We continue with our survey of the open and closed communion debate in preparation for a later review of John Collett Ryland’s principles and practices related to it. Next I’ll review the interactions of John Bunyan and William Kiffen.
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In this episode of the Pastor's Inbox installment of the Covenant Podcast, Pastors Joe Wilson and Lee McKinnon introduce the scriptural subject of friendship and discuss its importance.
For previous episodes of the Pastor's Inbox, click here: https://manofgodnetwork.com/pastorsinbox/
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Puuttuva jakso?
Before I finish the study of John Collett Ryland’s interesting life, I want to explore three topics in which he played a significant or exemplary role. One of these is his view of who was qualified to partake of the Lord’s Supper. Another is his version of High Calvinism and his interactions with William Carey. And finally, there is his important place in 18th-century English education.
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"The book is highly recommended because it is a clear, fraternal discussion of an issue vital to biblical worship and knowledge of how Christ’s first and second coming consummate our freedom from the curse and fulfill Christ’s promise, “I will give you rest.” -Tom J. Nettles
Order the book here: https://press.founders.org/shop/there-remains-a-sabbath-rest-for-the-people-of-god/?srsltid=AfmBOorxLRNXufHg7yzdeTWXiB_ejunagTa7_iU6QZ_36rjJMloEEtYt
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In the past century, one question has constantly plagued the church: How should the people of God respond to social issues? Rather than buying in to the “social gospel,” Alex DiPrima looks back to an unexpected source for biblical clarity: Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Part theology and part biography, Spurgeon and the Poor examines how the Prince of Preachers’ belief that gospel preaching and soul-winning should be the church’s primary mission informed his commendable benevolence and mercy ministry.
Order the book here: https://www.heritagebooks.org/products/spurgeon-and-the-poor-diprima.html?srsltid=AfmBOoresR8COqGaao1LzhH16b-7qfLG9lRNW9GIzv8KRhVwuZ3LCqCh
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"Ryland was a friend to everyone he thought to be a true believer. So he was personal friends with like-minded men such as John Gill and John Brine. But he was also friends with those of a different kind of Calvinism such as Andrew Gifford, Robert Hall Sr., and John Rippon."
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The Doctrine of Last Things: An Optimistic Amillennial View is the culmination of Dr. Sam Waldron's pastoral heart on eschatology, which spans over thirty years. This book aims to clarify the often contentious and complex discussions surrounding the doctrine of last things (eschatology). Waldron even-handedly addresses various eschatological views, including premillennialism, postmillennialism, and amillennialism, while emphasizing the importance of understanding the relationship between Christ's return and the millennium. Beneficial to all believers, regardless of eschatological position, lay readers and theologians alike will revitalize their hope in these last days and behold clearly the exalted-Christ.
Order a copy here: https://freegracepress.com/products/the-doctrine-of-last-things-an-optimistic-millennial-view
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The life and ministry of John Collett Ryland will transition our studies away from hyper-Calvinism among Particular Baptists. He is an appropriate figure for this move because he wasclose friends with a number of orthodox men with varied views on Calvinism.For more information, visit CBTSeminary.org
With the torrent of publications on the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament, the time is ripe for a dictionary dedicated to this incredibly rich yet diverse field. This companion volume to the well-received Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament (CNTUOT) brings together leading evangelical biblical scholars to explore and explain the many facets of how the New Testament writers appropriated the Old Testament.
Order the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Dictionary-New-Testament-Use-Old/dp/1540960048
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Hot Water: A Baptismal Controversy from the 1690s and its Relevance for Today
In the 1690s a contentious debate broke out in Suffolk, England, between an Anglican rector and those we have come to know as Particular Baptists. The purpose of this book is to examine this controversy and consider some crucial issues it raised, principally the nature of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. It involved three men, William Burkitt (1650–1703), John Tredwell, and Benjamin Keach (1640–1704). It is the hope of the author that these events in the 1690s and their thoughtful consideration found within these pages will help Christians think through issues of church membership, Baptism, church discipline and other issue pertaining to the theology and practice of ecclesiology.
Order the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Hot-Water-Baptismal-Controversy-Relevance-ebook/dp/B0DDL9MPHN
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Hyper-Calvinism in English Baptist circles in the 19th century grew and changed in significant ways. But rather than continue on into the 19th century too far, I want to take another approach to complete, for now, our look at hyper-Calvinism in Baptist circles. Let me point you to a 5 volume study entitled “The Strict Baptist Chapels of England.”
For more information, visit CBTSeminary.org
The KJV beautifully rendered the Scriptures into the language of turn-of-the-seventeenth-century England. Even today the King James is the most widely read Bible in the United States. The rich cadence of its Elizabethan English is recognized even by non-Christians. But English has changed a great deal over the last 400 years, and in subtle ways that very few modern readers will recognize. In Authorized Mark L. Ward, Jr. shows what exclusive readers of the KJV are missing as they read God's word.
For more information visit: https://cbtseminary.org
In this conversation, Austin McCormick and Dewey Dovel speak with Brice Bigham on the Law of God.
Brice Bigham came on staff at CBTS in 2019. He serves as a Deacon at Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Owensboro, KY. He has earned a Bachelor’s Degree from Columbia International University and a Master of Divinity from CBTS (’24). He lives with his wife Alina and their four children. Brice particularly enjoys church history, homesteading, and spending time with his family.
For more information visit: https://cbtseminary.org
The active obedience of Christ is a vital biblical doctrine that helps sinners see Jesus better.
Many know Jesus to be the one who atoned for sin, securing forgiveness for those who trust in Him. This is both wonderful and crucial. But being forgiven is not enough. God requires perfect obedience for eternal life. Even Jesus says so. Thankfully, God not only requires perfect obedience but also graciously provides through His Son.
In addition to atonement, Jesus positively fulfilled the divine requirement by His perfect obedience. In other words, Jesus removes guilt for wrongdoing, and Jesus provides perfect righteousness by His obedience to the divine law. In The Active Obedience of Christ, readers are directed to Jesus—the one who is better than many may have ever realized!
Patrick Abendroth is Senior Pastor of Omaha Bible Church, author of Covenant Theology, and host of the Pactum. He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska (B.A.), the Master’s Theological Seminary (MDiv), and the Ligonier Academy (DMin).
Pat and his wife, Molly, have five children and reside in Omaha, Nebraska.
For more information about CBTSeminary visit: https://cbtseminary.org
To register for the 2025 Covenant Conference, visit: covcon.org
In this episode of the Covenant Podcast, Pastor Dewey Dovel interviews Pastor Bart Carlson on a "Call to the Ministry."
Pastor Bart Carlson graduated from Trinity Ministerial Academy in 1992. After a brief time assisting churches in the Philippines he became an elder at Trinity Baptist Church in 1995 and since then has served the church in full-time preaching, teaching and pastoral duties.
For more information about Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary, visit: https://cbtseminary.org
Readers of this volume will be both informed and perhaps even transformed, by a better understanding of the Early English Baptist development of a biblically distinctive theology of religious liberty in an era when it was not enjoyed by many and was endorsed by few, well before the radical cultural and intellectual shifts of the eighteenth century.
To purchase a copy of this book click here: https://hesedandemet.com/product/every-mans-conscience-early-english-baptists-and-the-fight-for-religious-liberty/
To learn more about CBTS, click here: CBTSeminary.org
In this conversation, Austin McCormick and Dewey Dovel interview Dr. Nettles on Elements of Baptist Identity, drawn from his book "The Baptists: Vol.1".
Dr. Nettles writes that Baptists are: 1) Orthodox 2) Evangelical 3) Ecclesiological Separate 4) Conscientiously Confessional.
Desire theological training? Enrollment to CBTSeminary is open year-round! For more information visit: https://cbtseminary.org
The Mission of God and the Witness of the Church with Justin Schell
Order you copy of this book here: https://www.crossway.org/books/the-mission-of-god-and-the-witness-of-the-chur-tpb/
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). This declarative phrase introduces fundamental questions circling the minds of skeptics and believers of Christianity alike. What was God’s mission when he chose to create? And why, through the Savior’s death on the cross and the witness of his church, does he continue to redeem the very creation that rebels against him?
To answer these imperative questions, author Justin Schell takes readers on a canonical journey exploring the mission of the eternal God—Father, Son, and Spirit. Drawing insights from creation, the exodus of God’s people, the suffering servant, the Great Commission, and consummation, this book examines the purpose and beauty of God’s great story. It is out of an abundance of love that God brings us into union with him, calling his church to bear witness to all that has been done in Christ, until the day that he returns.
For more information visit: https://cbtseminary.org
In this conversation, Austin McCormick and Dewey Dovel interview James Renihan on the Psalms. They discuss why Christian ministers should preach this portion of God's Word Christologically, a method for doing so, and examples of this interpretive approach.
For more information visit: https://cbtseminary.org
In this episode, Austin McCormick interviews Mark Ward on Bible Translations.
Mark Ward holds a Ph.D. in New Testament Interpretation from BJU Seminary. His dissertation was entitled, "Paul’s Positive Religious Affections." He currently works for Crossway Publishers on special projects. Before that, he was a writer and editor and presenter for Logos, whose mission is to use technology to equip the church to grow in the light of the Bible. He have written several books, including "Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible," which comes “highly recommended” by D.A. Carson-and has an accompanying Faithlife documentary.
For more information visit: https://cbtseminary.org
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