Join us for an insightful exploration of Nicholas Carr's "Superbloom," as we dissect technology's impact on our minds, communication, and sense of self. From social media's hyperreality to AI's blurring of human abilities, we question the promises of digital utopia. Discover how to reclaim agency, find balance, and engage mindfully in an increasingly virtual world.
加入我们深入探索Nicholas Carr的《Superbloom》,剖析科技对我们思想、交流和自我意识的影响。从社交媒体的超现实到人工智能对人类能力的模糊,我们质疑数字乌托邦的承诺。 探索如何在日益虚拟的世界中重塑自主性、找到平衡并以正念的方式参与。
This podcast episode delves into the science behind nature's profound impact on well-being, inspired by Kathy Willis's book, "Good Nature." It explores how elements like trees, colors, flowers, scents, and sounds reduce stress, enhance creativity, and promote healing. The discussion underscores that access to nature is essential, not a luxury, and advocates for its integration into daily life and urban design for holistic health. The importance of touch and the microbiome are also highlighted.
这集播客深入探讨了自然对健康产生的深远影响背后的科学原理,其灵感来自Kathy Willis的《Good Nature》一书。节目探讨了树木、颜色、花朵、气味和声音等元素如何减轻压力、提升创造力并促进健康。讨论强调,接触自然是必不可少的,而不是一种奢侈,并提倡将其融入日常生活和城市设计中,以促进整体健康。节目也强调了触觉和微生物群的重要性。
Puuttuva jakso?
In this episode We're diving deep into James Clear's "Atomic Habits," exploring how tiny changes can compound into significant results. We'll uncover key concepts, from identity shifts to habit loops and designing your environment for success. Get ready for lasting personal growth!
本期播客我们将深入探讨James Clear的《Atomic Habits》,这本书教你如何通过微小的改变,日积月累地养成好习惯,摆脱坏习惯。我们将挖掘书中的关键理念,从身份转变到习惯回路,再到如何设计你的环境以获得成功,助你实现持久的个人成长。
Dive into Yuval Noah Harari's "Nexus" with us as we explore the intricate connections between information, power, and wisdom. We discuss democracy in the age of AI, the dangers of unchecked technology, and the potential for a "silicon curtain." Join us for a thought-provoking journey into the future and our role in shaping it.
与我们一起深入探讨Yuval Noah Harari的《Nexus》,探索信息、权力和智慧之间错综复杂的联系。 我们讨论人工智能时代民主的挑战、不受控制的技术的危险以及“硅幕”的可能性。 加入我们,踏上发人深省的未来之旅,以及我们在塑造未来中的作用。
The discussion delves into Fei-Fei Li’s book The Worlds I See, tracing her journey from childhood curiosity to AI leadership. It intertwines personal narratives with AI evolution, highlighting ImageNet’s role in deep learning breakthroughs, ethical challenges, and healthcare applications. Li advocates for human-centered AI, urging collective responsibility to shape technology aligned with societal values.
对话深入探讨李飞飞著作《The Worlds I See》,回顾其从童年对宇宙的探索到推动AI发展的历程。书中融合个人经历与AI演进,涵盖ImageNet的创立、深度学习突破及AI伦理思考,强调以人为中心的技术发展,呼吁各界共同塑造负责任的AI未来。
This episode dives deep into TJ Power's new book, "The DOSE Effect," unveiling the "DOSE" formula—dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins—and how these four brain chemicals impact our mood, motivation, and relationships. We'll explore science-backed methods to boost these "happiness chemicals" and emphasize starting small for gradual change. From "slow dopamine" to "dose stacking," this episode provides practical tools and strategies to unlock happiness and embark on a healthier, more fulfilling life.
本期节目深入探讨了TJ Power的新书《The DOSE Effect》,揭秘“DOSE”公式——多巴胺、催产素、血清素和内啡肽这四大脑内化学物质如何影响我们的情绪、动机和人际关系。节目不仅分享了如何通过科学的方法提升这四种幸福化学物质,还强调了从小处着手、逐步改变的重要性。从“slow dopamine”到“dose stacking”,本期节目为你提供了一系列实用的工具和策略,助你掌握幸福的密码,开启更健康、更快乐的人生。
Happy Chinese New Year, everyone!
This conversation explores the psychology of rituals, differentiating them from habits. Rituals, enhanced by effort, provide meaning and control in our lives, and can be small, personal practices or shared traditions. They help us navigate change, connect with others, and even adapt to the digital age. While rituals can be beneficial, they should not control us. Mindfulness, flexibility, and intention are key to ensuring rituals serve our well-being.
Dive deep into the captivating life of Masayoshi Son and the rise of SoftBank in this podcast episode. Explore Son's early struggles, his audacious gambles, and his visionary leadership that shaped the tech landscape. Uncover the forces behind his relentless drive, from his family history to his near-death experience, and examine his impact on both global technology and society. From the dot-com bubble to the Vision Fund, this is a comprehensive look at a true tech titan.
本期播客深入探讨了《Open When》这本书,它以信件形式探讨人生挑战。节目强调了人际交往中的自卑感,提出将关注点从自我转移到他人,以及接纳自我批评,用好奇心代替评判。同时,也讨论了如何处理强烈情绪,包括使用“grounding”技巧和运动。节目还讨论了人生的意义,强调探索和内在价值观,提醒大家不必独自面对挑战,可以从小处着手,逐步构建情绪韧性。
This podcast delves into the book "Open When," which uses letters to explore life's challenges. It highlights self-consciousness in social interactions, suggesting shifting focus from self to others, and embracing self-criticism with curiosity, not judgment. It also discusses managing intense emotions through "grounding" techniques and movement. The podcast further explores meaning in life, emphasizing exploration and inner values, reminding listeners they don't have to face challenges alone, can start small, and build emotional resilience gradually.
Welcome to our podcast episode where we dive deep into the inner workings of Spotify and how it has reshaped the music industry. We'll be exploring the truth behind Spotify with “Mood Machine”, from its origins to algorithmic influences and the struggles of musicians. We'll also discuss data privacy, royalty issues and the rise of music labor rights. What choices do we make as listeners? Let’s explore the deeper implications of streaming and shape the future of music together.
欢迎来到本期播客,我们将深入探讨音乐流媒体巨头 Spotify 的运作机制,以及它如何重塑音乐产业。《Mood Machine》这本书将带领我们揭开Spotify背后的真相,从起源故事到算法影响,再到音乐人的生存困境。我们也会探讨数据隐私、版税问题以及音乐劳动权利的兴起。作为听众,我们又该如何选择?让我们一起探索流媒体背后的深层含义,共同塑造音乐的未来。
Explore Malcolm Gladwell's "Revenge of the Tipping Point," connecting seemingly disparate events through "tipping points" and "overstories." We dissect Gladwell's "social engineers" concept, examining its influence from urban design to college admissions. Discover how culture, like "Will & Grace," drives major social shifts. Join us to understand how small actions create massive change, revealing the hidden forces shaping our world – from the Holocaust to the opioid crisis.
探索 Malcolm Gladwell 的《Revenge of the Tipping Point》,解析 "tipping points" 和 "overstories" 如何串联看似无关的事件。剖析 Gladwell 的 "social engineers" 概念,审视其在 urban design 和 college admissions 中的影响。发现文化,如《Will & Grace》,如何驱动重大社会变革。加入我们,了解微小行动如何引发巨变,揭示塑造世界的隐形力量——从 Holocaust 到 opioid crisis。
这期播客探讨了Kendra Adachi的《Plan》这本书,这是一本强调整合而非死板日程的时间管理书籍。“Plan”包含四个相互关联的工具:Prepare(处理焦虑,为成功做好准备),Live(活在当下,品味时刻),Adjust(拥抱灵活性和自我同情),以及Notice(关注你的精力和需求)。讨论强调了一些实用技巧,比如“someday list”、“today framework”(根据你的精力水平工作)和“ightening the load”(有效管理待办事项列表)。播客还深入探讨了项目管理、检查、自我关怀(包括17分钟的午睡)和寻求帮助的重要性。总的来说,这本书提倡一种更人性化的时间管理方法,优先考虑价值观、幸福感和自我关爱。
本集探讨了Tyler Moore的《Tidy Up Your Life》,这是一本关于整理物理空间与心态的指南。我们讨论了他的“just enough”“joyful routines”和“surthrival”,阶段的概念,并提供了实用的建议来组织卧室、浴室和厨房。从玩具轮换到厨房分区,你将学会如何打造一个反映你价值观和优先事项的家。探索日常习惯、意图以及拥抱生活中美丽混乱的力量。这不仅仅是关于整洁的空间,更是关于创造一个既可控又充满喜悦的生活。
本集深入探讨了Robin的新书(Let Them Theory),聚焦于在关系中放下控制、接受现状的核心原则。我们解读了这一理论的两大部分:“Let them”(接纳他人的选择)和“Let me”(关注自己的反应)。这一方法根植于斯多葛主义、佛教哲学和分离理论,提供了实用工具,帮助管理压力、应对棘手的人际关系以及设定健康边界。从职场动态到个人友谊,我们探讨了“让他们”如何转变你的关系模式,赋予你更真实地生活的力量,同时避免过度帮助或拯救他人。