The Everyday PM podcast is a conversation amongst project management industry professionals and enthusiasts with varying experiences and perspectives on project management principles for your everyday life.
Aktuelles, Informatives & Persönliches von der Schnittstelle zwischen Recht und Kreation. Für die Menschen vor und hinter Marken & Designs, Werbung & Kommunikation.
Podkast bo govoril o principih pogovorne hipnoze. Kaj je Pogovorna hipnoza, kako jo ustvarjati? Zakaj je pomembna in kako omogoča uspeh v pomembnih pogovorih?
The Making Lean Fly Podcast discusses the most important element of a Lean Transformation: The People. Our guests share with the audience their experiences and successes in Making Lean Fly at GKN Aerospace.
This cult podcast is about creating space in the category of one for the modern entrepreneur of the 21st century.
Key message: The way your life is going to be is your choice.
Style is like a divinity. It is omnipresent... a unique way we speak, act, and present ourselves to the world. It is our inherent energy that makes us one of a kind and our most impactful asset in modern marketing.
Join me and my guests as we explore how uniqueness helps entrepreneurs achieve long-term stellar business results by helping them stand out from the crowd in the most genuine and authentic way. -
Brought to you by Joe Kwon, the Connection Counselor, "Executive Presence Morsels" is the only daily, bite-sized program created to improve your Executive Presence in just 5-10 minutes. Every weekday at 7 a.m. sharp we deliver fresh and tasty insights designed to elevate your career. You deserve it!
Joe is the author of “Unlock Your Executive Presence: Feel like a Boss” and creator of the online course, “Executive Presence and the Diversity Dilemma.” Find out more and get access to free resources, including YouTube tutorials at -
The ProMarketer Podcast discusses marketing for accountants and tax professionals, featuring pro tips, success stories, expert interviews, and current strategies to build up your firm in the easiest and most efficient way possible. Since 2023, host Christian Jones has been the CEO of the leading agency providing marketing for accountants, bookkeepers, business advisors, and tax professionals. Learn more about Christian at
Hey there Beauty Boss! Are you ready to scale your business? Are you ready to tap into your six figure potential? Join business coach, Carrie Hunt, every single week as she walks you through tangible strategies to elevate your profit, grow your clientele and scale your beauty business beyond your wildest dreams. Because not only has she done this, she has taught countless others how to as well. Carrie is a cosmetic tattoo artist and educator, a mom of three and an owner of a commission based permanent makeup studio with multiple locations, located in the heart of Texas.Tune in weekly and lets transform your systems, increase your bookings and layout your roadmap to a 6 figure success!
Join EDC’s hosts as they meet with a mix of leaders and practitioners at every level in the industry to learn what it actually takes to bridge the gap between strategy and execution and build a commercially viable business in the payments and fintech industry.
Episode links:
Music by dayfox -
Artist and Marketer Aengus Boyle interviews successful creatives - artists, musicians authors, comedians and business people - and explores the marketing tactics, strategies and mindsets they have deployed to build large and lucrative followings. Having only recently embarked on his creative journey, Aengus found himself frustrated by the lack of content about how to market yourself to make a living as an artist, so he decided to start asking the questions himself. Each episode aims to outline the marketing playbook utilised by a new guest to build a brand and turn their creativity into a business - allowing you to take this blueprint and apply it to your own creative endeavours.
Mit dem Vordenker Podcast kannst du dabei sein, wenn wir mit Vordenker:innen, Innovator:innen und bekannten Persönlichkeiten aus ganz Deutschland über alle gesellschaftlichen Trends und Zukunftsthemen sprechen, in denen Innovationen unser tägliches Leben verändern - egal ob im Bereich Wirtschaft, in der Politik, der Bildung oder Industrie.
Im Fokus steht dabei der:die Vordenker:in: Das sind für uns Personen, die sich durch ein besonders progressives, innovatives Mindset kennzeichnen und über besonderes Wissen in zukunftsrelevanten Megatrends verfügen. Als Moderatorin begrüßt euch Helen Bielawa.
Über Open Innovation City: Das OIC-Projektteam arbeitet seit 2019 daran, das Prinzip der offenen Innovation auf eine gesamte Stadtgesellschaft zu übertragen. Was ist Open Innovation: Das Prinzip der „Open Innovation“ steht für eine offene Innovationskultur, für gezielten Austausch und enge Einbindung der Menschen in Innovationsprozesse. Auf diese Weise soll in Zeiten schnellen technologischen und gesellschaftlichen Wandels die Wettbewerbs- und Zukunftsfähigkeit gestärkt werden. Auf der Unternehmensebene geht der Begriff zurück auf den US-Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Henry Chesbrough.
Open Innovation City wird unterstützt von den Projektpartnern Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM), Founders Foundation, OWL Maschinenbau und dem Pioneers Club. Ein besonderer Dank gilt unserem Förderer, dem Ministerium für Ministeriums für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie. des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. -
Your go-to for design systems.
Se trata de un poema sobre la mujer
As an architect, I've learned through teaching about the practice of architecture, people feel more comfortable, trusting, and excited about starting their design journey. It’s been a gateway to unique and personalized designs. I’m going to share knowledge about aspects of your home that will hopefully inspire you to find the right architect, relieve the mystery of the construction, and get you on the path to a home that you will love for many years to come.
The Design WakeUp community was created to connect people who like to think outside of the box and are looking to provide new possibilities within their industry. Whether you want to learn tools that will help take a product or business to the next level, or simply understand how design management can help organisations stay competitive and grow. No matter what your reason is, we are here to share, learn and network with each other.
The Spirit of Lux is an original podcast hosted by Paul Jones, CEO of The Lux Collective. In each episode, we feature interviews with friends, thought leaders, and personalities from the Travel and Hospitality industry as we traverse through the topics on design, customer service, wellness, culinary, and many more.
All about deforestation
Dobrodošli v podkastu TUR!ZEM, ki ga za vas pripravlja Slovenska turistična organizacija. Podkast prinaša pogovore s ključnimi deležniki slovenskega turizma in tujimi strokovnjaki turistične panoge, izpostavlja aktualna vprašanja in osvetljuje tematike s področja turizma, obvešča o aktivnostih STO, dogajanju v slovenskem turizmu ter novostih in turističnih trendih pri nas in po svetu. Vabljeni k spremljanju podkasta TUR!ZEM.
Equip you and your business' executives with the mental strategies and tools that world champions use.
Learn next-generation skills and mindset of elite performers in business through an evidence-science based approach to human peak performance development that will give you:
• Strategies and techniques of world champions
• Complete competitive advantage
• Resilience and peak performance mindset for you and your team
• Psychological, NLP, and behaviour science that will give you and your team unlimited power to achieve and be at their full potential -
If you’re an aspiring small business owner, a fellow wedding creative, or just looking for some overall inspiration & insight- Julia’s Creative Business Guidebook will bring light to all the challenges I’ve faced, the lessons I’ve learned, and the success I’ve earned while starting, running and growing my small business. I hope you’ll tune in every week for a new chapter in your guidebook! NEW EPISODES EVERY WEDNESDAY!