
  • Ep. 49- Back in the Sewers Again

    Back in the sewers again

    Down where the Kolbods are dead

    Where big crocodiles feed

    On this daring group of three

    Back in the sewers again

    In order to save the city, the group must rush away and the best path is through the sewers. Boy do I wish I could have been there and heard Bertram’s grumbles. Adam calls upon some animal friends though, which helps them through. The group finds an apothecary, a very “useful” shop for restocking on their supplies. With the help of Dirk’s laser focus and Mage-Hand-eye-coordination, they are able to sneak in.

    Bertram tries to encourage the group to take some initiative (roll some initiative?) and face these events head-on. We all know he’s a persuasive gent, but will he be able to convince them? That’s not the biggest dilemma of the episode though. No no no, that belongs to a 15ft gap that they must traverse to continue. Will they be able to work together and find a way across, or will overthinking leave them dead at the bottom of the pit?

    Join us in this episode of Dice Heist: a Role Playing Game actual play podcast.

    Be on the lookout for a new episode every other Thursday evening and stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @dice_heist. A special “thank you” to BattleBards.com for the background music and sound effects for the show, and Nick Kocher for our Intro and outro “Something For Now.”

    Have any questions? Email us at [email protected].

    If you would like to support us, check out patreon.com/diceheist where we have tiers for every budget with some incredible perks every month, including Exclusive Music, Battle-maps, Heist House our after show were we chat about our thoughts on the show, and our many One-shot Mini series featuring new players, new DMs, New Characters, New Worlds, and sometimes even new Games entirely.

    Music/Sound Effects

    “Something For Now” by Nick Kocher

    “Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds” by Marc Cholette from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Swinging Door Pub with Fey” by Andrii Mardanov from battlebards.com

    “Tavern Owner - Varied Greeting Clip 2” by Howard Ellison from battlebards.com

    “Draconic - Dragonkin Applauds” by Kyle McCarley from battlebards.com

    “Dragon Mage - On Ground - Slaughters Hand to Hand” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Fireball Spell” by Daniel Warneke from battlebards.com

    “They are Searching” by Josh Dame

    “Sewers - Active Sewer” by Marco Imperatori from battlebards.com

  • Ep. 48- Prototype Assault

    As if things were not getting dire enough, Dirk finds himself regretting not taking down that Delivery Drone when he had the chance. When will he learn that you should just TAKE OUT THE BAD GUYS when you can? I mean, what was the good in not taking it out? Nothing? Exactly

    Anyways! Bertram casts Bardic Inspiration, but will it actually be useful or will Adam and Dirk succeed without ever needing it
 Again. Man, if I had a nickel for how many times that’s happened, I may have two nickels. Not a lot, but it would sure be weird if it happened twice.

    Adam appears to be in the worse situation of them all. Bruised, bloody, and nearly falling through into the building, will he prevail? The good news is that reinforcements are coming. But, the bad news is that they need to finish off the remaining Automotons and escape before they’re outnumbered. Will they make it?

    Join us in this episode of Dice Heist: a Role Playing Game actual play podcast.

    Be on the lookout for a new episode every other Thursday evening and stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @dice_heist. A special “thank you” to BattleBards.com for the background music and sound effects for the show, and Nick Kocher for our Intro and outro “Something For Now.”

    Have any questions? Email us at [email protected].

    If you would like to support us, check out patreon.com/diceheist where we have tiers for every budget with some incredible perks every month, including Exclusive Music, Battle-maps, Heist House our after show were we chat about our thoughts on the show, and our many One-shot Mini series featuring new players, new DMs, New Characters, New Worlds, and sometimes even new Games entirely.

    Music/Sound Effects

    “Something For Now” by Nick Kocher

    “Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds” by Marc Cholette from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Swinging Door Pub with Fey” by Andrii Mardanov from battlebards.com

    “Tavern Owner - Varied Greeting Clip 2” by Howard Ellison from battlebards.com

    “Draconic - Dragonkin Applauds” by Kyle McCarley from battlebards.com

    “Dragon Mage - On Ground - Slaughters Hand to Hand” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Fireball Spell” by Daniel Warneke from battlebards.com

    “Prepare for Assimilation” by Josh Dame

    “Sewers - Active Sewer” by Marco Imperatori from battlebards.com

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Ep. 46 Deconstruction & Confusion

    Where were we? Ah yes, the pit of
 Oops, nope not there. Here we are! Adam, Bertram, Dirk, and Fulcrum are doing their damnedest to make it out of this alive. Adam gives his gauntlet a go but, in its decrepit state, will it even work? Bertram stays invisible, ever the self-preserving type, and continues to waylay targets. That is, until he has a “better” idea. Though, in my humble opinion, being invisible in an automaton takeover would be ideal.

    Dirk discovers a hidden power in his plasma blade at the most opportune time (and we’ll pretend that isn’t for the sake of good drama
). Will this new power be helpful when the vehicle gets hurtled toward a 50ft tall refinery? Or will it be the end of our investigators?

    Do you hear dice rolling for new characters

    Join us in this episode of Dice Heist: a D&D 5e actual play podcast.

    Be on the lookout for a new episode every other Thursday evening and stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @dice_heist. A special “thank you” to BattleBards.com for the background music and sound effects for the show, and Nick Kocher for our Intro and outro “Something For Now.”

    Have any questions? Email us at [email protected].

    If you would like to support us, check out patreon.com/diceheist where we have tiers for every budget with some incredible perks every month, including Exclusive Music, Battle-maps, Heist House our after show were we chat about our thoughts on the show, and our many One-shot Mini series featuring new players, new DMs, New Characters, New Worlds, and sometimes even new Games entirely.

    Music/Sound Effects

    “Something For Now” by Nick Kocher

    “Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds” by Marc Cholette from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Swinging Door Pub with Fey” by Andrii Mardanov from battlebards.com

    “Tavern Owner - Varied Greeting Clip 2” by Howard Ellison from battlebards.com

    “Draconic - Dragonkin Applauds” by Kyle McCarley from battlebards.com

    “Dragon Mage - On Ground - Slaughters Hand to Hand” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Fireball Spell” by Daniel Warneke from battlebards.com

    “Robot Chase” By Josh Dame

    Special Guests

    Bronson as Fulcrum!

  • Ep. 45-The Chase is on

    Na na na na na na na na Fulcrum! In his trusty Fulcrum-mobile, he does his best to drive the group to safety in another part of the city. The overworked and finally-sick-of-taking-shit automatons have a thing or two to say about that.

    After the devastating encounter with the Deli-Slicer Bot, Adam's gauntlet is fading fast. Oh no! That's what makes Adam super powerful! Will he make it out before the power is completely gone?

    Still invisible, Bertram is able to best his opponents. However, being invisible does absolutely nothing when there's a building falling down around you! And speaking of chaos
 Dirk handles the turret on the Fulcrum-mobile with ease taking out any automatons in their path. Will the group find somewhere to gather their thoughts and come up with a plan?

    Join us in this episode of Dice Heist: a D&D 5e actual play podcast.

    Be on the lookout for a new episode every other Sunday and stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @dice_heist. A special “thank you” to BattleBards.com for the background music and sound effects for our show and Nick Kocher for his song “Something For Now” used in our intro and outro.

    Have any questions? Email us at [email protected].

    If you would like to support us check out patreon.com/diceheist

    Music/Sound Effects

    “Something For Now” by Nick Kocher

    “Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds” by Marc Cholette from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Swinging Door Pub with Fey” by Andrii Mardanov from battlebards.com

    “Tavern Owner - Varied Greeting Clip 2” by Howard Ellison from battlebards.com

    “Draconic - Dragonkin Applauds” by Kyle McCarley from battlebards.com

    “Dragon Mage - On Ground - Slaughters Hand to Hand” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Fireball Spell” by Daniel Warneke from battlebards.com

    “Robot Chase” by Josh Dame

  • Side Quest: Spelljammer Academy Orientation Pt. #2

    What’s this? Two guests have appeared on Dice Heist for our very first Side Quest! Meet Julie and Erica, or rather, Prix Krixel (a Lizardfolk bard) and Rittith (a Bugbear barbarian).

    If Prix and Rittith thought that this was any old orientation, they were sorely mistaken! It turns out that this academy not only tests their physical skills, but their efficiency by setting a time constraint on their orientation tasks. As the two work together, Prix has an unintentional out-of-body experience that gets, well, deep. (Get it?)

    Through these trials and tribulations, the very dynamic duo finds their own strengths and weaknesses balance each other out. Rittith opens up to Prix, showing another side to her that many do not stick around long enough to see. And while it is all well and good that they are getting to know each other
 TIME IS RUNNING OUT! Will they be able to finish orientation in time?

    Join this all-women crew as they climb aboard the SS Dice Heist!

    Dice Heist is a D&D 5e actual play podcast.

    Be on the lookout for a new episode every other Sunday and stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @dice_heist. A special “thank you” to BattleBards.com for the background music and sound effects for our show and Nick Kocher for his song “Something For Now” used in our intro and outro.

    Have any questions? Email us at [email protected].

    If you would like to support us check out patreon.com/diceheist

    Music/Sound Effects

    “Something For Now” by Nick Kocher

    “Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds” by Marc Cholette from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Swinging Door Pub with Fey” by Andrii Mardanov from battlebards.com

    “Tavern Owner - Varied Greeting Clip 2” by Howard Ellison from battlebards.com

    “Draconic - Dragonkin Applauds” by Kyle McCarley from battlebards.com

    “Dragon Mage - On Ground - Slaughters Hand to Hand” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Fireball Spell” by Daniel Warneke from battlebards.com

  • Ep. 44- Get to the Quad-motor!

    Automatons are detaining people all over the cafĂ©! Amid the chaos, Fulcrum forces his way to the quad-motor to prepare the group’s getaway. Following behind, Dirk seems to have entered “the zone,” slicing his way out with electric fury. Bertram does what he can to avoid any conflict, going invisible and making his way out with a bit less gusto. He just has to hope the guys won’t leave him behind!

    While the others are making their exit, Adam resorts to his ultra-speedy tactics. But, oh no!, they fail him as he is snagged by a Deli-Slicer Bot. Blades whirring a bit to close for comfort, will Adam be able to make it out unscathed?

    Join us in this episode of Dice Heist: a D&D 5e actual play podcast.

    Be on the lookout for a new episode every other Sunday and stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @dice_heist. A special “thank you” to BattleBards.com for the background music and sound effects for our show and Nick Kocher for his song “Something For Now” used in our intro and outro.

    Have any questions? Email us at [email protected].

    If you would like to support us check out patreon.com/diceheist

    Music/Sound Effects

    “Something For Now” by Nick Kocher

    “Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds” by Marc Cholette from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Swinging Door Pub with Fey” by Andrii Mardanov from battlebards.com

    “Tavern Owner - Varied Greeting Clip 2” by Howard Ellison from battlebards.com

    “Draconic - Dragonkin Applauds” by Kyle McCarley from battlebards.com

    “Dragon Mage - On Ground - Slaughters Hand to Hand” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Fireball Spell” by Daniel Warneke from battlebards.com

    “Prepare for Assimilation” by Josh Dame

    Special Guests

    Voice over for Fulcrum was provided by Bronson!

  • Ep. 43- CafĂ© Meeting

    What a doozy! And, I truly hate to say this, technically Rumor is right about the facts. The intentions, however, is where she is mistaking our dear Adam for a menace. Adam finally hears back from Fulcrum, who will hopefully be able to give the trio some answers about who Rumor is. Adam, Bertram, and Dirk meet with Fulcrum in an Automaton Café where, um, they discuss the unlikelihood that Adam will come out of this with his reputation unscathed. (Did I put that the nicest way possible? Because what I really want to say is how irrefutably SCREWED he is

    While they’re in the cafĂ©, Adam becomes distracted as he thinks he sees someone from his past. Wait, no, it can’t be them
 Just as he is trying to work out who they might be, because he just can’t put his finger on it, Fulcrum hears some disturbing news on the radio that could spell disaster for the city! The gang springs into action with Fulcrum at their side to see what’s the matter. I wonder
 What could be going on now?!

    Join us in this episode of Dice Heist: a D&D 5e actual play podcast.

    Be on the lookout for a new episode every other Sunday and stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @dice_heist. A special “thank you” to BattleBards.com for the background music and sound effects for our show and Nick Kocher for his song “Something For Now” used in our intro and outro.

    Have any questions? Email us at [email protected].

    If you would like to support us check out patreon.com/diceheist

    Music/Sound Effects

    “Something For Now” by Nick Kocher

    “Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds” by Marc Cholette from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Swinging Door Pub with Fey” by Andrii Mardanov from battlebards.com

    “Tavern Owner - Varied Greeting Clip 2” by Howard Ellison from battlebards.com

    “Draconic - Dragonkin Applauds” by Kyle McCarley from battlebards.com

    “Dragon Mage - On Ground - Slaughters Hand to Hand” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Fireball Spell” by Daniel Warneke from battlebards.com

    “Restaurant” by Plate Mail Games from battlebards.com

    “Robot Chase” by Josh Dame

    “Coffee Machine - 1” by Samuel Gremaud from freesounds.org

    “Electric Motor” by Jacob Steel from freesounds.org

    “Ham Slicer” by Filipe Chagas from freesounds.org

    “Moving Robot Parts” by Shannon A. Honiball from freesounds.org

    “Robot Moves His Arm” by Audionauten from freesounds.org

    “Robotic Voice 01” by LG from freesounds.org

    “Robotic Voice” by The Hidden Voice from freesounds.org

    “Easy Going Tavern - The Jolly Judge” by Maria Milewska from battlebards.com

    Special Guests

    Voice over for Fulcrum was provided by Bronson!

  • Side Quest: Spelljammer Academy Orientation Pt. #1

    What’s this? Two guests have appeared on Dice Heist for our very first Side Quest! Meet Julie and Erica, or rather, Prix Krixel (a Lizardfolk bard) and Rittith (a Bugbear barbarian). Prix and Rittith immediately find themselves aboard a ship in Wildspace under attack! With no time to make introductions or even figure out where they are, they must handle the situation in front of them. Well, really the various mish-mashed creatures that have climbed aboard their vessel. With their Captain dying on the deck of the ship, will they vanquish their foes and take back what’s theirs? Join this all-women crew as they climb aboard the SS Dice Heist!

    Join us in this episode of Dice Heist: a D&D 5e actual play podcast.

    Be on the lookout for a new episode every other Sunday and stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @dice_heist. A special “thank you” to BattleBards.com for the background music and sound effects for our show and Nick Kocher for his song “Something For Now” used in our intro and outro.

    Have any questions? Email us at [email protected].

    If you would like to support us check out patreon.com/diceheist

    Music/Sound Effects

    “Something For Now” by Nick Kocher

    “Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds” by Marc Cholette from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Swinging Door Pub with Fey” by Andrii Mardanov from battlebards.com

    “Tavern Owner - Varied Greeting Clip 2” by Howard Ellison from battlebards.com

    “Draconic - Dragonkin Applauds” by Kyle McCarley from battlebards.com

    “Dragon Mage - On Ground - Slaughters Hand to Hand” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Fireball Spell” by Daniel Warneke from battlebards.com

    “Armada's Last Stand - Daring Raid” by Anxo Martinez Calvo from battlebards.com

    “Fleet's Final Engagement - Battle Over Deneb” by Richard Daskas from battlebards.com

    “Large Explision 7” by Plate Mail Games from battlebards.com

    “water pour dump from bucket onto street and into drain” by Kyles from freesound.org

    “WindowGlass” by P. Jezisek from freesound.org

  • Ep. 42- Lore of the Lands Part #4

    You know what these guys need? I mean, what they need besides a hangover cure? MONEY! Moo-la. The green stuff. And a possible business venture with Inaza could be their ticket. But will they consider it?

    Bertram attempts to work through his daddy issues as his father tries to get to know him better. Jeeze, Dad, perhaps you would know me better if you had just been there my whole life instead of lying to me
 At least, that’s what I’d be thinking if I were Bertram. What he feels is indeed taking its toll on him.

    Oh boy, speaking of taking a toll on the emotions, Dirk finally gets to go on his date with the elusive Scarlet. As one does on a date, she tells Dirk about why she’s in the city and we are left to wonder if it can even work out with these long lost friends

    Adam is practically sweating over the accusations pointed at him by Rumor, the reporter who has titled him the “Menace of Igelphia.” He begins scrounging for any legal defense he can for when sparks inevitably begin to fly.

    Join us in this episode of Dice Heist: a D&D 5e actual play podcast.

    Be on the lookout for a new episode every other Sunday and stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @dice_heist. A special “thank you” to BattleBards.com for the background music and sound effects for our show and Nick Kocher for his song “Something For Now” used in our intro and outro.

    Have any questions? Email us at [email protected].

    If you would like to support us check out patreon.com/diceheist

    Music/Sound Effects

    “Something For Now” by Nick Kocher

    “Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds” by Marc Cholette from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Swinging Door Pub with Fey” by Andrii Mardanov from battlebards.com

    “Tavern Owner - Varied Greeting Clip 2” by Howard Ellison from battlebards.com

    “Draconic - Dragonkin Applauds” by Kyle McCarley from battlebards.com

    “Dragon Mage - On Ground - Slaughters Hand to Hand” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Fireball Spell” by Daniel Warneke from battlebards.com

    Special Guests

    Kristen as Scarlet

    Erica as Rumor

  • Ep. 41- Rumor & Truth

    The sober-er members of the trio get ready to play Last Pocket with a familiar face — Tibo, who is confident in his ability to win. What Adam and Dirk may not have expected was what a vicious battle it would be! Though, they may even do well enough to earn a place on the podium...

    Adam is confronted by a strange figure making even stranger accusations, and doing so with a familiar tone of voice.

    Dirk shows us how #deep he can truly be as he opens up to an unsuspecting bar owner. But is it just the booze talking? Or, rather, shouting with as much as he’s had?

    Join us in this episode of Dice Heist: a D&D 5e actual play podcast.

    Be on the lookout for a new episode every other Sunday and stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @dice_heist. A special “thank you” to BattleBards.com for the background music and sound effects for our show and Nick Kocher for his song “Something For Now” used in our intro and outro.

    Have any questions? Email us at [email protected].

    If you would like to support us check out patreon.com/diceheist

    Music/Sound Effects

    “Something For Now” by Nick Kocher

    “Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds” by Marc Cholette from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Swinging Door Pub with Fey” by Andrii Mardanov from battlebards.com

    “Tavern Owner - Varied Greeting Clip 2” by Howard Ellison from battlebards.com

    “Draconic - Dragonkin Applauds” by Kyle McCarley from battlebards.com

    “Dragon Mage - On Ground - Slaughters Hand to Hand” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Fireball Spell” by Daniel Warneke from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Cosmopolitan Alehouse with Fantasy” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Skirmish Epic - In the Balance” by Thibaud Guichardan from battlebards.com

    Voice Over

    Erica as Rumor

  • Ep. 40- Beyond Redemption

    Welp, it turns out that hitting a patron of the bar does, indeed have its consequences. One of the contestants must forfeit as one of their knives goes out of bounds... and into someone else. And, speaking of out of bounds, who will be the first to go past their limit into dangerous — dare I say — shwasted territory?

    The trio has a surprise encounter with Inaza, leading to a proposal of a business relationship. But will her new invention be viable? That Inaza is a clever one, trying to get people to invest while they’re intoxicated. It’s a bit sneaky, but hey, work with your audience, right?

    With two of the trio still standing, the night is not over yet. After some debate, they decide to go to The Ogre and the Ooze for a game of Last Pocket. Will this be their last chance to win and rack up more drinks before their night is finished?

    Join us in this episode of Dice Heist: a D&D 5e actual play podcast.

    Be on the lookout for a new episode every other Sunday and stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @dice_heist. A special “thank you” to BattleBards.com for the background music and sound effects for our show and Nick Kocher for his song “Something For Now” used in our intro and outro.

    Have any questions? Email us at [email protected].

    If you would like to support us check out patreon.com/diceheist

    Music/Sound Effects

    “Something For Now” by Nick Kocher

    “Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds” by Marc Cholette from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Swinging Door Pub with Fey” by Andrii Mardanov from battlebards.com

    “Tavern Owner - Varied Greeting Clip 2” by Howard Ellison from battlebards.com

    “Draconic - Dragonkin Applauds” by Kyle McCarley from battlebards.com

    “Dragon Mage - On Ground - Slaughters Hand to Hand” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Fireball Spell” by Daniel Warneke from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Cosmopolitan Alehouse with Fantasy” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Crooked Pond Alehouse” by Ravi Nidamarthy from battlebards.com

    “Modern City_Night” by Plate Mail Games from battlebards.com

    “Skirmish Dramatic - Deadly Skirmish” by Moises Alvarez from battlebards.com

  • Ep. 39- The Liar Reigns

    DM Raistlin can’t seem to reign himself in as Bertram starts off strong in Liar’s Dice. Dirk and Adam can’t help but notice that Bertram is able to win his first four rounds before they even have a chance to sit down at the table with him. Once they are seated, it begs the question, will they try to unseat him or give this lie-ing dog a bone?

    As they leave the Lucky Lime, Bertram plans on chatting with his new friend, Timothy — the man who oh-so graciously gave Bertram his spot in line. After the pair parts ways, he observes some sketchy goings-on involving dear Timothy...

    With our three heroes in need of some truth, they meet up at the Feisty Goblin Saloon for some drinks and a game of Gbln (and, no, that’s not a typo!).

    Join us in this episode of Dice Heist: a D&D 5e actual play podcast.

    Be on the lookout for a new episode every other Sunday and stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @dice_heist. A special “thank you” to BattleBards.com for the background music and sound effects for our show and Nick Kocher for his song “Something For Now” used in our intro and outro.

    Have any questions? Email us at [email protected].

    If you would like to support us check out patreon.com/diceheist

    Music/Sound Effects

    “Something For Now” by Nick Kocher

    “Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds” by Marc Cholette from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Swinging Door Pub with Fey” by Andrii Mardanov from battlebards.com

    “Tavern Owner - Varied Greeting Clip 2” by Howard Ellison from battlebards.com

    “Draconic - Dragonkin Applauds” by Kyle McCarley from battlebards.com

    “Dragon Mage - On Ground - Slaughters Hand to Hand” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Fireball Spell” by Daniel Warneke from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - The Jolly Judge with Fantasy Creatures” by Maria Milewska from battlebards.com

    “Modern City_Night” by Plate Mail Games from battlebards.com

    “Pirate Tavern - Dagger Tooth Bar - Score Music” by Dimitris Vachaviolos from battlebards.com

  • Ep. 38- Unexpected Victor

    The glorious battle at The Raging Bull is finally dwindling to its end and, much to my surprise, our three heroes have managed to hold on. The bout comes to a close with a winner, a bloody runner-up, an unruly contestant, and some sneaky scouting of the reward. We’ll, um, let you listen to find out who is who.

    As the trio makes a hasty exit, Adam searches for an answer to the panging calls of hunger he feels after the adrenaline fades. To Adam, the food cart of warm pies must have practically had a halo above it. After Dirk scares the owner of the cart half to death, the gang hurries on to the Lucky Lime for some liar’s dice. However, they are quickly sickened by the disingenuous “pirate” theme of the bar. Will any of them be forced to walk the plank?

    Join us in this episode of Dice Heist: a D&D 5e actual play podcast.

    Be on the lookout for a new episode every other Sunday and stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @dice_heist. A special “thank you” to BattleBards.com for the background music and sound effects for our show and Nick Kocher for his song “Something For Now” used in our intro and outro.

    Have any questions? Email us at [email protected].

    If you would like to support us check out patreon.com/diceheist

    Music/Sound Effects

    “Something For Now” by Nick Kocher

    “Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds” by Marc Cholette from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Swinging Door Pub with Fey” by Andrii Mardanov from battlebards.com

    “Tavern Owner - Varied Greeting Clip 2” by Howard Ellison from battlebards.com

    “Draconic - Dragonkin Applauds” by Kyle McCarley from battlebards.com

    “Dragon Mage - On Ground - Slaughters Hand to Hand” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Fireball Spell” by Daniel Warneke from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - The Jolly Judge with Fantasy Creatures” by Maria Milewska from battlebards.com

    “Modern City_Night” by Plate Mail Games from battlebards.com

    “Pirate Tavern - Dagger Tooth Bar - Score Music” by Dimitris Vachaviolos from battlebards.com

    “Skirmish Epic - Standing By Me” by Francesco Antonelli from battlebards.com

  • Ep. 37 - The Raging Bull

    Everyone is acting like bulls in a China shop! Erm, well, I guess that should be bulls in a bar... But that doesn’t have quite the ring to it, now does it?

    As the fight rages on, Dirk begins to hate all of the attention from the other fighter, who is just aching to get a piece of him. Meanwhile, Bertram maintains his invisibility but tries to take some hits out on his competitors. Adam, on the other hand, is very much visible and is forced to dodge like a madman, just trying to stay out of the fight.

    Will one of our three heroes claim the prize? Or will their cheeky behavior get them disqualified?

    Join us in this episode of Dice Heist: a D&D 5e actual play podcast.

    Be on the lookout for a new episode every other Sunday and stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @dice_heist. A special “thank you” to BattleBards.com for the background music and sound effects for our show and Nick Kocher for his song “Something For Now” used in our intro and outro.

    Have any questions? Email us at [email protected].

    If you would like to support us check out patreon.com/diceheist

    Music/Sound Effects

    “Something For Now” by Nick Kocher

    “Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds” by Marc Cholette from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Swinging Door Pub with Fey” by Andrii Mardanov from battlebards.com

    “Tavern Owner - Varied Greeting Clip 2” by Howard Ellison from battlebards.com

    “Draconic - Dragonkin Applauds” by Kyle McCarley from battlebards.com

    “Dragon Mage - On Ground - Slaughters Hand to Hand” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Fireball Spell” by Daniel Warneke from battlebards.com

    “Pirate Tavern - Dagger Tooth Bar” by Dimitris Vachaviolos from battlebards.com

    “Skirmish Dramatic - Bring Me Their Heads” by Marty Palounek from battlebards.com

    “Skirmish Dramatic - Last Ditch Effort” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

  • Ep. 36- Dirk Gets Swole

    Oh Bertram... It wasn’t curiosity that killed the cat afterall — it’s unfounded confidence that could do him in as he decides to “line ‘em up” at a bar that only serves ale in pitchers. Can you imagine this suave gentleman sitting between two relative giants, chugging pitchers of ale so he doesn’t get beat up?

    Dirk takes his drink into the bathroom to, um, doctor it, which leads to him coming out — wait, what do the kids call it? — swole af!

    Adam is in his own la la land, just along for the ride, and does his best to walk a straight line.

    Later, Dirk gets a bit handsy with Bertram, but it doesn’t go over so well...

    Join us in this episode of Dice Heist: a D&D 5e actual play podcast.

    Be on the lookout for a new episode every other Sunday and stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @dice_heist. A special “thank you” to BattleBards.com for the background music and sound effects for our show and Nick Kocher for his song “Something For Now” used in our intro and outro.

    Have any questions? Email us at [email protected].

    If you would like to support us check out patreon.com/diceheist

    Music/Sound Effects

    “Something For Now” by Nick Kocher

    “Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds” by Marc Cholette from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Swinging Door Pub with Fey” by Andrii Mardanov from battlebards.com

    “Tavern Owner - Varied Greeting Clip 2” by Howard Ellison from battlebards.com

    “Draconic - Dragonkin Applauds” by Kyle McCarley from battlebards.com

    “Dragon Mage - On Ground - Slaughters Hand to Hand” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Fireball Spell” by Daniel Warneke from battlebards.com

    “Pirate Tavern - Dagger Tooth Bar” by Dimitris Vachaviolos from battlebards.com

    “Skirmish Climactic - It Comes to This” by Maria Oikonomidou from battlebards.com

  • Ep. 35- The Crooked Bard

    Now entering the semi finals! Adam adds a touch of class with some champagne, but will it be enough to win?

    Later, Dirk and Bertram have already secured their chances in the finals, but who will reign victorious?

    Adam is acting like a Frat boy who can’t help himself chugging drinks from strangers and getting off-kilter. What happened to pacing himself?

    Okay, I know I’ve asked a lot of questions here, but I really really need to ask one more: What the f*** is in “Gruel”?!

    Join us in this episode of Dice Heist: a D&D 5e actual play podcast.

    Be on the lookout for a new episode every other Sunday and stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @dice_heist. A special “thank you” to BattleBards.com for the background music and sound effects for our show and Nick Kocher for his song “Something For Now” used in our intro and outro.

    Have any questions? Email us at [email protected].

    If you would like to support us check out patreon.com/diceheist

    Music/Sound Effects

    “Something For Now” by Nick Kocher

    “Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds” by Marc Cholette from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Swinging Door Pub with Fey” by Andrii Mardanov from battlebards.com

    “Tavern Owner - Varied Greeting Clip 2” by Howard Ellison from battlebards.com

    “Draconic - Dragonkin Applauds” by Kyle McCarley from battlebards.com

    “Dragon Mage - On Ground - Slaughters Hand to Hand” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Fireball Spell” by Daniel Warneke from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - The Backhouse Tavern with Fantasy” by Alexander Buttsynov from battlebards.com

    “Modern City-Night” by Plate Mail Games from battlebards.com

    “Pirate Tavern - Dagger Tooth Bar” by Dimitris Vachaviolos from battlebards.com

    “Applause Mono” by alterr from freesound.org

  • Ep. 34- Fancy Footwork

    Picking up where we left off, the trio has ordered their first round of drinks and the Pro Fencing competition is getting underway. As one does before a competition, they peer around the room and size up their opponents.

    Adam is first up for the event and, at least at first, leaning on his sword skills seems to be enough. Will this be enough?

    Dirk, perhaps with some newfound confidence after a date with Scarlet, takes a flashier approach for his entrance. And if that doesn’t spook his opponent, surely his fancy footwork will.

    Bertram decides to take things up a notch, bringing his drink with him onto the board.Will he spill a drop and commit alcohol abuse?

    Join us in this episode of Dice Heist: a D&D 5e actual play podcast.

    Be on the lookout for a new episode every other Sunday and stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @dice_heist. A special “thank you” to BattleBards.com for the background music and sound effects for our show and Nick Kocher for his song “Something For Now” used in our intro and outro.

    Have any questions? Email us at [email protected].

    If you would like to support us check out patreon.com/diceheist

    Music/Sound Effects

    “Something For Now” by Nick Kocher

    “Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds” by Marc Cholette from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Swinging Door Pub with Fey” by Andrii Mardanov from battlebards.com

    “Tavern Owner - Varied Greeting Clip 2” by Howard Ellison from battlebards.com

    “Draconic - Dragonkin Applauds” by Kyle McCarley from battlebards.com

    “Dragon Mage - On Ground - Slaughters Hand to Hand” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Fireball Spell” by Daniel Warneke from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - The Backhouse Tavern with Fantasy” by Alexander Buttsynov from battlebards.com

    “Applause Mono” by alterr from freesound.org

  • Ep. 33- Let The Staggering Begin

    The heroes are finally able to catch up with one another and boy oh boy does Bertram have a tale to tell. He reveals his newly found Sir-ness — emphasis on the capital “s” — and Dirk and Adam take it surprisingly well given that their good friend was MIA for much too long. As Bertram describes the Order, the knighting, the fight, and even the boring bits, Adam is disappointed he was not there to document the goings on. Perhaps we will see an autobiography of the group someday, hm?

    You know what the guys could use? A friggin’ break after all they have been through. Good thing the Tipsy Tournament is happening tonight! They head to the first location, “The Inebriated Scrapper,” to get their first round and sign up for the first event. Wish them luck!

    Join us in this episode of Dice Heist: a D&D 5e actual play podcast.

    Be on the lookout for a new episode every other Sunday and stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @dice_heist. A special “thank you” to BattleBards.com for the background music and sound effects for our show and Nick Kocher for his song “Something For Now” used in our intro and outro.

    Have any questions? Email us at [email protected].

    If you would like to support us check out patreon.com/diceheist

    Music/Sound Effects

    “Something For Now” by Nick Kocher

    “Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds” by Marc Cholette from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - Swinging Door Pub with Fey” by Andrii Mardanov from battlebards.com

    “Tavern Owner - Varied Greeting Clip 2” by Howard Ellison from battlebards.com

    “Draconic - Dragonkin Applauds” by Kyle McCarley from battlebards.com

    “Dragon Mage - On Ground - Slaughters Hand to Hand” by Olivier Girardot from battlebards.com

    “Fireball Spell” by Daniel Warneke from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - The Jolly Judge” by Maria Milewska from battlebards.com

    “Easy Going Tavern - The Backhouse Tavern with Fantasy” by Alexander Buttsynov from battlebards.com

    “Fireplace for Six Minutes (Stereo)” by petebuchwald from freesound.org

    “Police Siren” by sofialomba from freesound.org

  • Ep. 32 Holiday Happenings: Mudbreaker’s Gift

    The three heroes move into their new home and, yes, they are sharing an apartment again. I’ll bet that Bertram has a chore chart all ready to go. Bertram shows them off and they are actually excited for work the next day. Do they have to pay for parking for their new rides?

    As they ride up to work feeling like a bunch of bad bitches, they are surprised to hear that today is “Choosing Day,” whatever that means. And what that means is Mudbreaker surprising them with gifts, a tradition on this day of celebration. Though with great gifts comes great responsibility, as Mudbreaker tells them that not reciprocating can mean some bad mojo for the year to come.

    Upon hearing this warning, the gang rushes to get gifts for those closest to them, and what they come up with will leave a smile on your face.

    Join us in this episode of Dice Heist: a D&D 5e actual play podcast.

    Be on the lookout for a new episode every Sunday and stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter @dice_heist. A special “thank you” to BattleBards.com for the background music and sound effects for our show and Nick Kocher for his song “Something For Now” used in our intro and outro.

    Have any questions? Email us at [email protected].

    If you would like to support us check out patreon.com/diceheist

    Music/Sound Effects

    “Something For Now” by Nick Kocher