Kids today are facing a lot of obstacles including bullying, obesity, and mental distress. Join Action For Healthy Kid’s Rob Bisceglie for conversations with professionals and community members about these issues and more that today's kids are facing. We will be highlighting what children need from a child's perspective vs. what adults think children need and these conversations will give you advice on how you can help the kids in your life increase self esteem, make healthier choices, and do better in school. Be the action hero in your child’s life with Kids Can! A podcast from Action For Healthy Kids.
Andvarpið hlaðvarp foreldra er fyrir foreldra, um foreldra, til foreldra. Í þessum þætti ræðum við almennt um foreldrahlutverkið, það að detta á hnéð með kúk í poka, að neyða börnin með í skíðaferð og að muna hvern einasta dag að 30 % eru það sem þarf til að standa sig.
A co-parenting dad, I wrote a book with my kids and it changed everything. This is our journey, our story. What will yours be?
Naomi is 35 and newly married. She is constantly asked when she's having a baby. But does she even want one?
In this series she travels the country speaking to people about their experiences in having and not having children to help her decide whether To Baby or Not To Baby. -
Raising Good Parents is the place to hear the questions, struggles, and victories of real parents in the trenches. Dr Phil Boucher is a husband, father, and pediatrician in private practice in Lincoln, Nebraska. His practice is focused on empowering parents to be present, confident, and productive - to worry less and enjoy parenthood even more. If you're overtired, stressed out, guilt-ridden - this is the place to regain your sanity, get the reassurance you need, the sleep you need, and feel confident as a parent.
Our goal with “Families Navigating Addiction & Recovery” Podcast is to introduce our audience to interesting and authentic voices in the world of recovery. “Families Navigating Addiction & Recovery” is about families. It’s about communities. It places addiction in its proper context and empowers every family member to achieve a better outcome – a transformation. Part of our work is bringing together these voices. Providing a platform, for people like you, to share your stories and perspectives, creates an opportunity to reach someone. To touch their lives. To help improve outcomes for individuals, families and communities. Together.
Í hlaðvarpinu Kviknar fjallar Andrea Eyland um fæðingar frá ýmsum sjónarhornum, fær gesti í hljóðverið sem deila reynslusögum og talar við sérfræðinga.
Back for Season 3, We Are Family drills down into the beautifully unique, wonderfully diverse, often hilarious, and absolutely fascinating ways celebrity and public figure parents live their family lives. Through frank and candid conversations with host Julia Dennison, Editor of, each episode will profile a different famous parent, discussing everything from how their upbringing shaped who they are, to their parenting philosophies and how they’ve built their own families. We’ll get real with guests on a number of topics, including IVF, LGBTQ+ parenting, surrogacy, adoption, fostering, mom guilt, the mental load, parental identity and more. New episodes every Tuesday!
Welcome to "The Autism Dad" podcast, hosted by Rob Gorski — a single father to three remarkable autistic children and the voice behind a widely-read blog that has been a lifeline for parents since 2010. With over a decade of firsthand experience, Rob's insights have not only impacted families worldwide but have also been featured on platforms like The Tamron Hall Show, ABC News, BBC Worldwide, CNN, and Entrepreneur Magazine. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday for fresh episodes that delve into the complex world of autism and special needs parenting. This podcast serves as a safe haven, offering a blend of personal stories, expert interviews, and actionable advice. Whether you're a parent navigating the nuanced challenges of raising a neurodivergent child or simply someone looking to better understand the realm of autism, "The Autism Dad" podcast provides understanding, support, and education for all. Don't go this journey alone; tune in and become part of a community committed to awareness, acceptance, and growth.
Sometimes challenging, sometimes inspiring. Always authentic. A radio show for real people experiencing divorce and family breakup.
Alternative Divorce is about staying out of court, protecting the children and saving money by getting the information and inspiration you need to divorce amicably, and to create healthy blended co-parenting families. -
The Woof Life is a podcast for dog lovers, by dog lovers. Hosted by Lauren Farricker, founder of Woof Republic, the podcast covers dog products, businesses, inspirational stories, exclusive interviews, travel recommendations, petcare, entertainment, and more. We want to encourage and challenge listeners to consider adopting their next animal over buying. Subscribe, review, and tell your friends. Thanks for listening, and hug your dog today!
Hvað er fóstur? Í þessari hlaðvarpsseríu ræða nokkrir fósturforeldrar um þær gjafir og áskoranir sem fylgja því að taka barn í fóstur. Þau einsetja sér að svara spurningum sem fæstir þora að spyrja og gera það með einlægni og heiðarleika að leiðarljósi. Hvað langar þig að vita?
One Mom and A Dream Podcast is a verbal platform used to empower and encourage moms by speaking on all things postpartum and faith.
Our host, Allyson, is mom of 3 small people that shares her mindset shift of life after baby so you can be postpartum's advantage.
Her goal is for all moms to live a maximized life by turning overwhelm to overflow and sparking faith to walk in purpose.
Come and listen for free flowing convo in our welcoming mommy community. So sit back, relax, and let your ears enjoy! -
Used Up Pens is an interview series with the Landreth family on raising their son, who was diagnosed with level-3 severe autism at an early age.
I am extremely lucky to be doing the work that I am most passionate about – working with moms and their precious babies. My journey has been exciting and fulfilling – from Occupational Therapist to speaker then writer, my professional life has been stimulating! The launch of this podcast merges my work across all of my parenting brands and the work I am passionate about – moms and their babies. RSSVERIFY
Ever wondered what a normal birth really looks like? Hear women tell their stories, as it happened to them.
Bringing to you all things infant and toddler sleep and sleep training! I'm Megan Robert, Infant and Toddler Sleep Consultant, Former Postpartum Doula and Former Nanny. Whether being proactive or struggling with a child's sleep, my objectives for this podcast are to help you better understand what a safe, strong, healthy sleep foundation looks; how to go about building one; what sleep training means in the Stork Community space; what it involves; and what myths or misconceptions often surround it and child sleep altogether.
A show designed for parents, educators, and caregivers on how to have tough conversations around inclusion with their children. Hosts are Simone Morris and Julie Kratz.
I help parents transform stressful mealtimes into enjoyable family moments with simple strategies that stop power struggles and encourage kids to explore new foods. Together, we create a happier and healthier approach to eating that makes everyone feel good at the table.
My name is Sandra, and I'm the virtual mom bestie you didn't even know you needed. I am here to empower you and give you permission to not love every layer of motherhood (without the guilt.) I'm here to be uncensored in my experience as a mom to help you realize what you're feeling is normal. I want every mom to feel seen, validated, and understood. Please make yourself comfortable, grab a cup and allow me to spill the tea on motherhood. Let's chat about all things mom life, postpartum, and marriage.Follow along on Instagram for more @mybestmomfriend Support this podcast: