
  • Aubrey Kapree, a distinguished Intuitive and 5D Ascension Coach, has been a beacon of inspiration and enlightenment for over a decade, touching the lives of thousands across the globe. With a passion for guiding individuals on their spiritual ascension journey, she has dedicated herself to facilitating personal growth and raising awareness about the Great Awakening and humanity’s transition into the New Earth. Aubrey’s remarkable impact extends to her extensive online presence , boasting over 80,000 dedicated followers on platforms like TikTok and Facebook. Through her insightful content and unwavering commitment to fostering positive change, Aubrey Kapree continues to empower the collective, helping them navigate their awakening journey with grace and enlightenment. You can find more information on Aubrey at: https://itsyouruniverse.com/

  • Andrea Lowell is an Old Soul on a mission! In complete alignment with her purpose on Earth, she wishes to guide you to yours! Andrea has been working in the realm of Self Mastery and Self Actualization since 2009, with absolute success! She works with women and men, and has dedicated her life to serving the growth of those who desire her specific type of work.

    Andrea began to wake up to the world at large in 2001, experiencing a full blown spiritual awakening in 2012. From then, she has abandoned herself to guiding others to their truest selves. She has shed her former career, ideas, and programming to light the way for others down the same path. This doesn’t mean one needs to change everything like she did, but they should have the willingness to do the work to embody their truest essence, gifts, path, and Self Actualization.

    Andrea has been a coach for over a decade, and this newest online course + mentorship opportunity, is truly her gift to the world.

    The I AM Everything Project is her signature program, designed to enable all who take it, to become everything they need to maintain the highest frequency, Self Mastery, bliss, self awareness, and purpose.

    She is honored to be a part of your journey, no matter how great or small. She is always available to aid and assist, to give clarity, and reflection, and to instill THE TRUTH into your reality. Andrea’s greatest gift is unconditional love. Allow her to show you what it is like to experience that!

    You can find more information on Andrea at:


    Instagram: @theiameverythingprojectn

    Email: [email protected]

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  • My mission is to create content that holds space for people to heal and find themselves, so they can live as who they came here to be. I am committed to translating the language of quantum physics, psychology, and spiritual into practical humorous girl talk, so these concepts can be used by people all over the world. All of my content is crafted so that listeners can mould the worst possible moments of their lives into their best, reconnect with God/Universe, themselves, and nature. I believe in being the vibe we wish to see in the world by tapping into our inner positive b*tch (B.I.T.C.H BABE IN TRUE CONNECTION WITH HERSELF/HIMSELF/HUMAN SELF).I do have a book coming out either at the end of this year or beginning of next year called That Bitch is Positive (same name as my podcast). I have a 21 day break up glow up challenge to spiritually awaken during a break up that I think is very special and would love to share: https://21-day-break-up-glow-up-challenge.teachable.com/p/21-day-break-up-glow-up-challenge/ You can find more information on CiiCii here: https://www.instagram.com/vibinwithciicii/ https://www.tiktok.com/@vibinwithciicii?lang=en https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/that-bitch-is-positive/id1525817638

  • Chad is a modern-day treasure hunter, chasing life’s rarest gems. Uncovering hidden beauty and capturing epic adventures along the way. Currently shooting season 3 of Mystery of Blind Frog Ranch on the Discovery Channel. I have stumbled onto UFO’s, paranormal activity, astral projection, dry fasting, and near death experiences with many stories to tell. You can find more information on James at: Tik tok: @chadollinger Instagram: @chadollinger

  • James Aitken is an actor & filmmaker that lives in Joshua Tree, CA. Conscious storytelling is my passion. I also offer guided hikes and mediation through the beautiful expanse of Joshua Tree National Park. You can find more information on James at: https://www.jamestaitken.com/ https://www.instagram.com/jamestaitken/

  • Sabrina Di Nitto listens with her inner senses to the realm beyond manifestation, moving between form and formlessness. She deepened her inner knowledge of cosmic ascension and enlightenment, soul embodiment, alchemy, cosmology, spiritual psychology for self-realisation, alchemical healing, Egyptian and ancient mystery, and Merkaba teachings to access the world beyond thought and form.

    She works as a spiritual teacher and cosmic midwife of new consciousness. She practices ascension work, multidimensional soul alignment, soul breathwork, incarnation work of divine light, inner child work, energy blueprint reading and soul embodiment. Her own Venus Light Technology is one of the new light technologies she has developed in co-creation with Creational Light Beings for the Cosmic Ascension Project.

    Sabrina works with adults and children to integrate the light into their hearts and bodies. She co-creates with many ascended masters and is initiated into the lineage of Thoth Hermes Trismegistus. Her innate gifts as a visionary run like a thread through her life and her work.

    Internationally, she travels to sacred places to activate and reveal their pristine blueprint. Sabrina holds a M.A. in Romance Literature, Linguistics and Philology. She speaks Dutch, English, French and Italian. Her workshops and trainings are given in English, French and Dutch. She lives in Flanders, Belgium, where she teaches, guides and writes.

    Sabrina can be contacted directly via [email protected]

    Her website is: https://enlightenmentcodes.com

  • Laura Eisenhower is a Global Alchemist, Researcher and Medical and Intuitive Astrologist.. She is an internationally acclaimed speaker who has presented her work world wide. Laura is the great-granddaughter of President Dwight David Eisenhower and she reveals Exopolitical information about his administration, that has been largely held in secrecy. She is considered by many to be one of North Americas leading researchers on: Health, Exopolitics, Alchemy, Metaphysics, and Galactic History. Laura works to free us from the 3-D holographic time-loop, False Archonic systems and Military Industrial Complex and exposes hidden agendas so we can take our power back. Feeling a calling regarding her mission since she was a child, she has gained incredible insight through her wilderness adventures, psychic development and has been connecting major dots about how to guide us into higher Earth energies. She has a deep understanding of Gaia-Sophia and our Divine Blueprint and how they connect to the Venus transits, Earth grids, Global Alchemy, DNA & ET races. Her passion is to inspire unity consciousness and bring us back to the Zero point/Unified field, the totality of our divine powers.

    You can find more information on Laura and her work at: https://cosmicgaia.org/

  • Elisabeth Hoekstra’s first career was in the entertainment industry, where she drew upon her many creative talents. Starting at a young age, Elisabeth graced the media landscape as a model and actress on nationally syndicated television programs, movies, music videos, and magazines. Elisabeth’s evolution as an on-camera talent continued to expand while she attended Davenport College for business management and marketing administration. There she began to realize that her acumen for business development and building organizations was a transferable skill to various industries. During her run, in entertainment, Elisabeth parlayed her creative genius into the culinary industry, starting at Schoolcraft College where she received her baking and pastry certification. She mastered the art as a pastry chef where she worked at several prestigious places in Michigan. Diving even further into her entrepreneurial skills Elisabeth received her real estate license in 2017. In 2018 Elisabeth was named exclusive Real Estate agent for a statewide effort, in which she broke history’s records for securing the most offices in the shortest amount of time. Elisabeth has also contributed significantly to several charities, focusing her efforts on children’s health and education, both through hosting fundraisers and parlaying her political connections into advocacy. Throughout her various careers, she has seen how stress can take its toll on people’s physical and mental well-being, leading her to a nation-wide health and wellness center. She quickly climbed to her position as President there, learning extensively about mental health and holistic modalities supporting the mind and body. Now, in Elisabeth’s latest venture, she is helping to grow the world-wide brand 4biddenknowledge as Director of Operations. 4BiddenKnowledge TV is a television app available for streaming via all major streaming sources The TV platform provides educational and informational content in the fields of ancient civilizations, financial literacy, esoteric wisdom, metaphysics, quantum physics, spirituality, and so much more. Elisabeth also hosts a new popular podcast “Bio-Hack Your Best Life”, alongside President/CEO of 4biddenknowledge Billy Carson. This podcast educates about how to optimize your mind, body, and spirit. You can find more information on Elisabeth and her work at: https://www.elisabethihoekstra.com/

  • David Icke is an English writer, public speaker, and former media personality best known for his views on what he calls "who and what is really controlling the world". Describing himself as the most controversial speaker and author in the world, he has written 20 books explaining his position, dubbed "New Age conspiracism", and has attracted a substantial following across the political spectrum. His 533-page The Biggest Secret (1999) has been called the conspiracy theorists Rosetta Stone.

    Icke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when he had an encounter in 1990 with a psychic who told him that he was a healer placed on Earth for a purpose. In April 1991 he announced on the BBC's Terry Wogan show that he was the son of God and predicted that the world would soon be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes. The show changed his life, turning him practically overnight from a respected household name into an object of ridicule.

    He continued nevertheless to develop his ideas, and in four books published over seven years - The Robots' Rebellion (1994), And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995), The Biggest Secret (1999), and Children of the Matrix (2001) - set out a moral and political worldview that combines New-Age spiritualism with a passionate denunciation of what he sees as totalitarian trends in the modern world. At the heart of his theories lies the idea that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie.

    Icke has been criticized for arguing that the reptilians were the original authors of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - a 1903 Russian forgery purporting to be a plan by the Jewish people to achieve world domination - a claim that has attracted the attention of the far right and the suspicion of Jewish groups. Icke strongly denies there is anything antisemitic about this. He was allowed to enter Canada in 1999 only after persuading immigration officials that when he said lizards, he meant lizards, but his books were still removed from the shelves of Indigo Books, a Canadian chain, after protests from the Canadian Jewish Congress.

    David Icke has been writing for nearly 30 years of a coming global Orwellian state in which a tiny few would have control of the rest of humanity through the tools of finance, government, media, and a military-police. He has said that “physical” reality is an illusion, and what we think is the “world” is a holographic simulation or “Matrix” created to entrap human perception in ongoing servitude.

    Icke’s view of New Age Conspiracism dawns at the fact that the universe is made up on vibrational energy and that the reptiles have controlled the Earth and human beings from times immemorial. He claims that they even manipulate global events to keep humans in a constant state of fear. Icke believes that the only way this influence can be defeated is by humanity waking up to ‘the truth’, and filling their hearts with love.

    You can find more information on David Icke at: https://davidicke.com/

  • Welcome, Bay Area Meditation was founded in 2009 with a vision to create accessible and simple meditation programs for companies in the silicon valley. A former CEO and entrepreneur Geraldine Orozco realized that meditation was an integral part of her success in business, relationships and her spiritual journey.

    Geraldine grew up in the San Francisco Bay area to a caring and loving family. She began her meditation practice at the age of 15 under the mentor ship of her father. After attending FIDM she embarked as an Interior Designer, International Flight attendant and then entered the corporate world within the telecom industry. Once introduced to the import/export industry as well as event management, Geraldine fell in love with the business and decided to invest in event rental assets. She funded many investments until she found success with an event planning boutique business in 2009.

    Her interest in healing modalities deepened after the death of her partner in 2010. As a result, she become certified in Holistic Stress Management and studied several different meditation modalities under shamans, teachers and healers. Became certified in a Pranic Energy Healing and Quantum Energy Healing. Dedicated to understanding the true meaning of love sent her on a deep journey to self discovery. Embodying a complete deconstruction of belief systems and matrix programming that no longer aligned.

    In 2013, Geraldine Experienced a life changing inter-dimensional contact experience which resulted in the activation of psychic abilities and a powerful sensitivity to the human energy fields. This life changing event forced her to take time off her busy career to assimilate. Realizing that her life would never be the same again, In 2017 Geraldine made yet another life changing decision. With many questions that were unanswered she decided to undergo hypnosis regression Therapy. This resulted in an even further activation of psychic abilities including holographic healing of the chakras and multidimensional body.

    After a near Death Experience in 2018 Geraldine began to receive vibrational frequency downloads and speaking light language.

    Regressions, uncovered a life-long history of abduction and participation in human hybridization, with 24 hybrid children as the result. These Experiences prompted a powerful paradigm shift and resulted the sale of her business and leaving of her career.

    Geraldine utilizes her deep understanding of the multidimensional body with connection to house source life force manifests in the physical plane. She is able to see how DNA is written. Through her visionary gifts and ability to access, identify, heal and transmute trauma fragmentation she has been able to guide hundreds of people to life changing realizations.

    DNA Reprogramming is a powerful healing modality used to assist those that are on a serious journey to end personal suffering, Transform toxic thought programs and heal ancestral trauma. Mind, body, and soul.

    Geraldine now dedicates herself to the dissemination of knowledge of hybridization programs and the correction of the commonly held dogma of the human genetic timeline, historical record and human bio structure. She is currently writing her first book. DNA Origins and the Human Hybridization Program.

    She has founded HybridMother.com, An international support group for Hybrid Parents experiencing contact.

    Geraldine's Inspirational story is now part of a 16 time winning Documentary called Extraordinary the seeding focused on the hybridization program.

    She is a Radio host, Artist. Speaker and Healer.

    She believes that unconditional Love is the key, as the soul creates through this temporary experience we call life.

    You can find more information on Geraldine and her work at: https://www.bayareameditation.com/

  • Quantum Alchemist – Jason has had many profound moments and events in his life, ranging from experiencing light beings, Ets, angels and sasquatch to facilitating mind blowing healings and activations for himself and others. Although these things have occurred sporadically throughout his life, the last year and a half has been particularly intense and revealing, especially since the blue moon in October of 2020. Jason can often be heard saying “I know it’s hard to believe with all that has been going on, but 2020 was the best year of my life and 2021 has been even better.”

    Jason has been helping clients for 6 years utilizing various modalities and methods including reiki sessions, reiki classes, hypnosis, spiritual coaching, mentoring, guided meditations and quantum healing and activations. Most recently he discovered amazing gifts for planetary healing as well as clearing people, land and buildings of dark entities and influences.

    While Jason is extremely happy to help anyone in any way needed, he has some primary areas of work he considers part of his soul mission:

    1. To lead by example and show men that they can awaken to their divine masculinity, be a deeply spiritual individual who spreads love everywhere while remaining very manly and holding a powerful presence.

    2. To work with children, while mom is still pregnant whenever possible, to align them with their soul path early in life and help them maintain their connection to the divine.

    3. To heal the earth and mother Gaia while inspiring and teaching others to as well.

    4. To help rebalance and harmonize the relationship between humanity and the nature realms.

    Many of the skills and abilities Jason has learned are very new in this incarnation, but he is well aware that he has done this work over many lifetimes, in many forms of being, for many civilizations, on many planets in many star systems. His memories of these previous incarnations are coming back, and he will be a tremendous driving force in the ongoing great awakening of humanity.

    You can find more information on Jason at:



  • I'm a storyteller and solutionary at heart, and am currently completing editing of a documentary series I've filmed over the past two years, about the emergence of new, groundbreaking ecological and social-purpose platforms to support a rising tide of those I call "Solutionaries" in this world. This is a crucial time in human history, and it's time for us to stand up for the healing of our planet, and find innovative ways to scale solutions, and provide platforms that truly support those driven to serve humanity and the natural world. This is what guides me into my current chapter of life, leaping from a decade and a half in for-profit technology leadership positions.

    My past 2.5 years were immersed in the enterprise distributed-cloud computing and storage space in Canada, and just recently returned to my hometown, Seattle Washington as the COVID pandemic began.

    Prior to that, I spent 5 years developing an XR/AR platform, architecting pipelines to produce photoreal 3D models for product visualization and invented/patented several core technologies in the space.

    I have a creative and entrepreneurial spirit, and thrive in building innovation-empowerment culture. I've built exceptional teams several times in my career and grown a magical, high-performance culture each time.

    Launching an augmented reality startup in 2013, I dove deep into a range of connected technologies. I love to get hands on, diving into new tools and technologies frequently that intrigue me.

    The heart-centered innovation, technology and artist communities around the world are my tribe. I love nothing more than weaving innovative souls living to evolve the world, and steward humanity toward a regenerative future. I believe in corporate social responsibility, democratization and dissolution of gatekeeping, circular economy, decentralization, empowering transparency through technology, innovating and empowering endeavours that positively impact the world.

    Please reach out if you are called. I love connecting with others that share this priority foremost - Jedi's wielding The Force, in business and social-purpose innovation.

    As ethics in technology, AI, IoT, blockchain, AR, new paradigms for financing innovation, and digital transformation in every field makes massive strides, and conscious living becomes mainstream, it's an exciting moment in history. I feel honored every day to be alive right now, and play a part in opening up a complete revolution in the way we experience and evolve solutions within our world.

    You can find more information on Darrick at:




  • Sandra is an Ascension Guide in service to the Shift in Consciousness on Gaia.

    As a clear channel for the higher realms since 1999, Sandra assists awakened HUmans through creations focused on Ascension. She inspires the exploration and evolution of HUman consciousness, bridging the multidimensional worlds to create peace, self-realization and a deep understanding of the Ascension process.

    Sandra's weekly messages, online courses and writings inspire thousands in their sacred journeys. She has led the Global SUNday Unity Meditations for five years, a weekly mass meditation dedicated to peace and unity.

    Sandra serves as a pure conduit to empower, inspire and accelerate the Ascension of HUmanity. She is a published author, Wayshower, artist and Christed Energy Healer.

    Visit her at https://www.AscensionPath.com

  • Deva talks with Sarah about the release of her new album Codes of Light on September 12th 2021.

    Deva Vidya is High Priestess of Way of the Sacred Mystery School and a Master Spiritual Growth Teacher. As a channel she brings the Divine Feminine into physical form. She is a Multidimensional, Intuitive Healer and Seer; a trained and certified Reiki Master/Teacher and an Access Consciousness Facilitator. She guides her clients to healing, self-empowerment, balance and re-alignment, accessing the multidimensional parts of Self with shamanic journey, high vibrational sound and Light Language.

    Deva is also the published author of Awaken, Priestess! and the creator of its accompanying CD of the same name which encourages the reader/listener to reclaim her innate power and wisdom.

    Deva co-writes and performs conscious music and lyrics for Way of the Sacred. They have recently released a new album of Spirit-inspired music entitled, "Flowing in the Mystery."

    As a Master Teacher with 20 years of experience, Deva leads retreats, workshops and programs with Way of the Sacred designed to teach the sacred ways of many different cultures and how we can incorporate these ancient traditions in our own spiritual practices leading to a deeper connection with the Divine. With the experience she received studying with Native American Elders & Peruvian Shamans, Deva leads sacred ceremony infused with celebration, prayer & sacred song, remembering the wisdom of our ancestors & honoring our connection to Nature & the Spirit World which in turn offers healing in body, emotions, mind & spirit.

    Deva has led mantra circles and kirtans, taught yoga and facilitated energy healing workshops since 2004. She is the creator of Primal Yoga, Goddess Yoga, Shape Shifting Yoga and Earthly Elements Yoga.

    You can find more information on Deva at:






  • Billy Carson is the founder and CEO of 4BiddenKnowledge Inc, and the Best Selling Author of The Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets and Woke Doesn't Mean Broke.

    ​Mr. Carson is also the founder and CEO of 4BiddenKnowledge TV, a new conscious streaming TV network, and is an expert host on Deep Space, a new original streaming series by Gaia. This series explores the Secret Space Program, revealing extraordinary technologies and their potential origins. Mr. Carson also serves as an expert host on Gaia’s original series, Ancient Civilizations, in which a team of renowned scholars deciphers the riddles of our origins and pieces together our forgotten history documented in monuments and texts around the world.

    Mr. Carson appreciates the dedication and hard work it takes to accomplish great things. Recently, Mr. Carson earned the Certificate of Science (with an emphasis on Neuroscience) at M.I.T. and has a certificate in Ancient Civilization from Harvard University. Among his most notable achievements, Billy is the CEO of First Class Space Agency based in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Specifically, his space agency is involved in research and development of alternative propulsion systems and zero-point energy devices.

    You can find more information on Billy Carson at: https://www.4biddenknowledge.com

    This episode is also c0-hosted by Arcturus Ra, you can find more information on Arcturus on episode 3 of Cosmic Conversations.

  • Dr. J.J. Hurtak is a social scientist and futurist. He founded, along with his wife, Desiree, an international non-government organization called The Academy For Future Science (AFFS) that works to bring cooperation between science and consciousness through social projects and dialogue. The Academy is associated with ECOSOC and DPI at the United Nations and continues to sponsor research, cultural study and exploration in numerous countries around the world. The mission of AFFS is to develop scientific and educational tools to meet social and environmental challenges, to protect indigenous tribes, and to provide ideas for advanced, alternative energy sources, while sharing higher knowledge and consciousness, encouraging cross-cultural understanding and world unity.

    Dr. Hurtak’s work in archeology allowed him to be one of the principal discoverers in 1997 of the “Tomb of Osiris” on the Giza Plateau in Egypt. He also worked in the pyramids of Mexico and Egypt using GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) and acoustic sound tests. He has two Ph.Ds, one from the University of California and a second from the University of Minnesota. He has a M.Th. from Luther Theological Seminary where he studied early Greek, Latin and Coptic literature from the Patristic period under Dr. Carl Volz. He is the author of numerous books showing how science and religion need not be mutually exclusive, as well as The Keys of Enoch.

    He has also produced a recent documentary called Voice of Africa: Credo Vuzamazulu Mutwa, which records unique features of African cultural history. His work encompasses a diverse array of disciplines, from ancient religious teachings, philosophy, and archeology to the more modern concepts of space law and advanced technologies, especially supporting environmental sciences. He is well known for his music composition and his lyrics have been performed by the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester of Berlin at a special concert to celebrate forgiveness and to heal the separations amongst various ethnic and cultural groups. www.futurescience.org

    Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D., MS. Sc. is a social scientist, futurist and president of the Foundation For Future Science which has directly assisted communities and individuals in many developing countries, bringing both water and education to where they are needed. She is also the Vice President and co-founder of The Academy For Future Science, an international non-governmental organization working with the United Nations’ ECOSOC and DPI in over fifteen countries. She is an environmentalist and an author of several books. Her most recent work, co-authored with her husband, Dr. J.J. Hurtak, is entitled Overself Awakening which seeks to bring insights and understanding of our true potential in life.

    You can find more information on James & Desiree Hurtak at:


  • Adam Apollo has offered insights on global transitions, physics, technology, human spirituality and the future as a "Next Generation Leadership" ambassador at the White House, in multiple NEXUS and other summits at the United Nations, and at conferences and festivals around the world. He is a cofounder of the UNIFY movement and two education and technology based companies: Access Granted and Superluminal Systems. He is an active faculty member, author, and the lead systems architect for several international online academies. These include the Resonance Academy for Unified Physics, the Guardian Alliance Academy for self-mastery, and the Visionary Arts Academy. He currently has over 100,000 active students of all ages from around the world across these schools.

    Author of many papers and online courses, he wrote and produced the college level physics education modules in the Resonance Academy’s Delegate Program, a post-graduate level Quantum Geometry physics course, a series of self-mastery courses on topics from Tai Chi and high magic to astral travel in the Guardian Alliance, and many others. He has been featured on multiple GAIA TV shows, Coast to Coast AM on multiple occasions, feature films, and more.

    As a martial artist, Adam Apollo has studied and cross-pollinated many forms and styles in development of his own hard, soft, and sword-forms. He practiced with and assisted masters in the direct lineage of Cheng Man-Ch’ing for several years. In 2005 and 2006, he ran thousands of miles with several Prayer Runs for World Peace, working with indigenous elders and youth from across North America, leading to an extraterrestrial direct contact experience. He is also a massage therapist and educator in sexuality and health, a poet, has been featured around the world as a DJ and performer, and is highly active on global councils for sustainability and planetary social, economic, and environmental restoration.

    Over the past few years Adam Apollo helped to develop a new quantum computer resistant encryption system, has advised on many cryptocurrency initiatives, and is now building a decentralized social operating system that has a revolutionary 3D interface that operates like a starship dashboard. Adam Apollo is dedicated to achieving a sustainable and thriving interplanetary culture.

    You can find more information on Adam Apollo at:







  • Giselle Koy is a transformational coach who channels soul-fulfilling destinies for visionaries. She is known for helping people step into their full power on the world stage. Her gifts of divine clarity serve many people in positions of power. She speaks on “Turning Your Spiritual Gifts into Wealth” and has given keynote presentations on stages such as Paleofx, Cosmic Awakenings, Conscious Media Festival and others.

    As a certified Epigenetic Coach, Giselle speaks on the topic of Spiritual Epigenetics, an area where science and spirituality meet. She trains people to be more lit by combining spirituality with high performance training techniques, to look and feel younger and better than they ever have.

    Giselle is the Founder of the Conscious Media Festival and Conscious Visionary Women, as well as a member of the Vanity Fair's Founder Fair. She is the host Giselle Koy Podcast, speaking with thought leaders about the New Human Emerging in this accelerated time of Earth’s Ascension.

    Giselle also serves as a divine channel, authoring six books on the subject of spirituality and the ascension process of Planet Earth. She has authored titles including "The Modern Muse," "The Buddha Field," "ICONSCIOUSNESS," "The Platinum Ray," "The Golden Christed Ray" and "The Codes of Immortality," all available on Amazon. She loves to connect people with their highest calling and guide them to live at Creator Level.

    You can find more information about Giselle at: https://www.gisellekoy.com

    If you would like more information about the retreat that Sarah and Giselle are holding in Sedona then please email [email protected]

  • Danny is the executive producer and director of the new Superpower film.


    With a background in musical theatre and then performing on Broadway, the life-fulfilment journey continued organizing for LGBTQ rights, caring for those with AIDS, studying martial arts, becoming a private pilot, staying in aviation for 10 years, raising her daughter as a stay-at home, solo-parent-by-choice, and co-authoring a children’s book with her daughter. Danny attributes her successes and decisions through her intuitive co-creation with Spirit, listening to and following the messages and synchronicities.

    Why Danny Made The Superpower film. 20 years prior to producing this film, all while raising her daughter, Danny was struck by the gut-wrenching level of illness the children endured. She witnessed the paths many kids were driven to: increasing numbers of developmental issues, auto-immune disorders, cutting, mental illness, daily doses of pharmaceuticals, eating disorders, and suicide. By the time her daughter entered college, she was dumbfounded by how many young people had support animals in their dorm rooms when just 30 years prior, that was never a concern. Danny could no longer accept the claims that these issues were limited to lower class, high-risk, single-parent, less educated, and urban families because her daughter grew up in one of the most privileged areas in this country. She witnessed parents consistently pay little respect and attention, speaking AT their children, disregarding them as inferior. Oftentimes, their parenting approach defaulted to authoritarian or permissive; they had not the resources, wherewithal, energy, or patience to learn the authoritative skillset. They followed the advice and guidance from outside authorities and failed miserably in so doing. In close relationship with these families, Danny realized that very few listened to what their inner authority showed them. Her solution was to create a way for people to feel more confident about allowing their intuition to guide them, hoping that the next generation would not make the same mistakes their parents did.

  • Thomas Sheridan is an author, artist and film maker from Dublin, Ireland who came to international recognition in 2011 with the book Puzzling People: the Labyrinth of the Psychopath.

    He offers a holistic, polymath approach to all the topics he covers. Believing that by re-examining everything from art, mythology, ancient mysteries and the occult, and on to social engineering, that we can equip ourselves with what he terms a 'consciousness firewall' in the face of pathological forces. To never allow the dark forces of this world to wash over us, as well as to never take ourselves, or what we believe in too seriously.

    Currently Thomas is currently working on a major documentary film on the life of Rocket Scientist and Occultist Jack Parsons.

    His website is: www.mossuponstones.com