Explora el fascinante mundo de la inteligencia artificial con Diego Páramo en este Podcast 'IA para Todos: Mitos y verdades de la Inteligencia Artificial'. Cada episodio explica de manera sencilla y práctica las características de la IA, desmitifica algunas creencias, con historias reales, aplicaciones prácticas y conversaciones con líderes de la industria.
Desde emprendedores hasta expertos en tecnología, este podcast es tu guía para entender cómo la IA está moldeando nuestro mundo. Únete a nosotros y descubre la verdad detrás de la inteligencia artificial. -
The JavaScript Master Podcast is a go-to resource for JavaScript developers looking to learn, grow, and connect with the community. Hosted by experienced developers, the podcast covers a wide range of topics, from production-ready applications to architecture and performance best practices. Whether you're new to the language or a seasoned developer, the podcast provides valuable insights and practical tips that will help you become a super JavaScript developer. Listen, code, and repeat! -
Este podcast está dedicado a discutir la arquitectura del software. Consideraremos tanto los aspectos conceptuales como los prácticos relacionados con el diseño y la construcción de software, intentando ser una fuente de información para todos los niveles, desde principiantes hasta expertos.Es vital para cualquier desarrollador de software profesional conocer las mejores prácticas para desarrollar, mantener y modificar grandes sistemas; hay varios conceptos que se han demostrado a lo largo del tiempo que permiten reducir la cantidad de costes y esfuerzos necesarios para este tipo de trabajo. Al igual que con cualquier otro tipo de sistema complejo, si no se hace bien desde el principio, será muy difícil darle sentido más adelante.Cualquier pregunta que tengas puedes hacerla a través de un tweet mencionandome @joaoruntime
Welcome to PLATO Panel Talks (formerly PQA Panel Talks)! Every month we bring together a team of experts from our PLATO team and community to talk about their experiences and debate and discuss issues in the vast world of software testing and quality assurance.
Hoy hay datos de todo, y de todos. ¿Qué hacer con ellos? Esa es la respuesta que buscaremos en cada episodio de este podcast, en el que escucharás conversaciones sobre los temas que generan tendencia en nuestro día a día. Hablaremos de los datos que hay detrás, y escucharemos a los expertos que mejor los conocen.Somos Whale & Jaguar, desarrollamos tecnología con big data e inteligencia artificial, y más que un equipo, somos una manada. Te damos la bienvenida a este canal sonoro para que tú también hagas parte de esta manada, nos escuches, comentes y compartas tu episodio favorito.
Trata sobre la transformación digital sobre la integración de las tecnologías en toda áreas de una empresa,cambiando fundamentalmente la forma en que ofrece las empresas
Conversápolis es el podcast sobre sostenibilidad urbana y financiamiento climático del C40 Cities Finance Facility. Conversaciones entre ciudadanos, expertos y tomadores de decisión sobre el futuro de nuestras ciudades.
Transformación Digital
Espacio para el análisis de la transformación digital en Colombia. Quinta temporada.
This Old NEW Business with Jeff Korhan Is a weekly podcast show featuring SALES and MARKETING Experts sharing how businesses are successfully taking old practices for building profits, and making them new again - by adapting to a DIGITAL, SOCIAL, and GLOBAL world. You get inspirational stories and productivity tips to accelerate your business and personal growth.
Join Chris Gmyr and TJ Miller as they dive into the world of PHP, Laravel, and all things programming, while also sharing insights on family life and other musings.
What are the disadvantages of using CloudFlare?
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The major source of writing of articles on website, and create and build a website, then for sure we find it most of it, as the most of website becomes famous for attracting website visitors to website. Most of website developers shifts from Bloggers platforms to self-hosted WordPress platform is to monetise website and then find it, more and more revenue optimisation and this only comes up with self-hosted platform and with comes approval of adsense.
Most of web-developers prefer for such platforms where they have control over hosting and domain development and in this way the major source of increasing of website revenues is to get more and more views, and that will potentially increase amount of web views and make more impressions and that will lead to increase of revenues, and that is the sole aim of development, and that will lead to development and construction of website. In the case with hosting there are various desirable impressions, such as sitelock, cloudflare as well as in terms of firewall as well as there are, back up of websites that will provide one of most outstanding forms of actions, and that will provide more and more actionable presence in terms of content delivery network as well as site lock and others.
Firewall in between the presence of visitors as well as that of provide the protection of visitors and protect website and check visitors so that only organic visitors are allowed all the other bots which are artificial are stopped, and in this way wave length of server stays as it is and it will provide, secure gateway to provide, one of most outstanding form of security. There are many free options, in terms of content development network, and content distribution network and one of the free option is that of Cloudflare as its free options in combination with hosting mechanisms provides some of the most outstanding form of making website more secure, fast, reliable. It has paid options but most of nice features are there inside cloudflare free versions. It has auto-minify, which reduces the size of source code and it has Brotli compressions which speeds up web page load times with HTTPS secure gateway and does provide faster and linear web page loading and this means that this will reduce the size of server usages and this means more and more people can loginto your website at the same time.
It also has the provision for rocket loader which improves page loading times and especially it is very good for the javascript which stays small while rendering into website. There are various ways you can page loading time of yours website and that will ultimately provide one of most outstanding way to make server available for most users. In the long term I find that the total number of visitors to my website reduces almost 20 to 30 percentages per month while rendering website from the point of view from direct to server without using any such content delivery networks. I found that per month visitors number reduces with cloudflare DNS integrations to a considerable extent in its free versions and this means perhaps there could have been at any point of time some sort of curtailing the number of visitors reaching to my website.
So I stayed with free version of cloudflare for some time, and for some months and see that while I was with normal web hosting of mine without any content delivery network I found that the number of visitors to my website was ahead of cloudflare and now with cloud flare it is reducing at some months for twenty percentages and at some months for thirty percentages and so on so I decided to remove cloudflare from my website and I found in my web hosting there are similar optimisations Cloudflare provides extra security between user and your website and this means that user have to wait for some time in term of seconds to see your website.
It is good for DDOS protection but many a times there are complaints of false positives an -
¿En que nos ayuda esto?
Realidad virtual
ADL Digital Lab nació en el 2017, en la actualidad es el primer laboratorio digital multientidad, considerado una de las mejores plataformas de impulso para productos digitales en América Latina. La empresa combina la innovación y el diseño para lograr la transformación digital de todos sus clientes, a través de soluciones que van más allá de la tecnología.
Su objetivo de negocio es atender los retos del mercado, se apalanca en las nuevas oportunidades y cuenta con la capacidad de construir nuevos negocios y conectarlos a un ecosistema de servicios digitales.
Es así como ADL Digital Lab presenta su podcast, un producto con una mirada pedagógica, divertida y propositiva, en voces de los líderes expertos del ADL y de invitados quienes, a partir de su conocimientos, logros y fracasos, enseñarán bajo un concepto experiencial cómo apropiar de manera estratégica procesos de cultura corporativa hacia la innovación digital orientada a modelos de negocio exitosos. -
El podcast donde nuestros especialistas nos cuentan los avances de la tecnología aplicada al desarrollo de las empresas en esta nueva era digital.
Escríbenos a: [email protected] -
Crypto With English is a Livestream Series where Web3's major Thought Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Innovators, Subject-Matter Experts, Scholars, and Journalists come on to discuss their innovative projects.
Vehículos a base de energía
Un Podcast en donde podrás escuchar y enterarte de los avances más importantes e interesantes de la industria de seguridad electrónica siempre de la mano de los expertos.
In the digital world, identity has evolved far beyond its old definitions. It’s the way we consume products. Our ability to vote. Our financial security. Digital identity can be created quickly, accessed broadly and even stolen...easily. And it doesn’t just live online.
Welcome to Hello, User: the podcast that covers modern identity across every facet of our lives, from personal to public to professional.