An uninvited visitor finds her way into this episode... but it's okay, it's just a cat.
Sarah and Jonathan revisit some of 2000s horror's most audacious twist endings this episode. The movies covered (and spoiled!) are: Identity (2003), The Skeleton Key (2005), Drag Me To Hell (2009), and Orphan (2009). Which one of these almost ended our friendship forever? Only one way to find out.
(Also, beware drive-by spoilers for Adaptation, Switchblade romance, Split, and Last Christmas. Oops.)
Music: Doors of Skin by Complexi-Tales
It's Friday the 13th and it's October, you know we had to get extra spooky!
This episode, Jonathan and Sarah investigate a string of movies that all reckon there's nothing scarier than the wardrobe in a child's bedroom after dark: we're talking Boogeyman (2005), Dead Silence (2007), and Insidious (2010), with bonus They (2002) and Darkness Falls (2003).
Mainly, we learned never to heckle ventriloquists...
Let us know what you thought of this episode on X (we're @ChillennialHPod) or via email (chillennialhorrors@gmail.com).
Puuttuva jakso?
What's the scariest film you've ever seen and why is it The Ring (2002)?
Sarah and Jonathan rewatch three fairly unloved remakes of Japanese horror movies to check if they were actually any good or if the received wisdom that the originals were better is actually true.
No prizes for guessing the answer.
Films covered include The Ring (2002), The Grudge (2004), and Dark Water (2005), with a deservedly brief mention of Pulse (2006) and One Missed Call (2008).
Got opinions? Chat about the episode with us on X at @chillennialhpod, @SarahDobbs and @JonathanHatfull.
Music: Doors of Skin by Complexi-Tales
Just when you thought this podcast was dead... it came back to life for one (and probably loads more, tbh) last scare!
This time, we're looking back at the 2000s trend for adapting computer games into movies so everyone could get really really angry about it. From Resident Evil (2002) through House of the Dead (2003) to Doom (2005) and Silent Hill (2006), we're asking the big question: did anyone ever make a good videogame movie?
As always, you can chat about the episode with us at @chillennialhpod, @SarahDobbs and @JonathanHatfull.
Music: Doors of Skin by Complexi-Tales
We've been avoiding it for about a year, but it's finally time for us to face our fears and revisit the zombie boom of the early 2000s! Join us as we relive our memories of 28 Days Later (2002), Dawn of the Dead (2004), Shaun of the Dead (2004), and Land of the Dead (2005). As always, spoilers for all of our main features abound, plus some chat about Anna and the Apocalypse (2017).
Have we come to terms with running zombies yet? What are our zombie survival plans? And what do zombies have to do with avocado toast? Have a listen, and then give us a tweet to @ChillennialHPod.
Music: Doors of Skin by Complexi-Tales
We've seen the new Scream film! And you're right, technically none of the Scream films fall under our remit, except mayyyyyyyybe Scream 3, but do you think that's going to stop us? No it's not.
We do have a rationale for that in the episode, but mostly we wanted to tell you our thoughts on Scream VI, as well as endlessly quoting the original one to each other and giggling about it. You know the drill by now.
Music: Doors Of Skin by Complexi-Tales
You can't say we don't deliver on our promises. This episode, we revisited all the 2000s horror movies that made Kyle Gallner into our fave scream king (with the notable exception of A Nightmare On Elm Street, which we covered in Episode 3) and then dove into the evolution of Kyle, from 2009 to 2022.
Our main features - so, the ones we get into super spoilery chat about - are The Haunting In Connecticut, Jennifer's Body, and Red State, with mention of The Master Cleanse, The Cleansing Hour, Dinner In America, Ghosts Of War, Scream, and Smile.
Sometimes, prepping for these episodes is hard (shout out to Underworld, ugh) but this one was almost pure joy.
Music: Doors Of Skin by Complexi-Tales
This episode, it's all supernatural business all the time as we revisit South Korean horror movies of the 2000s. Your watchlist:
A Tale Of Two Sisters (2003) R-Point (2004) The Host (2006) Hansel & Gretel (2007) Thirst (2009)Spoilers abound, and also the Unfriended ghost plagued us a bit this episode so there's a bit of extra crackle on the audio... call it the Halloween spirit.
Music: Doors Of Skin by Complexi-Tales
We're baaaaaaaack! Yes, we know, and we're sorry, it's been ages, we've got loads of excuses. But let's just get straight to the movies. In our second episode focused on vampires and werewolves, we cover the meaner and less sexy side of the genre. We're talking Ginger Snaps: Unleashed (2004), 30 Days Of Night (2007), Let The Right One In (2008) and Daybreakers (2009). And there's not a single leather catsuit in sight!
Music: Doors Of Skin by Complexi-Tales
We're back, and we're starting another new mini series!
This time round, it's vampires vs werewolves, and we're kicking it off with some of the decade's earliest entries in the genre: Dracula 2000 (2000) (aka Dracula 2001), Blade II (2002), Queen Of The Damned (2002), and Underworld (2003). Yes, that's a lot of leather trousers.
Music: Doors Of Skin by Complexi-Tales
In the final episode of our found footage mini series, Sarah and Jonathan revisit two of the best regarded sad horrors of the subgenre: Noroi: The Curse, and Lake Mungo. You'll never look at blurry VHS footage in the same way again. Also: send more ectoplasmic worms.
Music: Doors Of Skin by Complexi-Tales
Run, or walk briskly, away from the monsters in our latest episode as we look back at found footage zombie (or at least "infected") movies REC and George A. Romero's Diary of the Dead. Jump scares, foregrounded social commentary, and...it's probably tonsilitis, right?
Music: Doors Of Skin by Complexi-Tales
If your girlfriend tells you not to get a Ouija board, what do you not do? That's right, Paranormal Activity's Micah might be one of the worst boyfriends in horror history.
We have left the blood-soaked basements of the Splat Pack behind and we're heading into found footage territory with micro-budget found footage sensation Paranormal Activity. We talk about how Oren Peli created the blueprint for the subgenre's future and many Blumhouse horrors to come, the joys of a well-paced jump scare, and whether this era-defining chiller is still scary.
Plus, we look at how Paranormal Activity 2 tried to deepen the mythology and lost its way with more cameras, that amazing jump scare in Paranormal Activity 3, and briefly run through the rest of the franchise's diminishing returns. Remember: it's not the house, it's you.
Music: Doors Of Skin by Complexi-Tales
It's a Chillennial Horrors double feature! We close out our Splat Pack series with the 00s horrors of Alexandre Aja and Greg McLean. Sarah and Jonathan brace themselves for the blood, the screaming, the mutant cannibals, the backpack killers and the killer croc of High Tension/Switchblade Romance (2003), The Hills Have Eyes (2006), Mirrors (2008), Wolf Creek (2005) and Rogue (2007).
Does High Tension's twist still work, if it ever did? Are we here for the gruelling nastiness of breakdown horrors? What is going on with Kiefer Sutherland's performance in Mirrors? Why does Wolf Creek feel like such a different beast to Hostel? And why is it so satisfying when people get chomped by apex predators in movies?
Join us for this splattery movie marathon as we ponder whether Alexandre Aja gets better with age, discuss if Greg McLean is stuck in Wolf Creek forever, look back at what we've learned revisiting the Splat Pack movies, and talk about whether our views on the "torture porn" label have changed at all.
Music: Doors Of Skin by Complexi-Tales
Sarah and Jonathan light a flare and head into the darkness as they revisit the 00s films of British writer-director Neil Marshall: Dog Soldiers (2002), The Descent (2005) and Doomsday (2008).
Is the squaddies vs werewolves action-horror-comedy hybrid still tons of fun? Does the claustrophobic tension and sheer terror of The Descent hold up now that we've been locked inside our homes for over a year? Why is no one wearing a mask in a pandemic in Doomsday? Is "Live each day" really worth engraving on a pendant? Join us as we discuss whether references can ruin a moment, reassess gore moments now that our TVs are bigger, relive truly great jump scares and experience our first big "oh no" rewatch reappraisal.
Music: Doors Of Skin by Complexi-Tales -
With some serious trepidation, Sarah and Jonathan revisit former favourites Cabin Fever (2002) and Hostel (2005), plus Hostel Part II, to see how they stand up in the cold light of 2021.
This episode, Cliff Barnes, head devil of horror podcast Devil Times Five, joins us for a chat that somehow ends up being mostly about Eli Roth's face. Who will be cancelled, and what will be left of them?
Music: Doors Of Skin by Complexi-Tales
Time for the big one: Saw!
Jonathan, Sarah, and special guest Mike Muncer revisit the game-changing first movie in the Saw franchise... and then, inevitably, end up talking about all the others too. Which ones stand up? Which traps still confuse us? And how appropriate is the term "torture porn", anyway?
Music: Doors Of Skin by Complexi-Tales
Horror got nasty in the mid-2000s. We knew we wouldn't be able to fit everything we wanted to say about the torture porn (or "gorno") wave into one episode, so instead we'll be doing a whole series looking at the key directors and franchises that emerged during that period.
First up? Rob Zombie. In this episode, we cover House of 1000 Corpses (2003), The Devil's Rejects (2005), and Halloween (2007), with help from writer and Rob Zombie expert CJ Lines.
Music: Doors Of Skin by Complexi-Tales
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