This week we discuss some pretty interesting articles from the Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery the first one discussing the Akinosi nerve block technique versus the inferior alveolar nerve block technique for beginners to see whether there's an ease in learning and decrease complication rates for beginners. I didn't ask us the use of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein for use in grafting of the Alveolar cleft. I then proceeded on to discuss where there's a correlation between an impacted mandibular third molar, the type of impaction and mandible fractures and then the type of mandible fractures and believe me when I tell you there is. You're going to have to listen to this episode to find out what that correlation is.
This week in Dental news to abuse will start off by discussing how dental offices can win back lost patience as well we'll talk about a new retraction paste that's made out of a combination of 15% aluminum chloride and kaolin Clay will also discuss a new product available called Moisyn they can help patients with xerostomia or dry mouth. I will also talk about an implant post-operative care system and a handheld intraoral x-ray system and a new water line filter guaranteed to keep your water lines clean and bacteria free.
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This week we go over weight loss with jaw fractures and whether or not doing a closed reduction or an open reduction makes a difference in this weight loss. The average patient with a mandibular fracture loses approximately 5% of their body weight but if it made it to the ICU they lose up to 9% of their body weight. We also will discuss obstructive sleep apnea and whether there's an increased incidence of obstructive sleep apnea with a mandibular setback surgery using a vertical ramus osteotomy. We will also discuss the use of dental implants to facilitate jaw surgery in a complex restorative case in an edentulous maxilla.
This week I discussed the latest release and new materials and implant and abutment surface from Nobel Biocare. This includes Xeal and TiUltra.
This week we are going to talk about enhancing your dental teams communication as well as using salivary diagnostics for your dental practice to assist in bacterial identification for Paragon it is as well as caries risk assessment and oral cancer screening. We'll also talk about how you can borrow Ritz-Carlton and their famous Empire for outstanding customer service to up your game in serving your patience.
This week in Dental news to Abuse I discuss changes with coding occlusal night guards and how to bill them and make sure you get reimbursed for these little critters. In addition, I discuss the ins and outs of emailing patient dental records and making sure you protect Patient Healthcare information or PHI. I also discuss six patient retention strategies and how to use social media to find your next hire.
This week I discussed two interesting articles the first one is a discussion about the use of topical benzocaine and that's 20% benzocaine gel in the maxilla and specific of the anterior maxilla to decrease pain of injection and entry of the needle and deposition of the fluid as well I discuss hereditary angioedema for oral surgery patients which is the spontaneous facial swelling data can occur because of this rare genetic disease.
This week I have some dental news for you including what the US Congress has been up to in regards to dental bills what the projected size of the dental implant Market is by 2028 a little chit chat about an electronic syringe called dental pain as well as a new line of products for dry mouth and xerostomia how to wrap things out 4 little tips on ways of finding hidden costs and stemming the tide increasing your profitability.
In this episode I discussed three interesting articles the first article discusses the quality of life of patients with jaw and facial deformities before and after jaw surgery and the notable unremarkable quality of life improvements from both a psychological and functional component. I also discuss whether antiplatelet drugs need to be stopped and whether the increase the risk of bleeding after dental implant surgery and a very good crossover study supporting the conclusions of this and I talked about spiking your local anesthetic with dexmedetomidone in an attempt to increase the onset of action the total length of duration and improve the properties of lidocaine local anaesthetic
In this episode, I discuss the increasing use of the Intensive Care Unit for a. Digenic infections over the last decade in Australia. I also discuss the conservative treatment of medication-related osteonecrosis of the Jaws and the success rates and spontaneous resolution of this process that you can expect from this modality and this treatment course. I also discussed the use of a C-Arm intraoperatively vs CT scans for complex facial fractures.
In this episode, I start by discussing the periodontal stability on the distal of the mandibular second molar after a coronectomy on mandibular third molars. This is a three-year study and over the last several years the popularity of a coronectomy for high-risk third molar situations with close proximity to the inferior alveolar nerve begs the question as to success and possible risks. This study aims to discuss whether or not there is peridontal pocketing on the distal of the second molar when you leave the roots behind with the extraction of third molars. I also discuss the use of intravenous ibuprofen versus intravenous Tylenol to reduce postoperative pain and narcotic consumption after third molar surgery. You don't want to miss this episode and I think you'll find it very useful and applicable to everyday practice.
This week I go through an article from the Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery written by Bryan Bell that discusses the history of jaw surgery. Orthognathic surgery has an interesting progression through time that any dentist or surgeon should know about and will find well summarized in this podcast.
In this episode, I discussed an article titled office-based sedation and general anesthesia for COPD patients part 1. This is a good review of COPD it's pathophysiology its epidemiology and issues with IV sedation and general anesthesia with Dental patients.
This week I discuss the need for all of us to call Google at 1-844-491-9665 to get them to add the category of “dental implants” instead of the only option being “dental implants periodontist”. I also discuss how our National Association will help with an application for the American College of Surgeons fellowship and the requirements for that. I also discuss the changes in the American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery certification process and for maintenance of that board certification which is profound and significant. I also discuss the significant impact that vaping has on healing and the rationale and study that helps prove that healing from vaping and cigarette smoking are equivalent. This is an action-packed episode full of interesting information that you must check out!
In this episode, I start with a discussion about low-level laser light therapy and helping nerve recovery after a bilateral sagittal split osteotomy. There is a significant risk of permanent numbness after jaw surgery particularly lower jaw surgery and this study looks at a novel therapy of low-level laser light therapy to see if recovery can be optimized for patients I also discuss the fact that the impacted third molars can damage and cause external root resorption of mandibular second molars and what those risk factors are. I also discuss the incidence of this occurring in the study. Finally, in this episode, I discuss the psychological impact of doing surgery first for patients with Orthodontics jaw surgery versus the conventional way.
In this episode, I discuss the misdiagnosis of a swelling on the roof of the mouth that turned out to be cancer. This was misdiagnosed twice and can have serious implications for patients. In addition, we talked about the incidental radiographic finding with a panorex showing calcifications in the Carotid artery and its association with obstructive sleep apnea heart attacks and strokes. We also discuss using dental implants to help a patient with severe erosive lichen planus. Lichen planus can be a painful mucosal condition making Dentures very difficult or impossible to wear. Dental implants offers the opportunity to elevate the appliance off of the mucosa making impossible to wear Prosthetics without pain.
This week I discuss articles out of the Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in December of 2018. We will discuss a pork larvae infestation of the oral mucosa in three separate patients including both the clinical presentation and management of these lesions. We shall discuss how to prevent periodontal defects distal to mandibular third molars after the extraction of wisdom teeth as well as how to predict the recurrence of regional disease after primary resection of oral squamous cell carcinoma. In addition to this, we shall also discuss the utility of viewing a third molar video particularly a third molar informed consent video and whether this helps to decrease patients anxiety and whether an Emergency Room Physicians are able to accurately diagnose, order CT scans and consult for specialists for head and neck infections and particularly odontogenic infections.
This episode is a must-listen for every dentist and the team. Botox originally was used for noncosmetic purposes for 13 years and then transitioned into cosmetic uses for lines and wrinkles of the face particularly in the glabella frontalis and crow's-feet areas on the face to eliminate wrinkling and specifically Dynamic wrinkles. There are many other uses within dentistry in every dentist should be aware of these uses and ideally Implement an offer these services to your patients. The administration of Botox is well within the scope of practice and I think dentist, in general, are fantastic with giving shots and should consider offering the service with the proper training. In this episode, I will discuss other uses of Botox in dentistry and I think you'll find this fascinating and enlightening
In this episode, I discuss the all on four concepts and exactly what that means and review an article from the International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial implants 2018 titled the biomechanical comparison of different implant inclinations and cantilever links in All-on-4 treatment concept by three-dimensional finite element analysis. I don't want you to worry, I do get into this article but I will promise not to bore you to death and make this too heavy but more clinical in nature.
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