
  • In the realm of business, sales are the lifeblood that keeps things flowing. However, many individuals fall into the trap of viewing sales through a negative lens. According to sales coach Liz Wendling, if you despise the very thing that sustains your business, you're headed for trouble. But fear not! In today's enlightening episode, Liz shares invaluable insights on how to become a successful salesperson by embracing your unique process and approaching sales with a fresh perspective.

    To start your transformation, it's crucial to shift your mindset around what sales truly means to you. Rather than conforming to the stereotype of a pushy, aggressive salesperson, seek out the skills and techniques that work best for your personal style. You don't have to sacrifice authenticity for success. Instead, reframe your mindset to see yourself as confident and self-assured. Remember, clients are not drawn to individuals who are overly pushy, but neither are they attracted to those who come across as weak. Find the balance that allows you to confidently present your authentic self, undeterred by the fear of rejection.

    Selling is undeniably a pivotal skill for achieving overall business success. Embrace the challenge, overcome the fear of rejection, and unlock your full potential as the salesperson you aspire to be.


    “If you hate the only thing that keeps you in business, you're in trouble.” (2:03-2:06 | Liz)

    “Take your mind off of all the things you think selling is and start to declare what it is.” (4:29-4:34 | Liz)

    “If you're putting yourself out there with a product and service, and someone says no, you just move on.” (6:48-6:55 | Liz)

    “When you have a process that fits you because it's made for you, and you use it every day, that's the way that you can find success.” (14:13-14:21 | Liz)

    “Stop making selling so challenging and difficult. It's not. It is a skill that can be learned, like any skill.” (45:12-45:23 | Liz)


    Connect with Liz Wendling:

    Website: www.lizwendling.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@lizwendling-sellingwithaut6011

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lizwendling/

    Website: www.businessvictories.com

    Subscribe to the Victory Letter under Business Victories at www.businessvictories.com/victoryletter

    To order the Grow Planner use the coupon code brightshiny: www.businessvictories.com/growplanner

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorygirl/

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@cheriruskus

    Contact: www.businessvictories.com/contact

    Thinking about starting a podcast? Use my code “shiny” for 50% off your first month with HiveCast.fm

  • “Creativity, as an entrepreneur, is the greatest tool that we have,” shares host and business coach Cheri Ruskus. When you think about imagination and the role it plays in your life, what comes to mind? For Cheri, imagination is the cornerstone of her creativity and the key to her vision and passion for her business, as well as in all other areas of her life. Use of the imagination is a skill that everyone has within themselves. Even if you do not think of yourself as a creative person, there are countless ways to tap into your creativity and boost your imagination. Today, Cheri discusses how to go about honoring your creative spirit and growing your imagination.

    As a child, you likely used your imagination constantly without really having to think about it. This is why Cheri recommends thinking about your inner child when looking for creative inspiration. Think about what you used to enjoy doing as a child. What people, stories, and games fueled your imagination? The more you honor the inner child that still lives within you, the happier you will be. It takes courage to step into your creativity and leave behind fears of failure and judgment. By staying curious and trusting in your inner genius, your imagination will be free to flourish and lead you in new creative directions.

    Imagination is a critical component of creativity, innovation, and inspiration. Without it, you risk losing sight of your vision and passion for your business. Let go of restrictive beliefs about creativity, because there is no one right way to be creative. Instead of worrying about making mistakes, trust yourself and let your imagination guide you.


    “The very first thing that you need when looking at your imagination is courage.” (5:47-5:53 | Cheri)

    “The more we honor that child in us, the happier I believe that we will be.” (13:14-13:20 | Cheri)

    “Let go of preconceived beliefs that you have about creativity.” (13:21-13:25 | Cheri)

    “Curiosity is what keeps my creativity going, not only in my business, but in my garden and in so many areas of my life.” (21:47-21:54 | Cheri)

    “Create for you and forget about those who might judge you.” (30:32-30:37 | Cheri)

    “Creativity, as an entrepreneur, is the greatest tool that we have.” (32:06-32:12 | Cheri)


    Website: www.businessvictories.com

    Subscribe to the Victory Letter under Business Victories at www.businessvictories.com/victoryletter

    To order the Grow Planner use the coupon code brightshiny: www.businessvictories.com/growplanner

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorygirl/

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@cheriruskus

    Contact: www.businessvictories.com/contact

    Thinking about starting a podcast? Use my code “shiny” for 50% off your first month with HiveCast.fm

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  • “Emotional intelligence is an important way to understand yourself, understand others, and really open yourself up to other people's perspectives and what will lead to a happier, healthier, better you,” explains Dr. Gloria Miele, executive coach, leadership trainer, facilitator and professional speaker. In addition to her work in leadership coaching, Dr. Miele was the troop leader for her daughter’s Girl Scouts troop all the way from 2nd grade through their senior year of high school. All of this experience combined has proven to Dr. Miele the true value of emotional intelligence and empathy in leadership. Today, Dr. Miele speaks with host Cheri Ruskus about how leaders can begin to work on their own emotional intelligence and set an example that others will follow.

    Self-awareness is critical for emotional intelligence. When you are aware of who you are and what is important to you, then you can better decide how to manage your time and where to put your energy and focus. The more you understand yourself, the more you can begin understanding others, which is the foundation of empathy. To be an effective leader, it is important to be able to view things from other peoples’ perspectives. This empathy for others will help to cut through any implicit biases you may have that could have otherwise influenced your actions as a leader.

    In a world that is so divided, empathy and emotional intelligence are skill sets that all effective leaders need to have. When you truly understand yourself, then you can begin to better understand other people and lead from a non-judgemental place that centers everyone’s best interests.


    “The more you're aware of yourself and how you can manage all of the many things that are on the table, then you can understand where you want to be putting your energies and your focus.” (16:55-17:07 | Dr. Miele)

    “One thing that we're really missing in leadership in some areas, is another piece of emotional intelligence, which is empathy.” (18:04-18:14 | Dr. Miele)

    “Studies show that it really is taking another person's perspective, taking that pause to understand what's going on outside of you, that can short circuit bias, short circuit those implicit automatic thoughts that we have.” (20:23-20:41 | Dr. Miele

    “We are all leaders. We need to remind ourselves of that, that wherever you are on your journey, whether it's professional, whether it's in your family, whatever it is, you are a leader.” (31:16-31:30 | Dr. Miele)

    “Emotional intelligence is an important way to understand yourself, understand others, and really open yourself up to other people's perspectives and what will lead to a happier, healthier, better you.” (32:01-32:17 | Dr. Miele)


    Connect with Dr. Gloria Miele:

    Website: www.strongerleader.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gloriamiele/

    Watch Gloria's TED talk, "What I've Learned from Being a Girl Scout."


    Website: www.businessvictories.com

    Subscribe to the Victory Letter under Business Victories at www.businessvictories.com/victoryletter

    To order the Grow Planner use the coupon code brightshiny: www.businessvictories.com/growplanner

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorygirl/

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@cheriruskus

    Contact: www.businessvictories.com/contact

    Thinking about starting a podcast? Use my code “shiny” for 50% off your first month with HiveCast.fm

  • “It's the leadership that allows for all to be heard that makes the greatest positive impact,” explains host and business coach Cheri Ruskus. Everyone has a different idea of what it means to be a leader and the most effective leaders are the ones who create an environment where everyone has the freedom to speak their truth and show up as their authentic selves. Today, Cheri shares responses from readers of her weekly Victory Letter to the question, “What does freedom mean to you?” Afterward, she guides listeners through a leadership meditation to encourage people to begin thinking more mindfully about their own personal interpretations of leadership and how to be a leader in a way that enables others to experience freedom.

    When leaders are mindful of what freedom means for them and their team, they can create a work environment that aligns with everyone’s values. Everyone wants to feel that they are valued and appreciated at work, especially by those in leadership positions. One way to ensure that people feel heard is to learn what freedom means to them and then lead with those things in mind. Although ideas on freedom vary, the overarching response from readers showed that for the majority, freedom means the ability to speak and live your truth without fear of repercussions.

    As a leader, you set the tone for your work culture. When you lead mindfully from a place of respect for everyone’s personal values and ideas of freedom, you create a healthy, more productive and positive work environment for all.


    “It's the leadership that allows for all to be heard that makes the greatest positive impact.” (0:06-0:12 | Cheri)

    “Breathing is a beautiful thing. And anytime you get tense or uptight, there's just something about taking an intentional breath.” (15:09-15:16 | Cheri)

    “When we can connect our mind and our heart, it's a powerful thing.” (27:01-27:06 | Cheri)


    Website: www.businessvictories.com

    Subscribe to the Victory Letter under Business Victories at www.businessvictories.com/victoryletter

    To order the Grow Planner use the coupon code brightshiny: www.businessvictories.com/growplanner

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorygirl/

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@cheriruskus

    Contact: www.businessvictories.com/contact

    Thinking about starting a podcast? Use my code “shiny” for 50% off your first month with HiveCast.fm

  • “The number one thing I want readers to walk away with is not getting stuck in doubts,” explains Joseph Bennett, life coach and author of a variety of books including, Rest – the Art of Doing Less and his brand new release When in Doubt. In this episode, Joseph joins host Cheri Ruskus to talk about how a person’s money story influences them, the ways capitalism systemically encourages debt accumulation, and his own experiences as an expat living in a creative artist colony in Mexico City.

    Every culture approaches money differently. Here in the United States there is a big emphasis on keeping up with the Joneses and a lot of pressure around what people do for work. Joseph explains that he has experienced quite the opposite during his time in Mexico City. His neighbors do not seem to be as caught up in the comparison game, and the first question asked at gatherings is about family rather than work. If you have doubts around managing your money, look to those who have already been successful. Give yourself permission to learn and to ask for help.

    Coaching can be a really great means of learning how to manage your personal finances. It is okay to have debts or to not know very much about investing or how to get yourself out of debt. That is why professionals exist who have already been through it and who can help guide you. Don’t let your doubts and the taboo around talking about money keep you from seeking guidance.


    “Debt is the big dream killer.” (2:13-2:16 | Joseph)

    “We are not broken if we have debt. We are not broken if we don't know about investments, or about compound interest, or about how to get out of debt.” (2:47-2:59 | Joseph)

    “I follow the philosophy, change your story, change your life. And that has absolutely 180 degrees changed for me what's possible.” (5:17-5:31 | Joseph)

    “Even something that we do mindfully and not getting distracted with bright, shiny objects, that too can be a meditation.” (21:17-21:25 | J

    “The number one thing I want readers to walk away with is not getting stuck in doubts.” (25:50-25:53 | Joseph)


    Connect with Joseph Bennett:



    Website: www.businessvictories.com

    Subscribe to the Victory Letter under Business Victories at www.businessvictories.com/victoryletter

    To order the Grow Planner use the coupon code brightshiny: www.businessvictories.com/growplanner

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorygirl/

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@cheriruskus

    Contact: www.businessvictories.com/contact

    Thinking about starting a podcast? Use my code “shiny” for 50% off your first month with HiveCast.fm

  • “Acknowledging your money mindset at the ABCs is saying, I am ready to create a new money belief system. Because you can't make the change until you're ready for it,” explains host Cheri Ruskus, founder of Business Victories, an organization dedicated to the success of small business owners. In this episode, Cheri talks about money energy and does a deep dive into the ABCs of money leaks.

    As entrepreneurs, having a healthy and positive money mindset is vital for the success of a business. Sometimes when entrepreneurs get down about money, they think just getting a regular job will solve everything. In truth, this solves the cash flow challenges, but not the underlying issue of getting to live the life they desire. Even after experiencing bankruptcy, Cheri realized that she came out of it okay overall. Money was surely important, but it was not everything. And that understanding helped to foster an abundance mindset around money. In order to get a handle on your money mindset, it is important to acknowledge where you currently stand with money and ask yourself what is your current financial system for your business? Cheri dives deep into the ABCs of money leaks, explaining how to determine and acknowledge your money mindset, how to bring strength into your money system, and competitively planning for future money growth.

    Money energy can be the difference between being a successful entrepreneur and giving up entirely. If worries about money are keeping you from doing what you love or are causing a lot of stress for your business, you may need to adjust your money mindset.


    “Money is the energy that fuels business and subsequently our lives. Without money, business simply doesn't happen.” (2:43-2:52 | Cheri)

    “The thing they loved to do, they no longer love to do because money just sucked the joy right out of it.” (17:11-17:17 | Cheri)

    “What are your top two money strengths that you are good at? Because we all might not be good at all of it, but we're good at certain pieces of it.” (18:25-18:34 | Cheri)

    “Acknowledging your money mindset at the ABCs is saying, I am ready to create a new money belief system. Because you can't make the change until you're ready for it.” (19:02-19:16 | Cheri)


    Website: www.businessvictories.com

    Subscribe to the Victory Letter under Business Victories at www.businessvictories.com/victoryletter

    To order the Grow Planner use the coupon code brightshiny: www.businessvictories.com/growplanner

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorygirl/

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@cheriruskus

    Contact: www.businessvictories.com/contact

    Thinking about starting a podcast? Use my code “shiny” for 50% off your first month with HiveCast.fm

  • “It's important to show people not just the pretty Instagram pictures, or the pretty pictures for the book. I try to show people the sausage making along the way because there is a lot of grit and ugliness to the process as you try to conjure something into existence,” explains Linda Vater, self-taught garden designer and stylist with an impressive YouTube following. In this episode, Linda joins host Cheri to talk about how embracing change can enable you to live a more full life.

    When Linda started out her side hustle, she never expected it to become as successful as it has. As a busy entrepreneur, Linda was anxious at first about the idea of uprooting her life and family from their home of 30 years. She knew that her followers were equally attached to her garden, but felt in her gut that it had reached its full potential. Leading up to the move, Linda prepared her followers and shared her journey, even the uncomfortable parts. She strongly believes that by sharing ugly, grittier side of building something new, she will inspire others to embrace their own mistakes and challenges. Change may have been intimidating at first, but for Linda it opened a new world of possibilities.

    Making a big change can feel scary and uncomfortable at times. However, if you are willing to embrace change, that discomfort can lead to incredible opportunities and a chance to live your life to the fullest.


    “I was insecure about my ability to do it again, because that one was done over a 30 year period. As you understand, a garden doesn't happen overnight. And all of a sudden, I was changing my paradigm to moving to this new place where I don't have that luxury of 30 years.” (5:54-6:13 | Linda)

    “I knew that not only did I love that place, but that a lot of other people loved it vicariously through me, just as I have loved some other famous gardens and I didn't want to be disrespectful of that.” (13:27-13:40 | Linda)

    “It's important to show people not just the pretty Instagram pictures, or the pretty pictures for the book. I try to show people the sausage making along the way, because there is a lot of grit and ugliness to the process and discomfort to the process and angst as you try to conjure something into existence.” (16:53-17:22 | Linda)

    “I am happy to share the mistakes I make along the way because that's how it happens. And sometimes those mistakes are fortuitous and give you an even more magical canvas to work on than you thought originally.” (27:37-27:56 | Linda)


    Connect with Linda Vater:

    Listen to Linda’s Story in Episode 39 entitled How to Make a Profitable Hobby:


    You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/@LindaVater

    Website: https://www.lindavater.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/potagerblog/

    Subscribe to the Victory Letter under Business Victories at www.businessvictories.com/victoryletter

    Website: www.businessvictories.com

    To order the Grow Planner use the coupon code brightshiny: www.businessvictories.com/growplanner

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorygirl/

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@cheriruskus

    Thinking about starting a podcast? Use my code “shiny” for 50% off your first month with HiveCast.fm

  • “Looking back, I'm really glad I bet on myself. That was the best thing I could have done,” shares Wendy Conklin, founder of Chair Whimsy. Wendy is an artisan, designer, and educator who uses her chairs to teach others how to bring creativity into their lives. In this episode, Wendy joins host Cheri to talk about the importance of making time for creativity as an adult.

    Entrepreneurs often struggle with knowing how to involve creativity in their work. No matter what kind of job you have, even if it is not in a particularly creative field, you can still incorporate play. When you get really hands-on, that activity links with your brain and allows for creativity to happen. Allowing yourself to play requires you to allow yourself to mess up. There is great freedom in being able to make mistakes without getting hung up on them. This way you can get into a playful headspace and brainstorm creative solutions in a way that is playful and largely stress-free.

    Kids are not the only ones who need to play. Play and creativity are very beneficial for adults as well. When you learn how to play and incorporate that creativity into your professional space, you are setting yourself up for a more enjoyable life.


    “Looking back, I'm really glad I bet on myself. That was the best thing I could have done. And I just think that more people should just bet on themselves. It gets me up in the morning.” (9:01-9:14 | Wendy)

    “You know your business better than any expert out there.” (9:41-9:44 | Wendy)

    “Research has shown us that tactile doing, touching with your hands, connects to your brain and allows creativity to happen.” (15:44-15:54 | Wendy)

    “We all need more play. All of us adults do, and many of us just don't know how to do it.” (18:56-19:01 | Wendy)

    “When you go ahead and set your price really high, you are setting yourself up for that perceived value.” (22:50-22:57 | Wendy)

    “Life is not about working 24/7. It is about doing your work, but also enjoying life too.” (23:39-23:46 | Wendy)


    Connect with Wendy Conklin:

    Website: https://chairwhimsy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chairwhimsy/

    Wendy’s Book: https://chairwhimsy.com/book/

    Website: www.businessvictories.com

    To order the Grow Planner use the coupon code brightshiny: www.businessvictories.com/growplanner

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorygirl/

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@cheriruskus

  • “Pay attention to how you're actually spending your time,” encourages host Cheri Ruskus. Time feels like it goes by so quickly and there is never enough of it to complete all of the tasks you want to do in a day. In this episode, Cheri shares 10 time management tips for honoring and making the most of your time every single day.

    Stop and really think about how you typically spend your time. Do you get hung up procrastinating tasks, getting distracted while trying to multitask, or saying yes to taking on more work indiscriminately? So many things throughout the day are time suckers that are not benefiting you or your business. But with some planning, Cheri explains that you can tweak your business strategy so that your time is better managed. Always begin your day with morning momentum, listen to your body, become more comfortable with saying ‘no’, and learn to ask for help when you need it.

    The average human attention span is just 8 seconds, so it is very easy to get distracted and lose precious time throughout the day. Time is a very valuable and finite resource, so it is important to honor it and use it to the best of your ability.


    “The average attention span of a human today is eight seconds.” (10:15-10:20 | Cheri)

    “Pay attention to how you're actually spending your time.” (19:19-19:22 | Cheri)

    “Remember that ‘no’ is a complete sentence and it's okay to say it on a regular basis.” (20:16-20:24 | Cheri)

    “Do what needs to be done. Don't let procrastination take over and waste time thinking about something over and over and over again and again.” (23:55-24:04 | Cheri)




    Website: www.businessvictories.com

    To order the Grow Planner use the coupon code brightshiny: www.businessvictories.com/growplanner

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorygirl/

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@cheriruskus

  • “It’s not just the clothes, it's how they make you feel,” shares Robyn Balsley, founder of Graceful Impression. Through her work, Robyn empowers women to be more confident and open their minds to the incredible mindset shift that fashion can bring. In this episode, Robyn shares her tips for improving your clothing confidence.

    Clothing is a big part of determining your mindset for the day. Your fashion and style are ways to express yourself and are the first thing someone sees when they meet you. When you wear sweatpants to work, you won’t feel as productive or as confident about yourself. Even if you are working remotely, get dressed for the day. You may be surprised how much better you feel when you are confident in how you are presenting yourself to the world.

    It only takes seven seconds to make a first impression, so what you are wearing really does matter. You don’t have to always dress up and wear a suit, but you should still dress appropriately and wear something that makes you feel good about yourself.


    “It takes seven seconds to make a first impression.” (2:26-2:28 | Robyn)

    “Before we even look at the clothes, we have to clear the mental clutter.” (5:06-5:09 | Robyn)

    “The best, quickest way to get your closet organized is to turn all your hangers backwards, and then when you wear something, put it forward. And then within six months, you can look at your closet and see what you've worn and what you haven't worn. And if you're not wearing it, get rid of it.” (5:53-6:10 | Robyn)

    “We need to dress for the lives we have right now, and that will empower us.”(7:09-7:13 | Robyn)

    “It’s not just the clothes, it's how they make you feel.” (8:54-8:56 | Robyn)


    Connect with Robyn Balsley:

    Website: https://www.gracefulimpression.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gracefulimpression/

    Website: www.businessvictories.com


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorygirl/

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@cheriruskus

  • “If someone would have told me back then that I would be the person I am today, that I would have spent so many years of my life in sales and become a coach and do all that I have done, I would have said, ‘What are you crazy? That's never going to happen’,” shares host Cheri Ruskus. In all of her experience, Cheri had to learn that self-love and confidence are not things that others can provide for you. In this episode, Cheri discusses her own mental health struggles and tips for building self-confidence through consistency, the law of attraction, and the 12 riches outlined in Napoleon Hill’s book The Master Key to Riches.

    Typically whatever you spend the most time doing, those are the activities where you feel most confident. Consistency breeds confidence, but requires a lot of self-discipline. Cheri shares Napoleon Hill’s 12 riches and encourages you to consider what each category looks like in your own life right now. Some of these include mental health, physical health, harmonious relationships, and the hope for achievement.

    Being consistently confident takes practice and dedication. Everyone has bad days, but if you learn to be more confident and embrace self-love, you will be able to navigate the bad days more easily.


    “If someone would have told me back then that I would be the person I am today, that I would have spent so many years of my life in sales and become a coach and do all that I have done, I would have said, ‘What are you crazy? That's never gonna happen’.” (5:24-5:42 | Cheri) “Nobody can give you self confidence. You have to do it.” (9:09-9:13 | Cheri) “Whatever we do consistently is usually what we are confident in.” (9:21-9:25 | Cheri) “Consistency and self discipline go hand in hand with each other.” (24:46-24:51 | Cheri)


    Website: www.businessvictories.com

    To order the Grow Planner use the coupon code brightshiny: www.businessvictories.com/growplanner

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorygirl/

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@cheriruskus

  • “Remember when social media first started and a lot of people thought it was a fad? This is kind of where we are with live video,” shares Jackson Hole Rose. Jackson Hole Rose spent the majority of her career as a radio show host, but recently decided to shift to the live video space. She helps entrepreneurs incorporate being on camera into their social media business strategies.

    People prefer to do business with people they know and that they can verify as being real. By showing yourself to your audience on camera, you come off as more authentic. Jackson Hole Rose spent a lot of time studying influencer behaviors and getting an understanding of how they speak and act on camera. She recommends that business owners try out the live video space in addition to pre-recorded video, because live video provides opportunities for building relationships with your audience.

    Adding video to your business growth strategy will help you to connect more with your audience. There is so much AI generated content nowadays, fake profiles, and scams, and people tend to be wary of what they see on the internet. By going on camera, you remove that layer of skepticism.


    “Remember when social media first started and a lot of people thought it was a fad? This is kind of where we are with live video.” (7:14-7:20 | Jackson) “We have a lot of things happening with AI. We have a lot of things happening with fake accounts, fake news. These types of things affect people's perception on just the internet in general or what's online.” (9:21-9:36 | Jackson) “I don't believe in that cookie cutter stuff. Everyone is different. Every business is different.” (15:25-15:31 | Jackson)


    Connect with Jackson Hole Rose:

    Website: www.socialmediasecretsclub.com

    Instagram and YouTube @JacksonHoleRose

    Website: www.businessvictories.com

    To order the Grow Planner use the coupon code brightshiny: www.businessvictories.com/growplanner

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorygirl/

  • “A morning is a beautiful thing. Don't waste it by just getting through it and getting to the other side of it. Be in it. Enjoy it. Let it take you to new heights,” shares host Cheri Ruskus. As entrepreneurs, it is often difficult to quiet our brains and focus. Cheri struggled with this herself and did not think she could ever be good at meditation until she discovered morning momentum.

    You would be surprised how much a morning practice can really change your day when you commit to it. Mornings can be very chaotic and challenging for people, especially if you are not a morning person. However, you can change how you feel about mornings by creating a ritual that gives you dedicated time just for yourself. Pick out the coziest spot in your home and commit to spending time with yourself each morning. You can meditate, read a page of a book, watch something insightful, or even listen to music. Anything that helps to wake up your senses and put you into a good mindset for your day is welcome in your morning practice.

    Mornings are a really magical time of the day, because they tend to be the quietest. The way you start your day has a large impact on how you feel the rest of the day. Shape your morning by creating a ritual that makes you feel happy to start your day.


    “A morning practice is really about creating a ritual that you do every day, a morning ritual that combines all the elements that are most important to you.” (3:42-3:55 | Cheri) “A morning is a beautiful thing. Don't waste it by just getting through it and getting to the other side of it. Be in it. Enjoy it. Let it take you to new heights.” (5:34-5:45 | Cheri) “What if you took an eraser to those thoughts and ideas about how you have to start your day and started to begin to create a time that was all your own? A time that was special. The beauty of the early morning hours is that they are the quietest of the day. They're fresh, they're new, they're brand new. Because of that you really can shape them to be what you want them to be.” (7:04-7:34 | Cheri) “When we look at something with our eyes wide open and our hearts wide open, it is amazing what we can see.” (21:56-22:03 | Cheri)



    Book reference: The Power of Ritual by Casper Ter Kuile

    Website: www.businessvictories.com

    To order the Grow Planner use the coupon code brightshiny: www.businessvictories.com/growplanner

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorygirl/

  • “I'm an expert. I was already an expert. But now I have the book,” explains Tina Larsson, Author and CEO of The Folson Group. As entrepreneurs, we are often encouraged to leave our day jobs to focus on our businesses. Familiar with this dilemma herself, Tina shares how different coaches, from speaking coaches to business coaches, gave her the confidence to control her input and achieve incredible, almost impossible-seeming results.

    Throughout her entrepreneurial journey, coaching has been Tina’s key to success. When she first left her company after ten years, the CEO encouraged her to start a new business at their office while she got started. This experience led to her leaving and creating the Folson Group, which consults co-op and condo board members on managing projects and reducing expenses. From there, she found coaches who gave her Linkedin advice, encouraged her to speak at networking events, and eventually encouraged her to write a book, which she did in record time. Without leaving her job, she wouldn’t have had the push to take on these opportunities and add achievement after achievement to her name.

    Sometimes the advice to quit our day jobs is the exact advice we need. Whether through networking, mentors, or coaches, it can be helpful when someone else gives us the go-ahead to be bold. If we have a positive mindset and let ourselves receive guidance, we can gain the motivation to try new things and turn our bright shiny objects into profitable ventures.


    “We had raised $50 million, so we had a sustainable business. It was kind of easy.” (6:04-6:11 | Tina) “We're two partners, and we outsource a lot. But we are the idea generators behind this entire business. And it's a word-of-mouth referral business. We're out networking a lot, and we network more than anybody I know.” (13:49-14:04 | Tina) “Look at all these sports athletes. They would never make the team if they didn't have a coach. So, I have no idea why I thought that I could do this without a coach.” (16:27-16:35 | Tina) “You can't control how much revenue you're going to make or how many clients are actually going to sign up. What you can control is your input.” (23:51-24:00 | Tina) “I'm an expert. I was already an expert. But now I have the book.” (28:13-28:18 | Tina) “​​We could not have done this if it wasn't because of the coaches. We know. I don't see how it could have been done. But now we have all the tools, we have all the spreadsheets and all this is how you do it. So all the automation or whatever we need it. We have it all set up, so I don't see how we wouldn't be able to reach our goals for this year.” (29:37-30:04 | Tina)


    Connect with Tina Larsson:

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/tinalarssonli/

    Website https://www.thefolsongroup.com/

    Insta: folsongrp

    Email: tina@thefolsongroup.com

    Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi4ASnnA09tGMKQObmk_NbQ

    Website: www.businessvictories.com

    To order the Grow Planner use the coupon code brightshiny: www.businessvictories.com/growplanner

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorygirl/

  • “A good coach will ask you to do things or think about things that you may have never been asked before,” explains host Cheri Ruskus. Hiring a coach is invaluable as you examine your business goals. As a coach to entrepreneurs herself, Cheri explores valuable business advice and how it can lead to further success.

    Today, Cheri breaks down 101 reasons to hire a coach. A decent coach will help you gain referrals, provide marketing tips, and offer networking ideas. Although you may think you can do it all yourself, having a knowledgeable person available will give you the freedom and the confidence to do more. Whether you’re looking to change your mindset or brush up on a new skill, there are many reasons to make a coach part of your team.

    With this new year ahead, make coaching part of your business plan. Learn more about what to avoid when hiring a coach, speaking benefits, not product features, and cutting out distractions.


    “We can all do better with a coach by our side, whether you have one in your back pocket or you hire one. The good coaches are out there, and many change people's lives.” (3:38-3:52 | Cheri) “Conduct business in an office that inspires you to do your best work.” (11:38-11:42 | Cheri) “A good coach will ask you to do things or think about things that you may have never been asked before.” (26:53-27:02 | Cheri) “Align your goals with your values so that you can own them.” (37:55-38:00 | Cheri) “Any coach worth their weight will want to do an introductory strategy session to see if you're a good fit for each other.” (45:07-45:18 | Cheri)


    Website: www.businessvictories.com

    To order the Grow Planner use the coupon code brightshiny: www.businessvictories.com/growplanner

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorygirl/

    For a full list of the 101 Reasons to Hire a Coach email: cheri@businessvictories.com

  • “To put yourself out there, it's confronting, challenging, and there was a lot of fear,” explains Jena Bedson, Ceramic Artist, and Art Therapist. No one should let fear stop them from going after their bright shiny objects. Having her own experience with insecurity and fear, Jena shares how she moved past her imposter syndrome to help other artists unleash their creativity to the world.

    During the pandemic, Jena took the time to ponder what she wanted to do next. She then became in touch with a fellow creative named Tessa, who helped her put on online ceramic workshops: her bright shiny object. Although being public in this way was initially outside of Jena's comfort zone, she committed to seeing it through and has met wonderful people as a result.

    Imposter syndrome is common, but we can’t let it stop us from chasing our dreams. Learn more about Jena’s inspiration for her online programs, the encouraging nature of her ceramic workshops, and how she pushed past her introverted tendencies to help make her work more available for all.


    “The whole venturing into this new world of technology and online workshops is just completely out of my comfort zone.” (10:08-10:16 | Jena) “I'm not afraid of giving anything away. I share everything I know, and I share what I do.” (14:57-15:06 | Jena) “I feel like I've got this ready-made audience, but they have actually encouraged me and pushed me in this direction, which has been great.” (21:29-21:44 | Jena) “To put yourself out there, it's confronting, challenging, and there was a lot of fear.” (24:25-24:37 | Jena) “I couldn't do what I do without the audience. And it's been beautiful to form.” (34:00-34:08) “I love that online work has changed the landscape of my life, looking into the future, and I don't know how all that's going to land. But I can't be worried about that. I tend to just be in the moment with it.” (40:17-40:37 | Jena)


    Connect with Jena Bedson:

    Website: https://www.jenabedsonceramics.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jena_bedson_ceramics/

    Website: www.businessvictories.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorygirl/

  • “Goals are what end up bringing us back to what we truly want when a bright, shiny new idea gets a hold of us,” explains host Cheri Ruskus. As an entrepreneur, Cheri understands that new strategies can be exciting but often distract us from the big picture. Today, she shares her insights on differentiating what we genuinely want and what is fleeting to formulate a plan that works.

    It’s essential to shed the idea of the person you thought you should be and embrace who you are. When you commit to being yourself, you can evaluate your goals to determine what is serving you and what is not. When your goals align with your greater vision for your life, they are the bright shiny objects that can keep you on the right path. Even if things don’t go as planned, doing what brings you joy will make it all worthwhile.

    Follow the goals that match what matters most to you. Learn more about strengthening your creative spirit, tracking your progress with a planner system, and finding your purpose in business and life.


    “Goals are what end up bringing us back to what we truly want when a bright, shiny new idea gets a hold of us.” (1:03-1:11 | Cheri) “Keep your creative spirit in mind as you create goals that matter to you.” (5:54-5:59 | Cheri) “​​So much of a business plan is subjective to market conditions and more.” (24:39-24:45 | Cheri) “There needs to be a plan. But I like to think of it as the bright shiny goal plan. And you better believe it needs to be written down. It must be written down to see it come to life.” (26:48-27:01 | Cheri) “Your story has many chapters, many highs mixed with some lows. Keep your head held high wherever the plot goes.” (36:06-36:18 | Cheri)



    To order the Grow Planner use the coupon code brightshiny: www.businessvictories.com/growplanner


  • Private cheffing is a big, bright, shiny object for me because I realized that I could really do it on my own terms,” explains guest Bailey Ruskus aka Chef Bai. On today’s podcast, host Cheri Ruskus interviews someone very near and dear to her heart, her daughter. A vegan chef who successfully navigated a male-dominated field, Bailey shares her entrepreneurial journey and the bright shiny objects she found along the way.

    When Bailey first went to culinary school, she quickly realized that being a restaurant chef was not for her. Not interested in dealing with a culture of sexism and grinding, Bailey switched her focus to becoming a private chef. Now, Bailey uses her love of food to promote wellness and health to her followers while calling out the corporations who force us to live in a toxic environment.

    Every entrepreneur is driven by making passion a way of life. Learn more about Bailey’s reflection on youth, her client experiences, and the process of writing a book.


    “The more eyes on you, the more you realize that being well known actually holds a lot of responsibility.” (5:12-5:20 | Bailey) “Private cheffing is a big, bright, shiny object for me because I realized that I could really do it on my own terms.” (13:10-13:18 | Bailey) “Sometimes you have to follow the “wrong” things to find what's right for you.” (20:22-20:28 | Bailey) “When it comes to entrepreneurship and having a business, everybody's different. Everyone's on a different path.” (35:37-35:43 | Bailey) “The more people you hire to do things, the better you can be at the genius you are.” (50:46-50:50 | Bailey)


    Connect with Bailey Ruskus:



    To order the Grow Planner use the coupon code brightshiny: www.businessvictories.com/growplanner


  • “We must be actively aware and mindful of the ideas that are bright, shiny objects taking us places we actually want to go,” explains host Cheri Ruskus, CEO, Author, and Business Coach. Formerly the Business Victories Podcast, Cheri welcomes you to The Bright Shiny Object Podcast. While the show will still focus on all things entrepreneur, she’s ready to deep-dive into the new ideas that either bring innovation to our business or distract us from our goals.

    If you’re a true entrepreneur, you see shiny objects that others do not. You may stay up all night with new ideas you’re dying to try, but it’s essential to understand you may either be led to success or the wrong rabbit hole entirely. However, it’s normal for some ideas to die and some to thrive as you navigate your entrepreneurial journey and enjoy the magic of chasing your dreams.

    The road of a small business owner isn’t easy, but it’s extremely rewarding. Learn more about Cheri’s goal to motivate like-minded individuals, the common traits of an entrepreneur, and the truth of faking it until you make it.


    “We must be actively aware and mindful of the ideas that are bright, shiny objects taking us places we actually want to go.” (2:47-2:58 | Cheri) “A failure is not a failure if you gather up the valuable lesson that the perceived failure taught you along the way.” (4:55-5:05 | Cheri) “There are still characteristics you must have to pull off being an entrepreneur. It's not an easy road. I will tell you from my own experience it's one I wouldn't change for a minute.” (15:00-15:20 | Cheri) “The key is to ensure that you're the one who stays in charge of your bright shiny objects because you're the one in charge. That's why you're an entrepreneur.” (22:01-22:10 | Cheri) “As the keeper of our ideas, which each and every one of us has our ideas, dreams, and goals, it's up to us to keep the magic of that light alive as we move into each day.” (30:06-30:10 | Cheri)



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