
  • In this podcast we talk about the essence of wealth & provision as it pertains to Islam and how Allah has ordained for every creation its provision. We bring up how our wealth can be tied to how generous we are in giving for the sake of Allah regardless of the amount and why it’s so beloved to Allah.

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr


    Intro - 0:00

    How giving for the sake of Allah is tied to our wealth - 0:46

    Helping build the community & Muslim organizations/businesses - 2:03

    Investing into your Akhirah - 3:10

    Giving back for Allah will kill your love for money - 5:23

    The blessings that come from giving wealth for Allah - 6:42

    The best type of charity - 7:37

    Charity will help us cleanse ourselves - 8:59

    Building ourselves & families then trying to help build the community - 10:17

    The blessing of zakat - 10:52

    The amount we give can make much more impact than we think - 12:22

    Wealth is a test for those who have it and those who don’t - 13:08

    Another example of how doing for the sake of Allah only increases you - 14:17

    Provision will chase you everyday - 15:41

    How do you be actually be successful in providing? - 16:33

    Things aren’t always as they seem - 18:44

    Pondering deeply upon the Quran & reflecting on our lives - 20:48

    Knowledge is power, but what is it without reflection? - 25:08

    Your life is not yours - 26:47

    Life is like a costume party - 28:43

    The Muslim character around different types of people - 29:29

    This is the time to discipline your nafs - 30:32

    We can’t deem ourselves to be righteous Muslims - 31:27

    Developing a need for Allah - 32:24

    Outro - 34:25

  • In this podcast we talk about time and the blessings we’ve been given that we might take for granted. We’ve been given this time not only to use it scrolling on social media or doing what entertains us, but more so to worship Allah and strive to do things that bring us closer to Him. We also talk about Ramadan and building ourselves up to be better after this blessed month.

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

    Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!!

    Join Guided Success to deepen your Islamic knowledge & learn the Quran:


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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr

    Intro - 0:00

    Wasting time on things like social media - 1:10

    How social media tries to push us to continue scrolling - 3:10

    Overusing social media & it’s affect on our attention spans - 4:25

    How valuable time is - 6:56

    Our happiness can’t be measured by our iman or if life is feeling good - 7:51

    A lesson from Surah Al-Asr - 8:53

    Finding sincerity even when times are difficult & thinking about how we use tome - 9:36

    Dua requires action - 10:51

    Allah has entrusted us with our time & blessings - 12:41

    Trying your absolute best this Ramadan - 13:55

    The realization to shift your life and make change - 15:34

    Build your connection with the Quran - 16:34

    The best way to remember Allah - 19:13

    Listening to the Quran vs. Understanding it - 20:17

    Always deriving lessons from the Quran - 21:09

    Seeking barakah by making dua for more things - 22:51

    Osmans story showcasing reliance on Allah - 24:12

    We always want to be in control but Allah is the only one capable of having control - 25:04

    The story is yours, what are you going to do? - 26:11

    Think better of Allah - 28:37

    Don’t dishonor yourself or your blessings - 29:46

    We’re all servants of Allah - 30:51

    Make the most of your time in Ramadan & beyond - 31:36

    Outro - 33:06

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • In this podcast we talk about our experience attending our first out of state event and some advice to prepare and make the best of this Ramadan! After this podcast, you should be more clear on what your goals are for this Ramadan and how you can keep it up after this blessed month!

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

    Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!!

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr

    Intro - 0:00

    Our crazy story about our trip to virginia - 0:55

    Yousofs side of the story - 9:26

    We don’t always know how we act when we’re tried - 13:55

    Jihad Al-Nafs - 15:05

    Every single day is a test - 16:14

    Ramadan is coming up! - 17:31

    The reward of fasting - 20:00

    Why do we fast? - 22:30

    Advice to make this Ramadan your best ramadan - 24:09

    Disciplining your Nafs even when shaytan isn’t influencing you - 25:22

    Start preparing to do better before Ramadan - 27:43

    Staying consistent after ramadan - 30:33

    We have the same amount of time yet in Ramadan it feels different, why? - 32:00

    If you support Islam, Allah will support you - 34:04

    How can you beat your previous self this Ramadan? - 34:45

    Setting goals for yourself this Ramadan - 36:43

    Outro - 40:13

  • In this podcast we talk about the key to increasing our blessings and finding success in life through seeking forgiveness. We talk a little about the depth of seeking forgiveness and how it goes further than just outright sinning and into the principle of showcasing our imperfection and looking to Allah, who’s free of all imperfections and seeking His forgiveness as He promises that when we do so, He will increase us, grant us more blessings, and help us purify ourselves.

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr

    Intro - 0:00

    Allah loves those who repent - 1:15

    The key to change starts with repentance - 2:29

    Allah will reward or punish you based on how you are - 3:23

    Lacking Accountability - 4:03

    We choose who we want to be - 5:34

    What Allah says about repentance & forgiveness - 6:15

    The example of Prophet Muhammad seeking forgiveness - 7:34

    Do we live perfect days? - 8:40

    The feeling of Ramadan, striving to get better, & being involved in community - 9:45

    Forgiveness will only increase you - 11:22

    Sinning intentionally and sinning out of weakness - 12:37

    Giving up anything for the sake of Allah - 15:02

    Your time to disconnect is when you’re with Allah - 16:22

    How to be more content in your life - 17:34

    The keys to success and abundance - 19:00

    How the tests of this world affect us differently - 20:38

    Why did Allah not give everyone certain blessings? - 22:00

    Giving back for the sake of Allah - 23:15

    The heart is constantly changing - 24:45

    Following the sunnah to elevate ourselves - 25:44

    The goal is not to always seek pleasure or comfort - 26:56

    The aspect of doing good deeds as consistently as we can - 27:50

    The Mercy of Allah & His forgiveness - 29:07

    Calling out to Allah - 30:00

    Sometimes we don’t perceive things we should ask forgiveness for - 30:48

    Outro - 33:45

  • In this podcast we talk about the state of the heart and checking our intentions, sincerity, and our actions as it pertains to what we allow to enter our heart and how we grow closer to Allah by seeking help & guidance from Him.

    The heart is a vessel where if it’s corrupt, the whole body will become corrupt. It’s very important for us as Muslims to understand the state of our hearts & take the necessary steps to continuously seek to purify it and renew our intentions.

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

    Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!!

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr

    Intro - 0:00

    The emphasis on the heart in Islam - 1:00

    The people who are the most in loss - 1:45

    A story of 3 men sincere to Allah - 3:25

    Duas are most sincere in times of hardship - 4:56

    The times when we’re most sincere bring us closer to Allah - 5:55

    How dhikr correlates to our success & productivity - 6:56

    Sincere acts & struggles for Allah - 8:14

    Feeling far from Allah as a blessing in disguise - 8:58

    Ignorance is a disease of the heart - 10:54

    Osman’s crazy Ramadan story - 12:07

    Sometimes we don’t perceive Allahs favor upon us when we prioritize Him - 15:29

    Surrounding yourself with Muslims who push you to be better - 16:45

    Being Muslim is filled with tests - 18:39

    When you feel far from Allah, look at what’s in your heart - 19:38

    Shift your perspective on Istighfar - 20:38

    You can always do better - 22:03

    Reflect on everything, especially your Deen - 23:55

    Be the biggest believer in yourself and Allah - 25:21

    This life cannot always be GOOD - 25:58

    Do not overlook the inevitable reality - 28:00

    Smiling through the struggles - 28:58

    Understanding tests the Prophets had to endure - 29:33

    How blinded the hearts can become - 31:23

    Be grateful for what you have no and not worried about past or future - 32:13

    Shaytan wants you to worry about things you can’t control - 35:22

    Debating people who aren’t muslim or reject hadith - 36:35

    Outro - 38:36

  • In this episode of DEENTOUR, we discuss the profound impact of our words and how Islam teaches us to guard our tongues against harmful speech such as backbiting and slander.

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

    Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!!

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr

    Intro - 0:00

    Avoided things that don’t benefit you like ill speech - 0:56

    Not being able to control your tongue - 2:31

    Using social media purely for enjoyment - 3:46

    Controlling yourself from negativity and lying - 6:23

    Don’t let your emotions dictate your behavior - 7:48

    Treat others the way you want to be treated - 10:43

    The example of Musa & Pharoah - 14:36

    The honor of being Muslim - 15:25

    A short story of Adi Ibn Hatim - 16:40

    The way you deal with people - 18:34

    We all have room to learn and grow - 21:48

    The state of the true believers - 22:27

    Backbiting, slandering, & gossiping - 24:44

    The bankrupt person on the Day of Judgement - 30:10

    How you treat your friends, family, & strangers - 30:46

    What would the people you love say about you? - 33:06

    Allah sends people who may uplift you and vice versa - 33:34

    Control your tongue - 34:12

    Outro - 35:16

  • In this podcast we talk about the preparation for young muslims when it comes to the aspect of marriage. Becoming better versions of ourselves, finding the right person, renewing our intentions, and more!

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

    Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!!

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr

    Intro - 0:00

    Unreal marriage expectations - 1:36

    Don’t miss the opportunity to become the best version of yourself - 3:18

    Where your loyalty should be - 4:45

    Allah will give us what we are deserving of - 5:40

    Constant reflection keeps you sincere - 6:40

    Spouses who mistreat each other - 8:43

    Dealing with women - 9:30

    The most important qualities to look for in marriage - 10:22

    Understand the level of reflection your potential spouse does - 11:15

    Asking the right questions to really get to know someone- 14:06

    Your actions will show regardless of your word - 15:40

    Honesty is the best policy - 16:59

    Avoiding arrogance - 18:36

    Don’t get complacent in any phase of life - 19:39

    There’s levels to how much good you can do - 21:21

    Allah knows your intentions far better than you do - 22:47

    People make time for what they really care about - 25:55

    Avoiding things of no benefit - 26:55

    Going after what you want is not going to be easy - 28:24

    The people who are successful - 29:24

    Everything is a choice and the burden is upon us - 31:04

    Reflecting on how certain actions may affect our hearts - 32:20

    Outro - 35:14

  • In this podcast we start off talking about our time in Chicago and shift the conversation to utilizing our blessings as young Muslims. We talk about setting goals for ourselves and utilizing the gift we have with Islam to its fullest potential.

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

    Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!!

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr

    Intro - 0:00

    Our time at MAS ICNA - 1:20

    Why do we say that which we don’t do? - 3:16

    Talk about your goals and ambitions - 6:48

    The journey is a marathon not a sprint - 8:11

    Set deadlines for yourself - 9:15

    Lack of patience in your life - 10:20

    Break large goals into more manageable ones- 11:18

    Look how iman found its way to your heart - 12:20

    How often do you think about your blessings? - 13:20

    Finding joy in the good and bad - 14:23

    Look to Allah in hardship, obey Allah and the Messenger - 15:42

    Men and women being friends - 16:47

    God’s command is our foundation - 21:14

    Reflecting on your actions by asking how you will answer to Allah - 22:59

    Becoming friends with the opposite gender - 24:47

    Tying it back to our time in Chicago - 25:33

    Benefiting in different ways from the Quran - 27:14

    Benefiting from Quran & Dhikr - 27:54

    Seek knowledge and know where you take your knowledge from - 28:35

    The Quran guides to that which is most upright - 31:46

    We need to increase the Muslims in every industry - 32:32

    Your life is Islam, how will you utilize it? - 33:34

    It’s a process but you have to start NOW. - 35:17

    Live with the Akhirah on your mind - 37:23

    Outro - 38:42

  • In this podcast we talk about the essence of love, relationships, and cultivating a life filled with love centered around Allah first. The aspect of love is first learned by connecting to Allah and then through loving Him, you learn how to love others such as your family, spouse, children, and community. Learn about developing a connection with Allah, understanding unconditional love, and fostering meaningful bonds with others.

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

    Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!!

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr

    Intro - 0:00

    Why we didn’t have a podcast last week - 1:15

    Love & Hate being tied to Allah - 4:49

    What is love? - 6:06

    When you love for the sake of Allah - 7:32

    How often we sin against Allah yet He forgives us.. - 8:19

    We don’t know Allah - 9:17

    When’s the last time you thanked Allah? - 10:58

    Allah teaches you how to love Him so you can love others - 11:28

    High quantity, low quality - 14:14

    Show love to people the way you want Allah to show love to you - 15:00

    The bonds built by family - 19:13

    We put unnecessary burden on ourselves - 20:35

    Looking for love in the wrong place - 21:35

    Showing love & being sincere as a form of worship - 23:10

    The love, respect, and compassion of Muhammad (SAW) - 23:51

    The honor of Nuh (AS) - 25:47

    Patience compliments love - 26:40

    We have the blueprint for life as Muslims - 27:49

    Build your confidence in your religion - 29:00

    Do you not think Allah would provide for His religion? - 29:45

    An example of us giving advice and still getting bashed - 32:18

    difference between worshipping Allah and submitting - 35:49

    Trying to change for Allah - 39:00

  • n the 100th episode of the DeenTour podcast, we talk about Jannah, Jahannam, and The Day of Judgement. We discuss some of their descriptions, reminding us of the reality of our lives in this world and what we are striving for and what we are avoiding as Muslims.

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

    Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!!

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr

    Intro - 0:00

    Take account of our actions leading up to the Day of Judgement - 1:00

    Allah’s warning of HellFire & sins affect on us - 3:02

    The Messengers fear on the Day of Judgement so who are we? - 6:23

    Taking ourselves away from things that may take us away from Allah - 8:03

    Allah gives wealth to those He loves & doesn’t love - 9:45

    The honor of being part of the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad - 10:53

    How people around you affect you - 11:54

    Who will be in Jannah & Jahannam - 12:30

    Do you feel closer to Jannah or Jahannam? - 13:29

    Think of Jahannam and remind yourself of who will be there - 14:05

    Allahs description of both Jannah & Jahannam - 17:30

    The Quran as a mercy from Allah - 20:30

    The way you’ll be judged on the Day of judgement - 21:28

    Investing in our dunya for our akhirah - 22:46

    The company we’ll have in Jannah - 23:45

    Enjoying paradise with your parents - 25:10

    Our attributes in Jannah - 25:53

    The length of the Day of Judgement - 26:37

    The reality of the Hour, Jannah, & Jahannam - 27:48

    Have Taqwa & Look to the Quran to be your best self - 28:40

    Chase Jannah rather than Jannah on earth - 30:30

    The fear of the Prophets on the Day judgement - 33:51

    Pleasing others & Pleasing Allah - 35:13

    Outro - 36:58

  • In this podcast we sit down with NBA trainer Maher to discuss the work ethic of professional athletes, the role of faith in careers, overcoming limiting beliefs, and how gratitude and consistency shape success in life and Islam.

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

    Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!!

    Read about finding your purpose and our journey to getting closer to God!!

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr

    Intro - 0:00

    Maher - Pro NBA Trainer - 0:53

    The work ethic of professional athletes- 1:17

    Trying to be the best by competing with yourself - 1:43

    How faith plays a role in our lives & careers - 2:07

    Fasting Ramadan while playing a sport - 3:44

    Debates sparked up from practicing our religion in public - 5:00

    Advice to be more confident - 6:03

    How Maher played a basketball season during Ramadan - 8:09

    Limiting beliefs - 9:50

    The physiology of having negative vs. positive thoughts - 11:21

    Imposter syndrome & dealing with people’s negativity - 13:00

    How brotherhood affects people’s work - 15:45

    How character affects players performance & opportunities - 16:29

    Recurring Growth & Change in life & Islam - 18:57

    Investing in yourself - 19:55

    The difference between 99-100-101% - 22:00

    Muslims being the most consistent people - 23:29

    Don’t get swept under the current - 24:14

    The emphasis on gratefulness in Islam - 26:32

    Reflecting on how your goals bring you closer to God - 27:38

    Finding ways to work hard without as much effort - 29:38

    Trying to do actions for the sake of God - 31:25

    Pushing your limits - 32:35

    Get our Islamic Trivia game! - 36:04

    Outro - 37:00

  • In this podcast we speak about enacting change in our lives that helps us become better Muslims by being more grateful, balancing our Deen & Dunya, and pleasing Allah in a world full of chaos.

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

    Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!!

    Read about finding your purpose and our journey to getting closer to God!!

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr

    Intro - 0:00

    Taking our blessings for granted - 2:40

    The concept of change - 3:38

    Hussien reminiscing on his past experiences - 4:16

    Chasing the dunya in a way to sell out your faith - 5:56

    Selling your way of life for wealth - 7:44

    Who you respect, who you follow & the influence of that on you - 9:04

    Understanding your position whether you have Allah or don’t - 9:53

    We be asked about the blessings that we can’t even count. - 11:07

    Dealing with those days we feel unmotivated & unproductive - 12:40

    We don’t always recognize when we’re wrong - 13:29

    The value of the Quran - 15:00

    Trusting in what Allah has planned for you - 16:47

    Standing clear above falsehood, the essence of Submission - 18:41

    Arrogance poisons the heart - 19:59

    Indeed the reminder benefits the Believers - 22:40

    Shaytan will make it hard for you to turn to Allah - 23:47

    Allah’s chosen servants - 25:20

    Travelers in the Dunya - 26:41

    The blessings of God find their way to you - 28:26

    What you have in Jannah - 31:37

    The difficulty of internalizing the reality of Jahannam - 33:45

  • In this podcast we address many stereotypes about Islam and break them down to showcase the importance of learning about your religion so you don’t fall victim to any of these stereotypes or believing in them.

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

    Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!!

    Read about finding your purpose and our journey to getting closer to God!!

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr

    Intro - 0:00

    Stereotypes around Islam - 0:43

    The 3 questions in the Grave - 1:51

    A misconception regarding prayer - 4:20

    Islam is a Terror*** religion? - 6:49

    Islam is a racist religion? - 8:25

    Adding culture to Islam - 10:03

    Trying to perfect our faith - 13:00

    Islam is a harsh religion? - 14:01

    You’re not perfect & ppl won’t live up to your expectations - 16:39

    Islam didn’t start with the Prophet - 17:05

    Following celebrities lives over the Prophet - 18:25

    Don’t neglect your religion - 19:46

    Doing bad while not perceiving it - 20:30

    The reality of being asked about everything you did - 22:30

    Is Islam oppressive to women? - 24:39

    The roles of men and women - 28:47

    The ultimate goal of a marriage - 33:04

    Mistreating each other - 33:19

    falling subservient to false stereotypes - 35:14

  • In this podcast we talk about loving Allah and what that looks like through our actions, connecting with Him, following the Quran & Sunnah and ultimately becoming loved by Allah.

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

    Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!!

    Read about finding your purpose and our journey to getting closer to God!!

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr

    Intro - 0:00

    The people Allah loves - 1:52

    Time is a deception - 3:09

    The biggest destructions for us - 4:05

    You can never worship Allah enough - 5:45

    You don’t know how much good you actually do - 6:15

    The only way to actually experience love - 7:19

    Speaking of negative assumptions -8:28

    Being a people pleaser - 9:35

    Loving the Quran to love Allah - 10:40

    The pain we should feel if we don’t remember Allah - 12:03

    Love for Allah leads to passion - 13:18

    Trying to adopt more sunnahs - 14:59

    Becoming a grateful servant - 17:30

    Having emotional intelligence - 18:00

    Osman’s cologne story😂 - 20:05

    Not letting your Intentions stray - 20:45

    Showcasing love for ourselves in public - 22:08

    There’s no honor in people who lie - 23:15

    The respect of someone who is truthful - 25:38

    Being loved by those who love Allah - 27:40

    The biggest point of progression comes from - 28:24

    Material runs out, your connection to Allah doesn’t - 30:03

    Doing things Allah dislikes will only hurt you - 32:26

    You think you have time… - 33:47

    Outro - 34:38

  • In this podcast we talk about maintaining a strong Muslim identity in a world that pushes us further away from our religion and values.

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

    Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!!

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr

    Intro - 0:00

    Our identity as a Muslim - 0:45

    We all hop on trends - 1:41

    Why do we hop on trends? - 3:05

    Being ashamed of the Muslim identity - 4:06

    Don’t be scared to practice your religion - 6:54

    Giving dawah to people - 8:20

    The best dawah - 9:45

    The negative connotation surrounding Islam - 11:04

    Accepting the journey it takes to love Islam - 12:07

    Guidance is a path we walk our entire lives - 14:30

    Chasing to stack up good deeds - 16:10

    Setting more good trends - 18:46

    To be loved by Allah - 20:48

    The reward of those who encourage a good deed - 22:12

    Being known by none but known in the skies - 22:36

    A story of a great worshipper of Allah - 23:56

    Your relationship between you and God - 27:07

    Living your life constantly striving for Allah - 29:03

    Well know more people of the Hellfire than that of Jannah - 31:30

    Loving the Prophet of Allah more than ourselves - 32:00

    Reflecting upon death - 37:00

    Looking at the sins we do in a different perspective - 38:24

    3 Key points to help your Muslim identity - 40:13

    Outro - 44:24

  • In this podcast, we talk about striving for Allah to find success in this world in a manner that brings us closer to Him, not in a way that forces us to choose between our deen and dunya.

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

    Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!!

    Join our Quran Community!


    Read about finding your purpose and our journey to getting closer to God!!

    Cop Our E-Book!!





    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr

    Intro - 0:00

    Fearing your desires - 1:00

    Does material possessions take away from your religion? - 1:45

    Muslims should look for the upper hand - 2:41

    Making excuses to be lazy - 3:22

    Providing for your family - 4:40

    Striving to do things that get us closer to Allah - 5:12

    Why do we want money? - 6:37

    Struggling for Allah doesn’t go unnoticed - 7:50

    Thinking too little of Allah - 8:47

    Being Mediocre - 9:32

    Taking action with dua - 10:11

    The best dua to make - 11:59

    Doing actions according to the sunnah - 13:30

    Having the best dua granted to you - 14:25

    Perfecting your Fatiha - 15:40

    The most solid people - 16:42

    What is wealth? - 17:10

    Why would you want to be mediocre? - 17:42

    If you fear anything other than Allah - 18:52

    The journey leads to us becoming better - 19:44

    A Muslims unrelenting ambition - 20:55

    Optimizing your self - 22:05

    Setting goals for yourself & being your own critic - 22:35

    Starting your day early & maximizing your time - 25:33

    Outro - 30:20

  • In this podcast we talk about connecting with the Quran and provide different perspectives to learn how to love the Quran and apply it in our lives to fix our low points in iman.

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

    Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!!

    Join our Quran Community! skool.com/guided-success-5086/about

    Read about finding your purpose and our journey to getting closer to God!!

    Cop Our E-Book!! Deentour.shop

    JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/xUdqnuDY6w


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr

    Intro - 0:00 What happens when we hit a low point in iman? - 1:19 Fear Allah - 2:00 Worshipping Allah with Ihsan - 3:07 Advice to worship Allah better - 4:30 Why do we keep asking to be guided? - 5:58 Adopt the fard before the sunnah - 7:09 Place your efforts towards the Hereafter - 8:13 Seeking honor through Islam - 9:12 Learning to love the mosque - 10:26 Not being grateful for the connection you have with Allah - 11:49 A status Allah has raised some people to - 12:59 Is there a seal upon your heart? - 14:40 Chasing wisdom & knowledge to better ourselves - 16:00 The best things you can do in your life - 17:53 How much the sahaba and Prophet (PBUH) used to read quran - 19:03 Reflecting & Acting upon on the Quran - 19:51 What verses from the Quran really strike us? - 22:36 How to be guided by Allah? - 26:15 Allah loves those who repent - 27:36 The beautiful composition of the Quran - 28:32 Advice for people with low iman - 30:32

  • In this podcast, we reflect on our emotional journey to Cairo, where we helped displaced families and witnessed the stark differences between life in the West and the struggles faced by others.

    We share powerful lessons on giving back, the importance of gratitude, and how to truly make use of your time, money, and knowledge. Join us as we dive deep into these experiences and offer reminders that will inspire you to make a difference.

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

    Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!!

    Join our Quran Community! skool.com/guided-success-5086/about

    Read about finding your purpose and our journey to getting closer to God!! Cop Our E-Book!! Deentour.shop

    JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/xUdqnuDY6w


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr


    Intro - 0:00

    Our trip to egypt - 0:27

    The story of a man who’s family was martyred - 3:10

    Seeing people suffering in real time - 4:32

    Do you think the wrongdoers won’t pay for what they did? - 5:22

    A battle between good and evil - 6:42

    Visiting our family members - 8:13

    We complain about things others dream of - 9:16

    Seeing the kids in the streets -10:04

    Inflicting change for those around you - 13:40

    Don’t be afraid to practice your religion - 16:10

    Islam encourages people to be better - 17:14

    The idea of charity - 19:05

    What seems like little to us can be a lot to someone else - 21:09

    We are in need, not God - 22:57

    Allah can replace you - 24:00

    Well spend more time in our grave than on earth - 25:16

    We don’t appreciate our time enough - 27:24

    Imagine the regrets we have on the day of judgement - 30:10

    Understanding the depth of others struggles - 31:38

    We’re not deserving of anything - 32:52

    Outro - 33:52

  • In this podcast we speak about the reality of this life and not falling into the amusements of this world that can take us away from Allah SWT.

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

    Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!!

    Join our Quran Community!


    Read about finding your purpose and our journey to getting closer to God!!

    Cop Our E-Book!! Deentour.shop

    JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/xUdqnuDY6w


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr

    Intro - 0:00

    Reminiscing on our time in sudan - 1:20

    If you do actions in secret - 3:33

    Look at who you’re sinning against - 4:26

    Allah will inform us of what we used to do - 5:33

    The reality of the day of judgement - 6:48

    We’ve all been heedless & that stops us from getting better - 8:22

    Being heedless leads to no repentance - 9:14

    How often do you say the shahada? - 9:48

    How come not every Muslim will die upon the shahada? - 11:15

    The hypocrites in the Quran - 12:04

    Affirming the truth of the Quran - 13:23

    Think harder about what you’re going to do or say - 14:07

    When Osman & Hussien argue - 15:20

    Learning from people more knowledgeable - 18:08

    Nothing wrong with saying “idk” - 19:30

    The story of the man who killed 99 people - 20:40

    Think about what matters - 23:50

    Acting off of impulse - 24:23

    This life is pure amusement - 26:42

    It’s a mindset thing - 29:39

    We don’t need a lot of things - 31:00

    Explaining our podcast process😂 - 32:49

    Outro- 34:38

  • In this podcast we bring our brother Yousof back to talk about how Islam gives purpose to our life. Turning every action we do into a form of worship so that we are rewarded for it!

    DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more!

    Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!!

    Join our Quran Community!


    Read about finding your purpose and our journey to getting closer to God!!

    Cop Our E-Book!!


    JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/xUdqnuDY6w


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deentourr/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deentourr

    Intro - 0:00

    How islam gives purpose to our life - 1:15

    Why were the Prophets the most tested? - 3:51

    Prophet Nuh preached Islam for so long - 5:15

    Imagine being there when the Quran was revealed - 6:54

    How the sahaba lived the Quran - 7:32

    Allah speaks to us - 8:32

    Elongating dua & focus in prayer - 10:04

    And advice to make your prayer better - 11:40

    Every form of discipline can be a form of worship - 12:21

    The blessings of the morning time - 14:17

    Get rid of the impurities of the heart - 15:36

    Always make a way to remember Allah - 16:31

    A story of a man who memorized the Quran by listening - 18:17

    You don’t have time to pray? - 19:25

    Being late to prayer - 23:00

    It is Allahs will to lighten your burdens - 23:58

    Life is all about choices - 23:48

    The “Ill do it later” mentality - 25:17

    How often do you thank Allah for what you did and didn’t ask for? - 30:29

    Have you made Islam your lifestyle? - 31:12

    What were we created for? - 32:30

    How often do you think about your charity? - 33:28

    Intention is where it’s at - 34:30

    Shaytan will always remind you of your bad deeds - 35:57

    The struggle against one’s self - 38:23

    The key to stop sinning - 41:13

    Your sins affect the whole ummah - 43:48

    Will your blessings harm or benefit you? - 45:17

    The greatest punishment in this life - 46:07

    Outro - 48:43