Teaching manual on Stepping into 2025
Summary: To prepare believers for an outpouring of God’s Spirit, equipping them to embrace and steward the Overflow and Harvest of 2025.
I. Introduction: A Vision of the Desert Transformed Isaiah 35:1: “The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.” Declare: “Thy Kingdom has come, and I am thirsty for God and a greater influence of His Spirit on the earth!” Many lives, cities, churches, and nations are Experiencing as Spiritual Draught and Famine
II. Types of Spiritual Drought and Their Implications
1. Meteorological Drought: Absence of God’s presence and outpouring.
2. Agricultural Drought: Lack of spiritual fruit due to neglect of God’s Word.
3. Hydrological Drought: Depletion of spiritual resources like prayer, fasting, and fellowship.
4. Socioeconomic Drought: Loss of the Church’s influence on society. Matthew 5:6: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” Joel 2:28-29, Acts 2:17-18: God’s promise to pour out His Spirit.
III. Identifying Famine in the Church 1 Samuel 3:1: The rarity of God’s Word. 2 Chronicles 15:3-6: The need for teaching priests to guide the Church. 1 Samuel 13:19-23: The absence of “blacksmiths” (trainers and equippers) weakens the Church. Declaration: “We must restore the Word, equippers, and God’s tangible presence in our lives and gatherings!” God is granting Grace and mercy by Sending the Holy Spirit as rain
IV. The Gathering Clouds: The Rain is Coming 1. Prophetic Declaration: The RAIN is here Joel 2:23, Hosea 6:3: God is sending the former and latter rain together. 1 Kings 18:41-46: Elijah's prayer brought the rain; the same prayerful persistence is required today. Leviticus 26:4: “I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees their fruit.” 2. Our Preparation as Stewards: Believers Need to carry an Axe daily in 2025 Jeremiah 1:9-10: Uproot, tear down, and plant for God’s purposes. 1 Corinthians 6:12, 9:27: Remove distractions, discipline your body, and prioritize God's will. Practical Application: Equip believers with spiritual “tools” (axes, shears, excavators) to prepare for this season.
Believers need Take up Responsibility: The Call to Build and Establish Call for responsibility over apathy to establish what God is building for generations. Nehemiah 4:6: The people had a mind to work.
VI. Unlocking the Deluge of Heaven -
Five Keys for 2025: 1. True and Persistent Prayer (James 5:16-18): Lead a lifestyle of intercession. 2. Waiting on the Lord (Isaiah 40:31): Cultivate reflective worship. 3. Fasting with Purpose (Joel 2:12): Teach and engage in regular fasting. 4. Swift Obedience (1 Samuel 15:22): Immediate action unlocks breakthroughs. 5. Partnering with God: Discover the “ancient ways” to steward revival.
VII. The Results of the Overflow Psalm 84:11: “The Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” 3.Seven Expectations for 2025: 1. Direction: God as our Sun. 2. Protection: God as our Shield. 3. Grace, Favor, and Honor: For the faithful. 4. Provision: Abundance in every area. 5. Revival: An outpouring of the Spirit with Deeper hunger for God, Passion for holiness, witnessing, and discipleship. 6. Harvest: Many Souls coming to Christ 7. Miracles: Signs and wonders marking the season.
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Puuttuva jakso?
The Name above all Names Matthew 1:21-25 December 8, 2024
In Biblical times, names had meaning. People often lived up to their name.
Jacob-trickster David-beloved Abraham-father of a multitude Moses-drawn out Joseph-he will add Daniel-to judge
The Name of Jesus describes:
His Identity-Matthew 1:21 Jesus means Jehovah is salvation.
Hebrews 2:10 He is the Captain of our salvation
Hebrew Yeshua-The Lord is salvation
Acts 4:12 No other name given under among men by which we must be saved.
Jesus was a real human baby and God in the flesh. His cry broke 400 years of silence from Heaven and brought Good News to all mankind!
His intentions-Matthew 1:21 He came to save His people from their sins.
‘save’ means to keep safe, to rescue from danger or destruction.
Philippians 2:7-11 Jesus primary purpose in coming to this sin sick world was to die for His people.
His impoverishment-Luke 4:18-19 He came to “proclaim good news to the poor”
Jesus understands poverty, weariness, hunger, rejection and loneliness-Hebrews 4:15
He endured all that mankind must endure and was without sin.
His individuality-Matthew 1:23 “they shall call His name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is God with us.”
His covenant name is Yahweh (Jehovah), It means God promises.
Yahweh occurs 6823 time in the Old Testament. Each occurrence speaks to God’s promise to mankind.
His name is a Covenant for Salvation-Jehovah Yeshua-Titus 2:11 2 Peter 3:9 John 3:17 Acts 2:21
His name is a Covenant for Provision-Jehovah Jireh-Philippians 4:19 Genesis 22:14
His name is a Covenant for Peace-Jehovah Shalom-John 14:27 Psalm 29:11
His name is a Covenant for Healing-Jehovah Rophe-Psalm 107:20 Psalm 30:2 Jeremiah 17:14
His name is a Covenant for Deliverance-Jehovah Yeshua-Galatians 5:1 Psalm 32:7
His name is Emmanuel-God with us!
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David Hodges takes a deep dive into the story of Abraham sending his servant Eliezer to find a wife for Abraham's son Isaac.
David and Cecilia Hodges have served as full-time missionaries to Peru for many years. In 2007, they planted a flourishing church and a missions compound in Jicamarca, a mountainous desert region on the outskirts of Lima, Peru. They are reaching Peru through the teaching of the kingdom, challenging believers to leave their cultural box and empowering them to be ambassadors in the marketplace. They are also working to establish leadership training in local churches through the Andes Mountains and the Amazon. Their mission is to train every generation to represent the kingdom in the real and whole way, being a relevant influence within the culture and society they live. Their vision raises up men and women who dynamically, creatively, properly, and powerfully live-out and represent the kingdom of God.
You can find more information here: https://give.iphc.org/missionary/david-and-cecilia-hodges
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PSALM 48:12
PSALM 22:3
What is the difference between thankfulness and gratitude?
Thankfulness is a response to a ________________________________.
Gratitude is a _________________________, a state of grace.
Most of us have a story or stories of God’s faithfulness that brought gratitude.
Truth: God is attracted to grateful people.
What do we know about gratitude?
Gratitude is never invisible or silent. Luke 6:45
When we are grateful, we will say it and show it.
Gratitude sustains joy and blessing. Psalm 9:1
The secret to joy is learning to remember all that God has done for you, especially in the bad times.
Gratitude begins when entitlement ends. 1 Corinthians 15:5
It is impossible to be grateful for something we think we are entitled to.
Without God, what are we entitled to?
God’s mercy keeps us until God’s grace finds us!
Grateful people can find a blessing or enlarge a blessing. Psalm 126:5-6
You have everything you need to do everything God has asked you to do.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
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The Book of Revelation should…
Revelation 4-22
Lead us to hope.
Jesus as the slain Lamb of God, is the only one worthy to open the seals. This tells us God is in control!
Make us aware of the enemy. 2 Thessalonians 2:4
The Antichrist
He opposes all religions and exalts him self over everything called god.
He puts himself in place of God’s and God’s law.
He is referred to as ‘the Beast’. Rev. 13
He will preform miracles. Rev. 1:13, 13, 3, 12,2 Thessalonians 2:9
He will persecute Christians. Daniel 7:21, 25 Rev. 13:7 Matthew 24:9
He will not work alone. Rev. 19:20
He will establish centralized worship and a new religion. Rev. 13:16-17
He will impact the global economy. Rev. 3:16-17, 18:11
Help us see the temporal verses the eternal. Rev. 21:1
Challenge us to pray high risk prayers.
Pray for believers.
Prayer for those who don’t know Christ. Rev. 22:12-13
Challenge us to examine and change our lives. Rev. 20:11
Here’s the take home-Born once-die twice, Born twice-die once.
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How Revelation speaks to us today. Revelation 2-3 The Seven Churches
Ephesus: Revelation 2:1-6 Return to romance.
Smyrna: Revelation 2:9-11 Face your fear.
Pergamum: Revelation 2:13-16 Cancel your compromise.
Thyatira: Revelation 2:18-22, 24-28
Inspect for morality.
“Jezebel” was teaching that sexual immorality was cool.
Sardis: Revelation 3:1-3
Confront your comfort.
Philadelphia: Revelation 3:7-8, 10-12
Operate in obedience.
Because you have kept my word-reward of obedience!
Laodicea: Revelation 3:15-19
Turn up the temperature.
“I know your deeds”-We can’t fool Jesus!
The overarching principle of the messages to the churches of Asia Minor: SURRENDER!
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How Revelation speaks to us today. Revelation 2:1-17
The Seven Churches of Asia Minor
Revelation 1:19-20 “Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later. 20 The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.”
Ephesus: Revelation 2:1-6
Return to romance
Return to the basics
Matthew 22 and Matthew 28
Surrender your heart
Smyrna: Revelation 2:9-11
Face your fear.
This is the only church that Jesus didn’t give a challenge to.
Persecution purifies.
We are going to get persecuted.
Pergamum: Revelation 2:13-16
Cancel your compromise
Compromise- blending of two things.
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Signs of the end Times
One world government
One world religion
Christians being killed
An increase in lawlessness and sinfulness
The mark of the beast
Facts about the Book of Revelation
The Book of Revelation has one message – we win!
Jesus is the one doing the revealing
Jesus is the one being revealed
What is the book of revelation about?
The unbelievable person – Jesus Revelation 1:1-2
The unquestionable position – Ruler Revelation 4:1-3
Three levels of heaven
The first level would be what we see in the clouds.
The second level would be where the angles and the demons reside.
The third level is where God resides.
The unlimited personality – God Revelation 4:5-8
Attributes of God
Lion – Majesty of God
Calf – Faithful
Man – Intelligence
Eagle – Sovereignty
The undeniable promise – Hope Revelation 1:3
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Ephesians 6:10-17
1. THE WAR WE FIGHT Ephesians 6:12-13
What happens in this space affects what happens in this place.
2. THE WARDROBE WE WEAR Ephesians 6:14-15
THE BELT of Truth
THE BODY ARMOR-Breastplate of Righteousness
THE BOOTS of the Gospel of Peace
THE SHIELD OF FAITH-Ephesians 6:16
Faith is not faith until we act on it.
Don’t forget in the dark what you learned and believed in the light.
The Roman shield was made to LINK together for protection and unification.
The helmet protects the mind because the battle is in the MIND fields. Romans 12:1-2
Jesus was tempted three times and three times He declared, “It is written!” Matthew 4:1-11
The Sword doesn’t just contain the Word of God, it IS the Word of God!
It is a sacred scalpel-Hebrews 4:12-13
Physical sword brings death-
Spiritual Sword brings life!
Physical sword becomes dull with use-
Spiritual Sword becomes sharper with use.
The physical sword penetrates skin-
Spiritual Sword penetrates the heart.
John 14:20 "On that day you will realize that I am in My Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you."
Christ in me-Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, Gospel Boots.
Me in Christ-Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation, The Sword of the Spirit.
Question: Are you posing or are you walking in the armor of God?
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Ephesians 6:12-13 September 29, 2024
1. THE WAR WE FIGHT Ephesians 6:12-13
2. THE WARDROBE WE WEAR Ephesians 6:14
“Truth” - Reality In Its Original Form
Start And End Your Day With Truth
Ephesians 6:14
God Is Totally Righteous
Because He’s Totally As He Should Be
Identify Righteous Activities That Strengthen...
Unrighteousness Ones That Weaken…
Ephesians 6:15
Past, Present And Future
Justification, Sanctification, Glorification
Preach The Gospel to Yourself And Others
3. THE WIN WE SECURE 1 Corinthians 15:57
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We know we are engaged in a real battle, one of cosmic proportions. We know we are facing a real opponent because this world bears the bloody, painful scars of this conflict: war among nations, shattered lives, broken homes, suicide, rape, abuse, and immorality of every kind.
But The Battle is the Lord’s NOT ours!
2 Chronicles 20:15, 17 Romans 8:31, 37 Colossians 1:15-20 Colossians 2:14-15
Realize the battle you are facing is not the battle you’re facing.
What goes on up there affects what’s going on down here. Ephesians 2:6
The Ephesians understood spiritual warfare. Acts 19:11, 19
Paul gives us God’s strength and strategy. Ephesians 6:10
God’s strength:
Daniel 2:20-21 Psalm 147:5 Psalm 115:3 Job 42:2 Matthew 16:18
God’s strength is ours when we Put on the full armor of God.
Yes, we have battles, scars, open wounds…but we WIN! Revelation 19:6, 11-16
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"If our learning doesn't lead us to doing, our learning is a waste of time. That's Matthew 25."
--Gary Burd
Find more information about Gary Burd here:
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BATTLE READY: STRONGHOLDSEphesians 6:10-12OUR ADVERSARYA stronghold is an area in your life where Jesus is not Lord.ResumeContact InfoEmployment HistorySelf-EmployedNamed ChangedDefeated 33ADStrengthsLife MissionReferencesOUR ARMOR Ephesians 6:13"Therefore put on the full armor of God,"Isn’t made of Kevlar, Chain Mail or SteelCharacter forged by ChristThe MindOUR ADVANCEMENT Ephesians 6:13 Philippians 1:12 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
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1 CHRONICLES 29:12 PSALM 34:10 JEREMIAH 10:23 DEUTERONOMY 8:18 GOD IS THE SOURCE OF YOUR PROSPERITY.We cannot develop what God did not give.The real asset is the favor of God.Money isn’t prosperity; money is the byproduct of prosperity.Money without God usually destroys lives. 1 Timothy 6:9-10PROSPERITY IS RECOGNIZING THAT YOU ARE A STEWARD OF GOD’S FINANCES.When God is your source, He will supply all your needs. Philippians 4:19He supplies not only finances but peace, joy, assurance, contentment…Stewards see themselves as accountable for what God has entrusted to them.Trusting God with finances is a baby step of faith. Luke 16:10-11There are some Christians who are not seeing the gifts of God manifest because they never trusted God with ‘the least’.WHEN WE UNDERSTAND STEWARDSHIP, WE ARE ABLE TO BE A BLESSING TO OTHERS. 2 CORINTHIANS 9:6-10The real motive behind finances shouldn’t be to get, but to GIVE!It is selfish to think, ‘I’ve got enough-forget everyone else!You can’t give away what you do not have. Genesis 12:2God’s Kingdom will not advance without God’s people prospering.WE MUST UNDERSTAND THE ‘STOREHOUSE’ PRINCIPLE. DEUTERONOMY 28:8The priority in the Word for our finances is: Pay God, pay yourself, pay everyone else.God can only bless what you have; He cannot bless what you need.
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HOPE FOR HARD TIMES-REMEMBER THAT’S MY KING!REVELATION 19:11-16To thrive in hard times, we must have an adequate view of God. One that sees Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. That’s My KING! 1 Timothy 6:15 Ephesians 1:21-23Revelation 19:11-16 Jesus is given five names:1. Faithful – Jesus is trustworthy.2. True – In Jesus there is total absence of all that is false3. Word of God4. King of Kings5. Lord of LordsRevelation 19:16 Jesus is given the full title “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS” The title indicates someone who has the power to exercise absolute dominion over all His realm. In the case of the Lord Jesus, the realm is all of creation.1. He is Faithful and True. Isaiah 40:23-24 Daniel 7:13-14 Hebrews 1:3 Philippians 2:9-11 To His Word:"I am the bread of life" John 6:35,48,51 "I am the light of the world" John 8:12 "I am the door of the sheep" John 10:7,9 "I am the good shepherd" John 10:11,14 "I am the resurrection, and the life" John 11:25 "I am the way, the truth, and the life" John 14:6 "I am the true vine" John 15:1,5 To Establish His Kingdom in the hearts of men. John 18:37 Revelation 11:15 To defeat Satan. Revelation 12:10-11 Revelation 17:14Jesus Christ is alive, and reigning over all the kings of the earth, all the events of Eastern Europe and the Middle East and Central America. That means-HE’S MY KING!
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1. Grace provides a Savior.
Grace provides Security. Genesis 6:14
Grace provides Sufficiency. Genesis 6:14 Romans 3:22-24 Romans 5:20
Notice the shape of the ship. Genesis 6:16
Grace provides Substance. Genesis 6:21 John 6:35
Grace provides a Schedule. Genesis 8:42. Grace Provides Salvation. Genesis 7:1 Hebrews 11:7
Salvation comes by grace through faith. Ephesians 2:8-10 Romans 3:24
Grace produces good works. Genesis 9:13. Grace provides Security. Genesis 7:1 2 Corinthians 5:19
Security is NOT a place but a PERSON!+++++++
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The Master key to Releasing GraceThis lesson explores the concept of grace in Christianity, emphasizing how a revelation of God's unmerited favor through Jesus Christ leads to obedience.1. Understanding Grace Key Scripture: John 1:16-17• Grace Comes Through Jesus (John 1:16-17): The Old Testament Law exposes our need for salvation, but Jesus offers grace and truth, providing not just awareness of sin but also redemption.• The God of Love and Grace (2 Corinthians 13:14): God's grace is complete, encompassing the love of Jesus, God's Fatherly affection, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.• Grace Through Knowledge (2 Peter 1:2): A deeper understanding of God and Jesus increases our experience of grace.2. The Beauty of God in Creation• God's Majestic Creation (Psalm 8:3): The wonders of the heavens and God's handiwork inspire awe and reverence for His power. Creation’s beauty is but a glimpse of Elohim’s Awesomeness and Majesty• Personal Reflection on God's Beauty (Psalm 27:3-4): A yearning to dwell in God's presence and behold His beauty signifies a heart captivated by His grace and majesty.3. Responding to God's Beauty1. The Beauty of Christ (Song of Solomon 3:6): The imagery of Christ's arrival, fragrant and glorious, evokes believers' worship and wonder.2. We all have a choice after we all see his beauty.What will you do about it? Do we ignore it and go about our lives? Do we shout, or shed a tear? Or do we live in pursuit of seeing and being consumed by the awesomeness of his beauty and Majesty?Living in Love with God (Song of Solomon 1:4): A relationship with God begins with love and leads to a desire for intimacy with Him, rejoicing in His love. Caring for What God Cares About Just as love for a person leads to an interest in their values, love for Christ compels us to care about what matters to Him What is on our Beloved’s Revealed Heart Desire and Will today, this week, and this year?
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God’s Grace Is FOR You! Genesis 50:14-20
From Joseph’s story we learn:
In tough times, God’s grace is with you.
When pride walk in the room, God walks out.
Promotion is God’s job, humility is our job.
God uses small things, don’t despise them!
When God’s grace is FOR us, He gives us Divine Resets.
In the reset, He gives fresh Oil1
Pressure that comes with change doesn’t define us, it reveals us.
When we know God’s grace is FOR us and we live in His favor we must:
1. Live in Forgiveness.
Joseph’s brothers expected revenge, Joseph offered restoration.
Joseph’s brothers expected punishment, Joseph offered peace.
Joseph’s brothers lived in fear, Joseph lived in grace.
2. We must welcome others into our lives.
Never build barriers instead of boundaries.
Everyone has a place in the Kingdom of God.
You don’t need the gift of goodbye!
Just because the space is small doesn’t mean God is!
3. We are SENT!
What if God brought us to this current season to send us out?
What is God has brought us to this position to provide for others?
God knows, He sees, and He’s has a plan and purpose. When the Israelites were about to enter the promised land, God spoke to Joshua and told him; “For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9b)+++++++
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