position I mean doing the internal work and rewriting the problematic beliefs that are costing her clients their next level of success.

    I know you are going to gain so much from this very special conversation around voice and beliefs and money! Elizabeth and I talk about connection, confidence and find your voice so you can sell with ease, establish strategic partnerships and build your business!

    Guest Bio

    Elizabeth Yang is a social monetization strategist, high ticket sales mindset coach, and certified hypnotherapist that specializes in helping businesses with wild sales success on social media by turning engagement into booked conversations to monetize with more bookings, partnerships, business development, and online expansion.

    She’s the founder and CEO of Better With Company, a high-touch business coaching and consulting agency. She specializes in high ticket sales and lead generation, charging more, high performance, leadership, and talent & team optimization. She has 10 years of experience in innovation and product marketing with Fortune 10 companies.

    Others describe her as an energetic and passionate speaker, trainer, mentor, and powerhouse. Most recently she was called the "Monetization Queen" thanks to her ability to help clients charge 2X-25X more creating premium brands.

  • If you are ready to explode your business, don't miss this conversation. Your authentic voice plays a key role in your business success!

    Ever wonder what it's like to do the deep work of Psychology of the Voice but afraid to ask?

    In today's episode of the Captivate the Room podcast, you'll hear the transformational story of an incredible student of mine, Megan Blacksmith.

    Her story is powerful and while some of it has been challenging, she can speak to the value of this work like no other.

    Tune in to hear Megan's story of a voice experience.

    #sales #leadership #entrepreneuership #entrepreneuer #speaker #podcast

  • Welcome to the show!

    Today you are in for a treat and you are going to have your mind blown. Jill Foubister, a former student of mine is with me today. I knew Jill's work but I had no idea how much overlap there was in our work and it's super exciting.

    In today's episode Jill and I talk about raising your vibration and finding your greatest frequency to success but what's really cool is that all the points she teaches on, we link the role of the voice.

    Your voice is a frequency and many of the things that I teach in relation to how the subconscious processes the sound, well, I learned today that I was really talking about frequencies that draw people in get you more of what you want or not.

    You are going to love this episode, I know I did!

    Guest Bio

    Jill Foubister is born and raised in the beautiful Laguna Beach, CA where she raises her two kids, dogs and chickens. She is a certified yoga teacher, Metratronia and Reiki Master, Jill Foubister, has been honing her intuition since the age of 5. She decided to follow her soul’s calling, and now impacts women around the world through her podcast, signature program, and sold-out retreats. She helps her students increase their frequency so they can strengthen their intuition and manifest their goals and dreams faster.

    Learn easy to implement mindset shifts from her Intuitive Frequency podcast, and dive deeper into spirituality and manifestation mastery in her signature program, Raise Your Vibration.

    Find Jill on Social Media and Beyond!




  • Welcome to the show.

    Performing, it's the way many of us learned to deliver our message even as children. But performing can be very problematic when it comes to connection and authenticity. Today, I'm working with Helen and she reveals that she has a tendency to feel the need to perform.

    It's a common voice mask and it blocks connection, it prevents authenticity. So what's the good in it? Your subconscious feels like it's good, because it protects the real version of you from getting out so you are not judged, rejected or abandoned.

    I think you'll like this episode!

  • Welcome to the show!

    Today I'm doing a micro voice audit with Ashley M. I love this conversation because this is so common for so many of my students.

    I think I sound like X or I want to sound like X but I sound like Y.

    This is huge and the VERY reason you can't just go think your way through changing your Psychology of the Voice.

    This is the deep work.

    The really deep work and it's important work.

    Now more than ever because your ideal clients are seeking sounds, they are seeking connection and authenticity, they are seeking you.

    Would you be interested in a 20-minute micro voice audit to find out how you are being processed in the subconscious of your listener? Just send over an email to [email protected]

  • Welcome to the show.

    Wow, what an incredible conversation I had with Dr. Christine Li.

    Christine has been on the show before and she always brings so much wisdom and practical experience to the conversation.

    When we sat down to talk today, I couldn't have been more delighted to hear the direction our conversation went.

    If you ever wondered how to find your real self, your real voice, your authenticity...this is the episode you don't want to miss.

    Today, Christine and I don't just throw out words, we define them and have real, powerful talk around what it takes to show as your real self in today's world AND how it's no longer negotiable.

    I know you are going to love this episode!

    Here is Dr. Christine Li's first podcast interview on the Captivate the Room podcast


    Guest Bio

    Dr. Christine Li is a clinical psychologist in New York for the past 20 years and who has been online as “Procrastination Coach” for the past 10 years. She helps people who are struggling with underperforming at work and at home to work smoothly and with high levels of productivity.

    Her unique coaching process is a blend of mindset strategy, time and emotion management tips, and a deep belief in the power we each have when we treat ourselves with love and good self-care. Dr. Li is the author of the book “5-Minute Self-Discipline Exercises: Stay Motivated, Cultivate Good Habits, and Achieve Your Goals” and the host of the podcast “Make Time for Success.”

    Follow Dr. Li to learn how to ditch the guilt, judgment, and self-sabotaging and unhelpful habits so that you can feel focused and fulfilled in your life!

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/procrastinationcoach/

    Make Time for Success Podcast: https://www.maketimeforsuccesspodcast.com/

    Sign up for the Re-Energize Your Home Challenge


  • Welcome to the show!

    In today's episode, I'm talking about a statistic that I hear weekly and sometimes daily being quoted. The statistic is, that only 7% of the message is interpreted via words and the balance is through voice and nonverbals.

    It's not accurate, it was never meant to be used as a research point the way it is being used.

    What is my problem with that you ask?

    People are not doing their due diligence on what they teach, this is a problem when it comes to buyer trust which is at an all time low.

    The people that are just taking this statistic and teaching to it would not be doing it if they knew the data was seriously flawed and it is.

    You can't quantify a statistic like that with on 32 participants in the study and they were given limitations on words which would sway the study.

    The point though is that people need to take more accountability for doing the work instead of the easy and lazy way out of just posting something and not doing the work behind it. It's not fair to the consumer to be told information that is not true.

    It's a problem, it's a big problem and all of us will reap the fallout from it. Do the work, honor the buyer enough to do the work.

    Yes, voice plays a HUGE role in the delivery of the message, in fact I've reflected on this statistic before from the perspective of how it's inaccurate because voice holds more weight.

    Truth be told, you may not like this episode and you may not like my take on it. That's okay. Integrity, delivering quantifiable information to best serve my listener's and students is everything to me. Being liked is just a bonus!

  • Welcome to the show.

    Over the month of March I'm going to be featuring a lot of women's voices and in most of my solo shows I'll be talking about specific things that women deal with in relation to their voices.

    Today, I'm going to be talking about the neuroscience of pitch specifically in relation to women's voices and how higher pitch can be problematic. I'm referencing the Huberman Lab podcast and Chris Voss in this episode.

    In NO way am I being critical of women's voices. Women have a lot of societal implications around their voices, many of them lead to women speaking in a higher pitch, getting stuck in a high pitch and not even speaking in their real voice.

    There are definite issues around speaking at a higher pitch constantly in relation to how the brain processes sound which is exactly the angle I'll be talking to in this episode.

  • Welcome to the show!

    Today I've got a great guest for you. Laurie Wright, a former student is joining me today to discuss life after 50 and finding your spark.

    Laurie is a trailblazer and the work that she does to empower women (mostly) to live there best life after 50 is powerful work.

    Laurie and I talk about so many great things in this episode including how to find your spark and why we often settle for what we have and that's it. Laurie shares ways to find your spark and so much more.

    This is an episode you don't want to miss!

    Guest Bio

    Laurie Wright, aka "Not Your Average Grandma," identifies herself as a late-in-life purpose-finder who had a 30+ year career in corporate America before finding her true passion as a certified Master Neurocoach.

    With her signature program, The Second Half S.P.A.R.K. Schoolℱ, Laurie helps women ignite a later-in-life spark by reconnecting with their authentic self and uncovering what they truly want out of life so they will stop wondering “Is this it?”

    She also has a podcast called “Living Your Sparked Second Half” where she covers topics intended to inspire listeners to live a happier and more fulfilling second half.

  • Welcome to the show!

    Today is one of my favorite conversations I've ever had on the Captivate the Room podcast. Today, I've got my former client and entrepreneur Christina Jandali with me. I've had the pleasure of working with Christina and helping the students in her program so I can say with full integrity, she delivers.

    In fact, that is one of the big things we are talking about today, the expectation of the buyer in 2024 and how people are seeking higher touch.

    We also have an excellent conversation around why buyer trust is shot and Christina has some incredible insight on this.

    But, the best part is she shares a communication strategy on the episode that is very similar to what I teach companies around the world.

    I know you are going to gain so much insight from this episode!

    Guest Bio

    Christina is a confidence boosting, cash creating Business Growth Strategist who helps coaches and course creators start, grow and scale their digital business online. From college dropout to real estate investor and corporate wealth advisor, she became a self made millionaire in her 20s. After going through a divorce, experiencing the housing and stock market crash and losing it all, she managed to rebuild her wealth over again. Since then, she’s on a mission to help others create wealth and financial freedom through entrepreneurship by monetizing their knowledge. After leaving the corporate golden handcuffs, Christina grew her own coaching business from ground zero and struggle to 7 figures in just 5 years.
  • Welcome to the show!

    Today I want to talk about a former client of mine that made a few specific shifts and yielded incredible results. I believe the process here in Psychology of the Voice is key and ultimately what delivers results. However, many times one or two specific things we shift become the lynchpin for shifting everything when it comes to making more money, having more confidence and commanding the space.

    Today, I'll tell you specifically about a few things that I shifted in my client's voice and the results he yielded were unparalleled!

    Don't forgot to join me and Sara Connell for the Your $1 Million Dollar Talk on February 7th.

    You can register here: https://www.saraconnell.com/your-1m-talk-masterclass-feb-2024

  • Welcome to the show!

    Today you are in for quite a treat as I've got something totally different for you. In today's episode I'm doing some live coaching with Rosalyn Rourke on her audio book.

    Audio book sales are a huge part of the overall revenue when it comes to selling book but having a voice that makes people want to listen is critical.

    The number of times I've heard from people that they could not listen to the audiobook of a book they longed to hear but they just couldn't because of the reader's voice.

    When I coach someone in putting a book on audio it is the same methodology, Psychology of the Voice.

    If a reader performs, or has no inflection people won't be able to connect or listen.

    If a reader is over or under done, the audience won't be able to stay with them. There are a million nuances I find in a voice but especially in doing work like I'm doing today with Rosalyn.

    I know you are going to love this episode!

    Make sure you join me and Sara Connell for our upcoming Your $1 Million Dollar Talk Free Training on 2/7/24

    You can register here: https://www.saraconnell.com/your-1m-talk-masterclass-feb-2024

    Guest Bio

    Best-selling author Rosalyn Rourke, MSW, has worked deeply in the field of mental health and trauma therapy as a psychotherapist. With a Master's degree from Smith College School for Social Work in 1973, she embarked on a distinguished career that included supervisory roles in Yale Psychiatric Facilities. Her expertise further expanded as she immersed herself in trauma work, particularly Eye Movement Desensitization Reprogramming (EMDR), a highly effective PTSD treatment. In 1995, she pursued advanced training in eating disorders, focusing on binge eating and body dysmorphia.

    An avid learner, Rosalyn's professional and personal journey into transformation led her to the Enneagram, where she studied under renowned mentors such as Tom Condon, Don Riso and Russ Hudson, among others. Her influential work extends to the literary realm with her best-selling book, "When Wisdom Arrives: From Imagined Unworthiness to Freedom." Rosalyn continues to inspire and empower individuals on their path to self-discovery and freedom as a Oneness Coach. To join Rosalyn in breaking free from intergenerational trauma, contact her at rosalynrourke.com

  • I've got a great episode for you today on the Captivate the Room podcast.

    Sara Connell is with me and we are talking all about why it's time to stand on stage but not just stand on stage, have a framework and know how to mesmerize with your voice.

    Sara and I will be collaborating in a FREE Masterclass on February 7th and spend time today discussing what sets us apart and the type of work that we do and are collaborating on together is unique, why a speaker must have both a great talk and a voice to deliver it.

    In this episode, Sara and I talk about some of the key priorities when it comes to standing on stages and using your voice to create your Million Dollar talk. Sara and I discuss the neuroscience behind our methodologies and why research is more critical than ever. Listed below you'll find out more about our FREE training and some additional discussion points we cover in our conversation today.

    I want to personally invite you to join me and Sara Connell for our FREE MASTERCLASS YOUR $1M TALK.

    Register Here: https://www.saraconnell.com/your-1m-talk-mastercla...

    At this dynamic masterclass, you will learn from Sara and I:

    7 different ways to create $1M or more from speakingWhat you need to set yourself up as an irresistible paid speakerThe hidden mistake you might be making that is costing you speaking engagements and salesThe secret strategy that will increase your sales from 30-90%

    This is an all-new event that I’m thrilled to be collaborating on with Sara Connell, founder of Thought Leader Academy where she helps coaches, writers and entrepreneurs become successful, published authors and in-demand speakers.

    Sara Connell is the founder of Thought Leader Academy where she helps coaches, writers and entrepreneurs become successful, published authors and in-demand speakers.

  • Welcome to the show!

    Today I've got Anna Powers back on the show but this week we are talking about conversion copy which is Anna's area of expertise.

    Anna is a brilliant copywriter but she also teaches other writer's how to write conversion copy and build a successful business doing it.

    Even if you aren't interested in being a writer, you might know someone is and I'd love for you to send them to Anna's free training.

    In today's episode we'll be discussing her program, the important of humans in writing copy vs. AI and so much more.

    If you want to join Anna's free training, click this link:


    Anna's Bio

    Anna Powers is a Conversion Copywriter and Online Business Mentor who helps her clients get paid to write copy through her Clickworthy Copywriting Certificationℱ. A former civil litigator, Anna now uses her background of analysis and strategy to support 7- and 8-figure business owners with their messaging and to train and certify copywriters so they can build thriving online businesses. Past clients' results include a $4.4 million launch, quadrupling email open rates, and doubling annual revenue. Find Anna online at www.saraannapowers.com .

  • Welcome to the show.

    Today I've got another episode where I'm working with a voice. Today is the voice of Kelli and this was absolutely one of my favorite episodes of voice audits. Why? Because there was such a breakthrough for her when I was able to tell her WHY her ideal client wasn't buying.

    This is huge and what I'm hoping to get through to everyone. Your voice is misrepresenting you. It does not matter what you think you are doing, it matters what they are hearing and processing.

    It's critical that your voice represents the real you, the authentic you and in Psychology of the Voice, that means we have to unearth, unmask and unleash before you can really be at the place where your ideal client says...I have to work with you!