
  • Have you ever been doubted or underestimated? If so, you need to listen to this story.

    It is POWERFUL AF and such a testament to what is possible when you have unwavering belief + trust in yourself.

    Because look - there will always be people in our lives that underestimate us & cast doubt upon our dreams.

    It’s our job to tune out their noise.

    To hold our belief even when people doubt us.

    To trust that you know where you are going even when others don’t see it.

    It’s not their job to see it.

    It is our job to show them.

    I want to prepare you for when this moment comes (because it will).

    Today we are having a POWERFUL conversation about how to manifest your future self (even when nobody believes in who you are becoming or what you are doing).

    I have also included one of the most powerful moments from Day 5 of The Confidence Catalyst Challenge which is when we made a bold declaration to hard launch our most confident self into the world.

    If you are holding yourself back from becoming who you know you are meant to be because you are buried under the fear of judgement, this is for you.

    Work together 1:1 inside The CAN Program: https://www.soulmakeup.com/can-program

  • This might sound crazy but my 55lb weight loss happened on the other side of adopting one belief.


    I shared this during Day 3 of the Confidence Catalyst Challenge and so many women there blew me up asking me for more.

    Well - you ask and you shall receive because not only did I package up the MAJOR MOMENTS of the challenge, I also dove so much deeper into the 55lb. weight loss that all began in my mind.

    If you have been struggling to lose the last 10, 20 or 50lbs - this could be the game changing shift you have been looking for.

    Let's get into it.

    PS: Whatever you do - do not hire me as your weight loss coach 😝 Every time I share this story, I have women asking to hire me to help coach them on losing weight.

    That is definitely not my specialty.

    But I can refer you to amazing coaches who do specialize in this area.

    So if that is what you are in the market for right now, send me a message on Instagram (@yoursoulmakeup) and I can send recommendations your way.

    If you are in the market for a confidence coach who can help you create mind blowing results while fueled by the feeling of confidence in both your life and business, I AM YOUR GIRL.

    Learn more about how I can start helping you as your coach ​HERE.​

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  • Confidence begins in your mind and builds with action.

    If you’re struggling with self-confidence, it’s time to address it mentally.

    A confident mind does NOT indulge in perfectionism, people-pleasing, comparison, analysis paralysis, imposter syndrome, or feelings of not being enough.

    These are confidence crushers and protection mechanisms that shield you from:

    Failing or getting it wrong Being judged or disliked Feeling not good enough

    These universal fears affect many women I coach, costing them time, money, energy, love, and success.

    I want to help you overcoming these confidence-crushing behaviors because this is the key to stepping into the rich life that awaits you on the other side of building a confident mind.

    Today we are diving deep into exactly how to do this for yourself.

    I will be sharing a powerful story about a client who was suffocating under the weight of perfectionism that came along with being in her 40's and still trying to live up to her parents expectations of her.

    I am also giving you the highlight moments from Day 2 of The Confidence Catalyst Challenge where I taught you how to start thinking thoughts that produce the feeling of confidence in your body.

    I will introduce you to your confidence blocking GHA thoughts.

    And then, we will step into how to super think to supercharge your confidence.

    We'll explore practical strategies to rewrite your inner dialogue, shifting from thoughts of self-doubt and fear to affirmations of capability and worthiness.

    Get ready to embrace a powerful new mindset that you can carry with you for life.

    Your confidence transformation begins now.

    Tune in and let's build the confident you together!


    Need support building your confident mind? That is exactly what we do together inside The CAN Program.

    New to the CAN Program?

    ➡️Learn more here.

    Ready to join now?

    ➡️Get started here.​

    Need help making a decision?

    ➡️Book your free consultation here.

  • Two common things I hear all the time from the woman that I work with:

    I don’t know who I am I don't know what I want

    Sound familiar?

    A lot of the women I coach arrived to me at a turning point in their life.

    They’re in their 30s and 40s and they find themselves lost.

    I think being lost is such a beautiful thing because it presents an opportunity where you get to find yourself.

    Finding yourself begins by feeling certain about who you are & what you want out of life.

    Many women want to feel confident, but without knowing these 2 fundamental things about yourself, you will struggle with low self confidence.


    Because not knowing who we are or what you want in life creates confusion.

    Confusion blocks confidence because a confused mind does not make a decision.

    It accepts I don’t know as the answer and moves onto the next thing.

    I don't know is one of the biggest growth blocking beliefs because:

    I don’t know is a surface level answer that keeps you from gaining a deeper sense of self and blocks you from creating your truest desires & living up to your full potential. I don’t know keeps you safe from failing, being disliked/being judged, getting it wrong/making the wrong decision. I don’t know is an answer that will always keep you playing small because you are stuck in your head overthinking, creating self doubt and not taking action because you don’t know what to do.

    Exhausting right?

    Ok – we have to get you out of your head because when you are in your head, you are dead.

    In today's episode​, we are unpacking all of this.

    I am giving you 4 really powerful "brain priming" questions that help you to answer:

    Who am I? What do I want?

    And then, I am sharing with you the most POWERFUL moments from Day 1 of the Confidence Catalyst Challenge.

    Our focus in day one was creating clarity, finding your blocks and activating your confidence.

    So let's get into activation mode & dive into doing some beautiful work on you today.

    PS: ​​Something I need you to know - Not knowing who you are or what you want do will slowly eat away at your confidence and when you stay in this confusion loop.

    And here is the thing about confusion - a confused mind never makes a decision.

    My goal as your coach is to close this confusion loop in your mind and shift you into feeling CERTAIN.

    In our work together inside the CAN Program we hit the ground running to get you clear and certain.

    Clarity and certainty are the most powerful building blocks to build your success upon, which is why we tackle that in week one.

    A way to guarantee you get everything you want in your life begins when you feel clear and certain about what you want and who you need to be to create it for yourself.

    If you are ready to fully commit to figuring who you are and what you want at this point of your life, we will sort that all out in our first week of work together.

    Clarity has never been closer.

    Come find yourself inside the CAN Program.

    New to the CAN Program?

    ➡️​Learn more here.​

    Ready to join now?

    ➡️​Get started here.​

    Need help making a decision?

    ➡️​Book your free consultation here.​

  • Have you heard of the conditional confidence phenomenon?

    Women all around the world are suffering from low self confidence because we have put conditions on our confidence.

    Here is what that means....

    I will feel confident when ___________ (enter your goal here).

    This can sound like:

    I will feel confident when I lose the weight. I will feel confident when I make $200K. I will feel confident when I wear the VP job title. I will feel confident when I finally find my dream partner. I will feel confident when I get my dream house. I will feel confident when I launch my business. I will feel confident when I get the Chanel bag.

    When we think like this, we have now put a condition on our confidence.

    And guess what that does?

    Delays our feelings of confidence.

    Here is what I need you to know -

    Material confidence is temporary. Physical confidence is temporary. Financial confidence is temporary. Professional confidence is temporary.

    What’s forever is your confident mindset.

    Confidence is something that comes from within.

    Let's dive deeper into releasing our conditions on our confidence.

    We are continuing this conversation in today's episode.

    PS: If you listen to today's episode and find yourself wanting support to build a confident mindset - That’s where I come in.

    Let's take an hour to talk about what needs to happen for you to feel confident from the inside out.

    This single conversation has the potential to change the course of the rest of your life.

    Why not just take a chance and see what happens?

    You have nothing to lose - only insight & awareness to gain.

    BOOK YOUR TIME TO TALK TO ME FOR FREE HERE: https://bit.ly/CANstrategysession

  • How is your relationship with your wellness & self care?

    Here is the deal - I see a lot of women burning out left and right with 0 time and energy to care for themselves.

    We cannot feel confident when we always put ourselves at the bottom of the list, showing up every day running on fumes.

    Confidence comes from care.

    Your health is wealth, so let’s evaluate your wellness today so we can elevate your wealth and get you the luxurious care you need and deserve.

    In the latest podcast episode that just dropped inside The Confidence Lounge, we are diving into this quick evaluation focusing on the 7 categories of care.

    Let's check in and see where you are at.

    And if you are listening and finding yourself thinking about how you want to make your care + wellness your priority - we do that in a very powerful way together inside the CAN Program.

    Tap here to learn more & get started today.

  • If you feel like you never have enough time or money, this quick episode is for you.

    One of the biggest sources of insecurity I see with women stems from their relationship with time and money.

    Because how can you truly feel confident when you don’t feel in control over how you spend and save your time and money?

    A huge passion of mine is to help women become
    Time Rich & Money Smart.

    How you spend & save your time + money is something that is 100% in control.

    So let's check in and shine the light on your relationship with time & money.

    Let's work together to get you back in control over having the exact amount of time & money you need to live the life you want.

    Tap here to start creating financial & time confidence today: https://www.soulmakeup.com/can-program

  • Has there ever been a moment in your life where you were fed up up with the BS and reached the point of wanting to scream "I'M DONE" - well I reached that moment a few years back and want to share with you what stemmed from this moment of hitting my done point.

    What has happened since then has been nothing short of remarkable.

    If you need to get hyped in this moment, listen to this.

    This passion and confidence running through me has the potential to inspire you & open up your portal of potential.

    I am so excited to share this energy with you.


    Work together 1:1 inside the CAN Program: https://www.soulmakeup.com/can-program

  • Have you ever felt the nagging feeling inside of you that you urgently need to share something that is on your heart?

    That nagging feeling consumed me as I was developing the Confidence Catalyst Challenge.

    I had a vivid memory come up about a moment when I crossed paths with a young women named Lauren on a perfect, picturesque night in Malibu back in 2020.

    Nothing could have mentally prepared me for how this moment would profoundly impact the rest of my life.

    This haunting event reminded me of life's fragility and the urgency to live intentionally.

    I opened the challenge with this story.

    Sharing this was sobering and deeply moving for the women at there and I felt called to share this with you too.

    Brace yourself - this one is going to get you into your feels.


  • Let’s talk about a massive opportunity presenting itself to you right now. This has the potential to be the moment when you look back and say “OMG - that changed EVERYTHING for me” - tune in to learn more 💝

  • Ok I am feeling all sorts of feisty and one of my favorite things to do when I am in this energy is hop on and do a live Q&A with you.

    I put up a story on Instagram asking you all what you wanted me to answer and HOLY MOLY - You were all over the place with your questions today which made it SO FUN.

    I loved answering every single one of them & had to share this as a podcast episode as well!

    Q&A’s with you are truly one of my absolute favorite things because I get to give you tools to help, we get to know each other better and it’s so fun to share pieces of my life with you.

    So thank you for your FAB questions and without further adieu, here is what we are getting into in today’s Q&A session.

    1. What is your fav lipstick brand?

    2. Tell me more about the challenge next week (ps: if you haven’t registered yet – tap here)

    3. What beauty company did you like working for the most?

    4. How do you manage your time so well when you have so many things going on?

    5. Can you describe your coaching style?

    6. What you do in your program is so unique – how did you land here? (learn more about what we do inside the CAN Program HERE)

    7. What was your first girls night out after having your baby?

    8. What’s your favorite thing to do for self care?

    9. What is your best success advice?

    10. What’s the most money you think you can make?

    11. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever coached on?

    12. What is your favorite country that you have been to?

    ​Tap here to watch our Q&A replay.​

    Have any more FAB Q's for me?

    Shoot me a message on Instagram @yoursoulmakeup & I will feature your question in our next Q&A! WOO WOO!

  • Have you ever taken a moment to truly visualize your most confident self? If not, get ready because we are going to do that in a very POWERFUL way right now.

    I invite you to sit back, relax and open the portal of possibility as you meet your most confident you.

    PS: If you loved this experience then you will be OBSESSED with everything I have coming for your during the Confidence Catalyst Challenge which kicks off on Monday 5/13 at 9am PST.

    REGISTER FOR FREE HERE: https://www.soulmakeup.com/confidencecatalystchallenge

  • Confidence is not just meant for some of us - It is meant for all of us and today, I want to share with you 4 POWERFUL ways to begin confidence right now. Because in my world, we do not wait. We make our growth our priority and shift into taking confident action NOW.

    So many women tell me they want to feel confident andyet – working on their confidence falls to the bottom of your priority list.

    Either they don't know where to start or find themselves confused, overwhelmed and spinning out at which point our mind loses focus and moves onto the next thing.

    I am here to help you get out of your head and figure this all out.
    Because no matter where you want to focus your growth, the same fundamentals apply.
    And the things that are keeping you from feelingconfident are the same things keeping you from feeling confident are same things keeping you from:

    Getting paid what you want Feeling secure in your relationships Loving who you see in the mirror Showing this world who you truly are Making the bold decisions Feeling good enough exactly as you are Having the time and energy to enjoy your life Growing into who you and I both know you are meant to be.

    So let's shift this and make this the month of MORE.

    I want you to look back and think "OMG - this was the month that changed EVERYTHING"

    Because it can be.

    So let's get you the tools you need to make it happen for yourself right now.



  • Did you know that you can fail with confidence? Yes - I said fail with confidence.

    Now, I know some of you might be raising your eyebrows, thinking, "Elyse - What on earth are you talking about?"

    Women give me the side-eye like I've sprouted a second head when I mention failing with confidence.

    But trust me, there's method to this madness.

    Stick around, and I'll break it down for you.

    For years, I've been teaching this concept, especially to women struggling with low self-confidence who hold themselves back because they are scared to fail.

    In today's episode, we're diving deep into:

    1. Why so many women are scared to fail

    2. Inspiring examples of women who failed EPICALLY and used this a fuel to achieve MAJOR success

    3. A revealing question to uncover the truth behind why you personally fear failure

    4. Practical ways to support yourself as you embrace the concept of failing with confidence

    5. Creating your fail safe plan to navigate failure without the fear

    So get ready to bid adieu to the "failure is not an option" mindset (PS: This mindset is a major growth limiter) and instead, make room for failure because, spoiler alert: it'sinevitable.

    Now – let’s not waste one more second getting you the valuable insights you need so you can start failing with confidence.


    Ready to start failing with confidence? That is exactly what I will show you how to do in our 1:1 work together inside the CAN Program. Tap HERE to get started today.

  • Discover the Life Changing Hack to Conquer Fear of Judgment.

    Join me as I unveil this secret weapon I’ve used to help empower hundreds of women to overcome their fear of judgement and shift into confidence.

    Plus, I am giving you 15 transformative thoughts to combat fear-based thinking & give you all of your control back so you can release the worry of what other people think about you.

    Let’s dive in so we can get you the tools you need right now.

    PS: Ready to start overcoming your fears so you can put yourself out there free from the weight of other peoples opinions of you? Jointhe CAN Program & we will get started working on the fears that are keeping you stuck right now. Get ready to rewrite your narrative, get control over your mindset so you can finally overcome the fear of judgment and embrace your true self.

    Your journey to confidence starts now.

    Get started here.

  • Ever felt like you're just faking it 'til you make it? If so - You're not alone...

    Studies suggest that around 70% of people experience imposter syndrome at some point in their lives.

    But what exactly is imposter syndrome and how do we overcome this?

    Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon where we doubt our accomplishments and have a persistent fear of being exposed as a "fraud," despite evidence of our competence.

    It can manifest as feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and a fear of being unable to meet expectations.

    In today's episode, I am offering you 4 crazy ways to start overcoming this phenomenon right now.

    I love to hit you with unexpected was to make overcoming the hard things FUN.

    So get ready to open your mind to a few unique ways you may or may have not ever heard before.

    I am so excited to hear your thoughts about this...

    Let's get into it.


    Work together inside the CAN Program

  • If you follow me on Instagram, you have seen me share about my girls nights out.

    These are something I do for myself 1-2 times per month because these nights bring me back to me.

    And every time I talk about these nights, my DM's blow up.

    So much so, that I did a poll on IG asking if you wanted me to do a podcast on the value of a girls night and how I intentionally plan these in a way that leaves me feeling connected, energized and full of so much love.

    This was the most popular poll I've ever posted so guess what - the time has come to dive deep into the value of girls nights out.

    Because the reality is - we are going through a loneliness epidemic as women.

    The pandemic truly changed the way we connect.

    I know for me, this year I finally felt ready to reemerge back into the world.

    I went from starting my business > to my mom being diagnosed with cancer > to losing a baby > straight into the pandemic > to having a baby - OMG.


    Needless to say, these last few years have been A LOT as I am sure they have been for you too.

    After navigating the pandemic, becoming a caretaker and having my son, I really struggled with feeling disconnected.

    I was operating in full on survival mode which left me feeling alone with 0 fuel left in the tank to do anything.

    At the end of last year after my son turned 1, I felt myself gaining the capacity to socialize again which was SO REFRESHING because I am an energetic extrovert who definitely recharges through spending time with people I love.

    As crazy as it sounds, one of the things that brought me back to life and helped to remind me of who I was on the other side of so many massive life changes was my girls nights out.

    Girls' nights offer a valuable opportunity for us to connect, de-stress, express ourselves, receive support and encouragement, and feel empowered, ultimately contributing to a significant increase in confidence levels.

    I definitely felt that and my hope is that you will too.

    Today we are going deep into why girls nights are one of the most valuable forms of self care.

    I am breaking down the direct correlation between confidence and girls nights out (you will not believe these stats I am about to drop for you ) I am telling you how I plan my nights and why I am so intentional about who I include (hint - no negative Nancy's or energy vampires allowed at Girls Night 😝) I am telling you the 3 specific things that will KILL the vibe of your girls night in an instant (needless to say - you don't want to do these things if you want to have a good night out)

    You want to feel more fulfilled, confident and connected to you?

    Start here by planning your GNO with me.

    Let's get into it.




  • Whether you love her or hate her, there is no denying that Kris Jenner is a global success creator.

    Last week I had the honor of attending the LA Magazine Women of Influence Luncheon where got to see the queen matriarch speak live on her journey to the top.

    Her grounded, tangible tips make creating success drama free because she keeps it simple.

    I am so excited to share her powerful advice with you along with other inspiring words from the panel that included:

    Kamie Crawford – Sports Illustrated Model and cohost of MTV’s Catfish

    Christine Divine – Local LA News Anchor and overall iconic woman in Los Angeles

    Gillian Zucker – LA Clippers Executive who is building the dream team with a new venue to match

    Their words + a few power tips of my own that I sprinkled in for you have the potential to motivate you to take your next in elevating your success.

    Tune in to hear these golden nuggets from these power house women and then, I invite you to start taking confident action now to make your potential success your reality.

    Let’s get into it.

    LINKS:Tap here to start working together on your success inside the CAN Program

    Tap here to learn more about the LA Magazine Event Honoring Kris Jenner

  • I have recently been getting a lot of questions on how I made my mid-life career pivot creating a business from scratch all while continuing to live my fairytale life.

    People tell me they wish they could do the same.

    I have good news – you can.

    My life is not a coincidence.

    It is intentional.

    I am the woman who gives myself everything I’ve ever wanted.

    You can be too.

    I truly believe we are all limitless beings who are 100% capable of having everything we have ever wanted.

    Your dream can be your reality.

    But a lot of us get stuck believing our dreams and having what we want is impossible.

    We talk ourselves out of our dreams vs. talking ourselves into them.

    Fear and doubt spins us out and keeps us on the starting line.

    I want to help shift this.

    In today’s episode, I am offering you the 3 simple steps that empowered me to make all of my personal & professional dreams my fairytale reality.

    These same steps also supported me when I launched my business from scratch after spending almost 20 highly successful years in thebeauty industry.

    I will share with you how I applied these steps in real time so you can start implementing the same strategy to make career pivots & buildyour fairytale life.

    I also have 7 Prompts to offer you that will serve as dream starters to open up the portal of potential in your mind to help you get clear on your vision, what you really want and where to start.

    Lastly, I have a quick hack to help you get out of your own way so you can fall in love with the journey as you create your fairytale life vs. thinking you are behind or need to work harder to get there.

    Let’s get into it.


    To work together inside the CAN Program so you can startapplying the DVA formula like a pro, tap here: https://bit.ly/CANstrategysession