
  • Join us for a thought-provoking episode where we challenge recent college graduates to rethink their job search strategy by removing their college degrees from their resumes and applying with their skills to see if they have the same difficulty in finding work.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - The shift in job requirements towards focusing on skills and potential rather than years of experience or education.- The disconnect between job seekers and employers in the tough labor market, with some college graduates having high expectations without work experience.- The suggestion to remove college degrees from resumes to increase chances of getting hired and focusing on what potential employers are looking for.- Exploring whether a college degree is necessary for certain professions and considering alternative career pathways.- The importance of skill and talent over traditional education in fields like cloud computing and debunking the misconception that all professions require a degree.

    This episode challenges the traditional approach to job hunting and emphasizes the importance of skills and talents over degrees, offering valuable insights and anecdotes to inspire listeners to rethink their career paths.

    Don't forget to leave a review on Apple Podcasts to share your thoughts!

    Ready to set your teen on the path to success after high school?

    Apply for our Degree Free Launch Program and let's build them a personalized career roadmap: https://degreefree.co/launch

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: https://degreefree.co

    Your questions, answered on air! Head over to https://ask.degreefree.co/question and Ryan and Hannah will answer your question on the podcast!

  • Join us for a thought-provoking episode where we explore the pressure parents often feel to push their children into traditional paths.

    We share a moving example of a mother unsure of how to guide her son's post-high school journey.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - The negative impacts of blindly suggesting traditional paths like college or the military without considering individual goals and interests- The importance of asking open-ended questions and having conversations with young adults about their aspirations before providing advice- The significance of involving parents in the career planning process for young adults and facilitating important discussions- Disagreements and commitments in writing and launching a book, emphasizing shared goals and decision-making in business

    Join us next week as we continue to explore alternative paths to success and empower young adults to make informed decisions about their futures.

    Ready to set your teen on the path to success after high school?

    Apply for our Degree Free Launch Program and let's build them a personalized career roadmap: https://degreefree.co/launch

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: https://degreefree.co

    Your questions, answered on air! Head over to https://ask.degreefree.co/question and Ryan and Hannah will answer your question on the podcast!

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  • Join us for an eye-opening episode where we share a story of guiding an 18-year-old to a unique career path through artisan jobs like tailor, cobbler, shoemaker, or upholsterer.

    Discover the rising demand for these skills and the potential for high income.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - The benefits of self-employment and flexibility in artisan professions compared to traditional jobs- Insights on business ownership and building wealth through self-employment- The importance of working towards high-paying careers and self-assessment for job-seeking or entrepreneurship

    Explore the challenges and rewards of self-employment, the value of financial literacy, and the need for increased income to address financial difficulties.

    Join us for more valuable insights and learn about our launch program and book.

    Ready to set your teen on the path to success after high school?

    Apply for our Degree Free Launch Program and let's build them a personalized career roadmap: https://degreefree.co/launch

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: https://degreefree.co

    Your questions, answered on air! Head over to https://ask.degreefree.co/question and Ryan and Hannah will answer your question on the podcast!

  • Join us for an enlightening episode where we share the success story of a young adult who found his career path through the Launch Program.

    Discover how he identified his goals and secured a job aligned with his interests.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - Importance of prioritizing needs and wants when choosing a job- Value of specific skills over a college degree- Challenges and uncertainties in pursuing higher education- Achieving financial goals through high-income skills and market trends

    Tune in to learn how focusing on skills and career goals can lead to a fulfilling and successful professional journey.

    Whether you're navigating career choices or aiming for financial success, this episode offers valuable insights for your personal growth and development.

    Ready to set your teen on the path to success after high school?

    Apply for our Degree Free Launch Program and let's build them a personalized career roadmap: https://degreefree.co/launch

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: https://degreefree.co

    Your questions, answered on air! Head over to https://ask.degreefree.co/question and Ryan and Hannah will answer your question on the podcast!

  • Join us for an enlightening discussion on the lack of vocational creativity among educators and the societal pressure to prioritize college as the only path to success.

    We challenge the status quo and advocate for exploring alternative education pathways.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - The need for educators to guide students towards suitable career options beyond college- Exploring vocational creativity and alternative education paths like the Launch program- Critique of the current education system and societal pressure to attend prestigious colleges- Debunking myths about STEM degrees as a guaranteed pathway to employment- Importance of considering individual needs and wants when choosing a career path

    Challenge societal norms and rethink traditional approaches to career selection with the Degree Free Podcast.

    Discover the benefits of prioritizing personal needs and wants when exploring career opportunities.

    Tune in for practical insights on finding fulfilling work and achieving financial security.

    Ready to set your teen on the path to success after high school?

    Apply for our Degree Free Launch Program and let's build them a personalized career roadmap: https://degreefree.co/launch

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: https://degreefree.co

    Your questions, answered on air! Head over to https://ask.degreefree.co/question and Ryan and Hannah will answer your question on the podcast!

  • Join us for this week’s episode with Kenny DeGiglio, CEO of US Employment Solutions, as he delves into the importance of retraining in the evolving job market and introduces the Crypto Academy training program for transitioning into the Bitcoin and crypto industry.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - Explanation of Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and web 3 and their intersection with finance and technology- The concept of cohorts in the Crypto Academy program and reasons people join- Misconceptions about the tech industry, particularly in Bitcoin and crypto, and the importance of leveraging existing skills- Preparation for a career in crypto through live, cohort-based learning and building relationships- Ideal group size for the program, program duration, cost, and who benefits most from it

    Discover how the Crypto Academy can help you thrive in the tech industry, particularly in Bitcoin and crypto.

    Join Kenny DeGiglio on this journey of building skills, relationships, and shaping your career path in these emerging fields.

    Ready to set your teen on the path to success after high school?

    Apply for our Degree Free Launch Program and let's build them a personalized career roadmap: https://degreefree.co/launch

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: https://degreefree.co

    Your questions, answered on air! Head over to https://ask.degreefree.co/question and Ryan and Hannah will answer your question on the podcast!

  • Join us as we talk about the growing importance of vocational creativity and the impact of ChatGPT experience in the job market.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - How half of business leaders now value Chat GPT experience more than a college degree, signaling a shift in hiring preferences.- The potential benefits of AI in enabling individuals to focus on more valuable work rather than replacing them in the workforce.- Practical tips on effectively using Chat GPT in job searches and the evolving landscape of work due to technological advancements.

    Explore the conversation on the evolving role of AI in the workforce and the significance of vocational creativity in securing and excelling in job roles.

    Discover how free tools like Chat GPT can enhance your job search and career prospects in the digital age.

    Ready to set your teen on the path to success after high school?

    Apply for our Degree Free Launch Program and let's build them a personalized career roadmap: https://degreefree.co/launch

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: https://degreefree.co

    Your questions, answered on air! Head over to https://ask.degreefree.co/question and Ryan and Hannah will answer your question on the podcast!

  • Preorder our workbook set for parents of 16-20 year olds today! https://degreefree.co/otheroptions

    This book can save your young adult $100,000 and 5.5 years of their life!

    Join us as we dive into the world of Degree Free career options.

    Discover the insights we share about the importance of setting goals first when making career decisions.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - Importance of starting with goals before choosing a career path- Differentiating between jobs that require degrees and those that simply request one- Understanding the legal requirements for college degrees in various professions- Valuing paid resources for education and career planning

    Explore the unconventional views on career decision-making and gain valuable advice on aligning work choices with personal aspirations.

    Ready to set your teen on the path to success after high school?

    Apply for our Degree Free Launch Program and let's build them a personalized career roadmap: https://degreefree.co/launch

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: https://degreefree.co

    Your questions, answered on air! Head over to https://ask.degreefree.co/question and Ryan and Hannah will answer your question on the podcast!

  • Join us for an engaging episode where we share insights from Ryan's trip to San Francisco and his experiences at the Game Developers Conference (GDC).

    Discover how you can pursue a career in video game design without a degree.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - The value of practical skills and hands-on experience over a traditional education in creative fields.- The importance of persistence and taking on challenges to pursue one's goals.- The concept of persistence and mindset as key traits of winners, using examples like Drake Porter and Babe Ruth.

    Don't miss out on this insightful episode that highlights the message of never giving up and taking action to achieve success.

    Stay tuned for more inspiring conversations on the Degree Free Podcast!

    Ready to set your teen on the path to success after high school?

    Apply for our Degree Free Launch Program and let's build them a personalized career roadmap: https://degreefree.co/launch

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: https://degreefree.co

    Your questions, answered on air! Head over to https://ask.degreefree.co/question and Ryan and Hannah will answer your question on the podcast!

  • Join us for a thought-provoking episode where we tackle the irony of a college course at UC Berkeley centered around Taylor Swift as a case study for business and marketing.

    We discuss the high cost of degrees and the emergence of specialized programs in fields like AI.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - Questioning the value of paying for a class on a Degree Free billionaire like Taylor Swift, instead of learning from her self-made success and self-learning approach.- Exploring the high cost of a bachelor's degree in the US and the growing disconnect between educational costs and actual job requirements in certain industries.- Discussing the idea that having a degree may not be necessary for certain fields, as demonstrated by individuals without degrees being successful in those fields.

    Tune in to gain insights on the rising expenses of education, the value of practical experience, and the changing dynamics of job requirements in various industries.

    Don't miss out on this eye-opening episode of Degree Free Podcast!

    Ready to set your teen on the path to success after high school?

    Apply for our Degree Free Launch Program and let's build them a personalized career roadmap: https://degreefree.co/launch

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: https://degreefree.co

    Your questions, answered on air! Head over to https://ask.degreefree.co/question and Ryan and Hannah will answer your question on the podcast!

  • Join us for an engaging episode as we share a compelling story about negotiating remote work arrangements.

    Learn how to successfully secure a remote work setup by strategically planning and getting supervisor buy-in.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - Importance of getting buy-in from the right people and presenting a well-thought-out plan in writing- Tips on creating concise proposals, using statistics, and highlighting unique value to the company- Focus on a unique selling proposition when negotiating remote work and incorporating a trial period to de-risk the deal- Story about successfully negotiating a trial period for a new job position by highlighting unique value and proposing a clear plan- Turning a non-remote job into a remote job by implementing standing meetings on specific days and having a trial period for effectiveness

    Tune in to discover valuable insights on navigating remote work negotiations and leveraging unique value to secure special arrangements in the workplace.

    Take away actionable tips to advocate for flexible work arrangements and make your career transitions smoother.

    Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn from our experiences and elevate your negotiation game!

    Ready to set your teen on the path to success after high school?

    Apply for our Degree Free Launch Program and let's build them a personalized career roadmap: https://degreefree.co/launch

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: https://degreefree.co

    Your questions, answered on air! Head over to https://ask.degreefree.co/question and Ryan and Hannah will answer your question on the podcast!

  • Join us as we explore the lack of awareness among teenagers and young adults about career options beyond college, trades, or the military.

    Discover the importance of vocational creativity and empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their future.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - The focus on vocational creativity and helping young adults explore diverse career options beyond traditional paths.- The personalized approach to career curriculums and finding unique opportunities based on individual goals and strengths.- The importance of on-the-job training, and creating alternative pathways for high school students.- Encouraging parents and young adults to explore the Degree Free Launch Program for guidance in choosing the right career path.

    Gain insights into individualized career planning and unique career paths.

    Explore the benefits of local resources for career development and the rewards of guiding students towards fulfilling paths on the Degree Free Podcast.

    Ready to set your teen on the path to success after high school?

    Apply for our Degree Free Launch Program and let's build them a personalized career roadmap: https://degreefree.co/launch

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: https://degreefree.co

    Your questions, answered on air! Head over to https://ask.degreefree.co/question and Ryan and Hannah will answer your question on the podcast!

  • We explore the art of asking great questions and the importance of effective communication.

    Join us as we delve into the world of questioning with expert insights and practical tips.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - The significance of understanding the purpose of a question and the types of questions (open-ended and closed)- Tips and examples for using the SQE framework in various situations like job interviews and project meetings- The role of context in avoiding stupid questions and the importance of listening in effective communication

    Discover the power of asking the right questions and improving your communication skills with the Degree Free Podcast.

    Stay tuned for more episodes packed with valuable insights and practical advice for enhancing your questioning abilities.

    Ready to set your teen on the path to success after high school? Ready to leave a lasting impression in your next interview? Sign up now to receive your free list of 10 expertly crafted questions using the SQE framework! https://dgrfr.co/10questions

    Apply for our Degree Free Launch Program and let's build them a personalized career roadmap: https://degreefree.co/launch

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: https://degreefree.co

    Your questions, answered on air! Head over to https://ask.degreefree.co/question and Ryan and Hannah will answer your question on the podcast!

  • We explore the controversial topic of college education and recent changes in FAFSA requirements.

    Questioning the necessity of all students filling out the FAFSA and exploring the financial implications on students and families.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - The repeal of the FAFSA graduation requirement in Louisiana and its impact on students and families.- Emphasizing the importance of educating students and parents about options rather than mandating FAFSA completion- The low graduation rates in Louisiana and the financial implications of pursuing higher education with the help of Pell Grant.- The marketing tactics and persuasion involved in filling out the FAFSA, questioning the true cost and effectiveness of the program.

    We uncover the complexities of FAFSA requirements and debate the value of college education.

    Whether you're a student, parent, or educator, this episode will challenge your perspective on higher education and financial aid.

    Tune in to the Degree Free Podcast for more insightful discussions.

    Ready to set your teen on the path to success after high school?

    Apply for our Degree Free Launch Program and let's build them a personalized career roadmap: https://degreefree.co/launch

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: https://degreefree.co

    Your questions, answered on air! Head over to https://ask.degreefree.co/question and Ryan and Hannah will answer your question on the podcast!

  • We talk about the recent decision of Ivy League schools to reinstate standardized test requirements like the SAT and ACT, despite prior drops.

    Discover the motivations behind this choice and the impact it has on applicant filtering and revenue generation.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - Insights into changes in SAT format, such as going digital and adaptive, and shifts in work attitudes post-pandemic.- The impact of the pandemic on work priorities, emphasizes flexibility, family time, and personal well-being.- Observations on the evolving trends in career choices and the significance of decoupling career identity from work.- Discussions on remote work, mental health days, and how employers are adjusting benefits to align with changing work attitudes.

    Reflect on the significance of preparation in achieving goals, using the finisher shirt in a marathon as a metaphor for education.

    Explore the evolving work attitudes post-pandemic and the emphasis on flexibility, mental health, and career choices. Share your feedback and questions with us!

    Ready to set your teen on the path to success after high school?

    Apply for our Degree Free Launch Program and let's build them a personalized career roadmap: https://degreefree.co/launch

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: https://degreefree.co

    Your questions, answered on air! Head over to https://ask.degreefree.co/question and Ryan and Hannah will answer your question on the podcast!

  • Join us as we talk about the importance of taking action and making changes to achieve your career goals.

    Learn how to move beyond studying and research to start applying for jobs and adjusting your strategies based on results.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - The importance of being willing to try different things and make changes in order to reach goals, whether that be in job searching or starting a business.- The need to focus on the ultimate goal and not get caught up in distractions or unnecessary skills or actions that do not directly contribute to that goal.- The importance of setting and achieving goals intentionally, and being willing to change those goals as needed.

    Take the proactive steps necessary to achieve your career goals by evaluating your actions and staying focused on the end goal.

    Tune in to the Degree Free Podcast to learn valuable insights on setting and achieving your desired career milestones.

    Start your journey towards success today!

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: degreefree.co

    Join the Degree Free Network and get the support you need to get hired, get that promotion, and achieve your career goals! You’ll get access to our free resources such as the 5 Degree Free Pathways and 7 Day Get Hired Challenge Course: degreefree.co/network

    Learn job hunting skills and learn how to land your dream job in 7 days: degreefree.co/gethired/

    Starting your degree free journey but don't know where to start? Check out our free ‘5 Degree Free Pathways’ Course: degreefree.co/pathways

  • Join us for an introspective episode as we reflect on the quote 'live every day like it's your last,' sharing my journey of realizing the importance of incremental improvements and future thinking.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - The concept of contentment and finding fulfillment in the present moment versus always striving for more.- The value of setting new goals and constantly improving rather than becoming stagnant at the peak of achievements.- The infinite game of entrepreneurship and the importance of always moving forward and setting new goals to prevent stagnation.

    Don't miss the insightful exploration of fulfillment, contentment, and goal-setting in this episode.

    Keep the momentum going and share love with others as you strive for your own goals and aspirations.

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: degreefree.co

    Join the Degree Free Network and get the support you need to get hired, get that promotion, and achieve your career goals! You’ll get access to our free resources such as the 5 Degree Free Pathways and 7 Day Get Hired Challenge Course: degreefree.co/network

    Learn job hunting skills and learn how to land your dream job in 7 days: degreefree.co/gethired/

    Starting your degree free journey but don't know where to start? Check out our free ‘5 Degree Free Pathways’ Course: degreefree.co/pathways

  • Join us in exploring the concept of a Degree Free mindset and the 5 pathways to a successful career without a traditional college degree.

    What You'll Learn:

    - Benefits of creating your own apprenticeship and transitioning into building a business- Tips on finding apprenticeship opportunities and buying a business- Creative options for buying existing businesses

    Take the first step towards a Degree Free career by utilizing the pathways discussed in this episode.

    Learn how to build your own apprenticeship and consider buying an existing business for a successful entrepreneurial journey.

    Join us for more insightful discussions on the Degree Free Podcast!

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: degreefree.co

    Join the Degree Free Network and get the support you need to get hired, get that promotion, and achieve your career goals! You’ll get access to our free resources such as the 5 Degree Free Pathways and 7 Day Get Hired Challenge Course: degreefree.co/network

    Learn job hunting skills and learn how to land your dream job in 7 days: degreefree.co/gethired/

    Starting your degree free journey but don't know where to start? Check out our free ‘5 Degree Free Pathways’ Course: degreefree.co/pathways

  • Join us for an inspiring episode where we discuss feeling unsupported in careers and the importance of seeking advice from successful individuals.

    Learn how changing your mindset can lead to personal growth and success.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - Importance of learning from others' mistakes and seeking advice from successful individuals- Value of podcasts and books for learning and growth- Effects of lack of career support on employee turnover rates- Significance of being trainable and committed in the job market- Positive impact of learning and development opportunities on job satisfaction

    Don't miss out on valuable insights on career development and growth. Join us on Degree Free Podcast for more discussions and reflections on personal and professional success.

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: degreefree.co

    Join the Degree Free Network and get the support you need to get hired, get that promotion, and achieve your career goals! You’ll get access to our free resources such as the 5 Degree Free Pathways and 7 Day Get Hired Challenge Course: degreefree.co/network

    Learn job hunting skills and learn how to land your dream job in 7 days: degreefree.co/gethired/

    Starting your degree free journey but don't know where to start? Check out our free ‘5 Degree Free Pathways’ Course: degreefree.co/pathways

  • In this episode, we explore how degree requirements can hinder qualified applicants and the recent executive order in Massachusetts that aims to eliminate unnecessary degree requirements.

    We emphasize the importance of skills-based hiring and how it can lead to more resilient and successful workforces.

    Join us as we challenge the notion that a degree is always necessary and encourage listeners to consider their skills and qualifications when pursuing job opportunities.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - Why degree requirements can discourage qualified applicants and the impact of a recent executive order in Massachusetts.- How skills are more predictive of successful job performance than educational credentials and why companies shouldn't solely rely on job descriptions when hiring.- The costs associated with training and hiring new employees, and the benefits of skills-based hiring practices.- The necessity for reeducation and awareness of bias in the hiring process to promote fair and equitable recruitment.- The significance of focusing on the right things and being in the right vehicle for success is illustrated through examples from music and career choices.- The concept of refining goals and actions applied to various aspects of life, such as cooking and learning.

    Join us as we delve into the importance of skills-based hiring, challenge the necessity of degrees, and explore strategies for achieving success in various aspects of life.

    Don't miss out on insightful discussions and future episodes.

    Thank you for tuning in!

    To keep up with everything Degree Free check out our website: degreefree.co

    Join the Degree Free Network and get the support you need to get hired, get that promotion, and achieve your career goals! You’ll get access to our free resources such as the 5 Degree Free Pathways and 7 Day Get Hired Challenge Course: degreefree.co/network

    Learn job hunting skills and learn how to land your dream job in 7 days: degreefree.co/gethired/

    Starting your degree free journey but don't know where to start? Check out our free ‘5 Degree Free Pathways’ Course: degreefree.co/pathways