
  • We love a good system. And when it comes to content marketing, having clear systems, or ways of doing things can save you a lot of time and rework.

    In fact, you can create a ton of successful marketing content in a streamlined way when you have good systems.

    Which is why, in today’s Content Sells episode, your hosts, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon are sharing 4 Must-Have Marketing Systems That Can Save You HOURS Every Week!

    Listen to This Episode to Hear More About:

    -> Why even a “back of the napkin” marketing plan is better than none

    -> Discover the project planning tools Suzi uses in her own business to keep productivity high

    -> Why you need to build a “runway” into your project plans and the specific part of the process most of us forget when planning out our campaigns.

    -> The content planning process in place for the HerBusiness Growth Retreat.

    -> The one thing you must always do before pressing the “send” button on your emails.

    -> How to collect more awesome testimonials and case studies.

    -> How to create a powerful “Feedback Loop” that accelerates your business growth.

    -> And much more

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind

    -> HerBusiness Network

    -> HerBusiness Growth Retreat

    -> Episode 199 - Creating a Runway: How To Pave The Way For The Sale & Get MORE Results For LESS Cost!

    -> Episode 245 - 8 Website Mistakes That Could Cost You

    -> Kristy-Lee Billett, People Powered HR

  • Attracting high-paying clients can make ALL the difference in terms of your profitability and also how much you ENJOY and THRIVE in your business.

    In today’s Content Sells episode, your hosts, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon are speaking with coaching and business expert Melinda Cohan about her Brand New Book “The Professional Coach” and how you can use her frameworks to grow your business and find more high paying clients you LOVE working with.

    While her book is geared towards Coaching Businesses, the GEMS Melinda shares in this episode are so valuable for ALL business types.

    PLUS checkout Melinda’s SPECIAL OFFER for Content Sells listeners when you buy her Must-Read Book.

    VISIT: TheProfessionalCoachBook.com

    Listen to This Episode to Hear More About:

    -> Why you need to shift from an “Amateur” to “Professional” mindset in your business.

    -> The 8 Pillars of Professionalism that help you grow a more successful and robust business.

    -> Why we’re getting what it means to have a “work ethic” wrong (and how that’s burning us out!).

    -> How to come up with your Unique Value Proposition – what makes you uniquely and unapologetically you!

    -> Why you may be taking the services you offer for granted and why that’s diminishing the value you are getting paid.

    -> How to deliver “exquisite client support” (and why this matters now more than ever!).

    -> How to set professional pricing and why this doesn’t have to be daunting.

    -> The difference between being burdened by your business and liberated by your business.

    -> Rememberable and Repeatable and Writedownable
 the 3 things your unique value proposition needs to be.

    -> How jargon is killing your ability to attract high value clients.

    -> The business success roadmap Melinda has shared with over 100,000 business owners

    -> How to apply the power of leverage to: time, wisdom, expertise, content and impact.

    -> How to get off the “feast or famine” rollercoaster when it comes to business growth.

    -> How to get clients unstuck using a simple idea Melinda learned from a world champion dog trainer.

    -> How Melinda is making money “fun”!

    -> What if money was a lover? The groundbreaking question Melinda asks to change our relationship with money.

    -> How to shake off the employee mindset that may be holding you back from your business going beyond being a “hobby”.

    -> Why “charge what you’re worth” has nothing to do with pricing and is one of the most damaging pieces of advice in the business world.

    -> “Aligned Pricing” - how to align your pricing with the results you’re delivering so you can better communicate value.

    -> The “reverse” thinking that will help you price and package your products in a profitable and aligned way.

    -> How to “Protect your sparkle” and the role of self care in business (Melinda shares a “mic drop” piece of advice around self care that will blow your mind!)

    -> How to have a big business while protecting your self care (even during busy launches).

    -> And much more

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind

    -> HerBusiness Network

    -> Get The Professional Coach Book + Bonuses HERE

    -> Melinda Cohan - The Coaches Console

    -> Episode 15 - How to Create Great Content Without Burning Out

    -> Episode 77 - Secrets to Creating Engaged Online Communities With Susan Garrett

    -> Episode 110 - Villains, Superpowers and Designing a Successful Content Strategy With Melinda Cohan

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  • Have you ever tried to get PR? Does it feel like you need to speak some “strange language” or pay a PR agent thousands of dollars to get TV, Radio and Press journalists to pay attention to you?

    If so, you’re going to LOVE today’s Content Sells episode!

    Your hosts, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon are speaking with someone who has unlocked the power of FREE Publicity to grow her business and “become famous” in her niche.

    That person is one of our Marketing Success Masterminders – property lawyer, Amanda Farmer, of Your Strata Property.

    We’ve LOVED watching Amanda rack up win after win over the years when it comes to being featured in mainstream media like The Today Show, Sydney Morning Herald, Sky News, 2GB, A Current Affair, ABC News and more.

    So, we invited her onto the show to share her secrets!

    Listen to This Episode to Hear More About:

    -> How Amanda is reaching literally millions of people for FREE via mainstream media

    -> What steps Amanda took to become recognised as an expert in her niche by journalists from TV, Radio and the Press.

    -> The necessity of having a story to share once a month.

    -> How to know what stories journalists will find interesting (and which ones will get ignored).

    -> How to build relationships with journalists and the things you must know about them and their media outlet BEFORE you connect with them!

    -> How to be resilient and stay in for “the long game.”

    -> The side benefits of PR that aren’t getting a flood of leads (these can actually sometimes be even more powerful).

    -> Why realising journalists don’t have imagination can be a game changer when it comes to being SEEN by the media.

    -> How to avoid the “curse of knowledge” when pitching stories.

    -> How to be intentional about the media you want to be in (big tip - consume the media you want to be on).

    -> How to come up with powerful hooks and angles that will get journalists featuring you.

    -> The one most important thing to include in your FIRST media pitch to a journalist.

    -> 3 “universal” types of PR worthy stories you likely have in YOUR business right now.

    -> The site that publishes daily FREE Pr opportunities.

    -> The “cardinal sin” when building a relationship with a journalist (and how to avoid it).

    -> How to use your “PR mentions” after your appearance for long term benefit.

    -> And much more

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind

    -> HerBusiness Network

    -> Amanda Farmer - Your Strata Property

    -> Cat Matson - Impactful Presenters

    -> Melinda Cohan - The Coaches Console

  • Finding the best way to get to the core of your authentic message can be a frustrating and difficult journey for many content marketers.

    That’s why, in this episode, your hosts, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon are speaking with messaging expert, Erin Weed about how to find your core message and express yourself in a powerful and authentic way.

    Erin helps leaders excavate and distil their truth through her unique method called The DigÂź.

    She says “I created The Dig to help you remember who you are, what you stand for and how to share it with others.”

    Listen to This episode to Hear More About:

    -> Why it’s not just clarity we are looking for, but EPIC Clarity (and how to get it!)

    -> How to feel so confident and “on fire” about your message that you’re not only ready to tell people about what you do, but you’re unstoppable!

    -> The straightforward “Grounding Question,” Erin recommends we ask ourselves when we are triggered, to quickly re-centre ourselves and bring us back to who we are.

    -> Erin’s 10-word operating system.

    -> The one intention we should all have when making a presentation to an audience

    The real reason you might be feeling resistance to being more visible (and it’s not what you think).

    -> Why self help is not about changing people, but rather helping them get back to the most true version of themselves.

    -> How to find the most powerful ways for you to create your unique content with ease.

    -> The 3 truths we have running all the time (and why understanding this can unlock your communication).

    -> The role of facts, emotions and gut-feelings in your finding your purpose and what your core message is.

    -> How to access Erin’s FREE Head-Heart-Core Video Training.

    -> And much more

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind

    -> HerBusiness Network

    -> Erin Weed

    -> Erin’s FREE Head-Heart-Core Video Training

    -> EP 228 - When and How To Offer a VIP Ticket Option for Your Online Course, Challenge or Program

    -> Belinda Weaver - Copywrite Matters

  • Are you bamboozling your audience with jargon?

    Are you being too complex or technical with your copy?

    In this episode, your hosts, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon chat with HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind member, Susan Bell of Susan Bell Research about the power of “Plain Language” and you can be massively more effective with your content when you are more straight forward.

    Listen to This Episode to Hear More About:

    -> Why Plain Language is a lot more than using simpler language in our writing

    -> The 4 elements of Plain Language.

    -> How to make sure your reader can get & find the information they need, when they need it.

    -> The keys to being more understandable!

    -> How to communicate so people can actually USE the information you are sharing.

    -> Why getting your users to understand begins with YOU understanding your users!

    -> The “Hop, skip and jump” phenomenon that stops your clients actually reading and understanding your content.

    -> The “Plain language edit” – how to create plain language content.

    -> What you can learn when reading your own content – the “breath” test that shows you where you may be losing your readers.

    -> Where and how to treat your most important information.

    -> The vital piece of information you must always put at the top of any page or website.

    -> The precious value of white space!

    -> The “word count” hack that lets you know you’ve stepped over plain language barrier and you’re probably being too complex!

    -> How to use headings as a way to make it easier for people to navigate your content.

    -> How to use “big business” user testing ideas in small business to create more effective communication your market loves (and understands!)

    -> The RIGHT way to use jargon (what you must do every time you use jargon)

    -> And much more

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind

    -> HerBusiness Network

    -> Susan Bell - Susan Bell Research

    -> Belinda Weaver - Copywrite Matters

    -> EP 237 - How & When to Hire a Copywriter with Belinda Weaver

  • Your website is one of your most important assets as a small business owner. It’s often the first point of contact potential clients have with your business.

    So you definitely want to know the common website mistakes that could be costing you clients and sales.

    In this episode, your hosts, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon draw on their decades of experience seeing plenty of websites to identify some of the TOP website mistakes that cost you sales.

    Listen to This Episode to Hear More About:

    -> How you might be confusing people as soon as they arrive on your website (and why that means they are almost guaranteed to leave immediately).

    -> How to craft a compelling headline and the “unforgivable” mistake we see on most websites.

    -> The right and wrong way to use visuals on your site when it comes to making sales.

    -> What Seth Godin told Suzi about a “banana” that changed the way she created her websites from that day forward.

    -> The tech hiccup you need to see your web admin about right now to make sure it’s not happening to you (this one costs you visitors even BEFORE they get to your website!)

    -> The must-do process when thinking about your website navigation.

    -> And much more

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind

    -> HerBusiness Network

    -> Amazon Cloudfront

    -> Google Cloud CDN

    -> Ep 23 - How to Craft an Offer That Sells

    -> EP 25 - Is SEO Still Relevant When Creating Content With Kate Toon

    -> EP 206 - 16 Essential Elements of a Successful Sales Page

    -> Yvonne Shepherd - Women’s Fitness Adventures

    -> Stacey Morgan - ROAR Success

  • Wondering why your promotional emails aren’t working? Maybe you’re not getting enough people opening them or clicking on them or buying from you!

    In this episode, your hosts, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon chat with email marketing expert Kathy Farah about why your promotional emails might not be working, the common mistakes and practical steps to overcome those mistakes so you can get better results from your email list (even if you have a small list!).

    Listen to This Episode to Hear More About:

    -> Why being afraid to promote/sell to your email list is stifling your growth potential

    -> How to know how often to send emails to your list.

    -> Kathy’s top tips for segmenting and personalising your emails (and why this is HUGELY important if you want to get better results).

    -> How to avoid getting stuck in the “features trap” and focus more on the benefits you’re offering in your emails.

    -> The secret to a clear and compelling call to action (and Kathy answers the age-old question, “How many calls to action should I put in my emails?!”

    -> Why a small, sweet list is more profitable than a big rambly list and how to CLEAN your list of the inactive people dragging down your deliverability.

    -> How to optimise your subject line to get more of your emails opened.

    -> How to segment your email list.

    -> How to avoid alienating your subscribers.

    -> How to use AI to help you be more benefit-focused by feeding in your product features.

    -> How to avoid the spam folder!

    -> The metrics that will let you know whether you are succeeding or failing with your email marketing.

    -> The power of short sentences.

    -> What you need to have done BEFORE and AFTER you add your CTA in your email.

    -> How to use your own Spam folder to avoid being caught by other people’s spam filters.

    -> How to use the 80/20 rule for deciding how often to send promo emails.

    -> The possibly-contentious automation to add to your emails after 100 days of subscriber inactivity.

    -> And much more

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind

    -> HerBusiness Network

    -> Belinda Weaver - Copywrite Matters

    -> EP 23 - How to Craft an Offer That Sells

    -> EP 52 - 8 Types of Subject Lines that Will Get Your Emails Opened

    -> EP 202 - The “Features” Trap – Why You Need to Focus on Benefits vs Features to Make More Sales!

    -> EP 207 - How AI is Changing the Marketing Game For Small Business Owners

    -> EP 231 - Email Marketing – Navigating The Biggest Change in 20 Years with Cheryl Rerick

    ->EP 237 - How & When to Hire a Copywriter with Belinda Weaver

  • We get it! Creating, sharing, posting, saving, scheduling content – it can be a lot!

    In this episode, your hosts, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon are sharing 5 ways a virtual assistant can help you with your content marketing.

    Listen to This Episode to Hear More About:

    -> The FIRST thing you need to realise about ANY VA

    -> Our big “gripe” with the current mindset around Virtual Assistants (and why this has to CHANGE!).

    -> Why looking for a “unicorn” VA who can do all the things is being unrealistic (and what you need to do instead).

    -> How to get yourself out of the weeds when it comes to scheduling your content and set your VA up for success instead.

    -> What a busy HR Business Owner found was the KEY to a successful relationship with her VA.

    -> The biggest mistake MOST people make when hiring a Virtual Assistant.

    -> What “creative” work to outsource to your VA and what to keep to yourself.

    -> How and when to build in approval steps that keep things streamlined but also ensure the quality of your content is maintained.

    -> Why you might want to consider having the person who schedules your content also be the person to REPORT on that content.

    -> Why you’ve likely struggled with VAs in the past (and the one simple thing you can do to change that).

    -> And much more

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind

    -> HerBusiness Network

    -> Belinda Weaver - Copywrite Matters

    -> EP 231 - Email Marketing – Navigating The Biggest Change in 20 Years with Cheryl Rerick

    -> EP 237 - How & When to Hire a Copywriter with Belinda Weaver

    -> Kristy-Lee Billet - People Powered HR

    -> Shandra Moran - The Transit Lounge

    -> Virginia Wells - WellSorted

    -> Gillian Erskine - Forte School of Music

    -> Greg Jenkins - MonkeyPod Marketing

  • Are you thinking about hiring a copywriter?

    When should you do it? What is the best way to go about it? How much should you pay?

    These are questions we get asked all the time.

    And getting good answers to these questions is important because good copy can make a MASSIVE difference to your results.

    There’s a lot to think about when hiring a copywriter.

    In this episode, your hosts, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon speak with copywriting expert, Belinda Weaver from Copywrite Matters.

    Belinda is not only an experienced copywriter herself, she has also taught thousands of copywriters and she understands the specific needs of small business owners when it comes to finding, hiring and successfully working with a copywriter.

    Get Belinda’s FREE GIFT for Content Sells Listeners HERE:

    3 Tips Copywriting Essentials Mini-Course

    This course is for you if you’re “Copy Curious” and would like to get a feel for the craft of copywriting.

    It includes Belinda’s 3 best tips for shifting gears from writing on instinct to writing copy that really hits the mark with readers and customers.

    Listen to This Episode to Hear More About:

    -> The signs that you need to hire a copywriter

    -> How much to pay for a copywriter

    -> Where and how to find a copywriter that’s right for you (there are many different types of copy and you want the right writer for each job!)

    -> The 3 main types of copywriters and why you don’t want to get these mixed up!

    -> When to chose the all-rounder copywriter vs specialist copywriter

    -> The shift in the copywriter’s role given the rise of AI

    -> Why listening is one of the most important traits of your copywriter

    -> How to create an awesome brief for your copywriter

    -> How to support your copywriter understand your brand voice

    -> The ideal first project for your next copywriter hire

    -> Why you may need to reframe your thinking about how much you pay your copywriter

    -> And much more

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind

    -> HerBusiness Network

    -> Belinda Weaver - Copywrite Matters

    -> Belinda’s 3 Tips Copywriting Essentials Mini-Course

    -> Michelle Martin - Professional Performance Coach

  • There is a really powerful type of content marketing that you can use at various points in your marketing funnel. Whether that's at the very top of your funnel when you are acquiring new leads or in the middle of your funnel when you want to help people get more informed so they can feel ready to buy from you. Or even at the bottom of your funnel where you can use this strategy to help people figure out exactly which of your products or services is the right one for them to purchase.

    And that strategy is to create a Quiz!

    In this episode, your hosts, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon look at the best practices of creating a high converting quiz and they share the 7 steps you need to take to make your Quiz.

    PLUS BONUS - NEW High Converting Quiz 7-Step Checklist...

    Listen to This Episode to Hear More About:

    -> The first thing you need to do when considering if a quiz is right for you.

    -> How to use a quiz to learn a LOT more about your new leads (and then what to do with that knowledge to get more sales).

    -> How to use a quiz if you want to get people to register for your webinar.

    -> Our top tip for tailoring the quiz to your ideal client avatar, so you’re attracting more of the people you really want!

    -> The important step people leave too late in the process that you actually need to be thinking about surprisingly early when creating your quiz.

    -> How to fast track finding a compelling topic for your quiz that will attract your prospect in droves.

    -> What you need to think about when categorising people based on their quiz results.

    -> The thing you must do right away when someone has completed your quiz.

    -> And much more

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind

    -> HerBusiness Network

    -> Suzi’s What’s Your Networking Personality? Quiz Example

    -> The NEW High Converting Quiz 7-Step Checklist

    -> Ryan Levesque - The ASK Method

    -> bucket.io

    -> Ep 02 - Your Ideal Client

    -> Ep 69 - Why You Need to Find Your Niche

    -> Ep 146 - The Power of a Niche With Shelley Brander

    -> Ep 218 - Imperfection is Beautiful

    -> Episode 229 - Own Your Niche

    -> Seona Roberts - The Hooked On Crochet Club

  • It’s our Annual Content Marketing Tools Episode!

    In today’s show, your hosts, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon share the Content Marketing Tools they are loving right now!

    Listen to This Episode to Hear More About:

    -> The tool that’s recently added a bunch of AI functionality that you want to revisit!

    -> The “stupid simple” tool Suzi uses EVERY day that radically increases her productivity.

    -> The revolutionary way to create short video clips from longer videos (and why, if you currently do this manually you need to RUN **don’t walk** - to find out what this tool is - because it will save you HOURS every month!).

    -> The latest ChatGPT feature that’s a game changer.

    -> How to easily (and inexpensively) get fancy 3D mockups done of all your courses, podcasts, webinars, lead magnets and other products – look like a pro for free!

    And much more

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind

    -> HerBusiness Network

    -> The NEW 2024 Content Marketing Tools Guide

    -> Ep 225 - How We Produce This Podcast

    -> Katie Crane - The Pilates Professional

  • In this episode, your hosts, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon chat with online advertising expert, Stacey Hughes about how to determine your ad budget when just getting started with paid traffic.

    Listen to This Episode to Hear More About:

    -> Why paid ads are just one piece of the marketing puzzle (and won’t solve all your problems!).

    -> The 3 parts of your funnel you should focus on and build specific ad campaigns around.

    -> Where engagement ads fit into the process (and why you need them).

    -> How and when to use paid ads to get people to your webinar.

    -> The problem of being “too keen” for the sale (and why this can blow your marketing budget out of the water!).

    -> The recommended percentage of revenue to spend on paid ads.

    -> The one campaign (and budget recommendation) Stacey says you should get started with for as little as $5 a day.

    -> What is a good Cost Per Lead? This answer is a doozy!

    -> Why you need to answer the important question “what’s happening to these leads once they enter my world?”

    -> The innovative campaign that can get tons more listeners to your podcast.

    -> Why you need your lead magnet campaign to be “always on.”

    -> How to think about a self-liquidating offer.

    -> The clever “social proof” ad hack you will want to try immediately!

    -> The 3 types of ads to start with.

    -> How to know if you should create ads with long copy or short copy.

    -> AI and what to expect from the platforms that’s a game changer when it comes to ad targeting.

    -> And much more

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind

    -> HerBusiness Network

    -> Stacey Hughes

    -> Ep 178 - How to Get Free Leads With a Self-Liquidating Offer - With Brandi Mowles

    -> Ep 224 - Exploding Mountains (When to Stop Offering a Product or Service)

    -> Alex Hanlon - Engine No. 2

  • In this episode, your hosts, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon are discussing your business model and how to choose the right one for you.

    Plus, we’re looking at the direct impact your business model has on your marketing choices.

    When you get those choices wrong, it can be challenging to reach your money goals.

    PLUS Get the BONUS Volume/Value Matrix Free Download!

    This simple 4-part framework demystifies how to match your marketing to your business model and explains WHY you might be struggling to get results right now.

    Listen to This Episode to Hear More About:

    -> The 8 types of business models.

    -> How to know if you have a “hybrid” business model.

    -> Why understanding the unique relationship between the QUANTITY you want to sell and the VALUE of what you sell, is one of your most important jobs as a business owner.

    -> The 4 types of Volume/Value business models we wish every business owner knew!

    -> The one Volume/Vale quadrant you NEVER want to be in.

    -> What to do if you find you have the WRONG business model.

    -> 4 ways to change your business model

    -> And much more

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind

    -> HerBusiness Network

    -> FREE Volume / Value Matrix Download

    -> Stu McLaren Membership Workshop

    -> Ep 223 - Going from Reactive to Proactive Marketing

    -> Ep 224 - Exploding Mountains (When to Stop Offering a Product or Service)

    -> Anita McLachlan - Sequins & Sand

  • Whether you have a podcast, or you’re thinking about creating one, or even if you may never have a podcast but you create regular content that you would like to monetise in some way
 today’s episode is for you!

    In this episode, your hosts, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon speak to massively successful podcaster, Omar Zenhom.

    Omar is the founder and host of The $100 MBA Show. The $100 MBA Show is ranked as a top business podcast in over 30 countries.

    With over 200 million downloads and over 2,400 episodes, Omar knows a thing or two about what works (and what doesn’t) when it comes to making money from podcasts.

    Listen to This Episode to Hear More About:

    -> How Omar and Nicole’s first podcast failed
 but gave them an invaluable lesson that was a key to their success.

    -> How focusing on his own unique strengths vs trying to “do what everyone else was doing” paved the way for millions of podcast downloads a month.

    -> The FIRST question you need to ask yourself about your podcast before you monetise.

    -> 7 ways to make money from your podcast (and Omar’s favourite!).

    -> The “big gamble” Omar and Nicole took on their podcast
 and how it paid off.

    -> Why Omar waited until they had 10,000 a day before accepting paid ad sponsorship.

    -> How Omar sells his course and other products from his podcast.

    -> The clever way to combine your email, social and podcast audiences to get even more sponsorship dollars.

    -> Why you don’t need a large audience to successfully monetise your podcast.

    -> Why Dynamic Inserted Ads was a game changer and other ways sponsorship has changed in the last few years.

    -> Placement matters – the one place Omar says you should NOT put an ad on your podcast and where he suggests you place it instead.

    -> The sponsorship opportunities Omar says no to (and why).

    -> Ways to grow your email list from your podcast and the “mic drop” piece of advice Omar shares about how to choose a lead magnet that your audience will flock to sign up for from your podcast.

    -> Plus so much more!

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind

    -> HerBusiness Network

    -> Omar Zenhom

    -> The $100 MBA Show

    -> Ep 225 - How We Produce This Podcast

    -> Sue Jalowiec - Knit It Now

  • BIG changes are coming that will impact every business that uses email marketing.

    In this episode, your hosts, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon speak to email automation expert, Cheryl Rerick, about the looming changes being made by Google, Yahoo, Microsoft that have a direct impact on the deliverability of your emails!

    These are some of the biggest changes to happen in email marketing for 20 years and you need to get ahead of the changes to ensure your emails remain compliant and that you can continue get your message into the inbox of the people on your email list.

    Listen to this episode to hear more about:

    -> Authentication practices you need to have in place by April 2024 (or put your email deliverability at risk).

    -> What the heck acronyms like SPF, DNS, DKIM and DMARC mean (and exactly what you need to do to be compliant).

    -> Why the changes are not as scary as they first sound and how they are actually good for you and for email marketing in general.

    -> How you can take back control of your email deliverability.

    -> The “non-verbal” message your email recipients could be sending that’s hurting your email deliverability (and what you need to do about it).

    -> List “hygiene” practices and the ideal time to remove inactive subscribers from your email list.

    -> The email re-engagement strategy this is SO SMART we wonder why we didn’t think of it before!

    -> Cheryl’s top 3 strategies for re-engaging subscribers.

    -> The big mistakes business owners make when it comes to navigating the big changes coming.

    -> How to know if the changes apply to you (hint: they do!).

    -> The free Google tool that gives you instant insight into how Google is rating your email reputation right now (and why knowing this is more important than ever!).

    -> What to do to avoid getting stuck in SPAM filters.

    -> Plus so much more!

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind
    -> HerBusiness Network
    -> Cheryl Rerick
    -> Get Cheryl’s FREE Email Deliverability Workshop
    -> Ep 11 - The Step 2 Secret
    -> Google Postmaster Tools
    -> Melanie Campbell - Confidently Peri

  • In today’s show, we’re sharing a MANTRA that is making a BIG difference with our students and clients when it comes to having a Marketing Breakthrough.

    Sometimes, a marketing breakthrough can be doing something new, and sometimes, it can be what we’re STOPPING doing that creates it. Sometimes, it’s BOTH – we have to stop one thing so we can do another.

    But change can be daunting.

    Whether you’re delving into new territory, turning off a part of your business to focus on another, or launching or closing down a product – this simple 3-word Mantra could be a powerful tool for you!

    Listen to this Episode to Hear More About:

    -> The conversation that sparked this 3-word mantra.

    -> How to use this mantra to stop second-guessing yourself.

    -> How to create an effective mantra (and why you might need one to “hack” your behaviour).

    -> Why adding some whimsy to your mantra actually make it more effective.

    -> The one thing that makes all the difference between being able to create big positive changes in your business or getting stuck with the status quo.

    -> How Suzi used the central idea of this mantra when selling one of her businesses.

    -> How to use this mantra to charge higher prices and get better at negotiating.

    -> When and how to use this mantra to breakthrough, even if you feel totally out of your depth.

    -> Plus so much more!

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind

    -> HerBusiness Network

    -> Made to Stick Book by Chip and Dan Heath

    -> EP 174 - How to Create Time For Big Ideas That Grow Your Business

    -> EP 204 - The Perils of Overthinking and Underdoing

    -> EP 205 - How Owning More Space Helps You Reach More People With Your Content Marketing

    -> EP 214 - The Hybrid Expert Revolution - With Ryan Levesque

    -> EP 223 - Going from Reactive to Proactive Marketing

    -> EP 224 - Exploding Mountains (When to Stop Offering a Product or Service)

    -> EP 226 - Best Books For Content Marketing - 2024 Edition

    -> Michelle Pascoe - Oops

  • Your niche is the market you serve. And we’ve all heard the advice that “you’ve got to have a niche.”

    But it’s not enough to have a super clear niche and really great messaging that speaks directly to them.

    The missing ingredient that we’re seeing a lot in the content marketing of small business owners is that they’re not really OWNING (in a deep and profound way) the niche they’ve chosen.

    In this episode, your hosts, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon explore what it means to really take “ownership” of your niche and WHY that’s crucial for the growth (and survival) of your business.

    Finding Your Niche - 6 Thought-Starter Questions.

    We’ve put together this list of 6 questions you want to ask yourself when you are considering how you might use the power of Niching Down.

    Go here to get your list of questions now.

    Listen to This Episode to Hear More About:

    -> The shift Suzi has made in the last year to get even clearer on her niche (and why that took really OWNING who she most wanted to serve).

    -> The questions to ask yourself to confirm if you’re really OWNING your niche or not.

    -> Real life examples of a Lawyer and Naturopath whose business growth EXPLODED when they doubled down on their niche and took massive OWNERSHIP of who they serve.

    -> Michelle’s counterintuitive advice for serving FEWER people in a deeper way.

    -> Why your customers need you to go “out on a limb” for them (and how to do it in a way that’s safe!).

    -> How owning your niche will turn the tap onto more sales and create a pipeline of eager customers.

    -> Plus so much more!

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind

    -> HerBusiness Network

    -> This is Marketing Book - Seth Godin

    -> Don’t Make Me Think Book - Steve Krug

    -> Episode 69 - Why You Need To Find Your Niche

    -> Episode 99 - How to Grow a 7-Figure Business in a Tiny Niche with Clint Salter

    -> Episode 146 - The Power of a Niche with Shelley Brander

    -> Angela Counsel - Embrace Program

    -> Clint Salter

    -> Shelley Brander - Knit Stars

    -> Brigit Hallam - Throw Your Leg Over

  • One tactic that could be really helpful for you if you are offering an online course, a challenge, a live event or some other kind of workshop or program is to offer a VIP Ticket Option.

    If you’re not currently offering a VIP option, this can be a real game changer! And if you ARE already giving your customers a way to get a VIP experience, we’ve got some tips that will make it more effective for you!

    Your hosts Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon share their top tips for what to put in your VIP offer, when and how to offer the VIP upgrade and more!

    Listen to this Episode to Hear More About:

    -> How to offer a paid VIP upgrade, even when your event ticket is FREE!

    -> Suzi’s tip for adding a VIP option to a Summit.

    -> How to use your VIP revenue to fund your advertising.

    -> The one thing every VIP offer MUST have to succeed (and it may not be what you think!).

    -> More than 15 things you can EASILY add to your VIP option to make it irresistible.

    -> Why people who upgrade to VIP are more likely to buy your NEXT offer.

    -> How to get next level engagement from your VIPs (and why that matters).

    -> The Cialdini Principle that every successful VIP upgrade is based on.

    -> The MOST important time to offer the VIP upgrade.

    -> Plus so much more!

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind

    -> HerBusiness Network

    -> Discounted Copy of “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert Cialdini

    -> Episode 66 - Turning Content into Sales With “The Problem Solution Dance”

    -> Episode 11 - The Step 2 Secret

    -> Episode 202 - The “Features” Trap - Why You Need to Focus on Features vs Benefits to Get More Sales

    -> Episode 206 - The 16 Essential Elements of a High Converting Sales Page

    -> Melanie Campbell - Confidently Peri

  • Over the years there’s been a lot of buzz around this idea of “10X-ing.” And with the release of the book “10X is Easier Than 2X” by Dan Sullivan and Dr Benjamin Hardy Suzi and Michelle got to thinking about this idea of 10X and especially how it relates to women marketers and business owners.

    Is it all hype? Is 10X REALLY easier than 2X? Or is there even any merit in comparing the two? Do we actually need BOTH?

    If you’ve ever been “turned off” by the “bro marketer” take on 10X, then this is the episode for you.

    Your hosts Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon share their views on the 10X vs 2X debate. This is a “juicy” show and they say some things that might surprise you, whichever side of the 10X debate you might be on.

    Listen to This Episode to Hear More About:

    -> Why you can’t always increment your way to growth.

    -> The big distinction Suzi & Michelle hope every reader gets when reading books like “10X is Easier Than 2X.”

    -> The massive takeaway from Dan Sullivan and Ben Hardy’s book that unlocked the 10X idea for many of our Masterminders.

    -> The fascinating journey Suzi took from starting a business in her bedroom to having “$2 million dollars DAYS.”

    -> What Michelle says about “Waterfalls and Volcanoes” that could change your view on when to grow and when to consolidate.

    -> The role our sense of our current identity plays in our ability to have transformational growth in our marketing and business.

    -> Plus so much more!

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind

    -> HerBusiness Network

    -> 10X is Easier Than 2X - Dan Sullivan & Dr Benjamin Hardy

    -> Sockable Fundraising

    -> Episode 183 - Why You Don’t Need to Change Your Marketing (The Benefits of “Project Broken Record”)

    -> Anna Von Zinner - Book Me Now

  • It’s time for our annual review of the books we’re recommending for the new year!

    Join your hosts Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon as they share books they’ve loved and learned from that can help you be a more effective content marketer in 2024 (plus get your hands on our NEWLY UPDATED and hugely popular Content Sells Recommended Reading List!).

    Some books featured on today’s show are brand “newies” and others are classic “oldies” Suzi and Michelle have pulled out of the vault because they’ve been re-reading them and recommending them to clients and students so much recently.

    Listen to This Episode to Hear More About:

    -> The book Michelle and Suzi couldn’t believe had never been featured on the show before!

    -> How to get your hands on the hugely popular Content Sells Recommended Reading List.

    -> The book that can literally give you back HOURS in your business every week (so you can finally have the freedom to do the high-value work that brings you energy and joy instead).

    -> The book that shows you how to create ideas people actually remember, which is especially needed right now in this time of less than 24-hour news cycles, 7 second tik tok videos and “fake” news, where most ideas just don’t survive.

    -> The book that shows you how to get strangers to want to buy your stuff.

    -> The book any service provider must read because it shows you how to make your intangible offer a lot more tangible (and why that matters).

    -> The book that BOTH Suzi and Michelle put on their list (and how they loved it and ALSO have some contentious opinions on a key idea shared in this book).

    -> Plus so much more!

    Also Mentioned in This Episode:

    -> HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind

    -> HerBusiness Network

    -> The REACH Retreat in Hawaii

    -> Buy Back Your Time - Dan Martell

    -> Made to Stick - Chip & Dan Heath

    -> $100M Leads - Alex Hormozi

    -> $100M Offers - Alex Hormozi

    -> Selling The Invisible - Harry Beckwith

    -> 10X is Easier Than 2X - Dan Sullivan & Dr Benjamin Hardy

    -> Ask - Ryan Levesque

    -> Episode 31 - How to Use Surveys to Find Out Exactly What Your Customer Wants - With Ryan Levesque

    -> Episode 67 - Client Avatar Interviews - Why You Need Them and How to Do Them

    -> Tracey Bode - Zyteq

    -> Chantel Gilbert - Bluegum Electrical