VISION 1. Trinity’s Holy Fire Draws Us Within: I came to a door to the Trinity which opened into a vast realm of stars without ceiling, walls or floor….
VISION 2. Wine-Soaked Crumbs Become a Universe: In a dream I saw a hand break off a small communion piece from a loaf of bread…
VISION 3. Spirit-slain, Spirit-raised, Spirit-healed: It is time for the kind of sleep which overcomes people who are slain in the Spirit…
VISION 1: VEILS BURN AWAY IN THE LIGHT OF CHRIST. The more I look, the more I see. Only the weakness of the eyes of my heart limits me…
VISION 2: CLEANSING FIRE INFUSES LIVING SACRIFICES. The entrance to the Holy Place is veiled by a waterfall of blood. It pours without ceasing…
VISION 3: HEAVEN’S KINGDOM COMES IN A COCOON. In a time of repose and waiting on the Lord I drift through mists. The mists cling to me…
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Welcome to Episode 1 of Christian Mystic podcast from the host, George Ferrar. Explore with me this series of heavenly visions that I received in humility on the floor. In this vision, God showed me that when we focus on Christ He will burn away the veils that separate us from the glory of God, and ignite our hearts' passion for Him. We will learn how to see and love with the eyes of our hearts. Such love transcends the barriers of time and distance.
Christian Mystic