Socialpædagogisk faglighed forandrer liv - i denne podcast hører du hvordan. Bliv klogere på metoder, tilgange og spændende emner indenfor det socialpædagogiske område, og lyt til engagerede socialpædagoger fortælle, hvordan de bruger deres faglighed i praksis.
Vi håber, du bliver inspireret. Tak for at lytte med! -
Samtaler og interviews om krig, forsvar og sikkerhed.
Pojkmottagningen är dramatiserade terapier, baserade på autentiska fall. Psykologen Olof Risberg har arbetat med våld och utsatthet bland barn och unga i 30 år. För att klienten inte ska gå att identifiera är olika fakta och skeenden ändrade. Så även personer och platser. Nytt avsnitt varje tisdag. Producerad av Novel Studios.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Børn&Unge Podcast udgives af BUPL’s fagblad Børn&Unge. I Børn&Unge Podcast præsenterer vi ny forskning og viden på det pædagogiske område og spændende projekter og etiske dilemmaer fra pædagogers hverdag.
Interviews with Scholars of Critical Theory about their New Books
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Topics on the science of psychotherapy and psychology hosted by the editors of The Science of Psychotherapy magazine. This podcast covers the neuroscience, neurobiology, biology, sociology, brain science, and even the quantum and metaphysical elements that affect our mental well being and how understanding these elements informs the psychotherapist and psychologist.
Hosted by former covert CIA intelligence officers Andrew Bustamante and Jihi Bustamante, the EverydaySpy Podcast gives you practical, powerful spy skills and insights you can use everyday. From parenthood fixes to career shortcuts, business hacks to geopolitical insights, this pod is for you if you are looking for frank, honest, and hilariously relatable truth from two real-world field operatives who have done and seen things they can't talk about (and will never forget).
Lyt til podcast-serien Pædagogisk indblik.
Podcasten, som er produceret af Center for Ungdomsforskning ved Aalborg Universitet, dykker ned i ungdomslivet. I sæson 1 - 10 tendenser i ungdomslivet - tager vi livtag med brændende aktuelle forandringstendenser i ungdomslivet anno 2020. I sæson 2 - Den Gode Overgang - kigger vi nærmere på unge, der flytter hjemmefra. I sæson 3 - Når Generation Præstation kommer på arbejdsmarkedet - undersøger vi, hvad det er for nogle forhold, der er med til at skabe mistrivsel, når unge starter i deres første job, samt hvordan vi fremadrettet kan skabe bæredygtige arbejdsliv for unge.
Danish culture can be pretty confusing, especially if you are not from Denmark.
This podcast is on a mission to resolve cultural confusion in the country, and help anyone understand how people in this unique country think and behave.
Co-hosts Sam Floy (British podcaster, "The Outsider") and Josefine Volqvartz (Danish TV journalist, "The Insider") speak to experts and members of the public to understand and explain why something so normal in Danish culture is confusing to outsiders.
Rather than simply point fun, or say something like "Danes have an ironic sense of humour" we go deep, by speaking to experts to explain why.
Importantly, this show is as much for Danes as it is non-Danes.
What The Denmark is an educational, entertaining and inclusive show where we take a curious look at things that seem normal in Denmark, and get to the bottom of why.
The show is aimed at everyone with a connection to Denmark, and people around the world looking to learn more about the happiest country in the world.
If you've ever felt that you want to understand more about Denmark and Danish culture, then this is the podcast for you!
Learn more at
DUS-Podcast hvor Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab bringer interviews, debat og analyser om udenrigspolitik og internationale forhold.
Social Media and Politics is a podcast bringing you innovative, first-hand insights into how social media is changing the political game. Subscribe for interviews and analysis with politicians, academics, and leading digital strategists to get their take on how social media influences the ways we engage with politics and democracy.
Social Media and Politics is hosted by Michael Bossetta, political scientist at Lund University. Check out the podcast's official website: -
Interviews with Political Scientists about their New Books
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Let’s Talk Risk with the Society for Risk Analysis, the world’s leading authority on risk science and its applications, helps bring clarity to the world of risk, uncertainty, and ambiguity. Visit for more information on the topics discussed in these episodes and for more studies found in Risk Analysis: An International Journal
Hør om nyeste rusmiddelforskning. Forbrug af alkohol og stoffer, behandling af alkoholmisbrug og stofmisbrug, forebyggelse af problematisk forbrug af rusmidler, markedet for illegale rusmidler og lovgivning om rusmidler. Forskere fra Center for Rusmiddelforskning læser deres artikler op eller fortæller til journalist Marianne Pilegaard.
The PsychSessions podcast is co-hosted by Garth Neufeld from Cascadia College and Eric Landrum from Boise State University. We leverage our connections with psychology teachers from all levels (high school, community college, college, university) and individuals from other occupations to have meaningful conversations about what it means to be an educator. Of course, we veer away from the teaching conversation from time to time to hear about origin stories and the personal perspectives of our guests, touching on current events and topics of interest.
Our ASKPsychSessions feature is hosted by Marianne Lloyd from Seton Hall University. For ASKPsychSessions, listeners can submit questions about teaching and learning, and Marianne interviews experts and posts short features with the question and answer together. These features are often thematically grouped, such as information about using learning science to improve psychology instruction or various aspects of improving equity, diversity, and inclusion in your course. -
In ‘The Kenyanist’, we step back from the rush of current affairs to take a broader and deeper view of issues that Kenyans fight about.
In each episode, Kamau Wairuri speaks to an expert who will help us understand a particular social or political issue better and hopefully propose how we can address some of our most pressing challenges as a society.
Disclaimer: The views expressed by the guests on the show are not necessarily those of the host. -
Akademisk Kvarter er lavet af studerende til studerende. Podcasten er produceret af studiebladet på statskundskab Med Andre Ord, som man altid kan kontakte hvis man selv ønsker at lave en udgave.
We interview researchers to separate the science from the fiction in news headlines. Catch new episodes on the first Monday of every month
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
En klog overspringshandling, der går godt til kaffen.